Biden to Vaccinate Gitmo Terrorists Before US Troops

How about Americans on Death Row? Shouldn't they have priority over foreign Terrorists?

How about Deplorable Americans, the Chumps? Shouldn't we have priority?

BTW, the worst of the worst at Guantanamo Baby don't have POW status, they never earned it. They are unlawful combatants.
You are guessing that because the Land of the Free refuses to put these people on trial.

The unlawful combatants are just being detained at this point in time, for the duration of the war. Like WW2 detainees in prison camps and stalags. After the war is over, then we'll consider trials depending on the evidence.

Right now, its very premature.

They can't be released, as no country will take them. What do you do if you want to release Khalid Sheik Muhammad? Rendition him to Saudi Arabia? They don't want him- particularly after the criticism the Biden Regime gave to their beloved ruler Mo B. Salman. I guess he can be taken to the gate, pushed outside into Cuba and told to "get lost". But that would be pretty cruel even for an evildoer.
The us invasion of iraq was unlawful and primarily based on lies. I dont see bush in gitmo.

Bush is an ally of Biden's, I wouldn't count on that. BTW, Dubya was supposed to get extradited to The Hague-not Gitmo- during the Obama-Biden Regime.
The US is above international law.You do what you like.

America is a sovereign country, no doubt about it. And even a doofus like the Autocrat Sleepy Joe realizes it and won't surrender Americans to kangaroo courts overseas and foreign despots. He knows that his own people would turn against him.
How about Americans on Death Row? Shouldn't they have priority over foreign Terrorists?

How about Deplorable Americans, the Chumps? Shouldn't we have priority?

BTW, the worst of the worst at Guantanamo Baby don't have POW status, they never earned it. They are unlawful combatants.
At some point they will win the right to challenge their detention. The withholding of medical care is not something anyone wants to be brought up when they finally get their day in court.
Their day in court should be a bullet to the back of the head.
Don't look like you are going to get any takers for a good old fashioned conservative race to the bottom. Oh well.

What do you suggest that Biden do with the Terrorists at Gitmo instead?

They are too dangerous to be brought to the American Homeland, you know.
Kick the can down the road like everyone else did. Everyone knew it was a political and legal can of worms to consign these men to perpetual limbo but they did it anyway. Now there's nothing to do but hold on to them till they die and try not to lose our souls in the process.

Do you have a solution for Sleepy Joe to enact at this point in time? He is President now- its his decision. Would it be better, in your view, to send these Evildoers to a foreign country that doesn't want them, or to put the lives of American women and children at risk by bringing them to the Homeland?
Since even they are not allowed to know the evidence against them I really can't say. There may be no solution that has the appearance of being based on the rule of law and prevents them from ever being a danger. The only solution may be to just never put anyone else there and wait for them to die. The only danger that has ever existed in bringing them to American courts has been that there is probably not that much evidence to hold many of them.
One is too many

No, guy, what doesn't make sense is why we are still illegally holding 40 people without either repatriating them to their home countries, if we are no longer at war with them, or putting them on trial, if they actually committed crimes against the US.

The real problem is we can't send them home, because their home countries would probably release them. We can't put them on trial because most of them didn't commit crimes against America. they were people we scooped up when we invaded Afghanistan or Iraq.

Only TWO of them have gotten trials and have been convicted of something. Another 10 have been charged in the somewhat questionable military trial system, but have not gone on trial yet, even though they've been there for decades. The real problem. Most of the evidence against them was obtained through torture and can't be used in a court.

The other 28 are held in "Law of War" detention.
Vaccinating everyone is our goal.... to reduce covid from replicating and forming variations that the present vaccines will eventually not protect those already vaccinated from....

We will be vaccinating the entirety of the third world countries....that's the goal. Not because of us being kind and loving and all that jazz, but because vaccinating them will protect us, from facing covid variant mutations that our present vaccinations won't protect us from.

Y'all are just bitching f o r the sake if bitching, out of ignorance.

That sounds just like propaganda coming from the media. No, I won't be taking that kill shot.
How about Americans on Death Row? Shouldn't they have priority over foreign Terrorists?

How about Deplorable Americans, the Chumps? Shouldn't we have priority?

BTW, the worst of the worst at Guantanamo Baby don't have POW status, they never earned it. They are unlawful combatants.
You are guessing that because the Land of the Free refuses to put these people on trial.

The unlawful combatants are just being detained at this point in time, for the duration of the war. Like WW2 detainees in prison camps and stalags. After the war is over, then we'll consider trials depending on the evidence.

Right now, its very premature.

They can't be released, as no country will take them. What do you do if you want to release Khalid Sheik Muhammad? Rendition him to Saudi Arabia? They don't want him- particularly after the criticism the Biden Regime gave to their beloved ruler Mo B. Salman. I guess he can be taken to the gate, pushed outside into Cuba and told to "get lost". But that would be pretty cruel even for an evildoer.
The us invasion of iraq was unlawful and primarily based on lies. I dont see bush in gitmo.
Hillary forced Bush into Iraq.
And Bill saying Iraq has WMD’s in 2001 helped!
Don't want them infected by the 1/6 insurrectionists.

I'm more concerned about the 3/14 insurrectionists that are burning Portland. No one pinched in the 6 January brouhaha in the capitol was armed with even a peashooter and the building wasn't even burned. Sort of an exaggeration to call it an "insurrection".

Sounds like Biden's answer to Hitler's Reichstag fire. But without the flames and smoke, just something to blame on his enemies.
How about Americans on Death Row? Shouldn't they have priority over foreign Terrorists?

How about Deplorable Americans, the Chumps? Shouldn't we have priority?

BTW, the worst of the worst at Guantanamo Baby don't have POW status, they never earned it. They are unlawful combatants.
You are guessing that because the Land of the Free refuses to put these people on trial.
Tell your royal morons to piss off
55 prisoners at Gitmo.

33,000 troops in Germany.

Does your post still make sense to you?
If most of you Progs would have been on the invasion in D day or Japanese held islands in the Pacific I would believe you. But you would not. You could be Democrats but not Progs. One of my ideas is in a post economic collapse world is to send say media people on a pseudo D Day to let them feel what happened. With them on TV for all of us to see. Imagine them in the water and getting to the beaches with their uniforms and backpacks and weapons with the enemy shooting at them with all weapons ablaze. The ratings for this will be through the roof. Imagine four hour Saturday night specials in prime time. They won't mind. If they are true to their beliefs. Their beliefs have caused a lot of suffering.
Vaccinating everyone is our goal.... to reduce covid from replicating and forming variations that the present vaccines will eventually not protect those already vaccinated from....

We will be vaccinating the entirety of the third world countries....that's the goal. Not because of us being kind and loving and all that jazz, but because vaccinating them will protect us, from facing covid variant mutations that our present vaccinations won't protect us from.

Y'all are just bitching f o r the sake if bitching, out of ignorance.

That sounds just like propaganda coming from the media. No, I won't be taking that kill shot.
It's just common knowledge on infectious diseases and vaccine effectiveness.

Don't take it, if you are afraid it will kill you.
One is too many

No, guy, what doesn't make sense is why we are still illegally holding 40 people without either repatriating them to their home countries, if we are no longer at war with them, or putting them on trial, if they actually committed crimes against the US.

The real problem is we can't send them home, because their home countries would probably release them. We can't put them on trial because most of them didn't commit crimes against America. they were people we scooped up when we invaded Afghanistan or Iraq.

Only TWO of them have gotten trials and have been convicted of something. Another 10 have been charged in the somewhat questionable military trial system, but have not gone on trial yet, even though they've been there for decades. The real problem. Most of the evidence against them was obtained through torture and can't be used in a court.

The other 28 are held in "Law of War" detention.
What does that have to do with vaccines?
Vaccinating everyone is our goal.... to reduce covid from replicating and forming variations that the present vaccines will eventually not protect those already vaccinated from....

We will be vaccinating the entirety of the third world countries....that's the goal. Not because of us being kind and loving and all that jazz, but because vaccinating them will protect us, from facing covid variant mutations that our present vaccinations won't protect us from.

Y'all are just bitching f o r the sake if bitching, out of ignorance.

That sounds just like propaganda coming from the media. No, I won't be taking that kill shot.
It's just common knowledge on infectious diseases and vaccine effectiveness.

Don't take it, if you are afraid it will kill you.

It has killed thousands already. Im not against vaccines.

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