Biden very presidential at town hall last night

Our next president, Joe Biden appeared very sharp and knowledgeable during the NBC town hall last night. He was very clear and assertive about his plans and ideas. Definitely a breath of fresh air, after 4 years of total chaos and incompetence.
That's pathetic. Could you possibly straighten out Creepy Joe's curly blonde leg hairs more? Are you a prepubescent little girl with irresistibly aromatic hair who doesn't know they're being molested by a pedovert?

Please quote a few good points you think he made and explain why they impressed you so much that you were inspired to start a thread about it a USMB.
Well, he was intentionally vague on a few things, but I expect that out of a politician. But he did come across as competent, caring, and passionate. He should clean Trump's clock on October 15th assuming no shenanigans.
Head and shoulders above the current occupant of the WH.
Caring and compassionate? Are you voting for a President or a nurse?
You need a nurse. You said that already. You’re senile so why should anyone listen to you?
Biden has dementia. Why should anyone listen to him, much less vote for him?
People are listening and probably should, because the first debate pretty well showed there is not a shred of truth to you trump party hit line. It is just another lie, from the trump party liars. That is now a lie that won't work. Try again.
All Biden could do was call the President names. He wouldn't give us names of judges. He wouldn't answer about packing the court. He's befuddled and shows it. You guys are desperate.
He melted your undisciplined racist, covid boy down on national television. Or was donnie just being stupid donnie again?

Donnie is addled by the drugs he's taking. It makes him even more Egocentric than he usually is.
Well, he was intentionally vague on a few things, but I expect that out of a politician. But he did come across as competent, caring, and passionate. He should clean Trump's clock on October 15th assuming no shenanigans.
Head and shoulders above the current occupant of the WH.
Caring and compassionate? Are you voting for a President or a nurse?
You need a nurse. You said that already. You’re senile so why should anyone listen to you?
Biden has dementia. Why should anyone listen to him, much less vote for him?
Biden doesn’t say the same thing over and over because he forgot he said it. You posted the same thing seconds apart you feeble minded friend of mine. I don’t mind. Remember to Venmo that money you agreed to send me.
Biden has dementia. Everyone knows that.
Now you are stuttering. Bi... Biden you typed. See a nurse. Please.
Trump whole deal was to interrupt Biden causing him to stutter Trump is not only the worst POS ever in our WH but in our country

If Hiden can be made to stutter that easily why would you want him for our president?

If Stuttering was his only problem, we should Cannize him. But it's not. I am sure Biden has other problems. But the last time I checked, even GW wasn't perfect either. And have you ever heard Lincoln really speak? That's enough to drive the paint right off the walls. So I doubt stuttering once in awhile is even worth mentioning but you will anyway.

I hated GW and I couldnt give a shit about a pres thats been dead for a 155 years.
And of course I wasnt the one who brought up stuttering since it's obviously dementia.

Biden had a severe stuttering problem as a child. Time and therapy helped him function in a normal world. Dementia has nothing to do with it. Besides, after the recent Town Hall, that bit of Crap thrown against the wall ain't sticking anymore. I am sure that Biden has many other faults. Pick one that he really has for a change that makes a difference.
Well, he was intentionally vague on a few things, but I expect that out of a politician. But he did come across as competent, caring, and passionate. He should clean Trump's clock on October 15th assuming no shenanigans.
Head and shoulders above the current occupant of the WH.
Caring and compassionate? Are you voting for a President or a nurse?
You need a nurse. You said that already. You’re senile so why should anyone listen to you?
Biden has dementia. Why should anyone listen to him, much less vote for him?
Biden doesn’t say the same thing over and over because he forgot he said it. You posted the same thing seconds apart you feeble minded friend of mine. I don’t mind. Remember to Venmo that money you agreed to send me.
Biden has dementia. Everyone knows that.
Now you are stuttering. Bi... Biden you typed. See a nurse. Please.
Trump whole deal was to interrupt Biden causing him to stutter Trump is not only the worst POS ever in our WH but in our country

If Hiden can be made to stutter that easily why would you want him for our president?

If Stuttering was his only problem, we should Cannize him. But it's not. I am sure Biden has other problems. But the last time I checked, even GW wasn't perfect either. And have you ever heard Lincoln really speak? That's enough to drive the paint right off the walls. So I doubt stuttering once in awhile is even worth mentioning but you will anyway.

I hated GW and I couldnt give a shit about a pres thats been dead for a 155 years.
And of course I wasnt the one who brought up stuttering since it's obviously dementia.

Biden had a severe stuttering problem as a child. Time and therapy helped him function in a normal world. Dementia has nothing to do with it. Besides, after the recent Town Hall, that bit of Crap thrown against the wall ain't sticking anymore. I am sure that Biden has many other faults. Pick one that he really has for a change that makes a difference.
He's a liar and a pervert.
Well, he was intentionally vague on a few things, but I expect that out of a politician. But he did come across as competent, caring, and passionate. He should clean Trump's clock on October 15th assuming no shenanigans.
Head and shoulders above the current occupant of the WH.
Caring and compassionate? Are you voting for a President or a nurse?
You need a nurse. You said that already. You’re senile so why should anyone listen to you?
Biden has dementia. Why should anyone listen to him, much less vote for him?
Biden doesn’t say the same thing over and over because he forgot he said it. You posted the same thing seconds apart you feeble minded friend of mine. I don’t mind. Remember to Venmo that money you agreed to send me.
Biden has dementia. Everyone knows that.
Now you are stuttering. Bi... Biden you typed. See a nurse. Please.
Trump whole deal was to interrupt Biden causing him to stutter Trump is not only the worst POS ever in our WH but in our country

If Hiden can be made to stutter that easily why would you want him for our president?

If Stuttering was his only problem, we should Cannize him. But it's not. I am sure Biden has other problems. But the last time I checked, even GW wasn't perfect either. And have you ever heard Lincoln really speak? That's enough to drive the paint right off the walls. So I doubt stuttering once in awhile is even worth mentioning but you will anyway.

I hated GW and I couldnt give a shit about a pres thats been dead for a 155 years.
And of course I wasnt the one who brought up stuttering since it's obviously dementia.

Biden had a severe stuttering problem as a child. Time and therapy helped him function in a normal world. Dementia has nothing to do with it. Besides, after the recent Town Hall, that bit of Crap thrown against the wall ain't sticking anymore. I am sure that Biden has many other faults. Pick one that he really has for a change that makes a difference.
He's a liar and a pervert.
Bringing Donnie Lil Dong back into the conversation?
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Donnie pushes perversion and lying to the max. Probably why he is losing the female vote among previous trump voters. His male supporters do not mind that sort of thing. Probably many pervs and liars among them.
Well, he was intentionally vague on a few things, but I expect that out of a politician. But he did come across as competent, caring, and passionate. He should clean Trump's clock on October 15th assuming no shenanigans.
Head and shoulders above the current occupant of the WH.
Caring and compassionate? Are you voting for a President or a nurse?
You need a nurse. You said that already. You’re senile so why should anyone listen to you?
Biden has dementia. Why should anyone listen to him, much less vote for him?
Biden doesn’t say the same thing over and over because he forgot he said it. You posted the same thing seconds apart you feeble minded friend of mine. I don’t mind. Remember to Venmo that money you agreed to send me.
Biden has dementia. Everyone knows that.
Now you are stuttering. Bi... Biden you typed. See a nurse. Please.
Trump whole deal was to interrupt Biden causing him to stutter Trump is not only the worst POS ever in our WH but in our country

If Hiden can be made to stutter that easily why would you want him for our president?

If Stuttering was his only problem, we should Cannize him. But it's not. I am sure Biden has other problems. But the last time I checked, even GW wasn't perfect either. And have you ever heard Lincoln really speak? That's enough to drive the paint right off the walls. So I doubt stuttering once in awhile is even worth mentioning but you will anyway.

I hated GW and I couldnt give a shit about a pres thats been dead for a 155 years.
And of course I wasnt the one who brought up stuttering since it's obviously dementia.

Biden had a severe stuttering problem as a child. Time and therapy helped him function in a normal world. Dementia has nothing to do with it. Besides, after the recent Town Hall, that bit of Crap thrown against the wall ain't sticking anymore. I am sure that Biden has many other faults. Pick one that he really has for a change that makes a difference.
He's a liar and a pervert.

Why, because you Orange Deity, Pauxsnews, Cannity, and Dush said so?
Well, he was intentionally vague on a few things, but I expect that out of a politician. But he did come across as competent, caring, and passionate. He should clean Trump's clock on October 15th assuming no shenanigans.
Head and shoulders above the current occupant of the WH.
Caring and compassionate? Are you voting for a President or a nurse?
You need a nurse. You said that already. You’re senile so why should anyone listen to you?
Biden has dementia. Why should anyone listen to him, much less vote for him?
Biden doesn’t say the same thing over and over because he forgot he said it. You posted the same thing seconds apart you feeble minded friend of mine. I don’t mind. Remember to Venmo that money you agreed to send me.
Biden has dementia. Everyone knows that.
Now you are stuttering. Bi... Biden you typed. See a nurse. Please.
Trump whole deal was to interrupt Biden causing him to stutter Trump is not only the worst POS ever in our WH but in our country

If Hiden can be made to stutter that easily why would you want him for our president?

If Stuttering was his only problem, we should Cannize him. But it's not. I am sure Biden has other problems. But the last time I checked, even GW wasn't perfect either. And have you ever heard Lincoln really speak? That's enough to drive the paint right off the walls. So I doubt stuttering once in awhile is even worth mentioning but you will anyway.

I hated GW and I couldnt give a shit about a pres thats been dead for a 155 years.
And of course I wasnt the one who brought up stuttering since it's obviously dementia.

Biden had a severe stuttering problem as a child. Time and therapy helped him function in a normal world. Dementia has nothing to do with it. Besides, after the recent Town Hall, that bit of Crap thrown against the wall ain't sticking anymore. I am sure that Biden has many other faults. Pick one that he really has for a change that makes a difference.
He's a liar and a pervert.

Why, because you Orange Deity, Pauxsnews, Cannity, and Dush said so?
Nope. Biden has been caught plagiarizing more than once. Lying about attending a school that he never attended. He's a fake.
Our next president, Joe Biden appeared very sharp and knowledgeable during the NBC town hall last night. Definitely a breath of fresh air

Yes, I'm sure that to the Left, appearances are everything. I'm sure Joe put on quite the performance acting out the role in front of a mock audience with faux questions during the fake debate. I'm sure that was very refreshing to you. Back in your comfort zone.
Well, he was intentionally vague on a few things, but I expect that out of a politician. But he did come across as competent, caring, and passionate. He should clean Trump's clock on October 15th assuming no shenanigans.

Joe has no choice but to be nebulous and confused about everything. But he put on a good show and gave the audience the staged faux performance they wanted to justify their desire to want to believe this guy can actually be their leader. Of course, it takes very little, almost nothing to lead the Left. He'll save all the shenanigans for the 15th now as the Real Joe shows its rude, rogue head again trying to paint TRUMP as the miscreant.
Our next president, Joe Biden appeared very sharp and knowledgeable during the NBC town hall last night. Definitely a breath of fresh air

Yes, I'm sure that to the Left, appearances are everything. I'm sure Joe put on quite the performance acting out the role in front of a mock audience with faux questions during the fake debate. I'm sure that was very refreshing to you. Back in your comfort zone.
Of course. No one to ask tough questions. No one to challenge his bullshit. Of course he looked competent. These pawns are so easily led by frauds and fakes. They want to believe in Disneyland so much.
Our next president, Joe Biden appeared very sharp and knowledgeable during the NBC town hall last night. He was very clear and assertive about his plans and ideas. Definitely a breath of fresh air, after 4 years of total chaos and incompetence.
Sorry, there are too many questions he dodges:
Does he support the Green New Deal or not?
Do any law enforcement agencies endorse Biden?
Does Biden support ending the filibuster?
Does Biden support expanding the SCOTUS?
Who would Biden nominate for the SCOTUS if he wins?
Will he reinstate obamacare's individual mandate?
Our next president, Joe Biden appeared very sharp and knowledgeable during the NBC town hall last night. He was very clear and assertive about his plans and ideas. Definitely a breath of fresh air, after 4 years of total chaos and incompetence.

Ratings we're the lowest in history. Everyone was watching football, bud.

Thank God my TV Guide didn't even list the event so I wasn't tempted in the least to watch it, and of course, as there is absolutely nothing on NBC I ever watch, I missed all the commercials for it, if they had any. But, gee, can anyone be surprised that NBC hosted it? They have their tongue 11 inches up the DNC's ass.
Our next president, Joe Biden appeared very sharp and knowledgeable during the NBC town hall last night. He was very clear and assertive about his plans and ideas. Definitely a breath of fresh air, after 4 years of total chaos and incompetence.
Not very hard to look Presidential when you attend a pre-coordinated presser / infomercial Q&A session with pre-planned/pre-provided questions are asked by a Pro-Biden interviewer, and you are surrounded by Biden supporters.
Our next president, Joe Biden appeared very sharp and knowledgeable during the NBC town hall last night. He was very clear and assertive about his plans and ideas. Definitely a breath of fresh air, after 4 years of total chaos and incompetence.
IT was a rigged townhall......holy shit you guys are morons
Well, he was intentionally vague on a few things, but I expect that out of a politician. But he did come across as competent, caring, and passionate. He should clean Trump's clock on October 15th assuming no shenanigans.
Head and shoulders above the current occupant of the WH.
Caring and compassionate? Are you voting for a President or a nurse?
Well, a guy that doesn't ignore the safety and well being of the people

Last I checked, Jack, no one around Trump has gotten sick. Last I heard Jack, they were all free to wear a mask if that floated their boat. And last I was told, Jack, a mask might help a little in reducing your spreading a virus if sick but almost nothing protecting a well person. Even less if someone is surreptitiously deliberately infecting people at the WH just for election optics so they can say: Ahha!

You know, like you.
Biden very presidential at town hall last night
What the FUCK does that even mean and why should anyone give a fuck?

You know what looks "presidential" to me? The guy who puts America first. You know? A POTUS' job is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, which has a mission statement: "...establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."

I don't give a rat fuck how he LOOKS doing the job, as long as he ACTUALLY DOES THE FUCKING JOB!!!

I will let you decide whether over the last 47 years, Biden has demonstrated he is capable or willing to do said job.
I started all this with Biden being my second to last choice for president, trump last choice, but now after watching him and listening to his speeches, I'm more comfortable with voting for him.

Too bad you are voting for a performer but after in office, this guy will have to do a lot more than give well-prepared speeches, he will have to lead the country with good judgement!

Really bad that after you vote for him, if elected, you'll actually get Kamela Harris instead, who was about 12 floors below Joe in public popularity.
Well, he was intentionally vague on a few things, but I expect that out of a politician. But he did come across as competent, caring, and passionate. He should clean Trump's clock on October 15th assuming no shenanigans.
Head and shoulders above the current occupant of the WH.
Caring and compassionate? Are you voting for a President or a nurse?
Well, a guy that doesn't ignore the safety and well being of the people

Last I checked, Jack, no one around Trump has gotten sick. Last I heard Jack, they were all free to wear a mask if that floated their boat. And last I was told, Jack, a mask might help a little in reducing your spreading a virus if sick but almost nothing protecting a well person. Even less if someone is surreptitiously deliberately infecting people at the WH just for election optics so they can say: Ahha!

You know, like you.

LOL. What reality do you live in? Two unamed aides of his have gotten it. His wife. Hope Hicks. Kellyanne Conway..and the list goes on. None of whom have been wearing a mask.
And since this White House is about as transparent as a rock, we don't actually know how "sick" anyone really gets.
Trump shut down travel to and from China in February and Biden called President Trump "xenophobic".
No he didn't. He "restricted" travel for Chinese nationals. Not US citizens returning from China (who might have been infected).

And all those people went through a 15 day quarantine once back, Bozo. What would YOU do, leave them all stranded over in China? I can IMAGINE the howling had Trump done that! Jees are you the shithead liar.

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