Biden To Trump On Debates; "I Hear You're Free On Wednesdays"

Pretty much except there is no way trump will falsely accuse Biden of that on live TV. If trump is a convicted criminal at that point, all Biden has to say is "if you vote for trump, you are putting a convicted criminal in the WH". That's it. Game over.
Nope. All Trump has to say is "Biden and the democrats infected the legal system with a partisan double standard, Banana Republic style.
Trump will win on appeal proving he is correct. Game over for Biden and democrats.

Bragg & Fani prove it.
Ha ha.
You know what I meant.
No, not really. Removing the live audience shifts more focus on the candidates and gives them more time. No more pausing for minutes for boos for Trump, for example. No more Trump breaking debate rules to seek the oxygen of his existence: applause from his supporters
Nope. All Trump has to say is "Biden and the democrats infected the legal system with a partisan double standard, Banana Republic style.
Trump will win on appeal proving he is correct. Game over for Biden and democrats.

Bragg & Fani prove it.
Trump was tried in a court of law. Only since trump existed does that system not operate as it should according to you fuck-ups. Not everyone is as stupid as you.
Trump was tried in a court of law. Only since trump existed does that system not operate as it should according to you fuck-ups. Not everyone is as stupid as you.
You're missing the key element..."legitimacy". Bragg used "Lawfare" which doesn't count, so says legal experts.

Since Trump existed...
Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!
Then during the 2020 election the high-tech oligarchs (Twitter & Facebook), colluded with the FBI to cover-up the Biden crimes and buy the election; google “zuckerbucks” as an example. Not even investigating why 2020 had about 30m more votes than expected. Trump got 10m more votes in 2020 than in 2016 and lost?? Biden got 81m votes my ass. When Elon Musk bought Twitter the truth came out. Now the Soros DA in NYC is indicting Trump for a non-crime. The Durham Report confirms that the FBI & DOJ are NOT upholding the LAWs of the United States, the US is on the verge of becoming a Fascist state, especially now since Trump was indicted for mishandling “classified” documents and the Biden crimes are being covered up, including cocaine in the WH.
All Biden needs to do to win the debate is let Trump rant and rave, stay quiet, and watch Trump self destruct. My advice to Biden is to remember this simple adage: "When your opponent is in the middle of destroying himself, let him." It is in Trump's nature to emote and go on irrational diatribes. Just give Trump the rope and he will do the rest.
Sure Sweets. Sure.
President Joe Biden is offering a new salvo in the debate on presidential debates, calling on former President Donald Trump to “pick the dates.”

At the same time, Biden’s campaign sent a letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates that the president would not be participating in the committee’s announced debate dates and instead plans to participate in showdowns hosted by news organizations. In the letter, the campaign proposed debate dates in June and September.

Good. Lets take away donny's adoring crowd of hecklers, and cut his mic after a predetermined amount of time to answer questions, and lets see how well he holds up on his own.

$10,000 that if he even shows up, CNN and ABC have given him the questions in advance.
You have stupid opinions
I don't think I've ever seen it proposed, but how about each candidate prepares his own questions for the other and they literally hand the moderator the questions as they take the stage. All the moderator does is read the questions and calls time.
His handlers, you know those ones that have to walk surrounding him so that he gets to the right place, must have been jumping out of windows when he went off script.

Definitely going to walk this back.
President Joe Biden is offering a new salvo in the debate on presidential debates, calling on former President Donald Trump to “pick the dates.”

At the same time, Biden’s campaign sent a letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates that the president would not be participating in the committee’s announced debate dates and instead plans to participate in showdowns hosted by news organizations. In the letter, the campaign proposed debate dates in June and September.

Good. Lets take away donny's adoring crowd of hecklers, and cut his mic after a predetermined amount of time to answer questions, and lets see how well he holds up on his own.

13 second video with 5 jump cut edits.
You're missing the key element..."legitimacy". Bragg used "Lawfare" which doesn't count, so says legal experts.

Since Trump existed...
Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!
Then during the 2020 election the high-tech oligarchs (Twitter & Facebook), colluded with the FBI to cover-up the Biden crimes and buy the election; google “zuckerbucks” as an example. Not even investigating why 2020 had about 30m more votes than expected. Trump got 10m more votes in 2020 than in 2016 and lost?? Biden got 81m votes my ass. When Elon Musk bought Twitter the truth came out. Now the Soros DA in NYC is indicting Trump for a non-crime. The Durham Report confirms that the FBI & DOJ are NOT upholding the LAWs of the United States, the US is on the verge of becoming a Fascist state, especially now since Trump was indicted for mishandling “classified” documents and the Biden crimes are being covered up, including cocaine in the WH.
You're mentally ill. And are in for a surprise in a couple weeks.
You're mentally ill. And are in for a surprise in a couple weeks.

CNN Data Guru Says Sun Belt Polling Is ‘Absolute Disaster’ For Joe Biden​

“These sun belt battleground states, frankly, for the Joe Biden campaign, these numbers are an absolute disaster,” Enten said. “The smallest lead is in Arizona for Donald Trump, he’s up six. Look at this, nine in Georgia, 13 in Nevada. My goodness, gracious, my god. That is a hugely — no Democrat has lost that state since John Kerry lost it back in 2004.”

No. It was one poor performance but not a loss; and one clear beat down of Potato.
I'm guessing that the beat down of Joe was the first debate. Hell, the orange debater wouldn't even let the moderator speak. He talked over everyone constantly. Then the poor performance came along with the mic cut switches?
I'm guessing that the beat down of Joe was the first debate. Hell, the orange debater wouldn't even let the moderator speak. He talked over everyone constantly. Then the poor performance came along with the mic cut switches?
As usual, your guesswork sucks.

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