Bidens debate performance: The Democrats and the media lied to you, the Emperor has no clothes

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Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
All throughout Bidens running for president and presidency… the Democrats and media have told us that Biden is totally with it behind the scenes and he’s as strong as ever. They said this up until the debate.

They all lied to all of us. The Democrats and media perpetrated this covering for Biden, and demonized anyone who noticed the obvious.

Hey Democrats and media… The Emperor actually has no clothes.

Their lies to the public are on full display right here right now
Biden did so badly and looked so dazed and confused so often that even many Dems are now openly calling on him to drop out of the race. Even many liberal talking heads on liberal networks and websites are admitting that Biden's performance was a debacle and that he looked too old and too weak to be president.

In contrast, Trump looked sharp, on point, and strong. He never lost his cool and stayed on message.
Ain't that the truth.

They've been lying for over four years....Now we're supposed to believe that they "just noticed" that he's a senile mess?

They've been lying a lot for longer than that. They've lied about damn near everything for a very long time, and the media and academia let's them get away with it. I cannot understand how anyone can trust the democrats to run this country.
I think this may have been on purpose by the DNC. Think about it:

The DNC has been the mastermind in recent Democrat presidential moves. They installed Hillary Clinton ahead of Bernie Sanders in 2016. They installed Biden in one weekend in the leadup to the 2020 election by ordering 3-4 candidates to drop out and back Biden even though he wasn't near the lead.

My guess is... Biden was a lamb led to the slaughter. They probably didn't give him the medications he'd need to at least try to put up some sort of argument that he can speak coherently. The DNC has seen the poll numbers, and Biden's capacity, and they want Biden out.

So what do they do? They coordinate with CNN (the two are partners), and get a historically early debate so that Biden can be exposed, the media can take orders from the DNC to turn on Biden and lay the groundwork for his exit due to his mental capacity (the one they had told you was perfect up until a few days ago).. and now the DNC would have all the time to either get him to willingly step down or gut him by commanding donors to stop giving money.. or use a Constitution clause to declare he is "unable" to perform the duties... to get a new candidate in.

Biden was set up IMO. I have no sympathy for him as he's demonized half the country and attempted to harm them.. but he was set up.
All throughout Bidens running for president and presidency… the Democrats and media have told us that Biden is totally with it behind the scenes and he’s as strong as ever. They said this up until the debate.

They all lied to all of us. The Democrats and media perpetrated this covering for Biden, and demonized anyone who noticed the obvious.

Hey Democrats and media… The Emperor actually has no clothes.

Their lies to the public are on full display right here right now
The amazing thing to me is democrats think this just happened. Like he’s just in the last week become an idiot. The fucking guy has been retarded since birth. He was a fucking moron the day he was sworn into office 50 years ago. He’s never been thought of as intelligent or even competent. None of this shit is new. He’s always been a fucking moron.
Thread locked after reported for no link in OP thread post for any lies told by the media to cover Biden on anything.

Feel free to try again, when you find a link supporting, your premise exists.
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