Big freaking ruh roh: Intel Chair pretty sure FBI had no warrant to record Flynn

Continuing this would be unwise. Because from the time the "Golden Shower" bullshit hit the deck, it's been deception and disinformation ENDORSED all the way up to the old CIA chief Clapper. Was a couple days before the that material the CIA tacked on the addendum to the "Russian Interference" paper was found out to be a DOMESTIC operation paid for by Trump's Primary season adversaries and later bought by the 2nd customer, the Hillary Clinton campaign. It's was PURE political "opposition research". Not ANYTHING that had official US Intel content. And the mental midget McCain who pretended he never KNEW it was political bullshit was PROBABLY a donor for the opposition research effort on Trump.

Trump isn't threatening anybody. He's gonna FIND the internal Intel conspirators and punish them like they SHOULD be punished. Using beyond Top Secret methods to spy on an opposition campaign should give EVERY American pause. And that's what appears to have happened here. CONTINUE IT?? Good fucking luck with that.
How about his bold ass statement in Congress that the NSA was NOT "bulk collecting" on American citizens for starters? Proven ridiculously wrong by NSA whistle-blowers like Snowden. When you have the highest officials making bald-faced lies like that -- it's hard to come forward to your superiors to register your reservations about "constitutionality" of programs you're tasked to do.

Latest Explanation For James Clapper Lying About 'Essential' NSA Spy Program: 'He Forgot About It'

There's plenty more WHOPPERS where that came from.. .

Not Necessarily--here is a good article on the Trump Dossier. The point is--we don't know, but it's very possible this could also be leaked.
How the Trump dossier came to light: secret sources, a retired spy and John McCain

Not necessarily WHAT? My reply had nothing to do with the fake political opposition research garbage that Clapper packaged up as an "intel community report"... Both are done deal facts. Clapper Lied to Congress about the MASSIVE Patriot Act era spying on Americans. And he lied about the fake "dossier" from the hired gun for the RNC and DNC..
what was clapper's lies regarding those 2 things????

The so called dossier is fake. And only fools believe that it is for real. It got blown out of the water instantly by the reporter from The Atlantic. I can't believe that you believe the golden showers bullshit.

And Clapper flat out lied to Congress about the spying scandal.

He should have been up on charges. Ditto freaking Brennan. You don't remember this massive scandal?

Cripes. The sons of bitches even spied on Senate Staffers!

And Brennan was a mega liar too. Brennan invented the "kill list". You know the drone assassination program. The American assassination by drone program under Obama. He's a liar as well.
nope, know nothing about this so called scandal...was it in your alternative facts news only?

I've never believed the golden showers stuff....but as far as the rest of the dossier....intelligence has confirmed the dates and times and people who met and provided info for the dossier....soooo, it was not simply, just made up...

Trump was probably briefed on the dossier.
Not Necessarily--here is a good article on the Trump Dossier. The point is--we don't know, but it's very possible this could also be leaked.
How the Trump dossier came to light: secret sources, a retired spy and John McCain

Not necessarily WHAT? My reply had nothing to do with the fake political opposition research garbage that Clapper packaged up as an "intel community report"... Both are done deal facts. Clapper Lied to Congress about the MASSIVE Patriot Act era spying on Americans. And he lied about the fake "dossier" from the hired gun for the RNC and DNC..
what was clapper's lies regarding those 2 things????

The so called dossier is fake. And only fools believe that it is for real. It got blown out of the water instantly by the reporter from The Atlantic. I can't believe that you believe the golden showers bullshit.

And Clapper flat out lied to Congress about the spying scandal.

He should have been up on charges. Ditto freaking Brennan. You don't remember this massive scandal?

Cripes. The sons of bitches even spied on Senate Staffers!

And Brennan was a mega liar too. Brennan invented the "kill list". You know the drone assassination program. The American assassination by drone program under Obama. He's a liar as well.
nope, know nothing about this so called scandal...was it in your alternative facts news only?

I've never believed the golden showers stuff....but as far as the rest of the dossier....intelligence has confirmed the dates and times and people who met and provided info for the dossier....soooo, it was not simply, just made up...

Trump would have full access to everything we know about the dossier. Trump may have been personally briefed on it starting shortly after the election.

Nope--when the POTUS of the United States is under investigation, he will not be briefed. The Intelligence will be reported to the Senate Intelligence committee first, and at the point the handcuffs may come out.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -

I don't think anyone is going to be briefing him on anything right now. I imagine Mike Pence is going to be taking over fairly quickly.


Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -
Last edited:
Not necessarily WHAT? My reply had nothing to do with the fake political opposition research garbage that Clapper packaged up as an "intel community report"... Both are done deal facts. Clapper Lied to Congress about the MASSIVE Patriot Act era spying on Americans. And he lied about the fake "dossier" from the hired gun for the RNC and DNC..
what was clapper's lies regarding those 2 things????

The so called dossier is fake. And only fools believe that it is for real. It got blown out of the water instantly by the reporter from The Atlantic. I can't believe that you believe the golden showers bullshit.

And Clapper flat out lied to Congress about the spying scandal.

He should have been up on charges. Ditto freaking Brennan. You don't remember this massive scandal?

Cripes. The sons of bitches even spied on Senate Staffers!

And Brennan was a mega liar too. Brennan invented the "kill list". You know the drone assassination program. The American assassination by drone program under Obama. He's a liar as well.
nope, know nothing about this so called scandal...was it in your alternative facts news only?

I've never believed the golden showers stuff....but as far as the rest of the dossier....intelligence has confirmed the dates and times and people who met and provided info for the dossier....soooo, it was not simply, just made up...

Trump would have full access to everything we know about the dossier. Trump may have been personally briefed on it starting shortly after the election.

Nope--when the POTUS of the United States is under investigation, he will not be briefed. The Intelligence will be reported to the Senate Intelligence committee first, and at the point the handcuffs may come out.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -

I don't think anyone is going to be briefing him on anything right now. I imagine Mike Pence is going to be taking over fairly quickly.


Trump isn't under investigation, at least not up until now. I remember Trump complaining about the intelligence agencies on the dossier. Which means they probably briefed Trump, and Trump rejected their report.
what was clapper's lies regarding those 2 things????

The so called dossier is fake. And only fools believe that it is for real. It got blown out of the water instantly by the reporter from The Atlantic. I can't believe that you believe the golden showers bullshit.

And Clapper flat out lied to Congress about the spying scandal.

He should have been up on charges. Ditto freaking Brennan. You don't remember this massive scandal?

Cripes. The sons of bitches even spied on Senate Staffers!

And Brennan was a mega liar too. Brennan invented the "kill list". You know the drone assassination program. The American assassination by drone program under Obama. He's a liar as well.
nope, know nothing about this so called scandal...was it in your alternative facts news only?

I've never believed the golden showers stuff....but as far as the rest of the dossier....intelligence has confirmed the dates and times and people who met and provided info for the dossier....soooo, it was not simply, just made up...

Trump would have full access to everything we know about the dossier. Trump may have been personally briefed on it starting shortly after the election.

Nope--when the POTUS of the United States is under investigation, he will not be briefed. The Intelligence will be reported to the Senate Intelligence committee first, and at the point the handcuffs may come out.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -

I don't think anyone is going to be briefing him on anything right now. I imagine Mike Pence is going to be taking over fairly quickly.


Trump isn't under investigation, at least not up until now. I remember Trump complaining about the intelligence agencies on the dossier. Which means they probably briefed Trump, and Trump rejected their report.

They have the phone records, they have the audio recordings. Trump is under investigation, this was all coming from his campaign and they are going to take him down.

They are investigating the Russian Hacking using subpoenas. Since he has continually denied it, he will be included in this investigation.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

Flynn is a separate investigation.
Senate Republicans call for investigation into Flynn’s ties to Russia

Since they have phone records of Trump campaign aids in constant communication with high level Russian officials during the campaign season (who were representing Trump) he will not be briefed.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to do a cyber attack on the United States is TREASON.

Last edited:
You may think that Trump is most powerful guy in this country. He's not. He is threatening them, instead of doing what other Presidents have done in the past, by ignoring them. He's adding fuel to the fire by threatening them, and even pissing them off more, while they're sitting back laughing at him.

Well I'm glad you have a glimpse of the problem here. Because Trump is a true outsider, these "deep state" powers have very little dirt on him.. That's why all the lies and the disinformation. But if you REALIZE how important the deep state is and how power it actually wields --- then you know that virtually EVERY politician and leader in your lifetime could be blackmailed by embarrassing stuff in the vaults. Except for Trump and some of his "outside" crew.

Explains why so much lying and desperation is going on right now. However, I fear you have NO IDEA of the magnitude of consequences of a partisan insurrection down there in those levels. Because the shit slinging could go BOTH ways very easily. You do not WANT this continue. But YET -- you're cheering it on.

So I'm not sure you really get the seriousness of the situation..

There is no one that could have watched ANY of those debates either during the primary season or with Hillary Clinton and walked away believing that Trump won a single one of them, much less that he was qualified or competent to be commander & chief of this country. If they tell you that they're lying through their teeth.

You've been mad at the Establishment for quite some time now, and it's because you don't understand basic civics, and you NEVER consider the circumstances of like defunding Obamacare without a single thought of leaving millions that were forced onto this program without insurance overnight. Politicians like Ted Cruz and other Tea Party candidates have manipulated you into believing that they're going to "defund Planned Parenthood"--NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN, that they could REPEAL OBAMACARE--NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN now it's repeal and replace but they'll probably end up fixing it--that they're going to appoint a U.S. Supreme Court Justice that will do away with ROE V WADE--NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.

These are used constantly in right wing campaign rhetoric to get your vote. So when these things don't happen you have Rush Limbaugh and right wing talk show hosts whom also manipulate you into believing that they're all nothing but a bunch of RINO's and Establishment politicians that are sitting up there on their ass's getting nothing done. You believe that since they had a small majority in both houses, that they could handle Obamacare, get the budget in order, etc. etc. etc. even though Obama was sitting in the Oval office with a veto pen in hand.

So you were directed toward a non-establishment candidate Trump by right wing radio talk show hosts. and some on FOX News with this continual directed anger at your own party. Now it's imploding on you. This is what happens when you insist on living in a right wing media bubble, that delivers commentary based on ratings and profits, to suit a right wing audience. They have convinced you that all other media is false, or made up of all lies, when in fact it's quite the opposite. FOX News turned into the Trump media networks during the primary giving Trump an unprecedented 2 BILLION in free news coverage while ignoring all other candidates. Why? Ratings & profits. Their viewership dropped off a cliff, and now CNN is number one.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

Trump is the accidental nominee and here is a link you can read so you'll understand it.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

At any rate, you're an angry voter and you voted for an angry candidate. You were warned over and over again about Trump, and you ignored all of those warnings. You voted on emotions, and when you do that it usually ends up being a YUUUGE mistake.


And here is a great article on how Trump broke the conservative media in this country. Long but very informative--and why it's got to stop.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

C'mon.. Is that you excuse for justifying turning the most powerful Spy Factory on the planet AGAINST your political opponents? What "brand" of American are you really? You really want to rationalize the apocalypse of the Republic with all the horseshit you just wrote?

Yes it is unusual for so much to be coming out in the first 3 weeks of a newly elected President. But most of these intelligence agents are REPUBLICANS--Democrats are in the minority of this.

Now if they know they cannot TRUST the POTUS with classified information, and Republicans aren't doing anything about it, they are going to inform the American public via means of leaks. They have sworn an oath to protect this nation and to defend the U.S. Constitution. They are in fact the line of protection for our Democracy.

And when Shep Smith and John McCain (who has never been one to stretch the truth) are having a conniption fit over this, it's time to man up and pay attention to what's going on. This is NOT coming from Obama left-overs and liberals it's coming from REPUBLICANS.

McCain Blasts Trump's Policies in Munich Speech

Now you can turn on Sean Hannity--and I am certain he'll have a completely different opinion & version for you. BUT you cannot deny what comes out of Trump's mouth and his tweety fingers, no matter how hard you try.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy


You just answered my question. With your stupid statement about the Dem Repub makeup of the spy community and your childish fixation with the most trivial partisan bullshit like your cartoons. WHILE your country gets hijacked by a deep state insurgency. A blatant attempt to use massive spy powers on political opposition...

I'm done with you here. It aint funny to me. And your 2 tribes are gonna SOON become as irrelevent as Sean Hannity..
Continuing this would be unwise. Because from the time the "Golden Shower" bullshit hit the deck, it's been deception and disinformation ENDORSED all the way up to the old CIA chief Clapper. Was a couple days before the that material the CIA tacked on the addendum to the "Russian Interference" paper was found out to be a DOMESTIC operation paid for by Trump's Primary season adversaries and later bought by the 2nd customer, the Hillary Clinton campaign. It's was PURE political "opposition research". Not ANYTHING that had official US Intel content. And the mental midget McCain who pretended he never KNEW it was political bullshit was PROBABLY a donor for the opposition research effort on Trump.

Trump isn't threatening anybody. He's gonna FIND the internal Intel conspirators and punish them like they SHOULD be punished. Using beyond Top Secret methods to spy on an opposition campaign should give EVERY American pause. And that's what appears to have happened here. CONTINUE IT?? Good fucking luck with that.
How about his bold ass statement in Congress that the NSA was NOT "bulk collecting" on American citizens for starters? Proven ridiculously wrong by NSA whistle-blowers like Snowden. When you have the highest officials making bald-faced lies like that -- it's hard to come forward to your superiors to register your reservations about "constitutionality" of programs you're tasked to do.

Latest Explanation For James Clapper Lying About 'Essential' NSA Spy Program: 'He Forgot About It'

There's plenty more WHOPPERS where that came from.. .

Not Necessarily--here is a good article on the Trump Dossier. The point is--we don't know, but it's very possible this could also be leaked.
How the Trump dossier came to light: secret sources, a retired spy and John McCain

Not necessarily WHAT? My reply had nothing to do with the fake political opposition research garbage that Clapper packaged up as an "intel community report"... Both are done deal facts. Clapper Lied to Congress about the MASSIVE Patriot Act era spying on Americans. And he lied about the fake "dossier" from the hired gun for the RNC and DNC..
what was clapper's lies regarding those 2 things????

The so called dossier is fake. And only fools believe that it is for real. It got blown out of the water instantly by the reporter from The Atlantic. I can't believe that you believe the golden showers bullshit.

And Clapper flat out lied to Congress about the spying scandal.

He should have been up on charges. Ditto freaking Brennan. You don't remember this massive scandal?

Cripes. The sons of bitches even spied on Senate Staffers!

And Brennan was a mega liar too. Brennan invented the "kill list". You know the drone assassination program. The American assassination by drone program under Obama. He's a liar as well.
nope, know nothing about this so called scandal...was it in your alternative facts news only?

I've never believed the golden showers stuff....but as far as the rest of the dossier....intelligence has confirmed the dates and times and people who met and provided info for the dossier....soooo, it was not simply, just made up...

Hey -- just to see if this is an HONEST conversation... Who commissioned and PAID for the "trump dossier"??? Can you tell us??? Do you KNOW it's origins and the "mystery Brit" investigator who wrote it?
Not Necessarily--here is a good article on the Trump Dossier. The point is--we don't know, but it's very possible this could also be leaked.
How the Trump dossier came to light: secret sources, a retired spy and John McCain

Not necessarily WHAT? My reply had nothing to do with the fake political opposition research garbage that Clapper packaged up as an "intel community report"... Both are done deal facts. Clapper Lied to Congress about the MASSIVE Patriot Act era spying on Americans. And he lied about the fake "dossier" from the hired gun for the RNC and DNC..
what was clapper's lies regarding those 2 things????

The so called dossier is fake. And only fools believe that it is for real. It got blown out of the water instantly by the reporter from The Atlantic. I can't believe that you believe the golden showers bullshit.

And Clapper flat out lied to Congress about the spying scandal.

He should have been up on charges. Ditto freaking Brennan. You don't remember this massive scandal?

Cripes. The sons of bitches even spied on Senate Staffers!

And Brennan was a mega liar too. Brennan invented the "kill list". You know the drone assassination program. The American assassination by drone program under Obama. He's a liar as well.
nope, know nothing about this so called scandal...was it in your alternative facts news only?

I've never believed the golden showers stuff....but as far as the rest of the dossier....intelligence has confirmed the dates and times and people who met and provided info for the dossier....soooo, it was not simply, just made up...

Trump was probably briefed on the dossier.

One of the ironies is -- the senior Repub DUPE McCain who ran to get this POS work to the Intel people --- probably FUNDED the opposition research in that fairy tale by financially supporting Bush the Third and Lindsey Graham during the primaries.

They were pissed that Trump was an outsider and "not manageable" with a little help from the blackmail vault of old "state secrets"..
It looks like we are going to get our own Capitol Hill version of Swamp people. Aaaaayeeeeee! It's not only time to drain the swamp but to hook every leaking low down critter and drag em out.

There's got to be a political version Troy Landry in Washington who can finally nail the leakers in the Intelligence community.

Laissez les bons temps rouler baby!


“Any intelligence agency cannot listen to Americans’ phone calls,” Nunes told reporters Tuesday night. “If there’s inadvertent collection that you know is overseas there’s a whole process in place for that.”

He explained, “It’s pretty clear that’s not the case, so then they could have been listening to someone else and inadvertently picked up an American.

If that happens, there’s a whole process in place to where they have to immediately get rid of the information unless it’s like high level national security issue and then someone would have to unmask the name — someone at the highest levels.”

“So in this case it would be General Flynn and then how did that happen. T

hen if they did that, then how does all that get out to the public which is another leak of classified information,” Nunes added.

“I’m pretty sure the FBI didn’t have a warrant on Michael Flynn.”

GOP Intel Chair: ‘Pretty Sure FBI Didn’t Have Warrant’ To Record Flynn

Read more: GOP Intel Chair: ‘Pretty Sure FBI Didn’t Have Warrant’ To Record Flynn
F the warrant Flynn is a traitor and the same with the scumbag trump Firing squad for both
It looks like we are going to get our own Capitol Hill version of Swamp people. Aaaaayeeeeee! It's not only time to drain the swamp but to hook every leaking low down critter and drag em out.

There's got to be a political version Troy Landry in Washington who can finally nail the leakers in the Intelligence community.

Laissez les bons temps rouler baby!


“Any intelligence agency cannot listen to Americans’ phone calls,” Nunes told reporters Tuesday night. “If there’s inadvertent collection that you know is overseas there’s a whole process in place for that.”

He explained, “It’s pretty clear that’s not the case, so then they could have been listening to someone else and inadvertently picked up an American.

If that happens, there’s a whole process in place to where they have to immediately get rid of the information unless it’s like high level national security issue and then someone would have to unmask the name — someone at the highest levels.”

“So in this case it would be General Flynn and then how did that happen. T

hen if they did that, then how does all that get out to the public which is another leak of classified information,” Nunes added.

“I’m pretty sure the FBI didn’t have a warrant on Michael Flynn.”

GOP Intel Chair: ‘Pretty Sure FBI Didn’t Have Warrant’ To Record Flynn

Read more: GOP Intel Chair: ‘Pretty Sure FBI Didn’t Have Warrant’ To Record Flynn
F the warrant Flynn is a traitor and the same with the scumbag trump Firing squad for both

The Federal Government doesn't need a warrant to spy on Foreign Adversary's--LOL And yes, they have the authorization to record whomever they're talking too. We don't notify them in advance of what we're doing by obtaining a warrant--LOL
The real tragedy was Trump being a giant pussy and throwing a good hard working general under the bus because he was spooked by pussy liberals. He doesnt get to act the victim when he wasn't man enough to stand by his choice when NO CRIME was committed....Makes me wonder what Preibus has on him to make this happen.
thanatos144 if you're talking about Flynn, President Trump fired him for lying to Pence, that's not a bad thing and it's not caving to pussy liberals.
Not Necessarily--here is a good article on the Trump Dossier. The point is--we don't know, but it's very possible this could also be leaked.
How the Trump dossier came to light: secret sources, a retired spy and John McCain

Not necessarily WHAT? My reply had nothing to do with the fake political opposition research garbage that Clapper packaged up as an "intel community report"... Both are done deal facts. Clapper Lied to Congress about the MASSIVE Patriot Act era spying on Americans. And he lied about the fake "dossier" from the hired gun for the RNC and DNC..
what was clapper's lies regarding those 2 things????

The so called dossier is fake. And only fools believe that it is for real. It got blown out of the water instantly by the reporter from The Atlantic. I can't believe that you believe the golden showers bullshit.

And Clapper flat out lied to Congress about the spying scandal.

He should have been up on charges. Ditto freaking Brennan. You don't remember this massive scandal?

Cripes. The sons of bitches even spied on Senate Staffers!

And Brennan was a mega liar too. Brennan invented the "kill list". You know the drone assassination program. The American assassination by drone program under Obama. He's a liar as well.
nope, know nothing about this so called scandal...was it in your alternative facts news only?

I've never believed the golden showers stuff....but as far as the rest of the dossier....intelligence has confirmed the dates and times and people who met and provided info for the dossier....soooo, it was not simply, just made up...

Hey -- just to see if this is an HONEST conversation... Who commissioned and PAID for the "trump dossier"??? Can you tell us??? Do you KNOW it's origins and the "mystery Brit" investigator who wrote it?

I've heard a couple of things on it... was a PAC supporting Jeb Bush, another was that it was ex CIA operative McMullin who ran for President.

Haven't read much on the ex-MI6 operative other than he had a solid reputation....was very good at getting information during his career.
thanatos144 if you're talking about Flynn, President Trump fired him for lying to Pence, that's not a bad thing and it's not caving to pussy liberals.
Oh bull shit. Trump pussed out. Flynn didn't lie he just didn't recall ... Not a firing crime.... Nope he fires a general for doing something Trump sent him to do. Trump showed his true colors as a man with no backbone. He caved to Priebus and Pence showed that he had no honor by allowing Flynn to fall on a sword that only called for a apology.

I want to see this transcript. If there was a actual crime flynn would be in handcuffs not being Trumps scapgoat
Not necessarily WHAT? My reply had nothing to do with the fake political opposition research garbage that Clapper packaged up as an "intel community report"... Both are done deal facts. Clapper Lied to Congress about the MASSIVE Patriot Act era spying on Americans. And he lied about the fake "dossier" from the hired gun for the RNC and DNC..
what was clapper's lies regarding those 2 things????

The so called dossier is fake. And only fools believe that it is for real. It got blown out of the water instantly by the reporter from The Atlantic. I can't believe that you believe the golden showers bullshit.

And Clapper flat out lied to Congress about the spying scandal.

He should have been up on charges. Ditto freaking Brennan. You don't remember this massive scandal?

Cripes. The sons of bitches even spied on Senate Staffers!

And Brennan was a mega liar too. Brennan invented the "kill list". You know the drone assassination program. The American assassination by drone program under Obama. He's a liar as well.
nope, know nothing about this so called scandal...was it in your alternative facts news only?

I've never believed the golden showers stuff....but as far as the rest of the dossier....intelligence has confirmed the dates and times and people who met and provided info for the dossier....soooo, it was not simply, just made up...

Hey -- just to see if this is an HONEST conversation... Who commissioned and PAID for the "trump dossier"??? Can you tell us??? Do you KNOW it's origins and the "mystery Brit" investigator who wrote it?

I've heard a couple of things on it... was a PAC supporting Jeb Bush, another was that it was ex CIA operative McMullin who ran for President.

Haven't read much on the ex-MI6 operative other than he had a solid reputation....was very good at getting information during his career.

It was all PAID opposition research.. You are correct. NOT genuine intel of ANY TYPE. And not only was the idiot paid by the "never Trumpers" to develop it -- he later was supported by the Hillary Campaign as well. To promote garbage like that to level of "consensus within the USA Intel community" takes a certain amount of hijinks and balls. It was written to be irrefutable by excluding sources and dates and evidence. A genuine press release hit piece that only dupes like McCain would confuse as "evidence of compromise".....
thanatos144 if you're talking about Flynn, President Trump fired him for lying to Pence, that's not a bad thing and it's not caving to pussy liberals.
Oh bull shit. Trump pussed out. Flynn didn't lie he just didn't recall ... Not a firing crime.... Nope he fires a general for doing something Trump sent him to do. Trump showed his true colors as a man with no backbone. He caved to Priebus and Pence showed that he had no honor by allowing Flynn to fall on a sword that only called for a apology.

I want to see this transcript. If there was a actual crime flynn would be in handcuffs not being Trumps scapgoat
We all want to see the transcripts or hear the recordings...both sides on this issue want to hear them!

How do you forget what you talked about 2 weeks earlier, with such an important call to the Russian Ambassador...actually, they are saying it was 5 calls to the Russian Ambassador on the same day, the day the Sanctions were issued. And allegedly, 1 or 2 of the calls were ONLY ABOUT the sanctions....

so yes, we WANT TO SEE OR HEAR the conversations of flynn with the ambassador!

And there is no way, that Flynn discussed these sanctions with the Ambassador, WITHOUT Trump's knowledge! NONE< ZERO< ZIP
thanatos144 Be honest, if someone forgot something of this caliber; flat out denied Russian sanctions were ever discussed, sending Pence, Trump, and others out to "defend" him then abruptly about faced "oh I don't recall" you'd keep them on? Would you keep Hillary Clinton too? She pulled the same shit. This isn't the kind of game where you can just ignore that type of behavior. I have no doubt that had Flynn come out straight away and said "I don't recall," or even if he'd said "We touched on it" then he'd not have been resigned - because what he did according to those in the know isn't against any laws.

For whatever reason Flynn didn't do that though, he played the "It depends on what the meaning of 'is', is" game and got burnt as far as I'm concerned.
what was clapper's lies regarding those 2 things????

The so called dossier is fake. And only fools believe that it is for real. It got blown out of the water instantly by the reporter from The Atlantic. I can't believe that you believe the golden showers bullshit.

And Clapper flat out lied to Congress about the spying scandal.

He should have been up on charges. Ditto freaking Brennan. You don't remember this massive scandal?

Cripes. The sons of bitches even spied on Senate Staffers!

And Brennan was a mega liar too. Brennan invented the "kill list". You know the drone assassination program. The American assassination by drone program under Obama. He's a liar as well.
nope, know nothing about this so called scandal...was it in your alternative facts news only?

I've never believed the golden showers stuff....but as far as the rest of the dossier....intelligence has confirmed the dates and times and people who met and provided info for the dossier....soooo, it was not simply, just made up...

Hey -- just to see if this is an HONEST conversation... Who commissioned and PAID for the "trump dossier"??? Can you tell us??? Do you KNOW it's origins and the "mystery Brit" investigator who wrote it?

I've heard a couple of things on it... was a PAC supporting Jeb Bush, another was that it was ex CIA operative McMullin who ran for President.

Haven't read much on the ex-MI6 operative other than he had a solid reputation....was very good at getting information during his career.

It was all PAID opposition research.. You are correct. NOT genuine intel of ANY TYPE. And not only was the idiot paid by the "never Trumpers" to develop it -- he later was supported by the Hillary Campaign as well. To promote garbage like that to level of "consensus within the USA Intel community" takes a certain amount of hijinks and balls. It was written to be irrefutable by excluding sources and dates and evidence. A genuine press release hit piece that only dupes like McCain would confuse as "evidence of compromise".....
No, it was not the Hillary Campaign, it was a PAC that supported Hillary, they are two different things.....

And I do not find this unusual at all, most private I's are hired by people who are trying to find out things about other people...husbands, and wives, on their spouses, competitors against each other, this is what Private I's are for and this does not diminish what they find out.

And yes, it was written in code, without some of the sources there....for a reason.

but I read the FBI was in contact with him when he sent them the Dossier (long before it was given to McCain to give the FBI) and the FBI asked him to give the names and dates and times of his sources, WHICH HE GAVE THEM....

The FBI checked out these sources and the dates they supposedly met and so far THEY HAVE ALL CHECKED OUT.

Looks like you are in denial about all of this, why?
The so called dossier is fake. And only fools believe that it is for real. It got blown out of the water instantly by the reporter from The Atlantic. I can't believe that you believe the golden showers bullshit.

And Clapper flat out lied to Congress about the spying scandal.

He should have been up on charges. Ditto freaking Brennan. You don't remember this massive scandal?

Cripes. The sons of bitches even spied on Senate Staffers!

And Brennan was a mega liar too. Brennan invented the "kill list". You know the drone assassination program. The American assassination by drone program under Obama. He's a liar as well.
nope, know nothing about this so called scandal...was it in your alternative facts news only?

I've never believed the golden showers stuff....but as far as the rest of the dossier....intelligence has confirmed the dates and times and people who met and provided info for the dossier....soooo, it was not simply, just made up...

Hey -- just to see if this is an HONEST conversation... Who commissioned and PAID for the "trump dossier"??? Can you tell us??? Do you KNOW it's origins and the "mystery Brit" investigator who wrote it?

I've heard a couple of things on it... was a PAC supporting Jeb Bush, another was that it was ex CIA operative McMullin who ran for President.

Haven't read much on the ex-MI6 operative other than he had a solid reputation....was very good at getting information during his career.

It was all PAID opposition research.. You are correct. NOT genuine intel of ANY TYPE. And not only was the idiot paid by the "never Trumpers" to develop it -- he later was supported by the Hillary Campaign as well. To promote garbage like that to level of "consensus within the USA Intel community" takes a certain amount of hijinks and balls. It was written to be irrefutable by excluding sources and dates and evidence. A genuine press release hit piece that only dupes like McCain would confuse as "evidence of compromise".....
No, it was not the Hillary Campaign, it was a PAC that supported Hillary, they are two different things.....

And I do not find this unusual at all, most private I's are hired by people who are trying to find out things about other people...husbands, and wives, on their spouses, competitors against each other, this is what Private I's are for and this does not diminish what they find out.

And yes, it was written in code, without some of the sources there....for a reason.

but I read the FBI was in contact with him when he sent them the Dossier (long before it was given to McCain to give the FBI) and the FBI asked him to give the names and dates and times of his sources, WHICH HE GAVE THEM....

The FBI checked out these sources and the dates they supposedly met and so far THEY HAVE ALL CHECKED OUT.

Looks like you are in denial about all of this, why?

Show me the DATE where Trump was in a Moscow hotel getting a Golden Shower from their finest prostitutes just BECAUSE ---- "Obama and Mrs slept in that bed before".. That was in the press. Which of us in denial? How do you DEFEND against absurd allegations in the Media when your OPPONENTS are in POLITICAL control of the Intel Comm giving the junk a thumbs up???
nope, know nothing about this so called scandal...was it in your alternative facts news only?

I've never believed the golden showers stuff....but as far as the rest of the dossier....intelligence has confirmed the dates and times and people who met and provided info for the dossier....soooo, it was not simply, just made up...

Hey -- just to see if this is an HONEST conversation... Who commissioned and PAID for the "trump dossier"??? Can you tell us??? Do you KNOW it's origins and the "mystery Brit" investigator who wrote it?

I've heard a couple of things on it... was a PAC supporting Jeb Bush, another was that it was ex CIA operative McMullin who ran for President.

Haven't read much on the ex-MI6 operative other than he had a solid reputation....was very good at getting information during his career.

It was all PAID opposition research.. You are correct. NOT genuine intel of ANY TYPE. And not only was the idiot paid by the "never Trumpers" to develop it -- he later was supported by the Hillary Campaign as well. To promote garbage like that to level of "consensus within the USA Intel community" takes a certain amount of hijinks and balls. It was written to be irrefutable by excluding sources and dates and evidence. A genuine press release hit piece that only dupes like McCain would confuse as "evidence of compromise".....
No, it was not the Hillary Campaign, it was a PAC that supported Hillary, they are two different things.....

And I do not find this unusual at all, most private I's are hired by people who are trying to find out things about other people...husbands, and wives, on their spouses, competitors against each other, this is what Private I's are for and this does not diminish what they find out.

And yes, it was written in code, without some of the sources there....for a reason.

but I read the FBI was in contact with him when he sent them the Dossier (long before it was given to McCain to give the FBI) and the FBI asked him to give the names and dates and times of his sources, WHICH HE GAVE THEM....

The FBI checked out these sources and the dates they supposedly met and so far THEY HAVE ALL CHECKED OUT.

Looks like you are in denial about all of this, why?

Show me the DATE where Trump was in a Moscow hotel getting a Golden Shower from their finest prostitutes just BECAUSE ---- "Obama and Mrs slept in that bed before".. That was in the press. Which of us in denial? How do you DEFEND against absurd allegations in the Media when your OPPONENTS are in POLITICAL control of the Intel Comm giving the junk a thumbs up???

Trumps own words of his behavior cooberates the story. 12 women, call them Trumps dirty dozen, provide further proof.

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