Biden; You'll Know My Opinion On Packing The Courts After The Election

Just wow....

Biden assumes the voters are stupid and are subjects...... What an arrogant bastard..

WOW I cannot recall any presidential candidate REFUSING TO ANSWER A DIRECT QUESTION FROM THE PEOPLE. Who does this asshat Biden think he is a king? The people are Biden's boss not the other way around.

He has done nothing in life but win elections.
We have all seen how he responds to citizens when they ask him a question he doesn’t like, often times the citizen is using his own exact words/statements to ask him a question.
He tells them off.
The guy is a complete asshole, and likely would have had his ass kicked several times if it wasn’t for his protection.
Just wow....

Biden assumes the voters are stupid and are subjects...... What an arrogant bastard..

WOW I cannot recall any presidential candidate REFUSING TO ANSWER A DIRECT QUESTION FROM THE PEOPLE. Who does this asshat Biden think he is a king? The people are Biden's boss not the other way around.

He has done nothing in life but win elections.
We have all seen how he responds to citizens when they ask him a question he doesn’t like, often times the citizen is using his own exact words/statements to ask him a question.
He tells them off.
The guy is a complete asshole, and likely would have had his ass kicked several times if it wasn’t for his protection.

I guess when someone mooches off taxpayers for 47 years in government jobs like Biden has done they get a sense of self importance and entitlement. How dare the people ask a question, wow. This clown needs to be defeated.
He's going to pack the court if he gets elected and Republicans will pound him over it right up until election day.

Something needs to be done to prevent the civil rights of American Citizens to be infected by Thomas, Alito, Korsuch and Kavenaugh. Adding Barrett not only packs the court but in the last case violates Article VI of the Constitution.

What civil rights have those justices violated? Please be specific.
And what civil rights do they intend to violate?

Do you not understand why people are opposed to “packing the court”... aka adding more justices to the total number?

The Supreme Court is SUPPOSED to be insulated from popular opinion, political trends, etc.
that was the reasoning behind life time appointments to the court, so they were insulated from drastic changes in make up, not effected by elections, etc.
If we go down the road of adding justices to the court to give one idealogical/political side, then what? Ever time one side wins, they add more justices to swing it one way or another. That’s a disastrous Road to go down.

One would think that following the constitution and judging cases based on the guidelines and principles outline wouldn’t be hard. But as your liberal judges have often demonstrated, they know what ideological outcome they want, and then perform whatever mental gymnastics are needed to get there.

Repealing the Voting Rights Act, for one. You last paragraph describes an ideal, one which McConnell has violated, and his hypocrisy along with the small minority of the Senate supports.

You posted the Supreme Court is supposed to be insulated, I agree that is something all courts need to be. However, when a justice is nominated, and will be confirmed by this lame duck Senate to appoint someone whose religious values supercede the health and right of women, such an act needs to be corrected.
Just wow....

Biden assumes the voters are stupid and are subjects...... What an arrogant bastard..

WOW I cannot recall any presidential candidate REFUSING TO ANSWER A DIRECT QUESTION FROM THE PEOPLE. Who does this asshat Biden think he is a king? The people are Biden's boss not the other way around.
Betting this will be a commercial by Monday, maybe sooner....
He's going to pack the court if he gets elected and Republicans will pound him over it right up until election day.

Something needs to be done to prevent the civil rights of American Citizens to be infected by Thomas, Alito, Korsuch and Kavenaugh. Adding Barrett not only packs the court but in the last case violates Article VI of the Constitution.

What civil rights have those justices violated? Please be specific.
And what civil rights do they intend to violate?

Do you not understand why people are opposed to “packing the court”... aka adding more justices to the total number?

The Supreme Court is SUPPOSED to be insulated from popular opinion, political trends, etc.
that was the reasoning behind life time appointments to the court, so they were insulated from drastic changes in make up, not effected by elections, etc.
If we go down the road of adding justices to the court to give one idealogical/political side, then what? Ever time one side wins, they add more justices to swing it one way or another. That’s a disastrous Road to go down.

One would think that following the constitution and judging cases based on the guidelines and principles outline wouldn’t be hard. But as your liberal judges have often demonstrated, they know what ideological outcome they want, and then perform whatever mental gymnastics are needed to get there.

Repealing the Voting Rights Act, for one. You last paragraph describes an ideal, one which McConnell has violated, and his hypocrisy along with the small minority of the Senate supports.

You posted the Supreme Court is supposed to be insulated, I agree that is something all courts need to be. However, when a justice is nominated, and will be confirmed by this lame duck Senate to appoint someone whose religious values supercede the health and right of women, such an act needs to be corrected.

You jump right to a religious test.... Something that is forbidden by our US Constitution. Just WOW.... Your hatred for our nation as founded is duly noted..
Pelosi and Schumer will pass a law to expand the court if they can. Nobody with half a brain thinks Biden will refuse to sign it. Democrats are liars

Elections have consequences. I hope they do expand the Supreme Court, as well as replace the Tax Fraud signed by Trump and replace it to not only raise revenue from corporations but to add back the two tax brackets which reduced taxes paid by the highest earners; cut taxes to families with earned income of under $400,000, and use the revenue to repair and replace are nation's rusting infrastructures; and make sure that every American, notwithstanding any preexisting condition to be able to afford good health insurance.


"America Disrupted Seniors
"Robin Viger waves to participants in parade of over 300 golf carts supporting Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden as they arrive at the Sumter County Elections office to cast their ballots during early voting Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020, in The Villages, Fla. (AP Photo/John Raoux)"

See my thread moved from the thread I posted it on (Current Events) on to the USMB Badlands. I do wonder why (tee hee).
If America is truly a just nation, Biden will be a felon before his inauguration and will have to withdraw.
He's going to pack the court if he gets elected and Republicans will pound him over it right up until election day.

Something needs to be done to prevent the civil rights of American Citizens to be infected by Thomas, Alito, Korsuch and Kavenaugh. Adding Barrett not only packs the court but in the last case violates Article VI of the Constitution.

What civil rights have those justices violated? Please be specific.
And what civil rights do they intend to violate?

Do you not understand why people are opposed to “packing the court”... aka adding more justices to the total number?

The Supreme Court is SUPPOSED to be insulated from popular opinion, political trends, etc.
that was the reasoning behind life time appointments to the court, so they were insulated from drastic changes in make up, not effected by elections, etc.
If we go down the road of adding justices to the court to give one idealogical/political side, then what? Ever time one side wins, they add more justices to swing it one way or another. That’s a disastrous Road to go down.

One would think that following the constitution and judging cases based on the guidelines and principles outline wouldn’t be hard. But as your liberal judges have often demonstrated, they know what ideological outcome they want, and then perform whatever mental gymnastics are needed to get there.

Repealing the Voting Rights Act, for one. You last paragraph describes an ideal, one which McConnell has violated, and his hypocrisy along with the small minority of the Senate supports.

You posted the Supreme Court is supposed to be insulated, I agree that is something all courts need to be. However, when a justice is nominated, and will be confirmed by this lame duck Senate to appoint someone whose religious values supercede the health and right of women, such an act needs to be corrected.

So the voting rights act wasn’t repealed.
What was repealed was a specific section enacted in 1965 that was supposed to last for 5 years, and instead lasted 50. The federal government was given power over certain states voting practices in response to segregation. Segregation has long since been gone, but as the government is known for... once they have power they don’t give it up, even when it is supposed to be “temporary”.
There is no segraegatiin or segraegatiin based restrictions on voting, that has long since ended. The feds political
Meddling in states was absurd, and needed to be dealt with.

If that’s your shining example, it’s a terrible one. And FYI, gorsuch and Kavanaugh weren’t on the bench for that.

Again, what civil rights have they violated?

For future civil rights, you site abortion. You called it “religious values supercede the health and right of women”.
Less than 1% of abortions are performed due to a woman’s health.
It has nothing to do with a woman’s health, it is done out of convenience. Woman gets pregnant, doesn’t want to be a mother, so she aborts.
Let’s at least try to be honest about the issue.
I support abortion rights, but let’s be honest aBout it.
The reasons of “women’s health” are bullshit. It’s so rare it’s almost not worth mentioning. But in those instances I don’t think you’d find anyone opposed, and that’s why the pro-abortion crowd likes to use that term and harps on that as the reason.

And so you know, this even still being a real
Issue is because your side keeps pushing the envelope.
It used to be first trimester was the cut off. It was that way for a while, and arguments fighting against abortion were really going nowhere. Most people had just accepted it as “the way it is”. But as with every other issue, liberals keep pushing the boundaries.
You then try to push back how far along the pregnancy is when you can abort. They try for partial birth abortions. Now they even have laws allowing for a baby to be delivered alive, and left to die.

That’s the problem with leftists, you always move the goal posts. Just like gun control. You want full autos/suppressors/etc banned. You wait a little. Then you want limits in what features the guns can have. You push for registration. Then you push for making people jump through all sorts of licensing hoops. Then you want to limit the amount of ammo a gun can hold. Then you want to ban certain types of ammo. Then you want to limit how many weapons a person can have or purchase. Then you want to ban certain types of firearms all together. Then you push for complete ban in firearms.

Liberals constantly move the goals.
Conservatives state what we want, and that is keeping with a specific morals and guide lines.
Everything with liberals is a slippery slope.
He's going to pack the court if he gets elected and Republicans will pound him over it right up until election day.

Something needs to be done to protect the civil rights of American Citizens to become infected by Thomas, Alito, Korsuch and Kavenaugh. Adding Barrett not only packs the court but in the last case violates Article VI of the Constitution.

Don't pretend that R v. W and the ACA will not be gone before the end of this year. Remember Kooks, elections have consequences, some very bad and some very good. If Trump and Moscow Mitch are reelected the bad will continue and the good will need to replace the evil that is Trumpism.

Again, for the leftist loons. SC justices that arrive at decisions based on the law are not activist judges. The SC is not a SJW entity. That should be done through congress for better or worse.
"Democratic nominee Joe Biden on Friday said that voters don’t deserve to know if he would attempt to pack the Supreme Court if he wins in November..."


Translation...Biden can't say no or he loses the left and he can't say yes because then he loses the middle..., the safest assumtion before you vote for a man who refuses to divulge his position is...what ever you expect/want him to do, he actually plans on doing the opposite...
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The real problem? He can't remember how packing works. But he does have a vague recollection of FDR - but as....maybe in his mind....a rabid Republican.

At least he's with the 2020s Democrat Party line on that!
That is as shocking a statement from a candidate, which the entire federal bureaucracy is conspiring to get elected president of the United States by the way, as you will ever hear short of a president ordering the military to kill his political opposition! I will not tolerate any democratic administration and god fucking help the FBI/political police who attempt to kick in door! The democratic party must not just be defeated, it must be eliminated out of hand! :flameth:

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