Biden's crumbling house of cards

But he won’t be given blanket immunity for yet undiscovered crimes that will emerge as part of the House investigation - and impeachment inquiry on his father. The bank records of the shell companies will be part of that, and Joe’s role in clinching bribes for Hunter will come out.
I hope you’re right
Pitiful confused critter.
Me? Confused? You're the one that believes every lie trump tells you. That makes you a liar. Your entire universe is based on lies told to you by your "betters". That's a cult. But lie some more, throw out your ad hominems at me and others on this site that don't believe the lies you tell to yourself! Posters like you don't deserve the pity you beg for! Projection and deflection is all you have.
Me? Confused? You're the one that believes every lie trump tells you. That makes you a liar. Your entire universe is based on lies told to you by your "betters". That's a cult. But lie some more, throw out your ad hominems at me and others on this site that don't believe the lies you tell to yourself! Posters like you don't deserve the pity you beg for! Projection and deflection is all you have.
Who is Devon Archer?
Me? Confused? You're the one that believes every lie trump tells you. That makes you a liar. Your entire universe is based on lies told to you by your "betters". That's a cult. But lie some more, throw out your ad hominems at me and others on this site that don't believe the lies you tell to yourself! Posters like you don't deserve the pity you beg for! Projection and deflection is all you have.

Dude, you are in a Cult.
It's large
It's tightly controlled, you probably don't even know that it exists.
It's real.
The Democrat Media Bubble Cult is real.
It's dangerous.
Their spin is proven to consistently be wrong, other than ratings, they are never held accountable for it.
Facts have no effect on the narrative.
One should definitely try to free ones self.
Dude, you are in a Cult.
It's large
It's tightly controlled, you probably don't even know that it exists.
It's real.
The Democrat Media Bubble Cult is real.
It's dangerous.
Their spin is proven to consistently be wrong, other than ratings, they are never held accountable for it.
Facts have no effect on the narrative.
One should definitely try to free ones self.
Hahahahaha! That's 2 denials!
Yes, by the Republican FBI, the Republican justice department, and Republican judges. You know, all those things that Trump weaponized and sent after the Democrats.
There's no such thing as "the Republican FBI." The deep state runs it, and the deep state is run by the Democrat party.

When you've been reduced to squealing "THE WHOLE WORLD IS OUT TO GET US", it shows everyone you're part of a sad loser cult, making crap up to deflect from your loserdom.
The deep state is persecuting the Republican party.

You don't believe it's possible for a government to be out to destroy a political party? Boy, are you ever naive.
I know who he is. But I didn't bring him up. Why are you?
Because he just blew the lid off Biden’s lies about never speaking to Hunter about his foreign business dealings. He was brought into conservations WITH his foreign business associates more than 20 times.

You’d know that if you didn’t watch the DNC - Dem News Channels.
What "lies" am I defending?
Don’t bite. Dems try to win arguments by putting their opponent on the defensive, thus deflecting from having to defend their own indefensible position. It’s one of Alinsky’s tactics.

In the meantime, we have a MASSIVELY CORRUPT man serving as president, who enabled his family to rake in $50 million dollars, and these Dems don't even care.

P.S. Now we understand why Biden was willing to draw down America’s defense supplies and spend billions of dollars and give so much to Ukraine.

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