Biden Winning Could Actually Be Good for the Republicans

In the long term, Biden defeating Trump could actually be a good thing for the Republican Party. First, the midterm elections usually favor the party not in the White House, so the Republicans would probably have a better shot of winning back the House in 2022 and getting rid of Pelosi once and for all. She is 80 years old. She'd be 82 at that point. If she loses the Speaker position she'll resign from the House guaranteed. Second, Biden is 78 years old, meaning he'd be 82 at the end of his first term. It's highly unlikely he'll run for a second, but if he does, his age will work against him. If he doesn't, his VP will almost certainly be the heir apparent unless he makes a bad pick. In that case, there is no incumbency handicap that the Republican challenger would need to overcome. This provides a great opportunity for younger GOPers like Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley to step up and run in 2024 without the stench of Trump lingering and bogging them down and giving the American people a fresher choice than these constant stale Baby Boomers we keep getting thrown at us. Candidates like Rubio and Haley could also invite a more diverse group of voters into the Republican coalition, which the the party needs if it wishes to remain viable long term.

I said back in 2016 that if Trump were to actually win he could provide a short term gain for the party, but would be disastrous long term and we've seen that play out. Republicans had their worst midterm defeat in 2018 since Watergate. Trump's antics in public and in social media are embarrassing. He's headed for defeat this year and he's dragging the Senate down with him. Senate seats that shouldn't be competitive are being out raised by their Democratic challengers. The Republican Party is no longer about conservatism, but about Trumpism, and his cult like sycophants are becoming just as deranged as their TDS suffering counterparts in their hypocritical defense of him.

Donald Trump had the potential be a great president, but his narcissism got in the way. He keeps tripping over his own feet and if he loses in November he has nobody but himself to blame for it, but ultimately, the party might be better off cutting him loose and letting it happen.
I agree to an extent. Both parties are looking for a new direction. Obama tied himself to the DNC coalition of bankers. The future of Trumpism is Lindsey Graham. Even Pence is running as the guy loyal to Trump, but not Trump. LOL

And Rubio and Haley seem to be much more cautious in for policy than was the pre-Trump gop.
In the long term, Biden defeating Trump could actually be a good thing for the Republican Party. First, the midterm elections usually favor the party not in the White House, so the Republicans would probably have a better shot of winning back the House in 2022 and getting rid of Pelosi once and for all. She is 80 years old. She'd be 82 at that point. If she loses the Speaker position she'll resign from the House guaranteed. Second, Biden is 78 years old, meaning he'd be 82 at the end of his first term. It's highly unlikely he'll run for a second, but if he does, his age will work against him. If he doesn't, his VP will almost certainly be the heir apparent unless he makes a bad pick. In that case, there is no incumbency handicap that the Republican challenger would need to overcome. This provides a great opportunity for younger GOPers like Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley to step up and run in 2024 without the stench of Trump lingering and bogging them down and giving the American people a fresher choice than these constant stale Baby Boomers we keep getting thrown at us. Candidates like Rubio and Haley could also invite a more diverse group of voters into the Republican coalition, which the the party needs if it wishes to remain viable long term.

I said back in 2016 that if Trump were to actually win he could provide a short term gain for the party, but would be disastrous long term and we've seen that play out. Republicans had their worst midterm defeat in 2018 since Watergate. Trump's antics in public and in social media are embarrassing. He's headed for defeat this year and he's dragging the Senate down with him. Senate seats that shouldn't be competitive are being out raised by their Democratic challengers. The Republican Party is no longer about conservatism, but about Trumpism, and his cult like sycophants are becoming just as deranged as their TDS suffering counterparts in their hypocritical defense of him.

Donald Trump had the potential be a great president, but his narcissism got in the way. He keeps tripping over his own feet and if he loses in November he has nobody but himself to blame for it, but ultimately, the party might be better off cutting him loose and letting it happen.
Wouldnt losing be good for the democrats too?
To think Republicans can just say....We were just kidding with that Trump stuff, we didn’t really believe it, will not fly with voters

Many young voters have been turned off to Republicans a as have minorities and most importantly......moderates

The Stink of Trump will last for a generation

What are young voters turned off of? Pissing away billions in a Paris Accord for which NO country in the Accord even hit their targets? Another global slush fund paid for by the suckers. Or maybe the young are angry that Trump is protecting their jobs from illegal entrants and communist China?

If some mean words upset this generation, that's life. I imagine Trump has made inroads with many of them as even high tech and other industries are at risk of being outsourced if the communist get their way. I'm not always excited about Trumps chatter either, but who knows how I would act if attacked 24/7 when trying to do a job? I do know, he is the only hawk president against communism, communism for crying out loud, since Reagan. That's enough for me.

Until you show me another legitimate hawk on Communist China, Trump is the right pick as far as I am concerned. I say this especially on your Memorial Day. Far too many have lost their lives fighting the abuses of oppressive, communists for anyone to short change them in 2020.

Ronald Reagan was a great President. Trump has nothing in common with PRESIDENT REAGAN. Trump is a bully. How about Communist Russia. Trump is quite happy to receive help from them. Trump has made his problems as he continues to be a authoritarian leader. He has violated the Constitution. He turns the DOJ on his political enemies.

The fact is that even young Republicans are demanding a GOP plan on global warming. It may not be as far left as liberals. However Republicans are more into letting companies pollute the environment which would threaten the gains we have made. Trump has made no inroads with young or well educated people.

Trump is quite happy to receive help from them.

More memes?

He has violated the Constitution. He turns the DOJ on his political enemies.

That was awful!!! I agree, Crossfire Hurricane was worse than Watergate!!

The fact is that even young Republicans are demanding a GOP plan on global warming.

Even young Republicans are brainwashed in school about global warming.
They'll recover.
In the long term, Biden defeating Trump could actually be a good thing for the Republican Party. First, the midterm elections usually favor the party not in the White House, so the Republicans would probably have a better shot of winning back the House in 2022 and getting rid of Pelosi once and for all. She is 80 years old. She'd be 82 at that point. If she loses the Speaker position she'll resign from the House guaranteed. Second, Biden is 78 years old, meaning he'd be 82 at the end of his first term. It's highly unlikely he'll run for a second, but if he does, his age will work against him. If he doesn't, his VP will almost certainly be the heir apparent unless he makes a bad pick. In that case, there is no incumbency handicap that the Republican challenger would need to overcome. This provides a great opportunity for younger GOPers like Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley to step up and run in 2024 without the stench of Trump lingering and bogging them down and giving the American people a fresher choice than these constant stale Baby Boomers we keep getting thrown at us. Candidates like Rubio and Haley could also invite a more diverse group of voters into the Republican coalition, which the the party needs if it wishes to remain viable long term.

I said back in 2016 that if Trump were to actually win he could provide a short term gain for the party, but would be disastrous long term and we've seen that play out. Republicans had their worst midterm defeat in 2018 since Watergate. Trump's antics in public and in social media are embarrassing. He's headed for defeat this year and he's dragging the Senate down with him. Senate seats that shouldn't be competitive are being out raised by their Democratic challengers. The Republican Party is no longer about conservatism, but about Trumpism, and his cult like sycophants are becoming just as deranged as their TDS suffering counterparts in their hypocritical defense of him.

Donald Trump had the potential be a great president, but his narcissism got in the way. He keeps tripping over his own feet and if he loses in November he has nobody but himself to blame for it, but ultimately, the party might be better off cutting him loose and letting it happen.
Good for political mouth pieces on the right.
Bad for everyone else. We don't need to undo the progress Trump made.
Trumps “progress” will take about two weeks to undo

How long does it take to tear down a wall

How long does it take to tear down a wall

Good point. That should be part of Biden's platform.
I had previously asked that same question -
No response.

Clearly a false comment.

It's not a false statement; I just haven't been able to find a list of Kavanaugh votes in the Supreme Court. All I find when I search for Kavanaugh votes is how the Senate voted.

It's not a false statement; I just haven't been able to find a list of Kavanaugh votes in the Supreme Court.

If you didn't make the statement based on his votes, where did you get the claim?
Another term of Trump and libs wont be able to legislate thru the courts, they'll actually have to try and do it the old fashioned way.

Yep, that is one ot the three most important reasons to vote for Trump.

Look at this Clinton appointee and what he just did.

That judge made the correct decision. What Florida did was establish a poll tax. Voters made that decision.
In the long term, Biden defeating Trump could actually be a good thing for the Republican Party. First, the midterm elections usually favor the party not in the White House, so the Republicans would probably have a better shot of winning back the House in 2022 and getting rid of Pelosi once and for all. She is 80 years old. She'd be 82 at that point. If she loses the Speaker position she'll resign from the House guaranteed. Second, Biden is 78 years old, meaning he'd be 82 at the end of his first term. It's highly unlikely he'll run for a second, but if he does, his age will work against him. If he doesn't, his VP will almost certainly be the heir apparent unless he makes a bad pick. In that case, there is no incumbency handicap that the Republican challenger would need to overcome. This provides a great opportunity for younger GOPers like Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley to step up and run in 2024 without the stench of Trump lingering and bogging them down and giving the American people a fresher choice than these constant stale Baby Boomers we keep getting thrown at us. Candidates like Rubio and Haley could also invite a more diverse group of voters into the Republican coalition, which the the party needs if it wishes to remain viable long term.

I said back in 2016 that if Trump were to actually win he could provide a short term gain for the party, but would be disastrous long term and we've seen that play out. Republicans had their worst midterm defeat in 2018 since Watergate. Trump's antics in public and in social media are embarrassing. He's headed for defeat this year and he's dragging the Senate down with him. Senate seats that shouldn't be competitive are being out raised by their Democratic challengers. The Republican Party is no longer about conservatism, but about Trumpism, and his cult like sycophants are becoming just as deranged as their TDS suffering counterparts in their hypocritical defense of him.

Donald Trump had the potential be a great president, but his narcissism got in the way. He keeps tripping over his own feet and if he loses in November he has nobody but himself to blame for it, but ultimately, the party might be better off cutting him loose and letting it happen.
While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, you are way off base. Obama lost more seats in the midterms than trump, a common occurrence in politics and trump singlehandedly kept the senate in republican hands, a win you give him no credit for. As far as money goes, it is being funded by a handful of billionaires who hate trump and have already shown they will spend any amount to buy the election. The seats in California barely went democratic because both Bloomberg and stern spent 100 million each on their campaigns, so let’s dispense with any idea that this is a grass roots phenomenon. Trumps recent dive in the polls can be attributed to a lot of msm mythology that everyone else had a great plan that trump didn’t follow, the typical rewriting of history that we see so much of lately. Frankly he did as good a job as anyone under the circumstances of a never before seen crisis, as I think a fair accounting of history will show. Of course your opinion or my opinion or even the polls mean nothing at this junctur. Heck a month ago trump was on top of the world. You have not accounted for Biden’s foot in mouth disease like the you ain’t black comment, the investigation into his sons activities, the possible criminal indictments of Obama officials, the economy coming back quickly or a new vote getting stimulus bill for people still out of work in august, or the debates or Biden’s pick for vp.

But what you are glossing over in your Democrat’s take everything scenarios that with everything being dem controlled Nancy Pelosi bill would have passed. Illegals would be getting money, democratic states would get bailout taxpayer money for their failed budgets that partly gets funneled back into political campaigns, mail in fraudulent voting would become the norm, hell voting on the internet will become the norm, China will get a pass, regulations will go hog wild, liberty(just as we have seen in dem controlled states) will be squashed. In their vindictiveness and hate for anything republican they will pass all this in the first 90 days because Dems stick together unlike republicans. People like ignorant aoc and her unsustainable ideas will come to power and in their fanatical attempt at over reach the country will lose any resemblance to the constitution. The poor will not be helped, the economy will be crushed, and our politics will be in worse shape than they are now.

i am rather surprised taz that you parrot the trump sycophant theme like so many on this board do, most of the time you have been tolerant of all views, but it seems like you have drunk the kool aid and consider that anyone that supports trump is an ignoramus that doesn’t care about their country. That is unfortunate. We shall see in November.

In 2010, the Republicans took control of the Governor's office and state legislatures in a number of states. These led to House seats that were gerrymandered. Also the Reagan coalition of suburban voters and rural voters were still strong in 2010. Trump has shattered that coalition. Democrats have made major inroads into suburban voters especially suburban women. We have seen that even in red states. The Senate map- largely favored Republicans however the loss of the Arizona Senate seat can be laid at Trump's feet.

The House seats in California went Democrat because of strong turnout. The fact is that Republicans spent a lot of money as well.

Trump's approval ratings have never been above 50%. The reason is simple. Voters hated BOTH Trump and Clinton. Trump was the devil we don't know in 2016. Now Trump is the devil we know. Trump's disastrous coronavirus response is one of the reasons he is dropping. His latest fiasco was attacking a reporter for wearing a mask after the North Dakota REPUBLICAN Governor made a impassioned plea against playing politics with masks. He has also been tweeting crazy conspiracy theories. Using the DOJ as a political arm of his campaign.

No one is going to vote against Biden because he puts his foot in his mouth. The investigation into Biden's sons will backfire. Fake criminal indictments will spell the end for Trump. The economy is not going to come back quickly. The Republican stimulus bill is taking care of the rich and powerful and telling ordinary people to go to hell.

All states are suffering. Republican DeWine in Ohio is talking about large budget cuts. Missouri's Republican Governor is talking about large budget cuts. It is not just about blue states. Trump can explain why he won't help teachers, police officers and firemen among others. There is nothing fraudulent about mail in voting as a majority support it. The China card is a loser. It is reminiscent of Bush's campaign in 1992 when Carville famously said it is about the economy stupid. Regulations such as preventing companies from polluting. That is not excessive. Donald Trump ignores the Constitution. The economy is already getting crushed while Trump and Republicans fiddle.
In the long term, Biden defeating Trump could actually be a good thing for the Republican Party. First, the midterm elections usually favor the party not in the White House, so the Republicans would probably have a better shot of winning back the House in 2022 and getting rid of Pelosi once and for all. She is 80 years old. She'd be 82 at that point. If she loses the Speaker position she'll resign from the House guaranteed. Second, Biden is 78 years old, meaning he'd be 82 at the end of his first term. It's highly unlikely he'll run for a second, but if he does, his age will work against him. If he doesn't, his VP will almost certainly be the heir apparent unless he makes a bad pick. In that case, there is no incumbency handicap that the Republican challenger would need to overcome. This provides a great opportunity for younger GOPers like Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley to step up and run in 2024 without the stench of Trump lingering and bogging them down and giving the American people a fresher choice than these constant stale Baby Boomers we keep getting thrown at us. Candidates like Rubio and Haley could also invite a more diverse group of voters into the Republican coalition, which the the party needs if it wishes to remain viable long term.

I said back in 2016 that if Trump were to actually win he could provide a short term gain for the party, but would be disastrous long term and we've seen that play out. Republicans had their worst midterm defeat in 2018 since Watergate. Trump's antics in public and in social media are embarrassing. He's headed for defeat this year and he's dragging the Senate down with him. Senate seats that shouldn't be competitive are being out raised by their Democratic challengers. The Republican Party is no longer about conservatism, but about Trumpism, and his cult like sycophants are becoming just as deranged as their TDS suffering counterparts in their hypocritical defense of him.

Donald Trump had the potential be a great president, but his narcissism got in the way. He keeps tripping over his own feet and if he loses in November he has nobody but himself to blame for it, but ultimately, the party might be better off cutting him loose and letting it happen.


He would replace ginsburg, the other leftist and Thomas with left wing anti-American Justices who would rule against America for the next 30 years.

He is completely bought and paid for by the Chinese as are other leaders of the demcrat party....

He would clamp down on the economy to the point a Great Depression would last 10 or more years...

It would be a disaster

China has nothing to do with this you lying little weasel. No one has been bought and paid. Trump has had extensive business dealings with China. Trump and the Republicans want a country where the rich and powerful rule the country while ordinary people get the leftover crumbs.

Trump is taking us towards a disaster.

The "rich and powerful" didn't rule the country when Obama was in office? Don't be so naïve, BB! The difference between this administration and the last is that the "ordinary people" got more jobs and made more money under Trump than they did under the Party that "says" that they're for the little guy! You want to know why blue collar workers in the Rust Belt are voting Republican instead of Democrat? It's because they're tired of Democrats promising them things that they never deliver on!

The rich and powerful didn't get big tax cuts from Obama. They didn't get the greenlight to pollute from Obama. Suburban voters are voting for Democrats over Republicans. They are tired of Trump and his right wing fanatics.
To think Republicans can just say....We were just kidding with that Trump stuff, we didn’t really believe it, will not fly with voters

Many young voters have been turned off to Republicans a as have minorities and most importantly......moderates

The Stink of Trump will last for a generation

What are young voters turned off of? Pissing away billions in a Paris Accord for which NO country in the Accord even hit their targets? Another global slush fund paid for by the suckers. Or maybe the young are angry that Trump is protecting their jobs from illegal entrants and communist China?

If some mean words upset this generation, that's life. I imagine Trump has made inroads with many of them as even high tech and other industries are at risk of being outsourced if the communist get their way. I'm not always excited about Trumps chatter either, but who knows how I would act if attacked 24/7 when trying to do a job? I do know, he is the only hawk president against communism, communism for crying out loud, since Reagan. That's enough for me.

Until you show me another legitimate hawk on Communist China, Trump is the right pick as far as I am concerned. I say this especially on your Memorial Day. Far too many have lost their lives fighting the abuses of oppressive, communists for anyone to short change them in 2020.

Ronald Reagan was a great President. Trump has nothing in common with PRESIDENT REAGAN. Trump is a bully. How about Communist Russia. Trump is quite happy to receive help from them. Trump has made his problems as he continues to be a authoritarian leader. He has violated the Constitution. He turns the DOJ on his political enemies.

The fact is that even young Republicans are demanding a GOP plan on global warming. It may not be as far left as liberals. However Republicans are more into letting companies pollute the environment which would threaten the gains we have made. Trump has made no inroads with young or well educated people.

Trump is quite happy to receive help from them.

More memes?

He has violated the Constitution. He turns the DOJ on his political enemies.

That was awful!!! I agree, Crossfire Hurricane was worse than Watergate!!

The fact is that even young Republicans are demanding a GOP plan on global warming.

Even young Republicans are brainwashed in school about global warming.
They'll recover.

More truth than meme..

Crossfire Hurricane was justified according to the IG.

You won't. People do not want the Republican plan of dirty air and dirty water.
In the long term, Biden defeating Trump could actually be a good thing for the Republican Party. First, the midterm elections usually favor the party not in the White House, so the Republicans would probably have a better shot of winning back the House in 2022 and getting rid of Pelosi once and for all. She is 80 years old. She'd be 82 at that point. If she loses the Speaker position she'll resign from the House guaranteed. Second, Biden is 78 years old, meaning he'd be 82 at the end of his first term. It's highly unlikely he'll run for a second, but if he does, his age will work against him. If he doesn't, his VP will almost certainly be the heir apparent unless he makes a bad pick. In that case, there is no incumbency handicap that the Republican challenger would need to overcome. This provides a great opportunity for younger GOPers like Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley to step up and run in 2024 without the stench of Trump lingering and bogging them down and giving the American people a fresher choice than these constant stale Baby Boomers we keep getting thrown at us. Candidates like Rubio and Haley could also invite a more diverse group of voters into the Republican coalition, which the the party needs if it wishes to remain viable long term.

I said back in 2016 that if Trump were to actually win he could provide a short term gain for the party, but would be disastrous long term and we've seen that play out. Republicans had their worst midterm defeat in 2018 since Watergate. Trump's antics in public and in social media are embarrassing. He's headed for defeat this year and he's dragging the Senate down with him. Senate seats that shouldn't be competitive are being out raised by their Democratic challengers. The Republican Party is no longer about conservatism, but about Trumpism, and his cult like sycophants are becoming just as deranged as their TDS suffering counterparts in their hypocritical defense of him.

Donald Trump had the potential be a great president, but his narcissism got in the way. He keeps tripping over his own feet and if he loses in November he has nobody but himself to blame for it, but ultimately, the party might be better off cutting him loose and letting it happen.


He would replace ginsburg, the other leftist and Thomas with left wing anti-American Justices who would rule against America for the next 30 years.

He is completely bought and paid for by the Chinese as are other leaders of the demcrat party....

He would clamp down on the economy to the point a Great Depression would last 10 or more years...

It would be a disaster

China has nothing to do with this you lying little weasel. No one has been bought and paid. Trump has had extensive business dealings with China. Trump and the Republicans want a country where the rich and powerful rule the country while ordinary people get the leftover crumbs.

Trump is taking us towards a disaster.

The "rich and powerful" didn't rule the country when Obama was in office? Don't be so naïve, BB! The difference between this administration and the last is that the "ordinary people" got more jobs and made more money under Trump than they did under the Party that "says" that they're for the little guy! You want to know why blue collar workers in the Rust Belt are voting Republican instead of Democrat? It's because they're tired of Democrats promising them things that they never deliver on!

The rich and powerful didn't get big tax cuts from Obama. They didn't get the greenlight to pollute from Obama. Suburban voters are voting for Democrats over Republicans. They are tired of Trump and his right wing fanatics.
Simple question for you, BB! Under which President did income inequality become larger? Trump...Obama...or Bush?
In the long term, Biden defeating Trump could actually be a good thing for the Republican Party. First, the midterm elections usually favor the party not in the White House, so the Republicans would probably have a better shot of winning back the House in 2022 and getting rid of Pelosi once and for all. She is 80 years old. She'd be 82 at that point. If she loses the Speaker position she'll resign from the House guaranteed. Second, Biden is 78 years old, meaning he'd be 82 at the end of his first term. It's highly unlikely he'll run for a second, but if he does, his age will work against him. If he doesn't, his VP will almost certainly be the heir apparent unless he makes a bad pick. In that case, there is no incumbency handicap that the Republican challenger would need to overcome. This provides a great opportunity for younger GOPers like Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley to step up and run in 2024 without the stench of Trump lingering and bogging them down and giving the American people a fresher choice than these constant stale Baby Boomers we keep getting thrown at us. Candidates like Rubio and Haley could also invite a more diverse group of voters into the Republican coalition, which the the party needs if it wishes to remain viable long term.

I said back in 2016 that if Trump were to actually win he could provide a short term gain for the party, but would be disastrous long term and we've seen that play out. Republicans had their worst midterm defeat in 2018 since Watergate. Trump's antics in public and in social media are embarrassing. He's headed for defeat this year and he's dragging the Senate down with him. Senate seats that shouldn't be competitive are being out raised by their Democratic challengers. The Republican Party is no longer about conservatism, but about Trumpism, and his cult like sycophants are becoming just as deranged as their TDS suffering counterparts in their hypocritical defense of him.

Donald Trump had the potential be a great president, but his narcissism got in the way. He keeps tripping over his own feet and if he loses in November he has nobody but himself to blame for it, but ultimately, the party might be better off cutting him loose and letting it happen.


He would replace ginsburg, the other leftist and Thomas with left wing anti-American Justices who would rule against America for the next 30 years.

He is completely bought and paid for by the Chinese as are other leaders of the demcrat party....

He would clamp down on the economy to the point a Great Depression would last 10 or more years...

It would be a disaster

China has nothing to do with this you lying little weasel. No one has been bought and paid. Trump has had extensive business dealings with China. Trump and the Republicans want a country where the rich and powerful rule the country while ordinary people get the leftover crumbs.

Trump is taking us towards a disaster.

The "rich and powerful" didn't rule the country when Obama was in office? Don't be so naïve, BB! The difference between this administration and the last is that the "ordinary people" got more jobs and made more money under Trump than they did under the Party that "says" that they're for the little guy! You want to know why blue collar workers in the Rust Belt are voting Republican instead of Democrat? It's because they're tired of Democrats promising them things that they never deliver on!

The rich and powerful didn't get big tax cuts from Obama. They didn't get the greenlight to pollute from Obama. Suburban voters are voting for Democrats over Republicans. They are tired of Trump and his right wing fanatics.
Interesting...when Obama signed the Paris Accord? Didn't he give the biggest polluters on the planet carte blanche to pollute even more for decades while we imposed stricter pollution standards on the US? If you really WERE concerned about pollution...then why would you support a deal like that?
I had previously asked that same question -
No response.

Clearly a false comment.

It's not a false statement; I just haven't been able to find a list of Kavanaugh votes in the Supreme Court. All I find when I search for Kavanaugh votes is how the Senate voted.

It's not a false statement; I just haven't been able to find a list of Kavanaugh votes in the Supreme Court.

If you didn't make the statement based on his votes, where did you get the claim?

I guess I'll find a bunch, one at a time.

In the long term, Biden defeating Trump could actually be a good thing for the Republican Party. First, the midterm elections usually favor the party not in the White House, so the Republicans would probably have a better shot of winning back the House in 2022 and getting rid of Pelosi once and for all. She is 80 years old. She'd be 82 at that point. If she loses the Speaker position she'll resign from the House guaranteed. Second, Biden is 78 years old, meaning he'd be 82 at the end of his first term. It's highly unlikely he'll run for a second, but if he does, his age will work against him. If he doesn't, his VP will almost certainly be the heir apparent unless he makes a bad pick. In that case, there is no incumbency handicap that the Republican challenger would need to overcome. This provides a great opportunity for younger GOPers like Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley to step up and run in 2024 without the stench of Trump lingering and bogging them down and giving the American people a fresher choice than these constant stale Baby Boomers we keep getting thrown at us. Candidates like Rubio and Haley could also invite a more diverse group of voters into the Republican coalition, which the the party needs if it wishes to remain viable long term.

I said back in 2016 that if Trump were to actually win he could provide a short term gain for the party, but would be disastrous long term and we've seen that play out. Republicans had their worst midterm defeat in 2018 since Watergate. Trump's antics in public and in social media are embarrassing. He's headed for defeat this year and he's dragging the Senate down with him. Senate seats that shouldn't be competitive are being out raised by their Democratic challengers. The Republican Party is no longer about conservatism, but about Trumpism, and his cult like sycophants are becoming just as deranged as their TDS suffering counterparts in their hypocritical defense of him.

Donald Trump had the potential be a great president, but his narcissism got in the way. He keeps tripping over his own feet and if he loses in November he has nobody but himself to blame for it, but ultimately, the party might be better off cutting him loose and letting it happen.

Well, we know one thing for sure. Trump winning will be very bad for Republicans.

That's not going to happen. Many GOP lawmakers will be looking for work in 2021. A good many of them have already quit or will quit. Supporting Trump ended their days in D.C.
In the long term, Biden defeating Trump could actually be a good thing for the Republican Party. First, the midterm elections usually favor the party not in the White House, so the Republicans would probably have a better shot of winning back the House in 2022 and getting rid of Pelosi once and for all. She is 80 years old. She'd be 82 at that point. If she loses the Speaker position she'll resign from the House guaranteed. Second, Biden is 78 years old, meaning he'd be 82 at the end of his first term. It's highly unlikely he'll run for a second, but if he does, his age will work against him. If he doesn't, his VP will almost certainly be the heir apparent unless he makes a bad pick. In that case, there is no incumbency handicap that the Republican challenger would need to overcome. This provides a great opportunity for younger GOPers like Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley to step up and run in 2024 without the stench of Trump lingering and bogging them down and giving the American people a fresher choice than these constant stale Baby Boomers we keep getting thrown at us. Candidates like Rubio and Haley could also invite a more diverse group of voters into the Republican coalition, which the the party needs if it wishes to remain viable long term.

I said back in 2016 that if Trump were to actually win he could provide a short term gain for the party, but would be disastrous long term and we've seen that play out. Republicans had their worst midterm defeat in 2018 since Watergate. Trump's antics in public and in social media are embarrassing. He's headed for defeat this year and he's dragging the Senate down with him. Senate seats that shouldn't be competitive are being out raised by their Democratic challengers. The Republican Party is no longer about conservatism, but about Trumpism, and his cult like sycophants are becoming just as deranged as their TDS suffering counterparts in their hypocritical defense of him.

Donald Trump had the potential be a great president, but his narcissism got in the way. He keeps tripping over his own feet and if he loses in November he has nobody but himself to blame for it, but ultimately, the party might be better off cutting him loose and letting it happen.

Well, we know one thing for sure. Trump winning will be very bad for Republicans.

That's not going to happen. Many GOP lawmakers will be looking for work in 2021. A good many of them have already quit or will quit. Supporting Trump ended their days in D.C.
You know that for "sure", Sandy?
Let me guess...just like you knew for "sure" that Hillary would beat Trump in the last election?

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