Biden very presidential at town hall last night

Our next president, Joe Biden appeared very sharp and knowledgeable during the NBC town hall last night. Definitely a breath of fresh air

Yes, I'm sure that to the Left, appearances are everything. I'm sure Joe put on quite the performance acting out the role in front of a mock audience with faux questions during the fake debate. I'm sure that was very refreshing to you. Back in your comfort zone.
Of course. No one to ask tough questions. No one to challenge his bullshit. Of course he looked competent. These pawns are so easily led by frauds and fakes. They want to believe in Disneyland so much.

When asked any REAL questions, the kind Trump is asked a hundred times every day, Biden either refuses to answer or calls you a clown or tells you to shut up and quit yapping. I guess all these Biden dick lickers forget now how Joe used to call people lying dog-faced pony soldiers. That's the REAL Joe Biden.
Biden very presidential at town hall last night
What the FUCK does that even mean and why should anyone give a fuck?

The sad truth is that to anyone with a BRAIN, it is impossible to be "very presidential" at a town hall! You can't save lives, boost the economy, create jobs, bring home political prisoners or negotiate trade deals at a town hall, all you can do is TALK.

Talk is cheap. Joe gives them cheap talk, the idiots swallow it up. WHAT A PRESIDENT! :auiqs.jpg:
Our next president, Joe Biden appeared very sharp and knowledgeable during the NBC town hall last night. He was very clear and assertive about his plans and ideas. Definitely a breath of fresh air, after 4 years of total chaos and incompetence.
Sorry, there are too many questions he dodges:
Does he support the Green New Deal or not?
Do any law enforcement agencies endorse Biden?
Does Biden support ending the filibuster?
Does Biden support expanding the SCOTUS?
Who would Biden nominate for the SCOTUS if he wins?
Will he reinstate obamacare's individual mandate?

Okay, let me answer for him. Almost anyone can answer those questions with even an ounce of sense.

Politicos dodge questions. This is one of the greatest performance of a Politico that has ever been done. This brings a smile to my face every time I see it.

Does he Support the New Green Deal? Biden has stated that he supports some of it. Not all of . Anyone with a lick of sense knows that it may be up to a hundred to go all of it. And have you really read the New Green Deal? You only know what some crackpot tells you that's in there. The old Green Deal was started in 1901 by a Republican and continued all the way by Republicans through Nixon. It's about damned time the Democrats start paying attention to it. In my lifetime, I have lived through the changes and improvements to the air, water, health, etc. of the "Old Green Deal". In 1901, the Old Green Deal WAS the New Green Deal.

Does any Law Enforcement Agencies support Biden? I don't know but I know a whole slew of cops that do including Police Chiefs. And a slew also support Rump. It's like the Unions taking the money from the Union workers supporting something without the permission of the union workers. It doesn't mean a damned thing.

Does Biden support the end of the Filibuster? Dunno, do you? It's been a blessing a curse depending on who is doing it and who is in power at the time. But that's a question for the Senators, not the President. The President doesn't get a vote. Yah, I know, your King thinks he does but there is a wakeup call on that one.

Does Biden support expanding Scotus? Good Question. One you need to ask Congress first. So far, the Senate says no and Nancy agrees.

Who would Biden nominate for Scotus? Good question. I can think of one. It'll chap yer drawers and be a ghost of 2016.

Will he reinstate the ACA Individual Mandate? Probably not since the Court has already ruled against it. He's not like Rump and believes that he can just pop out an EO that overrides Congress and the Supreme Court on a whim. Even if he did think that way, ain't gonna happen.

There, common sense answers. Ones that you could have done yourself if you weren't eaten up with so much hate and evil.
What reality do you live in?

There's only ONE reality, Jack. You should visit it sometime. It's a known fact that masks only offer to impede the SPREADING of viruses from sick people. And I don't believe in coincidences. If masks were all that good and simple, we wouldn't have 210,000 dead.
I watched the entire infomercial. Here is a summary...

- If Biden is elected, everyone in the US will be required to wear a mask forever, and the only thing that will matter is COVID cases, not the economy, mental health, social well being, eduction, etc.

- Police will have to bring a psychologist with them on calls. You know, someone trained to deal with the situation.

- According to Biden, Cops are dumb and need better background checks.

- White supremacy stinks.

There. Saved you 90 minutes.

PS: On Fox this morning, they said that the "undecided" voters who were featured in the Town Hall were previously on the record for supporting Biden.
I watched the entire infomercial. Here is a summary...

- If Biden is elected, everyone in the US will be required to wear a mask forever, and the only thing that will matter is COVID cases, not the economy, mental health, social well being, eduction, etc.

- Police will have to bring a psychologist with them on calls. You know, someone trained to deal with the situation.

- According to Biden, Cops are dumb and need better background checks.

- White supremacy stinks.

There. Saved you 90 minutes.

PS: On Fox this morning, they said that the "undecided" voters who were featured in the Town Hall were previously on the record for supporting Biden.

Wow, thank you for saving me time. I can now just ignore anything you have to say. Considering you are a new and infrequent poster, it won't save me very much time but every time saving effort should be made. Again, thank you.
Does Biden support the end of the Filibuster? Dunno, do you?
No shit, sherlock. Only Biden knows and he dodges the question when asked.
Does Biden support expanding Scotus? Good Question. One you need to ask Congress first. So far, the Senate says no and Nancy agrees.
Why would I need to ask congress what Biden's thoughts are regarding expanding the SCOTUS? Does congress form Biden's opinions?
Who would Biden nominate for Scotus? Good question. I can think of one. It'll chap yer drawers and be a ghost of 2016.
IOW, you have no clue who he'd nominate, because he won't tell anyone.
Will he reinstate the ACA Individual Mandate? Probably not since the Court has already ruled against it.
Yet he says he wants to expand it.
There, common sense answers. Ones that you could have done yourself if you weren't eaten up with so much hate and evil.
Fuck off, you sanctimonious turd.
Well, he was intentionally vague on a few things, but I expect that out of a politician. But he did come across as competent, caring, and passionate. He should clean Trump's clock on October 15th assuming no shenanigans.
Head and shoulders above the current occupant of the WH.
Sleepy will get wiped out messy diaper and all
I watched the entire infomercial. Here is a summary...

- If Biden is elected, everyone in the US will be required to wear a mask forever, and the only thing that will matter is COVID cases, not the economy, mental health, social well being, eduction, etc.

- Police will have to bring a psychologist with them on calls. You know, someone trained to deal with the situation.

- According to Biden, Cops are dumb and need better background checks.

- White supremacy stinks.

There. Saved you 90 minutes.

PS: On Fox this morning, they said that the "undecided" voters who were featured in the Town Hall were previously on the record for supporting Biden.

Wow, thank you for saving me time. I can now just ignore anything you have to say. Considering you are a new and infrequent poster, it won't save me very much time but every time saving effort should be made. Again, thank you.
Hi, Daryl.

Ad hominess are normally resorted to by people who do not have the intellect to respond with reasoned arguments.

So, if you would like to take issue with any of the substance of my post, I will be happy to post a video with the exact time that Biden said what I claimed.

You must not have watched it, yet somehow your bias is strong enough that you decided to reply with that? Oh, I see, you have been here a while. LOL!
Our next president, Joe Biden appeared very sharp and knowledgeable during the NBC town hall last night. He was very clear and assertive about his plans and ideas. Definitely a breath of fresh air, after 4 years of total chaos and incompetence.
/——/ Libtards definition of presidential, he didn’t drool too much. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Did he talk about stacking the court and adding two new states? What about Hunter lining his pockets?
Does Biden support the end of the Filibuster? Dunno, do you?
No shit, sherlock. Only Biden knows and he dodges the question when asked.
Does Biden support expanding Scotus? Good Question. One you need to ask Congress first. So far, the Senate says no and Nancy agrees.
Why would I need to ask congress what Biden's thoughts are regarding expanding the SCOTUS? Does congress form Biden's opinions?
Who would Biden nominate for Scotus? Good question. I can think of one. It'll chap yer drawers and be a ghost of 2016.
IOW, you have no clue who he'd nominate, because he won't tell anyone.
Will he reinstate the ACA Individual Mandate? Probably not since the Court has already ruled against it.
Yet he says he wants to expand it.
There, common sense answers. Ones that you could have done yourself if you weren't eaten up with so much hate and evil.
Fuck off, you sanctimonious turd.

You are fun to play with. Maybe I will make a miniature version of you, put you on a string and sell you as a cat toy.
Well, he was intentionally vague on a few things, but I expect that out of a politician. But he did come across as competent, caring, and passionate. He should clean Trump's clock on October 15th assuming no shenanigans.
Head and shoulders above the current occupant of the WH.
Caring and compassionate? Are you voting for a President or a nurse?
You need a nurse. You said that already. You’re senile so why should anyone listen to you?
Biden has dementia. Why should anyone listen to him, much less vote for him?
Biden doesn’t say the same thing over and over because he forgot he said it. You posted the same thing seconds apart you feeble minded friend of mine. I don’t mind. Remember to Venmo that money you agreed to send me.
Biden has dementia. Everyone knows that.
Now you are stuttering. Bi... Biden you typed. See a nurse. Please.
Trump whole deal was to interrupt Biden causing him to stutter Trump is not only the worst POS ever in our WH but in our country

If Hiden can be made to stutter that easily why would you want him for our president?

If Stuttering was his only problem, we should Cannize him. But it's not. I am sure Biden has other problems. But the last time I checked, even GW wasn't perfect either. And have you ever heard Lincoln really speak? That's enough to drive the paint right off the walls. So I doubt stuttering once in awhile is even worth mentioning but you will anyway.

I hated GW and I couldnt give a shit about a pres thats been dead for a 155 years.
And of course I wasnt the one who brought up stuttering since it's obviously dementia.

Biden had a severe stuttering problem as a child. Time and therapy helped him function in a normal world. Dementia has nothing to do with it. Besides, after the recent Town Hall, that bit of Crap thrown against the wall ain't sticking anymore. I am sure that Biden has many other faults. Pick one that he really has for a change that makes a difference.

So his stuttering has come back?
Must be the dementia....
I forgot the Slow Joe was even on rambling about how much he loves abortion. Meanwhile, I was watching Trump salute the military arriving at the White House. He beat the China Virus!
I forgot the Slow Joe was even on rambling about how much he loves abortion. Meanwhile, I was watching Trump salute the military arriving at the White House. He beat the China Virus!

Sleepy Joe way ahead, too smart for the pussygrabber...

'Staggering numbers': Early voting is breaking records in 2020, fueled by a big mail-ballot lead for Democrats
Our next president, Joe Biden appeared very sharp and knowledgeable during the NBC town hall last night. He was very clear and assertive about his plans and ideas. Definitely a breath of fresh air, after 4 years of total chaos and incompetence.
That's pathetic. Could you possibly straighten out Creepy Joe's curly blonde leg hairs more? Are you a prepubescent little girl with irresistibly aromatic hair who doesn't know they're being molested by a pedovert?

Please quote a few good points you think he made and explain why they impressed you so much that you were inspired to start a thread about it a USMB.

Do you wanna get a hint of reality, mr deplorable?

Well, he was intentionally vague on a few things, but I expect that out of a politician. But he did come across as competent, caring, and passionate. He should clean Trump's clock on October 15th assuming no shenanigans.
Head and shoulders above the current occupant of the WH.
Caring and compassionate? Are you voting for a President or a nurse?
You need a nurse. You said that already. You’re senile so why should anyone listen to you?
Biden has dementia. Why should anyone listen to him, much less vote for him?

good question, answer= trump....

Our next president, Joe Biden appeared very sharp and knowledgeable during the NBC town hall last night. He was very clear and assertive about his plans and ideas. Definitely a breath of fresh air, after 4 years of total chaos and incompetence.
That's pathetic. Could you possibly straighten out Creepy Joe's curly blonde leg hairs more? Are you a prepubescent little girl with irresistibly aromatic hair who doesn't know they're being molested by a pedovert?

Please quote a few good points you think he made and explain why they impressed you so much that you were inspired to start a thread about it a USMB.

Do you wanna get a hint of reality, mr deplorable?

View attachment 398420
LOL. Not only do those polls over-sample Democrats by typically 6-8% relative to 2016 actual turnout, but the Trump turnout is going to be even greater this year, as his supporters are very motivated.

In 2016, Trump made me lots of promises that I never really expected him to keep. But in his first three years, he had already done his best to keep most of them. That's a sign of honesty and integrity, and something few politicians do (name ONE). My support for Trump is much stronger now than when I voted for him.

There are more than 62M other Americans who feel like I do, I bet.

I also think that a lot of moderate Democrats are unlikely to even show up, as they can't in good conscience pull a lever for riots, BLM, defunding the police, letting criminals out of jail, shutting down the economy for a flu-like virus, and basically, anarchy and erosion of freedoms.

Trump will handily win the popular vote, as well as over 320 electoral college votes.
Well, he was intentionally vague on a few things, but I expect that out of a politician. But he did come across as competent, caring, and passionate. He should clean Trump's clock on October 15th assuming no shenanigans.
Head and shoulders above the current occupant of the WH.
Caring and compassionate? Are you voting for a President or a nurse?
You need a nurse. You said that already. You’re senile so why should anyone listen to you?
Biden has dementia. Why should anyone listen to him, much less vote for him?

good question, answer= trump....

View attachment 398422
Poor baby.
Our next president, Joe Biden appeared very sharp and knowledgeable during the NBC town hall last night. He was very clear and assertive about his plans and ideas. Definitely a breath of fresh air, after 4 years of total chaos and incompetence.
That's pathetic. Could you possibly straighten out Creepy Joe's curly blonde leg hairs more? Are you a prepubescent little girl with irresistibly aromatic hair who doesn't know they're being molested by a pedovert?

Please quote a few good points you think he made and explain why they impressed you so much that you were inspired to start a thread about it a USMB.

Do you wanna get a hint of reality, mr deplorable?

View attachment 398420
LOL. Not only do those polls over-sample Democrats by typically 6-8% relative to 2016 actual turnout, but the Trump turnout is going to be even greater this year, as his supporters are very motivated.

In 2016, Trump made me lots of promises that I never really expected him to keep. But in his first three years, he had already done his best to keep most of them. That's a sign of honesty and integrity, and something few politicians do (name ONE). My support for Trump is much stronger now than when I voted for him.

There are more than 62M other Americans who feel like I do, I bet.

I also think that a lot of moderate Democrats are unlikely to even show up, as they can't in good conscience pull a lever for riots, BLM, defunding the police, letting criminals out of jail, shutting down the economy for a flu-like virus, and basically, anarchy and erosion of freedoms.

Trump will handily win the popular vote, as well as over 320 electoral college votes.

do you also believe in bigfoot ? :)

Well, he was intentionally vague on a few things, but I expect that out of a politician. But he did come across as competent, caring, and passionate. He should clean Trump's clock on October 15th assuming no shenanigans.
Head and shoulders above the current occupant of the WH.
Caring and compassionate? Are you voting for a President or a nurse?
You need a nurse. You said that already. You’re senile so why should anyone listen to you?
Biden has dementia. Why should anyone listen to him, much less vote for him?
Trumps daddy had Alzheimers Now he has it
IF that's true, he looks like Einstein compared to Hidin Biden, so keep making that up....Biden must have downs then.

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