Biden VS. Trump in 2020


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.
Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.
What will they be running for, president of the retirement home? Won't they both be in their mid/late 70s??
2020 will be a food fight between Biden, Kaine, Pelosi, Warner, and any other rat from the sinking ship which is now called The Democrat Party.

Should be some good mud slinging.
They need to nominate a cross-dressing queer or Muslim to stand a chance of winning. They can't get their base energized enough to vote for some old white person. Their whole livelihood is based on hatred of whites.
2020 will be a food fight between Biden, Kaine, Pelosi, Warner, and any other rat from the sinking ship which is now called The Democrat Party.

Should be some good mud slinging.
I doubt the dems are going to make the mistake of putting a dozen people on the ticket like the republicans did. If Biden does run I have no doubt that he will be Hillary of that election - the one that will easily win with some minor challenger put in place for the cameras.
They need to nominate a cross-dressing queer or Muslim to stand a chance of winning. They can't get their base energized enough to vote for some old white person. Their whole livelihood is based on hatred of whites.
Pelosi is the closest that I can think of to that then.
Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.

Biden has to survive the primaries first.
Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.
Biden couldn't beat Larry Craig.
This harkens back to begging the question of who was the most happy that Hillary lost in November?

Choices: Kaine or Biden?

I agree that Biden is too old.

Plus Biden is a born wimp. He and Gates both voted against the Raid On Abbottabad.

Everyone else in the room voted for it.
Biden would gaffe himself out of the primary race. Watching a 78 year old Biden forget what decade he's in would be entertaining. He missed his chance, he should have run against Hillary.
Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.
They will both be too old.
Joe Biden says he will run for President in 2020. Could Biden beat and incumbent Trump? Hard question to ask with so little known at this point as to what will happen with the Trump Presidency over the next four years and how the public will respond.

Why would people vote for Biden?
The Moon Bats have nobody nowadays. When their best best is that clown Biden you know they are in trouble.

The bat shit crazy extreme far Left dominates the party. They learned nothing for losing so many seats across the nation in 2010, 2014 and losing the Presidency in 2016. They were a one trick pony with their Black candidate Obama and has been a disaster for this country.

I didn't vote for Trump but it is a certainty that he will substantially improve the economy with tax breaks and regulation reform. We will see a significant improvement in the economy and also in the cost of health care. He will restore the military and instill national pride that was lost with Obama. These are all things that Americans care about. The Democrats with their extreme far Left agenda will not be able to compete with real success and economic prosperity that we didn't get with Obama.

It is not much of an exaggeration to says that the Democrat Party is kaput for all practical reasons. Good riddance!
2016 was Uncle Joe's last shot.

He will be 78 in 2020.

He will have been out of office and out of touch for four years, in 2020.

He is part of the Democratic Coastal Establishment Elite Ruling Class in 2016.

He will still be part of the Democratic Coastal Establishment Elite Ruling Class in 2020.

Assuming that he's still on his feet, four years from now, God bless 'im.

Get your heads and your asses wired in synch, LibTards.

You need fresh faces and fresh ideas and fresh energy to take back the vast political power that you've just lost.

You will not get those fresh faces and fresh ideas and fresh energy by rinse-and-repeat or by reheating and re-serving BIden, Pelosi and that lot.

Wake up, dumb shits.

America now needs an intelligent and effective Loyal Opposion more than ever.

We aren't going to get one, if you don't snap out of it, stop pissing and moaning, and refuse to look in the mirror and to effect real change within your own ranks.

Time to recapture White Middle America, or else condemn yourselves to sit on the sidelines for a generation or two.

Time to stop the metrosexual touchy-feely LibTard happy horseshit.

Time to find your balls again.

Assuming you still have any.
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The Moon Bats have nobody nowadays. When their best best is that clown Biden you know they are in trouble.

The bat shit crazy extreme far Left dominates the party. They learned nothing for losing so many seats across the nation in 2010, 2014 and losing the Presidency in 2016. They were a one trick pony with their Black candidate Obama and has been a disaster for this country.

I didn't vote for Trump but it is a certainty that he will substantially improve the economy with tax breaks and regulation reform. We will see a significant improvement in the economy and also in the cost of health care. He will restore the military and instill national pride that was lost with Obama. These are all things that Americans care about. The Democrats with their extreme far Left agenda will not be able to compete with real success and economic prosperity that we didn't get with Obama.

It is not much of an exaggeration to says that the Democrat Party is kaput for all practical reasons. Good riddance!
Well, it's certain that their bullpen is empty, and they're just stuffing recycled warm bodies back into various slots, as placeholders.

A sure sign of a substantive failure of imagination and vision and political courage and common sense.

They have a team to rebuild, but they can't even begin, until they admit to themselves, that their own agenda and elitism and arrogance are what beat them.
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