Biden to Restrict Travel From India

Didn't Trump have a travel ban to China? and other travel ban's

Why, yes he did....

and what did the Democrats say about them?

Well what democrat are you referring to. I didn't say it was racist? I had no problem with it as it probably was appropriate even though it didn't work or was to limited.
HaHaHa, or it was UNDERMINED by the DEMOCRAT congress that YOU voted in.

how did they undermined it as it was an executive order.
If you are not sharp enough to understand how a POTUS can be undermined by an unfriendly congress and msm, then you are too far gone for me to explain it to you. There is not enough room on the internet let alone this board.
That clown isn't as sharp as a marshmallow.
Unlike Trump the ban isn't based on the color or religion of the people living there.
Unlike Trump there is a legitimate public interest in the ban.
The only problem with the ban is that it didn't start 12 hours ago.

Trump never banned people based on religion or color because Muslims from other countries were still allowed to come here. Trump's ban wasn't legitimate for our public interest? We didn't have any vaccines like we do today. Covid was spreading across the world like wildfire.
Well, considering that only 2 percent of the people in India have received vaccinations, and that country is now the epicenter of the virus, I think that temporarily banning them from coming into this country is a good idea.

Many other countries are actively vaccinating their people, and large percentages of their population has received the shot. India on the other hand has only vaccinated 2 percent, meaning that 98 percent of the people there could possibly contract the virus and bring it here.
Yet Trump was a racist when ZERO were vaccinated in Europe and China.
You deliberately ignore a massive difference.
The reason Bidon is banning arrivals from India (The UK already did) is because of Covid 19 particularly new strains from entering the US. A Public Health emergency.

But the new strains coming over our southern border are okay, huh? Those untested people being bused across our country from coast to coast is not a public health emergency?
Like they did to Trump will Biden be called a Racist for banning a certain group from entering the country?
Unlike Trump the ban isn't based on the color or religion of the people living there.
Unlike Trump there is a legitimate public interest in the ban.
The only problem with the ban is that it didn't start 12 hours ago.

Tell US when and where Trump restricted immigration or visitation based on color, race, or creed?
Honestly.. Biden is probably doing the right thing, just as Trump was doing the right thing. The double standard and hypocrisy DOES need to be pointed out though. Racist is just reserved for
everything done by a Republican admin, everything else is just business as usual.

Yes it is. Look at what they reported this week. Biden's FDA is going to slowly ban menthol cigarettes. Menthol cigarettes are mostly used by black people in black communities. They are also banning flavored cigars that blacks use to pack pot in.

It's not a widely reported story, but imagine if this was happening under President Trump. It would be wall to wall news for weeks on end how racist Trump is for targeting a popular product in black communities.
Unlike Trump the ban isn't based on the color or religion of the people living there.
Unlike Trump there is a legitimate public interest in the ban.
The only problem with the ban is that it didn't start 12 hours ago.

Trump never banned people based on religion or color because Muslims from other countries were still allowed to come here. Trump's ban wasn't legitimate for our public interest? We didn't have any vaccines like we do today. Covid was spreading across the world like wildfire.
Open your response with a clear lie and the rest is simply ignored.
Like they did to Trump will Biden be called a Racist for banning a certain group from entering the country?
Unlike Trump the ban isn't based on the color or religion of the people living there.
Unlike Trump there is a legitimate public interest in the ban.
The only problem with the ban is that it didn't start 12 hours ago.

Tell US when and where Trump restricted immigration or visitation based on color, race, or creed?
That you are so ignorant of recent history as to know nothing of this subject is both sad and expected.

But, little one, my role is not to educate you. Blame mommy and daddy.

Then go to google and search "trump Muslim ban" and educate yourself.
Like they did to Trump will Biden be called a Racist for banning a certain group from entering the country?
Unlike Trump the ban isn't based on the color or religion of the people living there.
Unlike Trump there is a legitimate public interest in the ban.
The only problem with the ban is that it didn't start 12 hours ago.

Tell US when and where Trump restricted immigration or visitation based on color, race, or creed?
That you are so ignorant of recent history as to know nothing of this subject is both sad and expected.

But, little one, my role is not to educate you. Blame mommy and daddy.

Then go to google and search "trump Muslim ban" and educate yourself.

i googled it. There was nothing in there about any and all Muslims not being allowed into the United States. Teach me some more.
Executive Order 13769
Executive Order
Executive Order 13769
Executive Order 13769, titled Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, otherwise known as the Muslim Ban or a travel ban, was a controversial executive order by former US President Donald Trump. Except for the extent to which it was blocked by various courts, it was in effect from January 27, 2017, until March 6, 2017, when it was superseded by Executive Order 13780. Executive Order 13769 lowered the number of refugees to be admitted into the United States in 2017 to 50,000, suspended the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, suspended the entry of Syrian refugees indefinitely, directed some cabinet secretaries to suspend entry of those whose countries do not meet adjudication standards under U.S. immigration law for 90 days, and included exceptions on a case-by-case basis. The Department of Homeland Security listed these countries as Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. More than 700 travelers were detained, and up to 60,000 visas were "provisionally revoked".
This is what some here are posting about above. and others maybe this Trump Declares Coronavirus A Public Health Emergency And Restricts Travel From China
Like they did to Trump will Biden be called a Racist for banning a certain group from entering the country?
Unlike Trump the ban isn't based on the color or religion of the people living there.
Unlike Trump there is a legitimate public interest in the ban.
The only problem with the ban is that it didn't start 12 hours ago.

Tell US when and where Trump restricted immigration or visitation based on color, race, or creed?
That you are so ignorant of recent history as to know nothing of this subject is both sad and expected.

But, little one, my role is not to educate you. Blame mommy and daddy.

Then go to google and search "trump Muslim ban" and educate yourself.
You just admitted you lied.
Executive Order 13769
Executive Order
Executive Order 13769
Executive Order 13769, titled Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, otherwise known as the Muslim Ban or a travel ban, was a controversial executive order by former US President Donald Trump. Except for the extent to which it was blocked by various courts, it was in effect from January 27, 2017, until March 6, 2017, when it was superseded by Executive Order 13780. Executive Order 13769 lowered the number of refugees to be admitted into the United States in 2017 to 50,000, suspended the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days, suspended the entry of Syrian refugees indefinitely, directed some cabinet secretaries to suspend entry of those whose countries do not meet adjudication standards under U.S. immigration law for 90 days, and included exceptions on a case-by-case basis. The Department of Homeland Security listed these countries as Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. More than 700 travelers were detained, and up to 60,000 visas were "provisionally revoked".
This is what some here are posting about above. and others maybe this Trump Declares Coronavirus A Public Health Emergency And Restricts Travel From China

The Executive Order was clearly about people from countries being restricted from the US; not all Muslims.
Open your response with a clear lie and the rest is simply ignored.

Your ignorance is astounding. Trump stated (during a debate) that Muslims should be banned from the US, but he never had the authority to do so. What he did was pick select middle-east countries who didn't have accurate records of their people coming here and banned people from those countries. Most Muslims in the world were still allowed to travel to the US.

Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison tweeted that the Supreme Court “ratified Donald Trump’s ‘total and complete shutdown’ of Muslims entry into the United States.” That is a Trump quote from the presidential campaign. But his actual executive actions didn’t go that far.

Trump most recently issued a proclamation restricting certain nationals of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen and North Korea from obtaining visas to travel to the U.S. Certain Venezuelan government officials and their families were also barred.

The first five countries are majority Muslim nations, but that’s far from banning all Muslims.

In fact, in January 2017, the Pew Research Center estimated that Trump’s original executive order would affect only about 12 percent of Muslims in the world. That was when restrictions were also placed on Iraqi and Sudanese nationals, who have since been excluded.

I know you didn't read all of that, because by your standards, FactCheck opened with a lie, huh? :eusa_shhh:
Didn't Trump have a travel ban to China? and other travel ban's

Why, yes he did....

and what did the Democrats say about them?

Well what democrat are you referring to. I didn't say it was racist? I had no problem with it as it probably was appropriate even though it didn't work or was to limited.
HaHaHa, or it was UNDERMINED by the DEMOCRAT congress that YOU voted in.

how did they undermined it as it was an executive order.
If you are not sharp enough to understand how a POTUS can be undermined by an unfriendly congress and msm, then you are too far gone for me to explain it to you. There is not enough room on the internet let alone this board.

nice dodge, I was asking simple examples of how it was undermined
Didn't Trump have a travel ban to China? and other travel ban's

Why, yes he did....

and what did the Democrats say about them?

Well what democrat are you referring to. I didn't say it was racist? I had no problem with it as it probably was appropriate even though it didn't work or was to limited.
HaHaHa, or it was UNDERMINED by the DEMOCRAT congress that YOU voted in.

how did they undermined it as it was an executive order.
If you are not sharp enough to understand how a POTUS can be undermined by an unfriendly congress and msm, then you are too far gone for me to explain it to you. There is not enough room on the internet let alone this board.

nice dodge, I was asking simple examples of how it was undermined
and I answered it--you really are as sharp as a marshmallow, I thought it was an exaggeration.
Didn't Trump have a travel ban to China? and other travel ban's

So was it racist?
Chinese isn't a race, Dumbass. :laughing0301:

Really, did you just learn that. I am truly impressed. No I not. Just because Chinese isn't a race does not mean people will not make racist statements against the Chinese people. They may not want to over generalize but focus on ethnicity. The different races is just a general term to keep it simple for you. Believing that there are only the major races that you learned in school last week is just keeping it simple for you.

Racist statements against ones ethnicity will be taken as a sign of prejudice.

If a black person and white person have a child. What race is he or she? China's ethnic makeup will make your head spin. yet if you make a statement they make take it as racist. Even if it does not match what in the books.

take your pointed cap off on the way out as it is on to tight.
Didn't Trump have a travel ban to China? and other travel ban's

Why, yes he did....

and what did the Democrats say about them?

Well what democrat are you referring to. I didn't say it was racist? I had no problem with it as it probably was appropriate even though it didn't work or was to limited.
HaHaHa, or it was UNDERMINED by the DEMOCRAT congress that YOU voted in.

how did they undermined it as it was an executive order.
If you are not sharp enough to understand how a POTUS can be undermined by an unfriendly congress and msm, then you are too far gone for me to explain it to you. There is not enough room on the internet let alone this board.

nice dodge, I was asking simple examples of how it was undermined
and I answered it--you really are as sharp as a marshmallow, I thought it was an exaggeration.

All your saying is that it can happen and not that it did happen without mentioning any clear example.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. will restrict travel from India starting on May 4, the White House said Friday, citing a devastating rise in COVID-19 cases in the country and the emergence of potentially dangerous variants of the coronavirus.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Joe Biden’s administration made the determination on the advice of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Trying to hide their racist tendencies behind Covid which is already in our country. Does it make any sense to restrict travel from India when the Dementia President is allowing people from South America to invade our country untested, and then bus them around the entire nation coast to coast? Obviously they don't care about any Covid spread, they are just racist against Indians.
Not racist. I know several Patels that are Doctors and others that run good hotels and they are good citizens as far as I know. They knew a contract was a contract and just wanted what they wanted when they wanted it a was agreed to when they ordered it, which was fine with me. Lots of opportunity for Indians here. Will be again when they are not leading the planet of new covid cases and covid dead.
And you know they are leading the planet --- how? Because the msm (who conveniently don't publish ANY numbers out of China told you so? I see now. And China doesn't lead the world in developing new COAL FIRED power plants either, right?
If China put out data, would you believe it? I wouldn't. They are not exactly known for being paragons of truth and openness, ya know. I have a pretty strict policy on not believing briefs put out by communist or totalitarian controlled countries, as they will knowingly and in boldface lie to avoid truth coming out. Think of them like the trump administration, but without free journalist fact checking.
I prefer to compare it to the democrat controlled msm, and yes there are conflicting reports that have been fact checked by non-biased outlets that have disputed them as well. So you believe your liars and I'll believe mine. Just remember, as on this board, the first liar hasn't got a chance.
Anybody that expects me to listen or believe communist countries press releases is going to have a long wait, cause it ain't happening.
Communist countries? Hahaha You mean Vietnam, China cos they are the only communist country's I can think of off-hand. You yanks have been obsessed by bogeymen commies for 75 years. In Europe communism is never mentioned as it is as dead as the proverbial dodo. Get a life!

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