Biden; You'll Know My Opinion On Packing The Courts After The Election

What rule did McConnell change?
Have you been asleep? In 2016 McConnell said the senate should let the people decide supreme court justices in a presidents final year.

Linsey Graham even said to save the tape of his saying that, and they can hold him to his word.

Then by 2020, every republican reversed the McConnell rule of 2016.
Did he say that? Please quote him. Furthermore, when did McConnel acquire the authority to unilaterally adopt such rules?

So Lindsey Graham has unilateral authority to determine the rules of the Senate?

He chairs the Judicial Committee
His Negative vote would block the appointment

In other words, he doesn't have any such authority.
What rule did McConnell change?
Have you been asleep? In 2016 McConnell said the senate should let the people decide supreme court justices in a presidents final year.

Linsey Graham even said to save the tape of his saying that, and they can hold him to his word.

Then by 2020, every republican reversed the McConnell rule of 2016.
We are dealing with the scum of the earth ,, liar's cowards ,traitors ,republicans
Dims are the scum of the Earth. Kamala Harris just proved that. Every word that came out of her mouth was a lie.
BRI I thought you'd be in Mich trying to kidnap the Gov
Republicans don't engage in terrorism. That's strictly a Democrat fetish.
The old Democrat double standard. They tried to replace a conservative justice with a liberal, but now that the shoe is on the other foot and Republicans are replacing a liberal justice with a conservative Dems are squealing like stuck pigs.
A sitting President tried to fill a vacant seat a year before the election.
Now, Republicans are trying to fill a seat DURING an election

Why? because they could

See how tolerant Dems are if they win next month
A sitting president put forward ONE nominee that the opposing senate found objectionable enough that it didn't even hold hearings. Obama was free to put forward more nominees that would be acceptable compromises, he chose not to. Obama never believed in compromise. He was always an “elections have consequences” and “get to the back of the bus” kind of president.
Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner

Why we need to pack the courts
Because Dims didn't get what they wanted isn't a good reason to pack the courts.
There you have it, folks.

Straight from the jackasses mouth. He won't tell you he's going to pack the court. They're already starting to plan it.

I can't believe any politician actually said he will tell you his position on an issue after he gets elected. How could anyone vote for such a jackass?

Well, it's not like anyone's voting for Biden because they really like and admire him personally, or are enthusiastic about his policies. They're voting for him 100% because he has a (D) next to his name, and he's running against Donald Trump. At that point, what he's going to do or not do becomes irrelevant. He could lay out a policy of sacrificing puppies in the town square once a month, and they'd be defending how wonderful it is, just as long as he had that (D) on the ballot.
What rule did McConnell change?
Have you been asleep? In 2016 McConnell said the senate should let the people decide supreme court justices in a presidents final year.

Linsey Graham even said to save the tape of his saying that, and they can hold him to his word.

Then by 2020, every republican reversed the McConnell rule of 2016.

Wrong. That's what the media told you to believe he said, and you're so ignorant and lazy, you just started "knowing" that's what happened without bothering to check into it.

Here's what McConnell ACTUALLY said:

"So the question is who should make the decision? And my view, and I can now confidently say the view shared by virtually everybody in my conference, is that the nomination should be made by the president the people elect, in the election that’s underway right now. I believe the overwhelming view of the Republican Conference in the Senate is that this nomination should not be filled. This vacancy should not be filled by this lame-duck president."

Being aware of your utter lack of talent in the area of thinking, I helpfully highlighted the important, operative phrase for you.

He has also pointed out, correctly, that Obama did not have a Senate majority from the same party, while Trump does. However much you might want to screech about that being "unfair" because the party in question isn't yours, it's still a real and valid consideration.

I suggest you learn to live with a world where rules exist for reasons other than to always give you what you want.
"Given that we are in the midst of the presidential election process, we believe that the American people should seize the opportunity to weigh in on whom they trust to nominate the next person for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court,"

"Oooh, look at this quote I cut off to make it sound like I'm right!!!"
Biden's refusal to answer was an answer. He'd pack the court, sure as shit.
Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell are not the Republican party, douchebag.
Who runs the senate douchbag?
Meaningless. McConnell speaks for himself, not every Republican in the Senate.
McConnell runs the senate, what he says is what the republican senate does.

You're not just a douchebag, but not a very smart one.
He still doesn't speak for every Republican, and McConnell never said that all 4th year appointments are illegitimate.

He specifically said - in the part that Gene's thought masters didn't tell him to know about - that "lame duck President".

Although, as I've said before in other threads, I really don't give a fuck either way. The idea that Republicans have to apologize for and justify using the power given to them as elected officials completely in accordance with the law - particularly when the same is never demanded of Democrats, even when they're blatantly ignoring the law - is ludicrous. Moreover, I am outright offended by the notion that anything should take precedence over what's best for the country, particularly petty concerns like "Well, these people way back when did THIS unwritten rule, so we have to!" or "I said this years ago, and now I don't want to look hypocritical." Not my problem, not the country's problem, suck it up and move on.
I don't give a rat fuck if he said that or not.
IIn politics, what they say has meaning.

What would happen if Bush told the 9-11 terrorists that we were going after them. And then two years later reversing himself, by ignoring the terrorists and going after people who never attacked us on 9-11?

Well, he'd have been indistinguishable from Democrats.
All Obama had to was nominate a candidate acceptable to the republicans. He chose not to do that. It’s called compromise, something Obama didn’t know how to do.

Democrats DO NOT COMPROMISE they cheat, rig, and scheme. When Dems pretend to compromise its with every intention of backstabbing you on the deal the first chance they get.

The Democrat idea of compromising is "You give us everything we demand, and then we tell you how much you suck anyway."
He's going to pack the court if he gets elected and Republicans will pound him over it right up until election day.

Something needs to be done to protect the civil rights of American Citizens to become infected by Thomas, Alito, Korsuch and Kavenaugh. Adding Barrett not only packs the court but in the last case violates Article VI of the Constitution.

Don't pretend that R v. W and the ACA will not be gone before the end of this year. Remember Kooks, elections have consequences, some very bad and some very good. If Trump and Moscow Mitch are reelected the bad will continue and the good will need to replace the evil that is Trumpism.
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Quite the platform, Crazy Joe.

He's going to pack the court if he gets elected and Republicans will pound him over it right up until election day.

Something needs to be done to prevent the civil rights of American Citizens to be infected by Thomas, Alito, Korsuch and Kavenaugh. Adding Barrett not only packs the court but in the last case violates Article VI of the Constitution.

Packing the court would be adding more justices. Trump if filling a vacancy, not packing the court, Stupid.

Explain how it violates the Constitution. Be specific. No lefty whiny ass talking point bullshit.
He's going to pack the court if he gets elected and Republicans will pound him over it right up until election day.

A Presidential candidate who refuses to take questions, evades questions when they are asked, says the American people don't need to know the answer to their questions or says he'll answer the question if/when he's elected should not be a Presidential candidate, much less President of the United States of America.
He's going to pack the court if he gets elected and Republicans will pound him over it right up until election day.

Something needs to be done to prevent the civil rights of American Citizens to be infected by Thomas, Alito, Korsuch and Kavenaugh. Adding Barrett not only packs the court but in the last case violates Article VI of the Constitution.

Prog Extremist Judges have made a lot of laws. Talk about violations...
He's going to pack the court if he gets elected and Republicans will pound him over it right up until election day.

Something needs to be done to prevent the civil rights of American Citizens to be infected by Thomas, Alito, Korsuch and Kavenaugh. Adding Barrett not only packs the court but in the last case violates Article VI of the Constitution.

Trump is going to hang this turd around Bidum's neck and he will lose votes over it. He can't dodge the question and his refusal is confirmation he's going to try.

Serious blunder, Americans don't like crybabies and McConnell told dingy Harry he would pay a big price for his screw up.
He's going to pack the court if he gets elected and Republicans will pound him over it right up until election day.

Something needs to be done to prevent the civil rights of American Citizens to be infected by Thomas, Alito, Korsuch and Kavenaugh. Adding Barrett not only packs the court but in the last case violates Article VI of the Constitution.

What civil rights have those justices violated? Please be specific.
And what civil rights do they intend to violate?

Do you not understand why people are opposed to “packing the court”... aka adding more justices to the total number?

The Supreme Court is SUPPOSED to be insulated from popular opinion, political trends, etc.
that was the reasoning behind life time appointments to the court, so they were insulated from drastic changes in make up, not effected by elections, etc.
If we go down the road of adding justices to the court to give one idealogical/political side, then what? Ever time one side wins, they add more justices to swing it one way or another. That’s a disastrous Road to go down.

One would think that following the constitution and judging cases based on the guidelines and principles outline wouldn’t be hard. But as your liberal judges have often demonstrated, they know what ideological outcome they want, and then perform whatever mental gymnastics are needed to get there.

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