Biden's crumbling house of cards

Challenge for leftists - is any part of this untrue?

"But Fox News", "But Hannity", But You're Racist", "But What About Trump" do not fly and never did.

Again, is any of the CONTENT, CONTEXT, INFORMATION, SUBJECT MATTER untrue? What and why?

It's Hannitty.
Of course he's lying.
I know a guy who said anyone of the conspiracy goofs on this Board took bribes and money from the Chinese.

They have no more than that.
They were and are being prevented from investigating further.

Yes, by the Republican FBI, the Republican justice department, and Republican judges. You know, all those things that Trump weaponized and sent after the Democrats.

When you've been reduced to squealing "THE WHOLE WORLD IS OUT TO GET US", it shows everyone you're part of a sad loser cult, making crap up to deflect from your loserdom.

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