Biden won in 2020 because of the absentee vote

Not during a deadly pandemic.

And over 35 states already allow absentee voting, with no excuse needed to request a mail in ballot BEFORE this pandemic arrived plus 5 additional states only can vote, via mail in ballot....some of those 5 states for 20years.

The states were moving this way before covid....because it gets those citizens who found it difficult to vote due to their hourly wage jobs, a means to vote that fits their schedules.

Every registered citizen, has the constitutional right to vote for their representation and the constitutional right, to have their vote count.
But they are working hand and glove to make sure that doesn't happen. They're cheaters,
Votes didn't decline in 2016 or 2018 either. That list of 1688 is from 2012 to 2020 inclusive.

If this was voter suppression, where is the data to support the assertion? It doesn't exist, because it didn't prevent anyone from voting- it just saved counties some money and the logistical headaches of tallying and reporting every precinct individually.

All the fear-mongering about the SCOTUS decision has been shown to be nothing. Turnout in those areas did not suffer one bit- it went up.
Data? :laughing0301: :cuckoo: 😂 :rofl: 🤪 :abgg2q.jpg: :spinner: :auiqs.jpg: :aargh: You're an old black man without a car, in an area where Republicans closed down your polling place, what data do you need, when the next polling place is fifty miles away? It's a given. Just look at Lincoln county Ga. for reference; Lincoln County looks to eliminate all polling places but one
Better to be thought of a fool and stay silent than speak and prove me correct. Shut your mouth. You lost the day you were born the idiot that you are. You bore me.
Your problem is, you've got your finger up your ass wishing you hadn't produced such a contradictory thread. That's on you. Speaking of bored, why don't you get lost and go outside and pick up some sticks. It's much more entertaining when you aren't here dumbing up this forum.
Admit the chart above is most interesting
All the charts do, Azog, is tell where the Precinct chairpersons are Incrowd, deep state omeurta experts who get what the deep state demands or their family members could get visited. I wish I had xeroxed a copy of a leftist forum I visited before 2000 that closed for fear of lawsuits, and their discussion I read. Their ability to horrifically steal an election was forever sealed on my mind. There were a bunch of Demmie precinct chairs from coast to coast comparing their cheat votes to see who got the most votes changed., both men and women. That was about 12 2-year elections ago, and crooks in the press have truly pushed their liberal agendas up to the edge of the communist Democrat Party. It's been a rough ride if you have defended conservatives for more than 20 years while all this bad stuff was going on, I'm here to tell you.

The propensity that this self-aggrandizing, enemy-making complex will never go away is high, and it does not favor freedom of people to worship in a congregation that imonitored by the new Nancy Pelosi fantasy law tucked into an obscure area of her 2-reams of paper several trillion dollar pickpocket bill with collections going to their pet rock projects that kicks back laundered money to Democrat point persons and likely their offshore accounts that benefit no other citizen of the USA.
All the charts do, Azog, is tell where the Precinct chairpersons are Incrowd, deep state omeurta experts who get what the deep state demands or their family members could get visited. I wish I had xeroxed a copy of a leftist forum I visited before 2000 that closed for fear of lawsuits, and their discussion I read. Their ability to horrifically steal an election was forever sealed on my mind. There were a bunch of Demmie precinct chairs from coast to coast comparing their cheat votes to see who got the most votes changed., both men and women. That was about 12 2-year elections ago, and crooks in the press have truly pushed their liberal agendas up to the edge of the communist Democrat Party. It's been a rough ride if you have defended conservatives for more than 20 years while all this bad stuff was going on, I'm here to tell you.

The propensity that this self-aggrandizing, enemy-making complex will never go away is high, and it does not favor freedom of people to worship in a congregation that imonitored by the new Nancy Pelosi fantasy law tucked into an obscure area of her 2-reams of paper several trillion dollar pickpocket bill with collections going to their pet rock projects that kicks back laundered money to Democrat point persons and likely their offshore accounts that benefit no other citizen of the USA.
Cool story. What's the title of your fictional reading?
Are you still over explaining, fat ass? I ve moved on. I do Not care. You believe the CNN lies. LMao!!!!
You don't care? Like what else can you do right? :laughing0301: Sit there with shit in your pants and pretend you don't care.
Cool story. What's the title of your fictional reading?
It was a discussion board sponsored by Time Magazine, and I can't remember the last year they had a board. They closed it when they decided they'd rather edit articles for their magazine than run a discussion free-for-all that led up to a really disgusting character assassination of Republican President George Bush and Republicans in general, who I generally defended from some pretty nasty people on the side of the loyal opposition. Sorry, but I remember being shocked that people on the left would brag about voting more than once for their candidate. I'm sorry it was a bad experience for their editors, but i have never read another Time magazine again if it still exists. :dunno:
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Got a link proving that? Hell no. More lies.
I'm not lying in essence. I just don't remember the exact dates anymore. The people talking to each other claimed to be precinct chairmen, and they were from all over the USA map as I recollect. I started reading politics in or around 1996, and my first computer was given to me on or around Thanksgiving that year. I posted poetry at the NYTimes until I was invited over to the Time Magazine board by a cyber friend who posted everywhere, and the New York Times Forum closed down abruptly before Time Magazine followed suit within a year after that, I think, but am not sure. I don't think I want to talk to someone who falsely accuses me of lying, BWK. That's very vicious of you to call a fellow poster a liar over and over. If you don't like what someone says, you call them a liar. You have your dislike confused with the sin of false witness which you bore since I know I wasn't lying to you about the free-for-all I read over 20 years ago using a dinosaur computer I have no idea what became of it, except it would be like me to give it to a friend's kid who wanted a computer to do his homework on or a relative. :dunno: Sayonara, BWK you're on ignore.
I'm not lying in essence. I just don't remember the exact dates anymore. The people talking to each other claimed to be precinct chairmen, and they were from all over the USA map as I recollect. I started reading politics in or around 1996, and my first computer was given to me on or around Thanksgiving that year. I posted poetry at the NYTimes until I was invited over to the Time Magazine board by a cyber friend who posted everywhere, and the New York Times Forum closed down abruptly before Time Magazine followed suit within a year after that, I think, but am not sure. I don't think I want to talk to someone who falsely accuses me of lying, BWK. That's very vicious of you to call a fellow poster a liar over and over. If you don't like what someone says, you call them a liar. You have your dislike confused with the sin of false witness which you bore since I know I wasn't lying to you about the free-for-all I read over 20 years ago using a dinosaur computer I have no idea what became of it, except it would be like me to give it to a friend's kid who wanted a computer to do his homework on or a relative. :dunno: Sayonara, BWK you're on ignore.
Oh, yes indeed. Honesty was totally absentee in Democrat precinct chairmen areas who took their order from Hillary's minions. Anyone reading this with a brain the size of a grasshopper, knows this was a made up lie. Period! You have no idea who these precinct chairmen's took their orders from? Hillary wasn't even running for president. That's how we know you are a liar.
Not during a deadly pandemic.

And over 35 states already allow absentee voting, with no excuse needed to request a mail in ballot BEFORE this pandemic arrived plus 5 additional states only can vote, via mail in ballot....some of those 5 states for 20years.

The states were moving this way before covid....because it gets those citizens who found it difficult to vote due to their hourly wage jobs, a means to vote that fits their schedules.

Every registered citizen, has the constitutional right to vote for their representation and the constitutional right, to have their vote count.


Virus with lower mortality than a flu.

Biden won in 2020 because he received over seven-million more certified votes, with no distinction whatever as to the specific option voters choose.
Not true. He did received 7 million more "votes", but he won because he received more electoral votes, for which Democrats committed fraud to get them.
Americans exercise their franchise in various, equally-valid ways.

As you note, the legitimacy of an American's casting his vote is in no way impacted by a personal preference in methodology.

Negligible voter fraud was found anywhere, with no distinction as to early voting, drop box, in-person, or by-mail.

Has the convenience and security of mail-in voting made it more attractive to most Americans? Clearly.

The real headline of the article is "Nearly two-thirds favor voting by mail, but wide partisan divide: poll", which shows your dishonesty on the subject.

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