Biden Vows To Shutdown Border If Congress OK's Deal

Didn't that stuttering fuck throw down the gauntlet Thurs? You have until 1pm EST Friday.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Nothing. Crickets. Wait.... what was that sound? Oh, sorry, it was the sound of Gov. Abbott telling Briben to go fuck itself. :laughing0301:

Still waiting here. The entire planet is laughing and pointing at that feckless bed-shitting coward.

Waiting...... :laughing0301:

So as it stands Biden wants fences cut and lower border security but if Congress passes Biden’s bill, Biden will use his emergency powers to shut the border down?

Am I not reading this right? It sounds really stupid.

Biden said he would use a new emergency authority to handle the border if lawmakers could come together to pass the compromise bill.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday pressed Congress to embrace a bipartisan Senate deal to pair border enforcement measures with Ukraine aid, but House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested the compromise on border and immigration policy could be “dead on arrival” in his chamber.

The Democratic president said in a statement late Friday that the policies proposed would “be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country.” He also pledged to use a new emergency authority to “shut down the border” as soon as he could sign it into law.

Biden’s embrace of the deal — and Republican resistance — could become an election-year shift on the politics of immigration. Yet the diminishing prospects for its passage in Congress may have far-reaching consequences for U.S. allies around the globe, especially Ukraine.

Much more at the link below...


What more does Congress want from President Biden on the border? What do you think?

Border enforcement plus Ukraine aid? lol.
Texas has proven that Biden’s approval is neither necessary nor wanted. Fuck that senile putz.

Biden said he would use a new emergency authority to handle the border if lawmakers could come together to pass the compromise bill.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday pressed Congress to embrace a bipartisan Senate deal to pair border enforcement measures with Ukraine aid, but House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested the compromise on border and immigration policy could be “dead on arrival” in his chamber.

The Democratic president said in a statement late Friday that the policies proposed would “be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country.” He also pledged to use a new emergency authority to “shut down the border” as soon as he could sign it into law.

Biden’s embrace of the deal — and Republican resistance — could become an election-year shift on the politics of immigration. Yet the diminishing prospects for its passage in Congress may have far-reaching consequences for U.S. allies around the globe, especially Ukraine.

Much more at the link below...


What more does Congress want from President Biden on the border? What do you think?

He is a lying sack of shit. He will never secure the border. He just wants more power.

Biden said he would use a new emergency authority to handle the border if lawmakers could come together to pass the compromise bill.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday pressed Congress to embrace a bipartisan Senate deal to pair border enforcement measures with Ukraine aid, but House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested the compromise on border and immigration policy could be “dead on arrival” in his chamber.

The Democratic president said in a statement late Friday that the policies proposed would “be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country.” He also pledged to use a new emergency authority to “shut down the border” as soon as he could sign it into law.

Biden’s embrace of the deal — and Republican resistance — could become an election-year shift on the politics of immigration. Yet the diminishing prospects for its passage in Congress may have far-reaching consequences for U.S. allies around the globe, especially Ukraine.

Much more at the link below...


What more does Congress want from President Biden on the border? What do you think?

Asking for more money to process MORE illegals is a plan that is dead on arrival. Im not sure why you are suggesting that is a serious offer. The truth is, he broke the border intentionally. He wanted to flood our nation with millions of illegals, so thats what he did. We told you guys this was a disaster, but you all kept saying "there is no crisis at the border". Now look at your party. How did those lies work out for you?

Maybe you should have just protected our nation instead of destroying it. You reap what you sow.
President potato is just lying again.

If he wanted to shut down the border to illegals, he could have already done so and damn well should have.

People, like Chief Shitting Bull (and any of his socks), who “believe” President Potato are tragically stupid.
Biden has had that power all along, and could have used it at any time during the past 3 years.

Now, with an election looming, the dullards in the White House are realizing how big a deal this is, and are scrambling.

Too little, too late... nobody trusts Sleepy Old Uncle Joe to actually follow-through with a border closure... so...

I suspect that it's going to have to wait now until January 20, 2025...
You could have a point, but that pretty well takes the southern border off the table of the Trumpers and Republican as an issues, since they are blocking it.
I guest that just leaves Trumper and Republican support for Putin and Russia against Europe for them to run on.
Damn that Joe. A perfectly good campaign issue on Petroleum products and gasoline prices, but the oil industry screwed it with record production, never seen in the history of the country.

Damn that Joe. A perfectly good campaign issue on inflation hitting right after Don left office with doling out that huge covid free money, but the FED screwed it by controlling inflation without a recession.

Damn that Joe. A perfectly good campaign issue on finally putting the screws to abortion totally and for good, while putting women in their place, but time and again, they are passing referendums and voting protections to women that don't even deserve, and are protected by new state constitutional guaranteed rights, to the point if it keeps getting mentioned, there won't even be enough Republicans in congress for a bowling league, maybe not even a decent poker game, even being supported by Republican voters (men and women) voting for it in overwhelming numbers. sigh...

Damn that Joe. There was a perfectly good issue on the economy, but the economy started and keeps on setting records in production, employment, new factory construction, wage increases, the Dow, the S&P 500, the New York Stock Exchange (grumble, shudda known those bastards live and die by the numbers and numbers being good, they just wanna make money and are, not matter who is in the white house), their as bad as the oil industry that was supposed be trump friends.

Damn that Joe. Another perfectly good issue of him being too old for office, and now Donny is stumbling over words, not knowing who he is talking to or about, can't even keep his wives and women he screws around with straight, not even able to separate Nancy Pelosi from Nikki Haley, obviously losing it, to anybody that watches tv anymore.
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Biden said he would use a new emergency authority to handle the border if lawmakers could come together to pass the compromise bill.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday pressed Congress to embrace a bipartisan Senate deal to pair border enforcement measures with Ukraine aid, but House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested the compromise on border and immigration policy could be “dead on arrival” in his chamber.

The Democratic president said in a statement late Friday that the policies proposed would “be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country.” He also pledged to use a new emergency authority to “shut down the border” as soon as he could sign it into law.

Biden’s embrace of the deal — and Republican resistance — could become an election-year shift on the politics of immigration. Yet the diminishing prospects for its passage in Congress may have far-reaching consequences for U.S. allies around the globe, especially Ukraine.

Much more at the link below...


What more does Congress want from President Biden on the border? What do you think?

What a pant load of crap! Where is this "secret" emergency authority act? He isn't going to "shutdown" the border, the Democrats need to ENFORCE THE FUKKIN LAWS WE HAVE.
You could have a point, but that pretty well takes the southern border off the table of the Trumpers and Republican as an issues, since they are blocking it.
I guest that just leave Trumper and Republican support for Putin and Russia against Europe for them to run on.
Damn that Joe. A perfectly good campaign issue on Petroleum product and gasoline prices, but the oil industry screwed it with record production, never seen in the history of the country.

Damn that Joe. A perfectly good campaign issue on inflation hitting right after Don left office with that huge covid free money, but the FED screwed it by controlling inflation without a recession.

Damn that Joe. A perfectly good campaign issue on finally putting the screws to abortion totally and for good and putting women in their place, but time and again, the passing referendums and voting protections to women that don't even deserve are protected by state constitutional guaranteed rights, to the point if it keeps getting mentioned, there won't even be enough Republicans in congress for a bowling league, maybe not even a decent poker game, even Republican voters (men and women) voting for it in overwhelming numbers. sigh...

Damn that Joe. There was a perfectly good issue on the economy, but the economy started and keeps on setting records in production, employment, new factory construction, wage increases, the Dow, the S&P 500, the New York Stock Exchange (grumble, shudda known those bastard live and die by the numbers and numbers being good, they just wanna make money and are, not matter who is in the white house), their as bad as the oil industry that was supposed be trump friends.

Damn that Joe. Another perfectly good issue of him being too old for office, and now Donny is stumbling over words, not know who he is talking to or about, can't even keep his wives and women he screws around with straight, not even able to separate Nancy Pelosi from Nikki Haley, obviously losing it, to anybody that watches tv anymore.
Making claims about how awesome Biden is, is easy. The hard part is convincing the voters that he is awesome. Good luck with that!!! :laugh:
Making claims about how awesome Biden is, is easy. The hard part is convincing the voters that he is awesome. Good luck with that!!! :laugh:
You gonna tell me you are doing bad or know people close that are? I doubt it. But, if you are doing badly, maybe you catch up, real soon.
You could have a point, but that pretty well takes the southern border off the table of the Trumpers and Republican as an issues, since they are blocking it.
I guest that just leave Trumper and Republican support for Putin and Russia against Europe for them to run on.
Damn that Joe. A perfectly good campaign issue on Petroleum product and gasoline prices, but the oil industry screwed it with record production, never seen in the history of the country.

Damn that Joe. A perfectly good campaign issue on inflation hitting right after Don left office with that huge covid free money, but the FED screwed it by controlling inflation without a recession.

Damn that Joe. A perfectly good campaign issue on finally putting the screws to abortion totally and for good and putting women in their place, but time and again, the passing referendums and voting protections to women that don't even deserve are protected by state constitutional guaranteed rights, to the point if it keeps getting mentioned, there won't even be enough Republicans in congress for a bowling league, maybe not even a decent poker game, even Republican voters (men and women) voting for it in overwhelming numbers. sigh...

Damn that Joe. There was a perfectly good issue on the economy, but the economy started and keeps on setting records in production, employment, new factory construction, wage increases, the Dow, the S&P 500, the New York Stock Exchange (grumble, shudda known those bastard live and die by the numbers and numbers being good, they just wanna make money and are, not matter who is in the white house), their as bad as the oil industry that was supposed be trump friends.

Damn that Joe. Another perfectly good issue of him being too old for office, and now Donny is stumbling over words, not know who he is talking to or about, can't even keep his wives and women he screws around with straight, not even able to separate Nancy Pelosi from Nikki Haley, obviously losing it, to anybody that watches tv anymore.

Since President Potato has had the authority and the duty all along, the immigration mess (which has been incredibly magnified under his alleged “leadership”) makes the immigration problem a major story for the Republicans.

Frankly, although it obviously won’t happen, Potato should be impeached over it.

((Edit. Damn. I really do need to edit before submission. 😜 ))
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You gonna tell me you are doing bad or know people close that are? I doubt it. But, if you are doing badly, maybe you catch up, real soon.
Insulting people who are doing bad in this economy isnt going to win votes for Biden. :dunno:
You could have a point, but that pretty well takes the southern border off the table of the Trumpers and Republican as an issues, since they are blocking it.
The other way of looking at it is...

Well, Joe... you had three years, and you showed your true colors by allowing us to be swamped-under by this flow...

NOW... when you sense grave risk to your Presidency, and your narrow majority in the Senate, you grudgingly begin to act.

You've made us wait for three years with no action.

You are no longer trusted to do what is right and what is necessary and to sustain that once the news fades.

You've made us wait for three years with no action... and your solution will only be half-a$$ed and half-hearted.

No thank you.

We can wait for one more year, and then it will get done the RIGHT way, and you won't be any part of it.

You (and your DHS Secretary) brought this upon yourselves... your actions had consequences... these are yours... enjoy...

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