Biden = War in the Middle East

Terrorists didn’t attack Israel under Trump, who is banned on Twitter but Omar and the leader of Hamas are not banned. If terrorists are emboldened to attack Israel then what stops them from attacking us next. They see Biden as a weak ass President by just seeing the crisis at the border, him stating America is systematically racist and of course now attack on our allies.

Trump killed terrorist leaders, Biden emboldens them.

Elections have consequences.

Truth over Facts
Trump's actions in the Middle East helped to set up the attack by Hamas. He was as one-sided as he could be to get the Jewish vote, beginning with the embassy transfer, elimination of financial aid,
and totally ignoring the Palestinians as a part of the process. This attack is a perfect example of unintended consequences. and predictable since Trump never looks at the big picture.
Trump's actions in the Middle East brought peace to the region. Biden's actions have resulted in a resumption of violence because the Palestinians know he won't cut off their aid if they misbehave like Trump would have. What did you think was going to happen when you give Iran billions of dollars? Oh're as naive as thought they'd spend it on something OTHER than terrorism? Aren't you special! (eye roll)

First of all, the Palestinians did NOT "misbehave" like you claim, since the rockets had to be fired in retaliation for the Zionist attacks and murders on the Temple Mount and home confiscations.
Second is that we only give the Palestinians $200 million a year, not even enough to cover the cost of garbage collection, compared to the $5 billion we give Israel annually. And that $200 million is required by treaties going back to Reagan, Carter, Bush and Clinton.
You have to give it by US law.
It is not optional.
I believe Trump was referring to the 370 million we give to the UN fund that provides assistance to Palestinian "refugees". THAT is totally optional.

And how does that compare with 5 billion a year for 8 million Jews?
Israel is our ally in the Middle East. Palestine is not. Duh?

Israel isn't an ally.. They are on the dole. KSA has been an ally since the late 1930s and they don't get US foreign aid.. Israel has blatantly betrayed several US presidents including Eisenhower and Reagan.
Other than ripping off the US for oil, what else has KSA given the US in return?
We have 25K troops there and we still pay premium prices.

They built the bases.. and paid the US a million dollars a day for air defense of the Kurds after Iraq.. Of course the US said they would leave as soon as Kuwait was rescued.. but they stayed 13 years.

KSA pays for all weapons and training. KSA has never ripped off US oil .. NOT a penny. You are dumb as a stump.
Where do you get this bullshit from?
The US taxpayer pays and we pay the same as any other nation.

Terrorists didn’t attack Israel under Trump, who is banned on Twitter but Omar and the leader of Hamas are not banned. If terrorists are emboldened to attack Israel then what stops them from attacking us next. They see Biden as a weak ass President by just seeing the crisis at the border, him stating America is systematically racist and of course now attack on our allies.

Trump killed terrorist leaders, Biden emboldens them.

Elections have consequences.

Truth over Facts
Trump's actions in the Middle East helped to set up the attack by Hamas. He was as one-sided as he could be to get the Jewish vote, beginning with the embassy transfer, elimination of financial aid,
and totally ignoring the Palestinians as a part of the process. This attack is a perfect example of unintended consequences. and predictable since Trump never looks at the big picture.
Trump's actions in the Middle East brought peace to the region. Biden's actions have resulted in a resumption of violence because the Palestinians know he won't cut off their aid if they misbehave like Trump would have. What did you think was going to happen when you give Iran billions of dollars? Oh're as naive as thought they'd spend it on something OTHER than terrorism? Aren't you special! (eye roll)

First of all, the Palestinians did NOT "misbehave" like you claim, since the rockets had to be fired in retaliation for the Zionist attacks and murders on the Temple Mount and home confiscations.
Second is that we only give the Palestinians $200 million a year, not even enough to cover the cost of garbage collection, compared to the $5 billion we give Israel annually. And that $200 million is required by treaties going back to Reagan, Carter, Bush and Clinton.
You have to give it by US law.
It is not optional.
I believe Trump was referring to the 370 million we give to the UN fund that provides assistance to Palestinian "refugees". THAT is totally optional.

And how does that compare with 5 billion a year for 8 million Jews?
Israel is our ally in the Middle East. Palestine is not. Duh?

Israel isn't an ally.. They are on the dole. KSA has been an ally since the late 1930s and they don't get US foreign aid.. Israel has blatantly betrayed several US presidents including Eisenhower and Reagan.
Other than ripping off the US for oil, what else has KSA given the US in return?
We have 25K troops there and we still pay premium prices.

They built the bases.. and paid the US a million dollars a day for air defense of the Kurds after Iraq.. Of course the US said they would leave as soon as Kuwait was rescued.. but they stayed 13 years.

KSA pays for all weapons and training. KSA has never ripped off US oil .. NOT a penny. You are dumb as a stump.
Muhammad was a warlord
The point is that surada claims that Muslims cause zero problems in the world and never have.
Yes, yes, we all know it's the JOOOOOS and the Christians.

given how you tend to mischaracterize what people say here, I doubt that's what he said.
Where do you think Israel is getting all these weapons from, and how they can afford to exist as a country with a higher standard of living than the US, with not natural resources or production?
Pure moxie, I think. Bravo, Israel.
I really don't care, they have been going back and forth since I was a kid.

They love war, just like the Afghans do.

They will be at war 50 years from now or more.

You can't fix stupid, the US has tried, let them kill each other.
Yeah, I used to care, but why worry? It really will go on forever, unless there is a big blowup, which they have every once in awhile. Presumably Israel will win in that case; if it's the usual suspects. Iran could be more of a problem.

I don't see Biden (or anyone) going to war over any of this. War either way is not in our national interest. Or needed by anyone.

You should care because you are paying for it.
Where do you think Israel is getting all these weapons from, and how they can afford to exist as a country with a higher standard of living than the US, with not natural resources or production?
It's called developing new technologies, moron.

Terrorists didn’t attack Israel under Trump, who is banned on Twitter but Omar and the leader of Hamas are not banned. If terrorists are emboldened to attack Israel then what stops them from attacking us next. They see Biden as a weak ass President by just seeing the crisis at the border, him stating America is systematically racist and of course now attack on our allies.

Trump killed terrorist leaders, Biden emboldens them.

Elections have consequences.

Truth over Facts
Trump's actions in the Middle East helped to set up the attack by Hamas. He was as one-sided as he could be to get the Jewish vote, beginning with the embassy transfer, elimination of financial aid,
and totally ignoring the Palestinians as a part of the process. This attack is a perfect example of unintended consequences. and predictable since Trump never looks at the big picture.
Trump's actions in the Middle East brought peace to the region. Biden's actions have resulted in a resumption of violence because the Palestinians know he won't cut off their aid if they misbehave like Trump would have. What did you think was going to happen when you give Iran billions of dollars? Oh're as naive as thought they'd spend it on something OTHER than terrorism? Aren't you special! (eye roll)

First of all, the Palestinians did NOT "misbehave" like you claim, since the rockets had to be fired in retaliation for the Zionist attacks and murders on the Temple Mount and home confiscations.
Second is that we only give the Palestinians $200 million a year, not even enough to cover the cost of garbage collection, compared to the $5 billion we give Israel annually. And that $200 million is required by treaties going back to Reagan, Carter, Bush and Clinton.
You have to give it by US law.
It is not optional.
I believe Trump was referring to the 370 million we give to the UN fund that provides assistance to Palestinian "refugees". THAT is totally optional.

Good point. I do not know what aid Trump cut.
But clearly it has to be wrong to give $5 billion a year to Israel for weapons and nothing to Palestinian natives who need and deserve out assistance now that we have allowed their enemies to surround and enslave them.
I am going to have you banned. I have told you repeatedly it is not aid but a military contract.

Funding is fungible.
It is aid, and even though it means they will be buying US made weapons with it, it is still coming from US taxpayer dollars, and is fungible.
Meaning that every dollar Israel gets from the US for the purchase of weapons, the more Israeli tax dollars can be spent on luxuries.
It is actually worse than that even, because the US also guarantees even larger amounts in interest free loans.
It most certainly IS US aid, and most certainly does increase the standard of living in Israel way above that of the US average.
To claim otherwise would be lying.
And on top of that, this money is used to blatantly harm innocent Palestinians, in violation of US and international law.
If they are paying for it, then it isn't aid. It is a military contract. You are a liar and you have mental issues.
islamo nazi sophistry-----its' nothing new. WAY BACK when I was a kid, an important
component of the islamo nazi propaganda included AGONIZING discussions of the economic
cost of ZIONISM to the USA. The islamo nazis attributed MASSIVE cost to the
people of the USA in taxes------because donations to hospitals in Israel are
TAX DEDUCTABLE. The calculations that appeared in the little pamphlets were
ASTRONOMICAL------like half the GNP. The little pamphlet information was not obscure---
medical school graduates from places like PAKISTAN----parroted it. They all seem to have
the same vocabulary--------money USED TO MURDER (at that time muzzie arabs were not
yet called "palestinians")------ARABS.

Arabs in the Levant were called Palestinians over 4000 years ago.
The nation of Palestine was officially created in 1920, by the treaties of San Remo and Sevres.
In fact, the Zionists are the only murderers in the Mideast.
For example, the King David Hotel bombing, the shooting of the UN Moderator, Folke Bernadotte.

ok----keep babbling nonsense------how do you say "PALESTINIAN" in arabic? How
do you spell it?

Why do you keep bringing up Arabic?
Arabic is a modern language that is not the native language to native Palestinians.
So it has nothing to do with Palestine.

Palestine in the ancient world was part of the region known as Canaan where the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah were located. The term `Palestine' was originally a designation of an area of land in southern Canaan which the people known as the Philistines occupied a very small part of.

The Canaanites, Canaanite-Phoenicians, and the Israelites, among others, established themselves in the area much earlier. The Philistines are thought to have come to the area toward the end of the Bronze Age c. 1276 BCE and established themselves on the southern coastal plain of the Mediterranean Sea in an area afterwards known as Philistia.

The whole of the region was referred to as `Canaan' in Mesopotamian texts and trade records found at Ebla and Mari as early as the 18th century BCE while the term `Palestine' does not appear in any written records until the 5th century BCE in the Histories of Herodotus. After Herodotus, the term `Palestine' came to be used for the entire region which was formerly known as Canaan.

your post is idiotic ARABIC is the language of the people who TODAY name themselves
PALESTINIANS-----the word PALESTINA was COINED by Herodotus----a greek historian
circa 500 BC The only people called "PALESTINIANS" until approximately mid 20th century
were jews. The word itself is neither arabic nor hebrew OR CANAANITE-----it is GREEK. I never
met an arab who could pronounce it.. Arabic developed NOT IN CANAAN---but in the arabian
Penninsula. and was exported by marauding hordes mostly in the past 1500 years
Poor, needy JoeB...You are fully aware that The NT is sending you to the Eternal Lake of Fire.
But, then again, you never read it, did you?

Did you know Hebrew has no word for love?
The word means to give.
When you show Brown people your concern, don't love them, give to them.

Yes, the NT felt that just blaming God for all the natural catastrophes like the OT did wasn't going to fly with people who could actually read. So they needed to up the ante to keep the money flowing.

Christians are idiots
Jews are idiots
Muslims are idiots.

Anyone who thinks there's a magic fairy in the sky is an idiot.
Muslims are the least of the idiots.
Unlike the greed and fear of the Old and New Testaments, Islam has a much greater purpose.
Since government could not be trusted back then, Islam was the second attempt at putting government institutions into religion, so they would be permanent.
The Ancient Egyptians started that idea.
They gave the priesthood control over granaries, seed storage, food production, taking care of widows and orphans, etc.
Islam did even more of the same.
Instead of the corrupt government getting taxes, the more trustworthy priests in the Mosques got the weekly tithing.
This allowed the priests to take care of gran storage, widows and orphans, etc., and is the whole start of the social welfare system we understand we need these days.

I am not saying religion is the best way to conduct social services or that we need it any more, but considering the corrupt governments of ancient times, it was revolutionary and incredibly humane. It was the whole origin of the idea of individuals having value and rights in a growing impersonalized urban life. It was the start of civilization. Instead of just 10 commandments, the Quran covers almost every practical problem and choice that is likely to come up, and it always stresses that "God is merciful" or "God is forgiving", so it always stresses the least violent solution to any problem. The only problem with the Quran is that it was advice for a war time society, so it is way too strict for me.
With all due respect, Rigby...the "priests" in this discussion are the Mullahs and they aren't spending money on "grain" they're spending it on terror!

I disagree.
There has never been a case of Moslem conducting aggressive terror in all of history, that I am aware of.
Do imperialist countries deserve having planes hijacked?
Yes of course they do.
Look at what Truman did to the Palestinians, in total violation of international law and 2 treaties of the WWI allies.
Look at the US lies about WMD in Iraq.
The invasion of Afghanistan was also completely illegal, immoral, and murder.
We were criminal in our actions against Qaddafi, Mosei, Assad, Saddam, etc.
Out Mideast murder toll in the last 20 years is well over a million innocent people.

you could write the Khutbah Jumaats that have galvanized the murder of hundreds
of millions and COUNTING

Muslims do not murder.
Unlike Judaism, murder or anyone is against their religion.
Judaism exalts and rewards murder, like the massacre of Canaanite women and children by Joshua at Jericho.
Muslims don't murder? The sheer stupidity of that comment is breathtaking!
"MURDER" is a crime. In the muzzie mind-----the only crime in killing a person exists
if a non-muzzie violates muzzie "standards" ------like refusing to convert to muzziness,
The killing of such a person is not a crime. The raping of a non-muzzie female is not a
crime either. The PROTECTED STATUS of jews and christians means that if a muzzie
kills one-----he MIGHT be forced to pay a small fine. ----very small, to the family of
the victim. But only if the non muslim is "PROTECTED" by paying Jizya. In court---
one can always find a way out------because the muzzie can accuse the non muzzie of a
big crime------like touching a muzzie or calling the rapist pig----a pig. As far as I
know-----hindus do not have the honor of being able to attain PROTECTED
(dhimmi) status.

Moslems are forbidden to kill anyone who is not a danger.
The jizya is not protection.
It is the same social services tax that the Moslem pay in the Mosque, and no more than any Moslems pays.

oh---so you know shariah law------tell me----how is that "social services tax" formulated?

Not being Muslim or living in a Muslim country, I actually do not know the details.

Zakat, the Islamic religious tax, is paid annually by Muslims around the world, usually during the month-long fast of Ramadan. Zakat is the fourth pillar of Islam and is considered as important as regular prayer, fasting and pilgrimage to Mecca.

Every Muslim -- male or female -- must pay the Zakat at different rates on crops, harvests, herds, gold and silver, cash, profit from business and on investments. With different rates on different possessions, Zakat can become as complex as the United States Tax Code. For example, gold and silver, if worn regularly as jewelry, need not be taxed. However, if the same gold or silver jewelry is not worn regularly or could be considered an investment, then it receives the 2.5 percent Zakat tax.

Muslims do not consider the annual tax a burden, though it is required in Islam. Zakat is a form of charity, a tax and a tithe. But it is also an expression of kindness and a spiritual investment. In this light, Zakat is comparable to financial donations given in the Judeo-Christian religions.

But the jizya is supposed to calculated identically to the zakat.
However, since there have been so many invaders, like the Mongols, Moghuls, and Turks, who used Islam as a means of power, then there likely were periods when it was less fair.

And by the way, Sharia is not the same as Islamic law.
Sharia predates Mohammad and is actually from the Old Testament of Judaism.​

wrong----JIZYA IS NOT calculated in the same way ZAKAT is. It is a POLL tax imposed
on non muslims to be used to BENEFIT muslims only -----It is not tax in the sense of
being used to benefit the people who pay it----it is TRIBUTE. It cannot be used to
BUILD houses of worship for non muslims or schools for non muslims---it is TRIBUTE
to muslims

Terrorists didn’t attack Israel under Trump, who is banned on Twitter but Omar and the leader of Hamas are not banned. If terrorists are emboldened to attack Israel then what stops them from attacking us next. They see Biden as a weak ass President by just seeing the crisis at the border, him stating America is systematically racist and of course now attack on our allies.

Trump killed terrorist leaders, Biden emboldens them.

Elections have consequences.

Truth over Facts
Trump's actions in the Middle East helped to set up the attack by Hamas. He was as one-sided as he could be to get the Jewish vote, beginning with the embassy transfer, elimination of financial aid,
and totally ignoring the Palestinians as a part of the process. This attack is a perfect example of unintended consequences. and predictable since Trump never looks at the big picture.
Trump's actions in the Middle East brought peace to the region. Biden's actions have resulted in a resumption of violence because the Palestinians know he won't cut off their aid if they misbehave like Trump would have. What did you think was going to happen when you give Iran billions of dollars? Oh're as naive as thought they'd spend it on something OTHER than terrorism? Aren't you special! (eye roll)

First of all, the Palestinians did NOT "misbehave" like you claim, since the rockets had to be fired in retaliation for the Zionist attacks and murders on the Temple Mount and home confiscations.
Second is that we only give the Palestinians $200 million a year, not even enough to cover the cost of garbage collection, compared to the $5 billion we give Israel annually. And that $200 million is required by treaties going back to Reagan, Carter, Bush and Clinton.
You have to give it by US law.
It is not optional.
You fire thousands of rockets over a small disturbance at the Temple Mount and a handful of home confiscations that have been in dispute for decades? Who does that? Yet you claim the Palestinians HAD to fire them? That's a crock. They fired them because they wanted to fire them and were looking for an excuse to do so.

There is no dispute.
The Israelis have no jurisdiction and there are no legal claims involved.
Israel simply have systematically been stealing millions of Arab homes for over 70 years, and since they can't just murder the Arabs like they used to, they now are using kangaroo courts as a smoke screen.

It was not a small disturbance at the Temple Mount, there was an attempt at intimidation through murder, at the most sacred and important place to all Palestinians.
And by the way, no one has any clue in the least where either Temple of Solomon may ever have been, but very unlikely anywhere near the Temple Mount.

The Israelis can have peace any time, just by following the law, get out of Palestinian territory, and return all the homes stolen from Moslems inside Israel.
(There are more than 1 million Moslem homes stolen inside Israel.)

It is ONLY Israel that is in violation of the law and constantly committing crimes.
It is not ONLY the Israelis. The Palestinian charter calls for the destruction of Israel and a two-state setup may not resolve the fighting issues.

Considering the vast list of war crimes Israel has continually committed, anyone who does NOT call for the destruction of Israel is either incredibly ignorant or corrupt.
As a start, just go look up the bombing if the King David Hotel and the assassination of the UN Moderator, Folke Bernadotte, by Menachem Begin.

A 2 state solution is not possible as long as Israel has all the weapons and illegally occupies all of Palestine, because the Palestinians are essentially unarmed.
Except for the 30,000 rockets they've been given by Iran? You're not the brightest bulb on the tree...are you?
The only President of either party who reduced wars in the middle east instead of expanding them over the last four decades was Trump, and Democrats hated him

Uh, not really. Trump just kind of blundered along following the same dumb, Zionist mandated policies they all follow.

Rigby5 is just upset that Jews can fight back now when someone tries to murder them. He just wishes the Nazis would come back to finish the job.

The left is so sick and they can't even see it. Defending yourself from terrorists shooting missiles into civilian neighborhoods is a "violation of the law." Rigby is one sick fuck

There was a great movie once called "The Battle of Algiers" which detailed Arab resistance to French occupation. They captured a rebel leader and paraded him out in front of the press and asked him, "Why do you put bombs in women's baskets" and he replied "Why do you drop bombs from planes? We'll gladly trade our baskets for your planes."

Of course, the Palestinians are going to resist. If a bunch of aliens landed tomorrow and claimed your state as their Home Land, just like it says in the Scrolls of Xog on their planet, you'd fight back, too.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Yet another Democrat post based on lies. That Trump was the only President in four decades to actually reduce middle east wars is not a matter of opinion. But lifetime racist and socialist Joe goes with a round of no it isn't. You're a liar, that's what Democrats are. You just lie and lie and lie. And you're racists. It's what you do, it's who you are
It is a woman but in your world gender is a social construct so man it is. You responded in my post to her. Next time butt out, fatso.

I don't know what gender Surada is...

Probably because they aren't overcompensating for inadequacies like you are.

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