Biden’s Presidency Collapsed with Afghanistan

So you are saying Trump wouldn't have pulled out. Didn't we train the Afghan Army, why didn't they fight?
Yes, he wouldn't have...not according to the agreement.

Yes, we were and did train them. I believe they did...they have fought long and hard for years. They lost far more troops then we did.

What happened here was just pure Xiden failure. He ignored intel, he ignored warnings, he did what he wanted to do, and frankly didn't even plan for it, given logistic nightmare we are seeing unfold now over there.

Xiden and the Dem admin, complete total failure. He owns it.

Frankly, no President since the start of all this should have been in better more knowledgable position. It started and Xiden was Senator and Chair of the Foreign Relations Comm when he voted to authorize the use of force, then in the West Wing nearly half the time we have been there...8 as VP, and this year as President.....but he's a failure. Or maybe he really doesn't care about them because they are brown...who knows if it was just him being an idiot or his racism
They had no air support, and the Taliban knew Biden wouldn't do anything if they took over, and they were right.
There was no future in which the Taliban wouldn’t take over as soon as we left.

It’s leave now and the Taliban takes over.

Or leave in a year and the Taliban takes over.

Or leave in 10 years and the Taliban takes over.
The New York Times called the events in Afghanistan a tragedy.

Do you think it's because terrorists seized power there? No.

"This is a tragedy, because the American dream of being an "indispensable nation" in building peace... turned out to be just that dream, " writes the New York Times...
Dumb & Dumber. Rump with Ghani



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Afghanistan was going to fall. It was never meant to survive without US Protection

I see you're sticking to the Dim talking points. :thup: This is not about leaving Afghanistan. This is about how massively screwed up the execution was. Like pulling the military out before the civilians. Like ignoring the intelligence because you wanted to say you were out by 9/11.

I know you don't care if you lie. I know you don't care you're caught in a lie. Because all you do is lie.
There are A LOT of American's stranded there, if they start dying Joe is in BIG trouble.
I doubt the Taliban want to provoke us into reentering
They will play nice for a while and seem to be saying….See? We are not that bad
There are A LOT of American's stranded there, if they start dying Joe is in BIG trouble.
The government pulled out everything they out there. The Americans “stranded” there are there on their own volition, were told not to go and were also told to get out months ago.

Even so, the Taliban isn’t interfering with our efforts to evacuate, which goes against the idea that the Taliban isn’t scare of retaliation from US forces.
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OK tough guy

What do you propose we should have done differently?

I’ll start
We never should have gone in in the first place

I'd stop short of "never going there". A response to 9/11 was necessary. What wasn't was Bushie's continuation after AQ/ Taliban were wiped out, Obama's surge, Trump's stupid belief that he could negotiate & that Taliban were interested in fighting terrorism.
I see you're sticking to the Dim talking points. :thup: This is not about leaving Afghanistan. This is about how massively screwed up the execution was. Like pulling the military out before the civilians. Like ignoring the intelligence because you wanted to say you were out by 9/11.

I know you don't care if you lie. I know you don't care you're caught in a lie. Because all you do is lie.
our embassy was evacuated last week, that was the last of us citizens, its just our remaining allies there being evacuated now

our embassy was evacuated last week, that was the last of us citizens, its just our remaining allies there being evacuated now


Funny, but your Dim main stream media is begging senile Joe to get reporters out. Video yesterday showed Embassy workers being evacuated by helicopter. Media reports say there are thousands of Americans still in Afghanistan. Biden people are telling the Americans to shelter in place.

So I get're a liar too. It's what you Dims do. :(
It's shocking to see corporate media outlets calling Biden out today. CNN, MSNBC, ABC "News", and NBC have all run with stories criticizing Biden for the utter disaster he has created in Afghanistan.

I don't know if this is part of the Obama/Clinton plan to get rid of Biden and install Harris now that the writing is on the wall with Joe's mental decline, or what, but it's not what I was expecting!

The Media is only truthful about Democrat failures when there is absolutely no other choice.

We all saw this collosal Biden failure with our own eyes in real time.

If they thought there was the slimmest possibility we could be convinced otherwise...they would have run with in.

This is nothing more than 'did you see that? You sure? did we..."
The government pulled out everything they out there. The Americans “stranded” there are there on their own volition, were told not to go and were also told to get out months ago.

Even so, the Taliban isn’t interfering with our efforts to evacuate, which goes against the idea that the Taliban isn’t scare of retaliation from US forces.

I invite you to prove that. Either way if they start dying Joe will take the fall, ESPECIALLY since the planes we re seeing is loaded with Afghani's.

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