Bidenomics Flops. Again

Trump would have managed to mismanage it, MWAP. All intelligent voters know that Trump is didaster.
Come on John...Trump managed the economy quite well. Biden's handling of it has been a disaster...something that even Barack Obama warned us would happen!
I think the thing that keeps you up at night is the knowledge that Trump WILL fix things if he's elected!
You keep trying to compare Trump during Covid to Biden coming out of Covid! A houseplant could have been sitting in the Oval Office and gotten great unemployment numbers and GDP numbers as people went back to work after the Covid shutdowns! Do you really think anyone with an IQ greater than 50 can't see right through your "statistics", Joey?
Unfortunately a house plant was in office when the Covid pandemic started. Thus the horrible response to it!
More silly-assed leftism at work --

The true minimum wage is $0.00/hr, and any other mandated wage distorts the labor markets. That is fact. Governments have been playing fast and loose with immutable economic laws for centuries, and while they are expert at obfuscation, they cannot hide the undeniable fact of their missteps, because the data are screaming in everyone's faces!

Every minimum wage law, every legal restriction on the free exchange of capital for goods and labor restrains the natural growth of an economy. That's the obvious first order effect. But there are even more malign ones that do not appear for years. teenagers can't get summer jobs when the minimum wage is higher than their labor is worth. Who wants to pay some pimply-faced 16-year old $20/hour to push a broom around or flip burgers? So that work experience is lost to him, never to be recovered. Companies on the margin of profitability will fail, and companies that are someone's life's dream will never be created because the artificial labor market -- courtesy of our legislators who never worked an honest day in their entitled lives -- has priced them out.

Maybe that would have been the next Apple or Lincoln Electric or Carnegie Steel.

Lincoln Electric is EMPLOYEE-OWNED. Fact. Has been for years. I applied for a job there. when I was a kid. Friend has worked there for 25 years. Leftist scum scream bloody murder about socialism, which they are, but good ol' Capitalist America provides more Employee-owned Companies than ANY 'socialist' shit-hole.

socialism is the ownership by WORKERS of the means of production. Socialist shit-hole Countries don't allow that. EVERYTHING is owned by THE STATE.

Capitalism does a better job of socialism than socialist countries do. Explain that dimocrap scum. You can't. Because you have no belief system. You are simply scum. ALL of you

Socialist or communist, super duper? Get a clue...
98% of the jobs 'created' during the Obama administration were part time or temporary jobs with few or no benefits. More than half of the jobs 'created' under Biden were people returning to jobs they had under Trump but were sidelined due to COVID. More than 25% of the jobs 'created' under Biden are government jobs and most of the rest are in healthcare or low paying, uncertain jobs in the hospitality industry.

The left and its surrogate media love to say that Trump LOST jobs in his four years but they rarely include that the job loss was entirely due to people not being allowed to work due to COVID in 2020. In the first three years, the new jobs were most full time, sustainable good jobs with benefits.

Intellectual honesty is not something you find in much of the media these days or among those desperately trying to prove that Democrats are better than Republicans.
Actually Biden has set records excluding returning jobs from COVID.
Like it or not, under Trumps tax cuts, that were NOT geared toward the rich, but across the board, the middle class was able to save $6,000 dollars a year. Bidenomics has caused us to lose that much a year. And Biden is not going to renew the Trump tax breaks, and has said he is going to raise taxes (on the rich, lol) which means he is going to take 49% of every paycheck you get.

Oh, please. First, the rich need to pay their fair share.
Secondly. sure some prices have gone up, but so have wages. I'm making more than I ever have in my life.
Thanks to the scamdemic.

Conservatives: Covid was a Devious Chinese Bioweapon designed to take down the One True God, Donald Trump!
Also Conservatives: Covid was an overhyped flu that was exaggerated to take down the One True God, Donald Trump!

Point was, Covid happened on Trump's watch. It spread out of control, killed hundreds of thousands of people, wrecked the economy and caused social anxiety that lead to riots.

A complete failure of leadership on every level.
Oh, please. First, the rich need to pay their fair share.
Secondly. sure some prices have gone up, but so have wages. I'm making more than I ever have in my life.
Prices are up almost 20%, Joey! Wages haven't come close to matching that rise. Having Joe Biden in office is costing the average American family $709 dollars more per month out of pocket! That's a "tax" on the people who can least afford to pay it!
Prices are up almost 20%, Joey! Wages haven't come close to matching that rise. Having Joe Biden in office is costing the average American family $709 dollars more per month out of pocket! That's a "tax" on the people who can least afford to pay it!

Inflation was an international problem, which Biden did a better job of getting under control than most of the west.

Part of the driver of inflation is that if you want a better paying job, it's pretty easy to get one now.
You really think Joe Biden and his band of incompetents would have done better, Aldo? They're struggling to hold it together WITHOUT a pandemic!
They did better from the rip. Yes tRump cleared the way to develop the vaccine and he deserves the credit for that 100%. But this administration got the vaccine mobilized and shots in arms. Also got supply chains up and running. The previous house plant only said "I accept no responsibility!" How MAGA of him!
They did better from the rip. Yes tRump cleared the way to develop the vaccine and he deserves the credit for that 100%. But this administration got the vaccine mobilized and shots in arms. Also got supply chains up and running. The previous house plant only said "I accept no responsibility!" How MAGA of him!
Did you really just claim getting the supply chains up and running as a "success" for the Biden team? Are you high, Aldo? Have you forgotten how bad things were? You couldn't get baby formula. The shelves at the grocery store were literally half empty. And while that was going on the Biden Secretary of Transportation took a 3 month "Paternity Leave" to take care of his newly adopted baby! The supply chain was just one MORE thing that Biden and his band of idiots couldn't handle!
Inflation was an international problem, which Biden did a better job of getting under control than most of the west.

Part of the driver of inflation is that if you want a better paying job, it's pretty easy to get one now.
We're STILL suffering from inflation, Joey! It's up another 3% in the latest report! Biden doesn't have it "under control"! Even Janet Yellen is admitting that. Transitory? Talk about not having a clue!
Actually Biden has set records excluding returning jobs from COVID.
Records for millions upon millions of migrants invading the country at his immigration. And it seems most of those jobs are going to those migrants and not Americans.

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