Biden's Attorney General Threatens People With Prison

We haven’t got the final result of the Arizona audit yet. Rumors are not positive for Democrats. Time will tell.
You haven't got the result yet because they have nothing.

If they actually finished, they would have to produce something other than rumors for dupes like you, and so on, and on, and on, it goes.
That was lame as hell, but I guess thats what you do when you've got nothing.
and yet nothing is still more than you deserve.

cause you know, "you're full of shit" is so high brow insults and pretty much a "drops mic" moment, huh?

You haven't got the result yet because they have nothing.

If they actually finished, they would have to produce something other than rumors for dupes like you, and so on, and on, and on, it goes.
Time will tell. Rumors are significant discoveries have been made but I am willing to wait for the final result. For years I kept hearing on the liberal media that the Mueller investigation of Trump would doom Trump and end up removing him from office. Perhaps you are one of the “dupes” that believed that. If you were you likely still believe Trump colluded with Putin today and it was a crime. In passing many legal experts say collusion is not a crime while some argue it is.

What convinces me is if everything was on the up an up democrats would not oppose audits but be more than willing to help them prove to 2020 election was legit.

As an aside, I knew another Antontoo from a site I used to visit. RightNation. Are you he?
Yep, it's me. Eventually second class citizenship and special-rules-for-special-people got old, so I left.
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Time will tell. Rumors are significant discoveries have been made but I am willing to wait for the final result. For years I kept hearing on the liberal media that the Mueller investigation of Trump would doom Trump and end up removing him from office. Perhaps you are one of the “dupes” that believed that.

Nice deflection, but Mueller's investigation into Russian Interference campaign was professionally conducted within the Justice Department of the United States of America, not by some QAnon quacks.

It's not even in the same realm.

Not that it even matters but I personally deffered to Mueller's findings on Criminal Conspiracy (which is much higher standard than the casual "collusion" the campaign was involved in).

I did however argue that Obstruction of Justice violations are obvious and 10 instances detailed in Part II validated that. I also supported the view that Republicans have no spine to convict Trump for ANYTHING, so he was never getting removed by them. That was also shown true.

Of course no one could have predicted that Trump was dumb enough to then get on the phone and near-publicly try to extort the Ukrainian president ONE DAY after Mueller gave his final testimony to Congress. The guy just can't help himself from self-impeachment.
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Nice deflection, but Mueller's investigation into Russian Interference campaign was professionally conducted within the Justice Department of the United States of America, not by some QAnon quacks.

It's not even in the same realm.

Not that it even matters but I personally deffered to Mueller's findings on Criminal Conspiracy (which is much higher standard than the casual "collusion" the campaign was involved in).

I did however argue that Obstruction of Justice charges are obvious and 10 instances detailed in Part II validated that. I also supported the view that Republicans have no spine to convict Trump for ANYTHING, so he was never getting removed by them.

Of course no one could have predicted that Trump was dumb enough to then get on the phone and near-publicly try to extort the Ukrainian president ONE DAY after Mueller gave his final testimony to Congress. The guy just can't help himself from self-impeachment.
How do honestly feel about the Biden/China scandal. Does Joe get a pass from you? Joe has been engaged in the corruption you have been accusing Trump of doing.

since you've never seen me in an abortion thread, you show you live and by with your stereotypical generalities.
I don't need to see you in abortion threads. You prove your lack of any credibility regarding natural rights, regardless. Most right-wingers allege to believe in natural rights in abortion threads. Just parrots?
Trump supporters are deranged fascist and Nazis.
If by Trump supporters you mean Democrats, I strongly agree. :)
They want to recreate Nazi Germany.
Democrats do, yes.

Or maybe Mao's China...
Trump is the psychopath and his supporters refuse to accept reality.
He's not, and I haven't seen this.
You are the ones determined to burn this country down.
Me? An independent voter who doesn't support Trump?

Witness Jan 6.
Witness the fascist Democrats trying to burn the country down for 5 years.
How do honestly feel about the Biden/China scandal. Does Joe get a pass from you? Joe has been engaged in the corruption you have been accusing Trump of doing.

Your link is half baked politico horse crap.

Those are not the facts of the matter and there was nothing on the laptop implicating Joe Biden.

If it's a "scandal!" then no one but a handful rw yahoos on the internetz know about it.

At some point you've got to realize, just because some partisan opinion mill claims something doesn't mean it is so.
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The problem is their definition of illegal activity. They argue that running an audit might damage the ballots which would be illegal. So why bother saving the ballots because there is no way you can run an audit without potentially damaging the ballots in some manner or form.
Haha... there isn't? funny, we managed to do it in ... what.... 10 States?

Dude, you are literally just making stuff up on the spot.
Go peddle this embarrassing crybabying to someone else who shares your fantasies.
Continue burying your head in the sand like a good democrat.

Your link is half baked politico horse crap.

Those are not the facts of the matter and there was nothing on the laptop implicating Joe Biden.

If it's a "scandal!" then no one but a handful rw yahoos on the internetz know about it.

At some point you've got to realize, just because some partisan opinion mill claims something doesn't mean it is so.
You really need to stop listening to CNN and MSNBC.

The following is breaking news.

And then there is this:

But have no fear. Hunter will never be changed with anything. Nor will Sleepy Joe. They are both above the rule of law.

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