Biden's fingerprints are all over Trump prosecutions.

Started to cut and paste some, but there is just too much evidence to post. You need to read this entire article.

Then try to spin how this has not been directed by Biden and Biden sycophants.

The Federalist - another Questionable Source. Tell us, did the Federalist raise any objections when the Trump DOJ prosecuted Michael Cohen for his participation in these crimes? Every argument you can make about this being a "political prosecution" is rendered bullshit by this one simple fact. None of you objected to Cohen's prosecution.

  • Overall, we rate The Federalist Questionable and far-Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right and promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

There is no spin Nostra Dumbass. If Garland wanted to prosecute Trump, he has a list of things he could be going after him for starting with "What happened to the Inauguration Fund?". $100 million which was never accounted for.

Then there is all of the "pay for play" - untendered government contracts awarded to corporations whose executive belong to his golf clubs or who book events at this Washington Hotel. Employing illegal aliens to work at his golf courses and vineyard. Billions missing from the PPP loan fund which was under White House control. Execessive payments made to the Trump Corporation for hotel rooms for the Secret Service at Trump Resorts when the Resorts were closed. Obstruction of Justice as set out in the Mueller Investigation, and during his Administration. The selling of pardons.

You can google all of it.
Why bother? It's all a dog and pony show to try and prove to the people that the DOJ is "fair". Which it isn't. Hunter won't be found guilty on three charges that if it were you or me would be slam dunks. But, because they basically control Delaware, the best that will happen is a hung jury.
'They' are masters of secrecy, subtlety, and subterfuge. That should tip you off that the Dems are not involved.
306>232...yep; you blob was nothing.

As for your citation in the OP, it too was nothing more than conjecture based on dinner invitations and the president grinning.

:oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8:
Your fear is obvious. And your stupid phony numbers just show you have nothing. You obviously didn't read anything.
The Federalist - another Questionable Source. Tell us, did the Federalist raise any objections when the Trump DOJ prosecuted Michael Cohen for his participation in these crimes? Every argument you can make about this being a "political prosecution" is rendered bullshit by this one simple fact. None of you objected to Cohen's prosecution.

  • Overall, we rate The Federalist Questionable and far-Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right and promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

There is no spin Nostra Dumbass. If Garland wanted to prosecute Trump, he has a list of things he could be going after him for starting with "What happened to the Inauguration Fund?". $100 million which was never accounted for.

Then there is all of the "pay for play" - untendered government contracts awarded to corporations whose executive belong to his golf clubs or who book events at this Washington Hotel. Employing illegal aliens to work at his golf courses and vineyard. Billions missing from the PPP loan fund which was under White House control. Execessive payments made to the Trump Corporation for hotel rooms for the Secret Service at Trump Resorts when the Resorts were closed. Obstruction of Justice as set out in the Mueller Investigation, and during his Administration. The selling of pardons.

You can google all of it.
What a pile of bullshit. Leftist sources back up a leftist. The rest of your lies are just laughable. Where's the over $6 million Hillary stole from the state department? Unaccounted for. Just pathetic. Or the normal from you.
Biden is a demented pedophile and isn't the mastermind of anything besides what found in his diapers. And don't blame Obama either because he was an empty suit whose only strength was the ability to read a teleprompter. Never mistake the puppet for the puppeteers.
The Federalist - another Questionable Source. Tell us, did the Federalist raise any objections when the Trump DOJ prosecuted Michael Cohen for his participation in these crimes? Every argument you can make about this being a "political prosecution" is rendered bullshit by this one simple fact. None of you objected to Cohen's prosecution.

  • Overall, we rate The Federalist Questionable and far-Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right and promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

There is no spin Nostra Dumbass. If Garland wanted to prosecute Trump, he has a list of things he could be going after him for starting with "What happened to the Inauguration Fund?". $100 million which was never accounted for.

Then there is all of the "pay for play" - untendered government contracts awarded to corporations whose executive belong to his golf clubs or who book events at this Washington Hotel. Employing illegal aliens to work at his golf courses and vineyard. Billions missing from the PPP loan fund which was under White House control. Execessive payments made to the Trump Corporation for hotel rooms for the Secret Service at Trump Resorts when the Resorts were closed. Obstruction of Justice as set out in the Mueller Investigation, and during his Administration. The selling of pardons.

You can google all of it.
Whoudathunkit? The raving lunatic KKKAnadian moron Dragonlady has nothing but whining and crying about the source.

And nothing to dispute the facts in my link.

Her streak of being a loser continues. :banana: :banana: :auiqs.jpg:
Mark Geragos is a fking demofk, dumb ass.
I don't actually give a shit who he is because unlike you I don't need people to tell me something I could look up for myself. Thanks for letting me know though that it's a Democrat you let make a fool out of you. :laugh:
That aren’t crimes
However, the crime of falsifying business records not only requires an incorrect entry on a company form but also an intent to mislead in an effort to reap reward.

"Every crime requires both an act and a criminal intent behind the act," Matthew Galluzo, a criminal defense attorney in New York City and a former prosecutor in the New York County District Attorney's Office, told ABC News.

Benedict's Donald's pal Pecker provided the credible testimony as to what the intent was.

No appeal's court will reverse the verdict, only the hacks on the SC can save his butt now.
However, the crime of falsifying business records not only requires an incorrect entry on a company form but also an intent to mislead in an effort to reap reward.

"Every crime requires both an act and a criminal intent behind the act," Matthew Galluzo, a criminal defense attorney in New York City and a former prosecutor in the New York County District Attorney's Office, told ABC News.

Benedict's Donald's pal Pecker provided the credible testimony as to what the intent was.

No appeal's court will reverse the verdict, only the hacks on the SC can save his butt now.
This video is fking great IMO.

However, the crime of falsifying business records not only requires an incorrect entry on a company form but also an intent to mislead in an effort to reap reward.

"Every crime requires both an act and a criminal intent behind the act," Matthew Galluzo, a criminal defense attorney in New York City and a former prosecutor in the New York County District Attorney's Office, told ABC News.

Benedict's Donald's pal Pecker provided the credible testimony as to what the intent was.

No appeal's court will reverse the verdict, only the hacks on the SC can save his butt now.
Pecker made the entry after the election to affect the election?:cuckoo:

Gotta link?
Started to cut and paste some, but there is just too much evidence to post. You need to read this entire article.

Then try to spin how this has not been directed by Biden and Biden sycophants.

Then the evidence of 'Biden's fingerprints' should be easy to find.

Show us, don't tell us. Prove, with evidence, that Biden ordered these prosecutions for political purposes.

Smiling.....or is this like Comer's 'judgment day' and incompetent impeachment inquiry? More of Mike Johnson's 'intuitively knowing'?

Where your evidence is your feelings?
Then the evidence of 'Biden's fingerprints' should be easy to find.

Show us, don't tell us. Prove, with evidence, that Biden ordered these prosecutions for political purposes.

Smiling.....or is this like Comer's 'judgment day' and incompetent impeachment inquiry? More of Mike Johnson's 'intuitively knowing'?

Where your evidence is your feelings?
Funny how none of you Dimtards never read a link.

Nuh-uh is all you have.

Run along, kid.
Funny how none of you Dimtards never read a link.

Nuh-uh is all you have.

Run along, kid.
I put Skylar on ignore because it's a troll.
Don't feed the trolls and they will die.
Funny how none of you Dimtards never read a link.

Nuh-uh is all you have.

Run along, kid.

Laughing.....or you never read the article you linked to.

Someone who used to work at the justice department now works for the NY DA's office.......and that means that they were ordered by Biden?

Prove it. Show us anywhere in your article where it presents evidence that anyone cited, Abuhoff, Williamson, Pomerantz, anyone cited as working on the NY case, is taking orders from Biden.

No, go ahead. I'll wait.





Nothing? Absolutely jack shit to back your silly conspiracy? Color me shocked.

Next time, read first, post second.

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