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Biden Won’t Fire Anyone Over Afghanistan Debacle

The reality is that there was never a "good time" to end the bloody fiasco in Afghanistan during the twenty years America squandered blood and treasure. No president before Biden was willing to take the political hit.

The former guy, after sputtering for many years that all troops should be withdrawn immediately, failed to follow through on his vapid rhetoric at any time during the four years he had the power to be as good as his word. He actually declared a withdrawal date of May 1, then shrank from it, having abandoned the feeble government in Kabul in negotiations with the Taliban in which he released 5,000 prisoners.

Might the proper action have been better orchestrated? Of course. Every bozo who didn't actually do it is free to claim that he could have done it much, much better. Nevertheless, what needed to be done - ending the waste of American lives and money in the seemingly interminable futile quagmire - was finally done.

Democrats worry this will hurt Biden politically, and Republicans are doing their best to make sure it does.
But existing research suggests otherwise...
Ultimately, voters care about whether a president makes the right policy decisions, not whether American forces remain deployed abroad to maintain their reputation.
What’s more, Americans are far more likely care about domestic issues such as health care or the economy than foreign policy.
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Your hyper-partisan fantasy that most of the 2020 American electorate is responsible for the squandering of lives in Afghanistan fails to confront the empirical certitude that there were more casualties during the Former Guy's term, despite his raving interminably that immediate withdrawal was imperative.

Politics is not the weird worship of one dude.
Would anybody like to speculate on what Biden's next major fuck up will be? The possibilities are endless.
Your hyper-partisan fantasy that most of the 2020 American electorate is responsible for the squandering of lives in Afghanistan fails to confront the empirical certitude that there were more casualties during the Former Guy's term, despite his raving interminably that immediate withdrawal was imperative.

Politics is not the weird worship of one dude.

You are confused Moon Bat. The casualties in Afghanistan began to mount when that idiot Worthless Negro/Jose Dufus administration escalated the war in Afghanistan. Do you even know that The Worthless Negro escalated the war? Did CNN not tell you?

Trump inherited that nation building mess and decided to end the Endless War and along comes Joe Potatohead and fucks it all up.

Stealing elections have consequences.
... idiot Worthless Negro... The Worthless Negro ....

Despite Trump ranting for many years that all U.S. troops should be withdrawn from Afghanistan immediately, he did not make good on his words during the four years he might have done, and, during the Trump presidency, 63 U.S. military service members lost their lives in Afghanistan

Politics is not the weird worship of one dude.
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I already explained it. I don't expect someone like you to agree.

This was your explanation?

We need to understand why this was a mess, and it certainly was, but we also have to avoid wasting American lives and treasure in a futile attempt to drag 17th Century civilizations into modernity in the future.

What will you say when the next 9/11 type event occurs in the US spawned from this region? We haven't had such an attack in 20 years. You surely won't blame Biden, but probably Trump or anybody else. The fact is he did get us out and left the region must less secure. What will you say when they attempt to invade nuclear Pakistan? What will you say as they get richer from their paydays from China who wants their lithium? What will you say when they sell some of our equipment and technology to Russia? What will you say when they resort back to the mistreatment of women? This never crosses the minds of these short-sighted, idealistic left-wing ideologues running our country.
What will you say when the next 9/11 type event occurs in the US spawned from this region? We haven't had such an attack in 20 years. You surely won't blame Biden, but probably Trump or anybody else. The fact is he did get us out and left the region must less secure. What will you say when they attempt to invade nuclear Pakistan? What will you say as they get richer from their paydays from China who wants their lithium? What will you say when they sell some of our equipment and technology to Russia? What will you say when they resort back to the mistreatment of women? This never crosses the minds of these short-sighted, idealistic left-wing ideologues running our country.
Unlike Trumpsters, I can't predict the future. But you're free to.

Biden got us out of that miserable shit hole, after thousands of lives, limbs, minds and families were destroyed, after trillions of dollars were pissed away.

You don't have to like that.

Despite Trump ranting for many years that all U.S. troops should be withdrawn from Afghanistan immediately, he did not make good on his words during the four years he might have done, and, during the Trump presidency, 63 U.S. military service members lost their lives in Afghanistan

Politics is not the weird worship of one dude.

Is that like the Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration bitching about troops being in Iraq but it took them three years to get them out with about 500 deaths? Including four men in my son's Cav Scout squadron?

You do know that the Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration had almost 2000 deaths in Afghanistan, don't you? That doesn't even include the 13 that died at Kabul because of the Joe Dufus incompetency.
Unlike Trumpsters, I can't predict the future. But you're free to.

Biden got us out of that miserable shit hole, after thousands of lives, limbs, minds and families were destroyed, after trillions of dollars were pissed away.

You don't have to like that.

You are in finance and you say you can't predict the future. Yeah, but you should evaluate market trends and make educated moves to protect your or your client's wealth. The same should be done with foreign policy. That clearly wasn't done in this case. Can you describe a scenario where this is good for the US? The only one I can think of is if the Taliban decides NOT to be terrorists and NOT to support other terrorist groups. To a realist, the odds of that are minimal at best.
Worthless Negro the Worthless Negro
Why did your cult leader fail, throughout his entire term, to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan after he had raved for many years that needed to be done immediately?

FOR YEARS AS a reality TV star, Donald Trump demanded that the United States leave Afghanistan. Among other things, he said that the U.S. had “wasted an enormous amount of blood and treasure” and “wasted lives” there, that the war was “nonsense,” and that instead we should “rebuild the USA.”
Why did your cult leader fail, throughout his entire term, to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan after he had raved for many years that needed to be done immediately?

FOR YEARS AS a reality TV star, Donald Trump demanded that the United States leave Afghanistan. Among other things, he said that the U.S. had “wasted an enormous amount of blood and treasure” and “wasted lives” there, that the war was “nonsense,” and that instead we should “rebuild the USA.”

Sorry Moon Bat but Trump isn't President. The Democrats stole the election from the American people and we have been deprived of a strong effective leader. In his place we have a weak stupid incompetent piece of shit that has been a faiure his entire life.

The Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administraion caused almost 2,000 deaths in Afghanistan and Trump knew he had to end the Endless War but Joe Potatohead fucked it up.

Now we are finding out from the transcripts of a phone call that the sonofabitch even tried to get the Afghan President to help him lie to the American people about the severity of the situation. That is treason. He needs to be impeached.

The sonofabitch couldn't even properly honor the troops that he killed with his incompetency.

And assholes like you still try to defend him? Shame on you!
Sorry Moon Bat but Trump isn't President. The Democrats stole the election from the American people and we have been deprived of a strong effective leader. In his place we have a weak stupid incompetent piece of shit that has been a faiure his entire life.

The Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administraion caused almost 2,000 deaths in Afghanistan and Trump knew he had to end the Endless War but Joe Potatohead fucked it up.

Now we are finding out from the transcripts of a phone call that the sonofabitch even tried to get the Afghan President to help him lie to the American people about the severity of the situation. That is treason. He needs to be impeached.

The sonofabitch couldn't even properly honor the troops that he killed with his incompetency.

And assholes like you still try to defend him? Shame on you!
Why do you imagine that Trump failed to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan after he had blown gas for many years, insisting is what needed to be done immediately?
Why do you imagine that Trump failed to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan after he had blown gas for many years, insisting is what needed to be done immediately?

What the fuck does the fact that Trump decided to end the Endless War but was prevented from doing it by the Democrats stealing the election are you confused about?

If you have a problem with the Afghanistan War then bitch about The Worthless Negro and Joe Dufus escalating the war, causing 2,000 Americans deaths and leaving it for Trump to deal with.

Why the fuck didn't the Worthless Negro and Joe Dufus declare victory after Bin Laden was killed and bring the troops home?

In other words stop being a partisan asshole and take responsibility for the Democrats fucking everything up and stop being a dickhead trying to blame somebody else for Potatohead's failures. It just makes you look like a fool.
Unlike Trumpsters, I can't predict the future. But you're free to.

Biden got us out of that miserable shit hole, after thousands of lives, limbs, minds and families were destroyed, after trillions of dollars were pissed away.

You don't have to like that.
We have ghettos all over the place here. We are losing our competitive edge also. Just two things gifted to us by Progressive Socialist Agendas. Biden needs to stop us promoting permanent shitholes domestically and through forced what is now known as "equity" watering down employment to many who are not as good as those being denied or worse, never having a chance like what you have spouted for many decades.
You just aren’t very intelligent.
Yet dancing circles around your inbred ass.

Biden did nothing but pull the plug with absolutely zero intelligent thought behind it, unless his intention was to put the US and its allies in future danger from radical extremists, in which case, he did a great job. True history will look back on this as a huge blunder or brilliant, diabolical plan, either way, it was detrimental to the US.
I'm old enough to remember when everyone screamed doom and gloom when Saigon fell...

And you know what, it didn't cause Gloom and Doom. The commies didn't overrun the rest of Asia and today Vietnam is a major trading partner.

My guess, all the assholes screaming about this never got anywhere near an induction center.

Biden did nothing that the shift manager at McDonalds could have done. Saying he had the guts to do it is meaningless especially if is son’s artwork starts flying off the shelves at astronomical prices to random Chinese billionares. China and Russia are sending him love letters right now.

You think the Russians or Chinese care if we pulled out. I mean, yeah, I guess if I were Russian, I'd be snickering the US got a taste of it's own medicine, but that's not Biden's fault.
Presenting, Cleetus' Dun Der Foreign Policy Roundtable... Outside back near the outhouse.

What will you say when the next 9/11 type event occurs in the US spawned from this region? We haven't had such an attack in 20 years. You surely won't blame Biden, but probably Trump or anybody else. The fact is he did get us out and left the region must less secure. What will you say when they attempt to invade nuclear Pakistan?

I would say, given the fact that the Pakistanis are the ones who kept sheltering and funding the Taliban, it would kind of serve them right. But since Pakistan has 10 times the people as Afghanistan and a much better army and, oh, yeah, Nukes, not likely to happen.

What will you say as they get richer from their paydays from China who wants their lithium?
Oh, noes, Brown people actually being able to profit off their own resources? Don't you know they should just be happy when White People steal them?
What will you say when they sell some of our equipment and technology to Russia?
Most of what we left behind is 20+ year old technology. A lot of it was what was in use when I was in 30 years ago.

Somehow, the cutting edge technology of 1985 isn't going to be that big of a deal.

What will you say when they resort back to the mistreatment of women?

Not my problem. There are countries all over the world where women are mistreated... If your side wasn't trying to turn this country into the live-action version of A Handmaid's Tale, I'd take you a little more seriously about your lamenting for women who were probably happy with their culture.

This never crosses the minds of these short-sighted, idealistic left-wing ideologues running our country.

No, they are actually PRAGMATIC.

We pissed away 2.6 Trillion dollars and 2500 lives and 20 years trying to make Afghanistan an American Mini-Me. It didn't work for the same reason all these imperial adventures don't work. Most people don't like it when you invade their country.
Yet dancing circles around your inbred ass.

I'm old enough to remember when everyone screamed doom and gloom when Saigon fell...

And you know what, it didn't cause Gloom and Doom. The commies didn't overrun the rest of Asia and today Vietnam is a major trading partner.

My guess, all the assholes screaming about this never got anywhere near an induction center.

You think the Russians or Chinese care if we pulled out. I mean, yeah, I guess if I were Russian, I'd be snickering the US got a taste of it's own medicine, but that's not Biden's fault.

You just aren’t very intelligent.

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