Biden visits Maui and tells them he knows how they feel cuz his house burned down.


Under Trump, U.S. drilling permits on federal lands soar​

Reuters › article › under-trump-u-s-d...

Apr 12, 2019 — President Donald Trump has made it a priority to speed permitting and reduce regulation as a way to boost production of oil, gas and coal from ...

Trump administration opens up drilling on federal land in ...​

Reuters › article › us-usa-california-oil

Oct 4, 2019 — The Trump administration on Friday announced it would open up over 720000 acres of federal land in California for oil and gas development, ...

Trump Administration Allows Oil and Gas Drilling in 1.5 ...​

Natural Resources Defense Council › bio › nrdc › trump-administrat...

Aug 17, 2020 — Trump Administration Allows Oil and Gas Drilling in 1.5 Million Acres of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The Interior Department is ...
If you can defend Biden's comments
I'm not.
You think personal words from ANY president makes everything better, for people who lost everything?
The only words they need to hear, is help, resources and $$$, are on the way.
in the face of those parents who have dead and missing CHILDREN ( in part because they were sent home from school to fend for themselves during disastrous circimstances )
"Sent home from school"?
There was no school that day, no electricity.
then you might be the same type of garbage as Biden.
As you spread conspiracy theories, then you're the same type of garbage as Trump.
There is no freaking comparison that makes this any less indecent.
That's true, Biden didn't bring paper towels.

Under Trump, U.S. drilling permits on federal lands soar

View attachment 818353
Reuters › article › under-trump-u-s-d...
Apr 12, 2019 — President Donald Trump has made it a priority to speed permitting and reduce regulation as a way to boost production of oil, gas and coal from ...

Trump administration opens up drilling on federal land in ...

View attachment 818354
Reuters › article › us-usa-california-oil
Oct 4, 2019 — The Trump administration on Friday announced it would open up over 720000 acres of federal land in California for oil and gas development, ...

Trump Administration Allows Oil and Gas Drilling in 1.5 ...

View attachment 818355
Natural Resources Defense Council › bio › nrdc › trump-administrat...
Aug 17, 2020 — Trump Administration Allows Oil and Gas Drilling in 1.5 Million Acres of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The Interior Department is ...
Cool story.

Now, got any links to someone wanting to “destroy nature”, Simp?
I'm not.
You think personal words from ANY president makes everything better, for people who lost everything?
The only words they need to hear, is help, resources and $$$, are on the way.

"Sent home from school"?
There was no school that day, no electricity.

As you spread conspiracy theories, then you're the same type of garbage as Trump.

That's true, Biden didn't bring paper towels.
Progs are the ones who turn everything into a stage play. Emoting with a megaphone for all to hear how the Republicans did not do this or did that with most of it made up theatrics. W. with Katrina is a fine example. One of many. Frankly with near everything we are today, it is Progs who drew first blood. Trump threw paper towels. Oh wow. Joe is a thousand times worse than Trump will ever be and he is definitely not in charge.
Progs are the ones who turn everything into a stage play. Emoting with a megaphone for all to hear how the Republicans did not do this or did that with most of it made up theatrics. W. with Katrina is a fine example. One of many. Frankly with near everything we are today, it is Progs who drew first blood. Trump threw paper towels. Oh wow. Joe is a thousand times worse than Trump will ever be and he is definitely not in charge.


Trump could have redirected the fire into the pacific ocean.
BTW, fracking increased the most under Barry Hussein, Stupid.

So are you saying Barry wants to "destroy nature"?
Yes and he did.

Trump to repeal Obama fracking rule​

The Hill › policy › energy-environment › 3...

Dec 28, 2017 — The Obama rule focused mainly on three areas: mandating that companies disclose the chemicals they use to frack, requiring them to cover surface ...

The Trump administration will take its final step to repeal the Obama administration’s 2015 rule setting standards for hydraulic fracturing on federal land.

A formal notice from the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) making the repeal final was posted publicly Thursday and is due to be published in the Federal Register Friday.

The repeal is part of a broad Trump administration effort to repeal environmental rules it finds unnecessary and to promote domestic production of fossil fuels and other energy sources.

“This final rule is needed to prevent the unnecessarily burdensome and unjustified administrative requirements and compliance costs of the 2015 rule from encumbering oil and gas development on federal and Indian lands,” the BLM wrote in the notice.
We have been killing people for centuries, why are people still around?

Big difference between the two. I have made no dipshit claim that killing people will make us extinct, Dumbass.

Keep trying to convince us nature is destroyed, Simp. :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo: :itsok:
It does not matter at this point

Everyone including biden voters know he’s damn fool

But libs are stuck with him no matter how much he embarrasses them

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