Biden Vows To Shutdown Border If Congress OK's Deal

Biden and democrats have had 3 years to address ... and have done little to nothing. The only reason Biden is discussing this is because it's an election year. Democrats in sanctuary cities are struggling financially and have negative constituent feedback as the presence of illegals continues to grow.
No, im fully employed and i have a job for the rest of my life with my employer. Im not stoked about the cost of goods though. No one is.
There was crap I wasn't thilled about, all my working life, but I made my own plans, and my own way in the working world, retiring 9 years ago. But, doing fine in retirement. You should have been around for 10 plus years of inflation from 6.5 to 13% during the Carter and through the Reagan administrations, when the job market sucked, and buying my house, starting out at 10.5% with good credit on a 30 year. This is nothing, in comparison. Seriously.
Oh, since it is election year, the border can wait, as not important or imminent a threat to deal with until next year. H
The border has not been important to Old Joe for THREE years.

The opposition has two choices...

(1) give Joe what he wants and get a half-a$$ed, half-hearted, short-lived burst of energy


(2) wait a little while longer, take the pain, then jump-in after regaining power and REALLY do it right'

If they give-in now it will never get done PROPERLY...

Getting it done PROPERLY is much better preferred than short-lived lip-service and window-dressing...

Waiting until Election Year to even TRY to do anything about this...

And then ONLY after the entire nation is up in arms over the results of their stupid and suicidal policies...

That's all on Old Joe and the Democrats... not the Republicans...

There was crap I wasn't thilled about, all my working life, but I made my own plans, and my own way in the working world, retiring 9 years ago. But, doing fine in retirement. You should have been around for 10 plus years of inflation from 6.5 to 13% during the Carter and through the Reagan administrations, when the job market sucked, and buying my house, starting out at 10.5% with good credit on a 30 year. This is nothing, in comparison. Seriously.
Well, the good news is Biden is going to lose, so Trump will once again hand us a great economy.
The border has not been important to Old Joe for THREE years.

The opposition has two choices...

(1) give Joe what he wants and get a half-a$$ed, half-hearted, short-lived burst of energy


(2) wait a little while longer, take the pain, then jump-in after regaining power and REALLY do it right'

If they give-in now it will never get done PROPERLY...

Getting it done PROPERLY is much better preferred than short-lived lip-service and window-dressing...

Waiting until Election Year to even TRY to do anything about this...

And then ONLY after the entire nation is up in arms over the results of their stupid and suicidal policies...

That's all on Old Joe and the Democrats... not the Republicans...

Oh, I get it. If trump wins, but loses both houses of Congress, he won't be able to make it even better on the border, as it will be cut in stone, so the serious situation is not as important as waiting to get credit for doing the right thing. Besides, Ukraine might not be conquerable, by Russia unless supplies are cut off. So, they really need to be starved into submission soon, if Putin is to remain a friend to Trump and Trump Republicans.

Is that what you meant?
Well, the good news is Biden is going to lose, so Trump will once again hand us a great economy.
The economy is breaking records on all fronts now. I take it you took very few business courses.
There was crap I wasn't thilled about, all my working life, but I made my own plans, and my own way in the working world, retiring 9 years ago. But, doing fine in retirement. You should have been around for 10 plus years of inflation from 6.5 to 13% during the Carter and through the Reagan administrations, when the job market sucked, and buying my house, starting out at 10.5% with good credit on a 30 year. This is nothing, in comparison. Seriously.
President Reagan got the country back on track during his first term. Do you remember the drubbing he gave to Mondale?
The economy is breaking records on all fronts now. I take it you took very few business courses.
Cool. So why does a little piece of smoked salmon cost me $10 when it was $5 when Trump was President.
President Reagan got the country back on track during his first term. Do you remember the drubbing he gave to Mondale?
Not the economy. I lived it. The record of inflation is still in any chart you can look up. The interest rates of the era are a matter of record. Allen Town was a popular song, because it was true.
Not the economy. I lived it. The record of inflation is still in any chart you can look up. The interest rates of the era are a matter of record. Allen Town was a popular song, because it was true.
And the demise of the steel industry is NOT Reagan's fault. Blame the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway for that.
Looks like he screwed you again, now with Trump and the Republicans taking over responsibly for blocking improvement in the border situation at the beginning of an election year.

Spoken like a true faux-conservative. After years of Joe telling us
there was no border problem and Mayorkas saying it was
his duty to let millions in unvetted and it
being caused by climate change
the world over,

now you want to whack off believing
that if only the GOP would
just play ball, Joe
will fix it all.

Right before
an election.

Interesting the OP posts a picture of the wall construction that was built by Trump.

Anyway, this is amazing, we are supposed to believe the man who told the third-world to "surge to the border", that he suddenly wants the border secured!!!

YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS SHIT UP!!!! :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

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