Biden Vows To Shutdown Border If Congress OK's Deal

Eat shit, pedantic sock puppet.

As I said...poor little racist bitch has NOTHING to counter that virtually all Repugs in Congress support the bill.
Screw that pig dropping. Joe's word is worthless. BTW, where is his attack on Texas? He gave Texas a warning, now two days past the deadline, when do the federal troops and Blackhawk army helicopters arrive?
Looks like he screwed you again, now with Trump and the Republicans taking over responsibly for blocking improvement in the border situation at the beginning of an election year. Damn that Joe. Not sure I'd wanna play Texas Holdem poker against that man.
No, I mean do their jobs. They are supposed to work together to solve the nations problems.
The problem at the border isn’t a result of Congress not passing bills its the executive not enforcing the laws on the books currently. Our border/illegal immigration issues stem from wildly incongruent application and enforcement of immigration laws depending on who’s sits in the Oval Office.
Biden has had that power all along, and could have used it at any time during the past 3 years.

Now, with an election looming, the dullards in the White House are realizing how big a deal this is, and are scrambling.

Too little, too late... nobody trusts Sleepy Old Uncle Joe to actually follow-through with a border closure... so...

I suspect that it's going to have to wait now until January 20, 2025...
No one is going to pay the slightest bit of attention to fuckwad Biden. He thinks that he can hook Ukraine to the border. That's enough to make a maggot gag.
If he said that he waited until it would kick Trump the hardest, would you think that he was lying?
No. I’d be shocked at such honesty. But it would still prove that he could have done it all along.

So, it won’t happen. Honesty ain’t his bag.
You really are doing bad? What happened? Is there anything we can do? Be glad to send you a sack-a-flour and some white beans.
No, im fully employed and i have a job for the rest of my life with my employer. Im not stoked about the cost of goods though. No one is.

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