Biden; You'll Know My Opinion On Packing The Courts After The Election

Democrats will pack the courts with activists. Our rights will be taken away.
Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell are not the Republican party, douchebag.
Who runs the senate douchbag?
Meaningless. McConnell speaks for himself, not every Republican in the Senate.
McConnell runs the senate, what he says is what the republican senate does.

You're not just a douchebag, but not a very smart one.
He still doesn't speak for every Republican, and McConnell never said that all 4th year appointments are illegitimate.
March 16, 2016, It is important for the Senate to "give the people a voice in the filling of this vacancy" by waiting until the next president takes office.

Either way, our view is this: Give the people a voice."
In other words, he never said that last year nominations should not be allowed.

Thanks for admitting that, douchebag.
You are truly stupid.
Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell are not the Republican party, douchebag.
Who runs the senate douchbag?
Meaningless. McConnell speaks for himself, not every Republican in the Senate.
McConnell runs the senate, what he says is what the republican senate does.

You're not just a douchebag, but not a very smart one.
He still doesn't speak for every Republican, and McConnell never said that all 4th year appointments are illegitimate.
I don't give a rat fuck if he said that or not. All appointments are legit because WE SAID. That's all that matters and these little twats can cry into their soy milk about it and fuck right off.
It almost certainly depends on how McConnell acts in the next few weeks with the election going on and the judiciary committee republicans getting covid. If he jams through this nomination after Trump loses the election and with the senate maybe changing hands Biden has every right to correct matters,

If Trump loses and Dems pack the court, what will you do when Republicans are in power again and they counter?
It almost certainly depends on how McConnell acts in the next few weeks with the election going on and the judiciary committee republicans getting covid. If he jams through this nomination after Trump loses the election and with the senate maybe changing hands Biden has every right to correct matters,

If Trump loses and Dems pack the court, what will you do when Republicans are in power again and they counter?

This is why the Republicans (dog-shit worthless as they are) need to be preemptive, stack the fucking deck for generations, and NEVER let the Dems EVER have power again. PACK THE COURT WITH GUN ABSOLUTISTS and strike down anything standing in the way of felons carrying loaded, belt-fed machine guns in ever school and courthouse in America!!!
I don't give a rat fuck if he said that or not.
IIn politics, what they say has meaning.

What would happen if Bush told the 9-11 terrorists that we were going after them. And then two years later reversing himself, by ignoring the terrorists and going after people who never attacked us on 9-11?
If Trump loses and Dems pack the court, what will you do when Republicans are in power again and they counter?
Don't you know. The democrats will put 100 justices onto the supreme court. With 90 of them voting that the republican party is unconstitutional. ;)
If Trump loses and Dems pack the court, what will you do when Republicans are in power again and they counter?
Don't you know. The democrats will put 100 justices onto the supreme court. With 90 of them voting that the republican party is unconstitutional. ;)
Thanks for admitting that Dim justices don't give a flying fuck about the law. They are just politicians in black robes.
I don't give a rat fuck if he said that or not.
IIn politics, what they say has meaning.

What would happen if Bush told the 9-11 terrorists that we were going after them. And then two years later reversing himself, by ignoring the terrorists and going after people who never attacked us on 9-11?
I would say that Bush looks like a commie shit Alinksy follower who believes that the ends justify the means.

The commie shits deserve the same treatment IN KIND, x1,000,000,000 even if it means somebody dies. Ends justify the means, motherfucker.
It's hard to believe a presidential candidate would say something stupid like that. In his case, the hard Left is not going to like that he wouldn't say yeah, I'm down with court-packing, but the rest of us are not going to like that he wouldn't say no, I don't think we should do that. So, either way he comes off as a chicken-shit coward that you can't trust. And yet this senile old doofus is leading in the polls with less than a month to go. I know, the polls don't mean shit but damnation, who the hell will actually vote for this guy?

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