Big freaking ruh roh: Intel Chair pretty sure FBI had no warrant to record Flynn

I don't agree - and here's why.

When the FBI is investigating, they do not release info other then the bare minimum. When it's concluded - then either criminal indictment is handed down or the person is cleared. They never NEVER publically lambaste, go into detail or discuss any part of the investigation before it is concluded. Compare the way Comey handled and publicized Clinton's investigation to how they handled their investigation into Trump's Russian connections and you will see the absolute stark difference.

I also don't buy that because they were "Obama appointments" they would have a vested interest in Clinton's election. Appointments know it's for a term and many, in fact, don't last the whole term or resign in the second term. If this were the case we would have seen a whole lot of this behavior in prior transitions. The other thing is - Comey is a Republican. He is currently serving under Trump. He previously served under G.W. Bush. There is no guarantee he would have served under Clinton. What he did - that last minute email fiasco SHORTLY before the election itself - was in no way favorable to Clinton.

This is, in my opinion, why there are leaks.

Government workers shun Trump, give big money to Clinton
BY JONATHAN SWAN - 10/26/16 06:01 AM EDT

Federal government employees are opening their wallets to help Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump on Nov. 8.

Of the roughly $2 million that federal workers from 14 agencies spent on presidential politics by the end of September, about $1.9 million, or 95 percent, went to the Democratic nominee’s campaign, according to an analysis by The Hill.

Employees at all the agencies analyzed, without exception, are sending their campaign contributions overwhelmingly to Clinton over her Republican counterpart. Several agencies, such as the State Department, which Clinton once led, saw more than 99 percent of contributions going to Clinton.

Employees of the Department of Justice, which investigated Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of State, gave Clinton 97 percent of their donations. Trump received $8,756 from DOJ employees compared with $286,797 for Clinton. From IRS employees, Clinton received 94 percent of donations.


Government workers shun Trump, give big money to Clinton

Anyone found guilty of leaking the contents of those tapes should be made an example of with the most severe sentence possible.

There are leaks because intelligence officials knew Trump and his people were not being truthful about the nature of their relationships with Russian officials.

So they decided to break the law themselves and give away methods of how that intelligence was gathered. That's criminal stupidity. They must be liberals.

Or patriots willing to take that bullet for their country.

No, because they are liberals, meaning they cannot be patriots. They are mutually exclusive.

A bit rash...but I can't argue that you are factually wrong.
Stop with the freaking Logan Act. It only applies to unauthorized individuals. And last time I looked Trump and his team were elected.
But not in office yet. There is only one president at a time. But fear not, no one will be charged with violating the Logan act... no one ever is.

Piss off. They were the official transition team and just as every other transition team forever were making contacts with global leaders and businesses.

Five calls to the Russian ambassador on the very same day as the president announced new sanctions and expelled diplomats.

Looks more like damage control and reassurance rather than standard transition contacts.

I want to know which of you libs are going to man up and tell us what the harm was in telling the Russians not to retaliate because Obozo's policy was not going to carried over into the new administration.
First, show where the Logan act requires harm against the country to make it prosecutable...

Your dependence on the "Logan Act" is, indeed most amusing. It has NEVER been used to prosecute ANYONE in OVER 200 years. Most legal scholars agree that it is unconstitutional and would be declared so IF it every got to court.

Cute try!
Piss off. They were the official transition team and just as every other transition team forever were making contacts with global leaders and businesses.

Five calls to the Russian ambassador on the very same day as the president announced new sanctions and expelled diplomats.

Looks more like damage control and reassurance rather than standard transition contacts.

I want to know which of you libs are going to man up and tell us what the harm was in telling the Russians not to retaliate because Obozo's policy was not going to carried over into the new administration.
First, show where the Logan act requires harm against the country to make it prosecutable...

First -- I suppose -- you have to show where ANYONE has been successfully prosecuted under that act.. :badgrin:
Irrelevant since that too is not required to make it prosecutable. That said, I personally haven't seen anything yet that I believe is in violation of that act. However, Trump is making a yuge mistake by going to war with the press. Nixon tried that and it failed him miserably. The press will dig harder and deeper for dirt on him every time he refers to them as "fake news."

WRONG AGAIN my good friend.

In Nixon's day, there was no way for the President, any President, to reach the public directly without requesting and getting time on any of the three major networks.

Today, President Donald Trump won the election by going on Twitter and reaching millions of people instantly and without the filter of an announcer. With 24/7 TV news, he was on every channel who asked him within hours. Hillary refused virtually every request. We see who got the air time directly with the voters and all the way to the ballot box.

Yesterday morning President Donald Trump said he might have time for a news conference at noon. or half past. Come noon, every news channel had him on for a long presser with dozens of questions and no interruptions for the 77 minutes. That followed by Tweets directly to the voter. Today he had his speech at Boeing covered, and his rally in Melbourn will be beamed directly to the voters too.

The New York Times is no longer respected, it is dwindling into obscurity and is little more than a typical New York Tabloid today. Did you know they have leased out another eight floors of their building?

WAY DIFFERENT WORLD than Nixon's day! Hillary Clinton and her cabal believed as you. How'd that work out for her...or you for that matter?
Piss off. They were the official transition team and just as every other transition team forever were making contacts with global leaders and businesses.

Five calls to the Russian ambassador on the very same day as the president announced new sanctions and expelled diplomats.

Looks more like damage control and reassurance rather than standard transition contacts.

I want to know which of you libs are going to man up and tell us what the harm was in telling the Russians not to retaliate because Obozo's policy was not going to carried over into the new administration.
First, show where the Logan act requires harm against the country to make it prosecutable...

It's pretty clear that there are a lot of Reich wingers on this board that have some serious READING comprehension issues.

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was last amended in 1994, and violation of the Logan Act is a felony.
Logan Act - Wikipedia

General Flynn (was a private citizen) the day after Obama threw out all Russian diplomats. He was not a part of the Obama administration, nor had the Comrade been sworn into office. Obama did not authorize Flynn to call the Russian ambassador on his behalf. General Flynn is in violation of the Logan Act--PERIOD

If he lied to the FBI when questioned about this there will most certainly be criminal charges.

"Ahead of President Donald Trump's inauguration, Flynn spoke with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak about U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia stemming from the country's suspected interference in the presidential election, ABC News has confirmed.

Flynn has denied that he spoke about the sanctions during his dialogue with the ambassador, but a senior administration official appeared to back off that denial late last week, saying Flynn doesn't recall discussing the sanctions but "isn't completely certain. (note: he must have been talking to the Russians quite frequently if he didn't know what he called them for.-LOL Probably had them on speed dial.)

In January, Pence -- relying on information gleaned directly from Flynn, according to a senior administration official -- said during an interview with CBS: "They did not discuss anything having to do with the United States’ decision to expel diplomats or impose censure against Russia."[/QUOTE]
Flynn apologized to Pence for misleading him about Russia call: official

Well I guess Flynn will recall the discussion when they play the taped recording back--LOL

Well, the leakers did say Flynn lied to the FBI as well as Pence. And yes he did break the law by lying to the FBI, but I heard on the 24/7 news-commentary shows tonight, that Jeff Sessions, decided he would not prosecute....for either of these offenses...

I'm fine with that....he served his Nation well for a lot of years, but has some how, fallen from his good ways at one time, to his demented conspiratorial state that he's in now, with Putin as a hero to him.... :cuckoo:

I am glad he is gone, he was in a job, that was WAY OVER his head and proved himself to be a liar and untrustworthy. He has been punished greatly for his bad deeds though, in the court of public opinion.

I DO WANT to get to the bottom of all of the Trump campaign Russian/Crimea/Ukraine/Putin connections and the CONSTANT contact with Russian intelligence operatives that our intel agencies were following...and Roger Stone, his first campaign manager's connection to the stolen emails and their release on to wikileaks....

I do want to know if the Dossier is true... the FBI has been investigating it for a while now...I heard they have confirm many of the Dossier's information as fact as far as key people meeting on the key dates the MI6 guy said in his diary/dossier, outside of the golden showers thingy, which ''they say'' they have not checked it out....

Please show us where the FBI has announced that General Flynn lied to them under oath. If you cannot, and we all know you cannot, then you are just showing your utter desperation. Excuse me for not buying into your paranoia.
What happened here is what happens in police states.

Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.

"In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S. officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials incidentally monitored by the government (normally they are redacted from intelligence reports).

John Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of State for Arms Control in George W. Bush's first term.

The fact that the intercepts of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the government is a red flag.

Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told me Monday that he saw the leaks about Flynn's conversations with Kislyak as part of a pattern.

"There does appear to be a well orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and others in the administration," he said.

"From the leaking of phone calls between the president and foreign leaders to what appears to be high-level FISA Court information, to the leaking of American citizens being denied security clearances, it looks like a pattern."

Get the fucking bastards!

The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn

So you're saying that Flynn didn't try to undermine U.S. sanctions against Russia?
He didn't. He never mentioned sanctions.

So, he was fired for what then?

Why do you not pay attention? For misleading the vice president. General Flynn lost the trust of the President.
actually, it was the whole campaign season, 3 Trump campaign people, Roger Stone, paul manafort, and gen flynn, kept in constant contact with Russian operatives the whole campaign... excessive contact.... beyond reason contact....during the campaign.

Yeah, and if a frog could fly, he wouldn't bump his ass!

I am sure you have absolute documentation of every one of their alleged conversations.

No, but I am sure there is documentation--LOL The Russian phone lines were wire tapped.


The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was last amended in 1994, and violation of the Logan Act is a felony.
Logan Act - Wikipedia

It looks like there were a few of Trump's campaign aids that were in contact with high level Russian officials during the CAMPAIGN SEASON. They were unauthorized and in violation of the Logan Act.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

General Flynn was unauthorized to contact Russian officials because Trump had not been sworn into office yet. Then he lied about it.
No Oreo, without knowing the content of those conversations with Trump campaign people, you can NOT say that they broke the Logan do not know that they were trying to undermine the President and or our USA Policy.... simply making connections with them is NOT breaking the LAW.

If Flynn was undermining USA existing policy when he spoke with the Ambassador the day the sanctions were issued for the Russians hacking the DNC and disbursement of the stolen emails, then Flynn could have been in violation of the Logan Act....Flynn possibly believed he was in violation for it, and this is why he did not fess up to Pence when VP Pence was was specifically questioning Flynn about it before he went live on the Sunday TV SHOWS.

Sweet Baby Jesus--we already know that Flynn contacted the Russian Ambassador the day after Obama threw out all Russian Diplomats out of this country. Flynn (as a private citizen) did NOT have authorization to make that phone call. There is a audio recording of what was said, and that's why INVESTIGATIONS are flying out of every corner We have REPUBLICANS on the Senate Intelligence committee OUTRAGED over this.

We had the REPUBLICAN Senate in full throttle demanding more sanctions against Russia at the same time that Flynn made that phone call. He was trying to usurp their authority.

Now we know that it wasn't just Flynn that had been in contact with the Russians, but also Trump campaign aids that were in contact with them during the CAMPAIGN SEASON. What the hell were they doing calling Russians?
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


Unless you have those transcripts in hand, you don't know SQUAT. If you do have them, please post links to them for all of us.

Well I do know one thing. If you can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, I think you can imagine what life is going to be like for the next four years, if he isn't impeached first.

I couldn't possibly imagine what you Reich wingers would be doing right now if this was going on with Hillary Clinton--LOL

In fact FOX News is now reporting that Flynn LIED to the FBI. So we have two REAL crimes here.

1. In violation of the Logan Act
2. Lying to the FBI

Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

I would say the Comrade is off to a great start in the first 30 days of his Presidency. (And this is just the beginning.)


Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -
Five calls to the Russian ambassador on the very same day as the president announced new sanctions and expelled diplomats.

Looks more like damage control and reassurance rather than standard transition contacts.

I want to know which of you libs are going to man up and tell us what the harm was in telling the Russians not to retaliate because Obozo's policy was not going to carried over into the new administration.
First, show where the Logan act requires harm against the country to make it prosecutable...

First -- I suppose -- you have to show where ANYONE has been successfully prosecuted under that act.. :badgrin:
Irrelevant since that too is not required to make it prosecutable. That said, I personally haven't seen anything yet that I believe is in violation of that act. However, Trump is making a yuge mistake by going to war with the press. Nixon tried that and it failed him miserably. The press will dig harder and deeper for dirt on him every time he refers to them as "fake news."

WRONG AGAIN my good friend.

In Nixon's day, there was no way for the President, any President, to reach the public directly without requesting and getting time on any of the three major networks.

Today, President Donald Trump won the election by going on Twitter and reaching millions of people instantly and without the filter of an announcer. With 24/7 TV news, he was on every channel who asked him within hours. Hillary refused virtually every request. We see who got the air time directly with the voters and all the way to the ballot box.

Yesterday morning President Donald Trump said he might have time for a news conference at noon. or half past. Come noon, every news channel had him on for a long presser with dozens of questions and no interruptions for the 77 minutes. That followed by Tweets directly to the voter. Today he had his speech at Boeing covered, and his rally in Melbourn will be beamed directly to the voters too.

The New York Times is no longer respected, it is dwindling into obscurity and is little more than a typical New York Tabloid today. Did you know they have leased out another eight floors of their building?

WAY DIFFERENT WORLD than Nixon's day! Hillary Clinton and her cabal believed as you. How'd that work out for her...or you for that matter?
I agree with the first portion of your post. A big reason why Trump won was simply face time to the American public. While Clinton was sick or unavailable, Trump was holding rallies, on Cable News (to my knowledge, still the #1 source of news for core voting population), or tweeting.

However, if you think NYT is obscure it speaks to your lack of knowledge on this matter. NYT is a world famous news source...its the type of news you get high-end hotels that host international guests delivering to your hotel room. While print, in general, is going the way of the dinosaur, NYT remains one of the most relied upon and reputable news sources the world over...there are literally only a handful of news organizations across the globe that can compete with its reputation and circulation. Just because you live inside an echo chamber that fills your ears with "alternate facts" does not mean that your alternative version is the way the real world operates kid.
I want to know which of you libs are going to man up and tell us what the harm was in telling the Russians not to retaliate because Obozo's policy was not going to carried over into the new administration.
First, show where the Logan act requires harm against the country to make it prosecutable...

First -- I suppose -- you have to show where ANYONE has been successfully prosecuted under that act.. :badgrin:
Irrelevant since that too is not required to make it prosecutable. That said, I personally haven't seen anything yet that I believe is in violation of that act. However, Trump is making a yuge mistake by going to war with the press. Nixon tried that and it failed him miserably. The press will dig harder and deeper for dirt on him every time he refers to them as "fake news."

WRONG AGAIN my good friend.

In Nixon's day, there was no way for the President, any President, to reach the public directly without requesting and getting time on any of the three major networks.

Today, President Donald Trump won the election by going on Twitter and reaching millions of people instantly and without the filter of an announcer. With 24/7 TV news, he was on every channel who asked him within hours. Hillary refused virtually every request. We see who got the air time directly with the voters and all the way to the ballot box.

Yesterday morning President Donald Trump said he might have time for a news conference at noon. or half past. Come noon, every news channel had him on for a long presser with dozens of questions and no interruptions for the 77 minutes. That followed by Tweets directly to the voter. Today he had his speech at Boeing covered, and his rally in Melbourn will be beamed directly to the voters too.

The New York Times is no longer respected, it is dwindling into obscurity and is little more than a typical New York Tabloid today. Did you know they have leased out another eight floors of their building?

WAY DIFFERENT WORLD than Nixon's day! Hillary Clinton and her cabal believed as you. How'd that work out for her...or you for that matter?
I agree with the first portion of your post. A big reason why Trump won was simply face time to the American public. While Clinton was sick or unavailable, Trump was holding rallies, on Cable News (to my knowledge, still the #1 source of news for core voting population), or tweeting.

However, if you think NYT is obscure it speaks to your lack of knowledge on this matter. NYT is a world famous news source...its the type of news you get high-end hotels that host international guests delivering to your hotel room. While print, in general, is going the way of the dinosaur, NYT remains one of the most relied upon and reputable news sources the world over...there are literally only a handful of news organizations across the globe that can compete with its reputation and circulation. Just because you live inside an echo chamber that fills your ears with "alternate facts" does not mean that your alternative version is the way the real world operates kid.

Sorry! No one believes anything the NY Times says anymore if they have an above room temp IQ.
Five calls to the Russian ambassador on the very same day as the president announced new sanctions and expelled diplomats.

Looks more like damage control and reassurance rather than standard transition contacts.

I want to know which of you libs are going to man up and tell us what the harm was in telling the Russians not to retaliate because Obozo's policy was not going to carried over into the new administration.
First, show where the Logan act requires harm against the country to make it prosecutable...

It's pretty clear that there are a lot of Reich wingers on this board that have some serious READING comprehension issues.

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was last amended in 1994, and violation of the Logan Act is a felony.
Logan Act - Wikipedia

General Flynn (was a private citizen) the day after Obama threw out all Russian diplomats. He was not a part of the Obama administration, nor had the Comrade been sworn into office. Obama did not authorize Flynn to call the Russian ambassador on his behalf. General Flynn is in violation of the Logan Act--PERIOD

If he lied to the FBI when questioned about this there will most certainly be criminal charges.

"Ahead of President Donald Trump's inauguration, Flynn spoke with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak about U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia stemming from the country's suspected interference in the presidential election, ABC News has confirmed.

Flynn has denied that he spoke about the sanctions during his dialogue with the ambassador, but a senior administration official appeared to back off that denial late last week, saying Flynn doesn't recall discussing the sanctions but "isn't completely certain. (note: he must have been talking to the Russians quite frequently if he didn't know what he called them for.-LOL Probably had them on speed dial.)

In January, Pence -- relying on information gleaned directly from Flynn, according to a senior administration official -- said during an interview with CBS: "They did not discuss anything having to do with the United States’ decision to expel diplomats or impose censure against Russia."[/QUOTE]
Flynn apologized to Pence for misleading him about Russia call: official

Well I guess Flynn will recall the discussion when they play the taped recording back--LOL

Well, the leakers did say Flynn lied to the FBI as well as Pence. And yes he did break the law by lying to the FBI, but I heard on the 24/7 news-commentary shows tonight, that Jeff Sessions, decided he would not prosecute....for either of these offenses...

I'm fine with that....he served his Nation well for a lot of years, but has some how, fallen from his good ways at one time, to his demented conspiratorial state that he's in now, with Putin as a hero to him.... :cuckoo:

I am glad he is gone, he was in a job, that was WAY OVER his head and proved himself to be a liar and untrustworthy. He has been punished greatly for his bad deeds though, in the court of public opinion.

I DO WANT to get to the bottom of all of the Trump campaign Russian/Crimea/Ukraine/Putin connections and the CONSTANT contact with Russian intelligence operatives that our intel agencies were following...and Roger Stone, his first campaign manager's connection to the stolen emails and their release on to wikileaks....

I do want to know if the Dossier is true... the FBI has been investigating it for a while now...I heard they have confirm many of the Dossier's information as fact as far as key people meeting on the key dates the MI6 guy said in his diary/dossier, outside of the golden showers thingy, which ''they say'' they have not checked it out....

Please show us where the FBI has announced that General Flynn lied to them under oath. If you cannot, and we all know you cannot, then you are just showing your utter desperation. Excuse me for not buying into your paranoia.

I am NOT paranoid, I am Observant, attentive, even with the most annal of things...

Flynn in FBI interview denied discussing sanctions with Russian ambassador

By Sari Horwitz and Adam Entous February 16 at 4:37 PM
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn denied to FBI agents in an interview last month that he had discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with that country’s ambassador to the United States before President Trump took office, contradicting the contents of intercepted communications collected by intelligence agencies, current and former U.S. officials said.

The Jan. 24 interview potentially puts Flynn in legal jeopardy. Lying to the FBI is a felony offense. But several officials said it is unclear whether prosecutors would attempt to bring a case, in part because Flynn may parse the definition of the word “sanctions.” He also followed his denial to the FBI by saying he couldn’t recall all of the conversation, officials said.

Any decision to prosecute would ultimately lie with the Justice Department.

What happened here is what happens in police states.

Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.

"In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S. officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials incidentally monitored by the government (normally they are redacted from intelligence reports).

John Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of State for Arms Control in George W. Bush's first term.

The fact that the intercepts of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the government is a red flag.

Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told me Monday that he saw the leaks about Flynn's conversations with Kislyak as part of a pattern.

"There does appear to be a well orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and others in the administration," he said.

"From the leaking of phone calls between the president and foreign leaders to what appears to be high-level FISA Court information, to the leaking of American citizens being denied security clearances, it looks like a pattern."

Get the fucking bastards!

The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn

So you're saying that Flynn didn't try to undermine U.S. sanctions against Russia?
He didn't. He never mentioned sanctions.

So, he was fired for what then?

Why do you not pay attention? For misleading the vice president. General Flynn lost the trust of the President.
For LYING to the Vice President.

My question is, when the President was notified two weeks earlier that Flynn was LYING than when Pence found out through the media....

WHY did the president CONTINUE to not tell Pence about Flynn LYING to him.

Has Pence also lost his trust in the President for perpetrating the lie and keeping the lie out there for a good two weeks after the president was notified about it???
The obvious answer is that they were monitoring the Russian ambassador's calls, and Flynn got caught.
Exactly. Only now, Republicans want to protect the Russians over the best interests of the United States.
I want to know which of you libs are going to man up and tell us what the harm was in telling the Russians not to retaliate because Obozo's policy was not going to carried over into the new administration.
First, show where the Logan act requires harm against the country to make it prosecutable...

It's pretty clear that there are a lot of Reich wingers on this board that have some serious READING comprehension issues.

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was last amended in 1994, and violation of the Logan Act is a felony.
Logan Act - Wikipedia

General Flynn (was a private citizen) the day after Obama threw out all Russian diplomats. He was not a part of the Obama administration, nor had the Comrade been sworn into office. Obama did not authorize Flynn to call the Russian ambassador on his behalf. General Flynn is in violation of the Logan Act--PERIOD

If he lied to the FBI when questioned about this there will most certainly be criminal charges.

"Ahead of President Donald Trump's inauguration, Flynn spoke with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak about U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia stemming from the country's suspected interference in the presidential election, ABC News has confirmed.

Flynn has denied that he spoke about the sanctions during his dialogue with the ambassador, but a senior administration official appeared to back off that denial late last week, saying Flynn doesn't recall discussing the sanctions but "isn't completely certain. (note: he must have been talking to the Russians quite frequently if he didn't know what he called them for.-LOL Probably had them on speed dial.)

In January, Pence -- relying on information gleaned directly from Flynn, according to a senior administration official -- said during an interview with CBS: "They did not discuss anything having to do with the United States’ decision to expel diplomats or impose censure against Russia."[/QUOTE]
Flynn apologized to Pence for misleading him about Russia call: official

Well I guess Flynn will recall the discussion when they play the taped recording back--LOL

Well, the leakers did say Flynn lied to the FBI as well as Pence. And yes he did break the law by lying to the FBI, but I heard on the 24/7 news-commentary shows tonight, that Jeff Sessions, decided he would not prosecute....for either of these offenses...

I'm fine with that....he served his Nation well for a lot of years, but has some how, fallen from his good ways at one time, to his demented conspiratorial state that he's in now, with Putin as a hero to him.... :cuckoo:

I am glad he is gone, he was in a job, that was WAY OVER his head and proved himself to be a liar and untrustworthy. He has been punished greatly for his bad deeds though, in the court of public opinion.

I DO WANT to get to the bottom of all of the Trump campaign Russian/Crimea/Ukraine/Putin connections and the CONSTANT contact with Russian intelligence operatives that our intel agencies were following...and Roger Stone, his first campaign manager's connection to the stolen emails and their release on to wikileaks....

I do want to know if the Dossier is true... the FBI has been investigating it for a while now...I heard they have confirm many of the Dossier's information as fact as far as key people meeting on the key dates the MI6 guy said in his diary/dossier, outside of the golden showers thingy, which ''they say'' they have not checked it out....

Please show us where the FBI has announced that General Flynn lied to them under oath. If you cannot, and we all know you cannot, then you are just showing your utter desperation. Excuse me for not buying into your paranoia.

I am NOT paranoid, I am Observant, attentive, even with the most annal of things...

Flynn in FBI interview denied discussing sanctions with Russian ambassador

By Sari Horwitz and Adam Entous February 16 at 4:37 PM
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn denied to FBI agents in an interview last month that he had discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with that country’s ambassador to the United States before President Trump took office, contradicting the contents of intercepted communications collected by intelligence agencies, current and former U.S. officials said.

The Jan. 24 interview potentially puts Flynn in legal jeopardy. Lying to the FBI is a felony offense. But several officials said it is unclear whether prosecutors would attempt to bring a case, in part because Flynn may parse the definition of the word “sanctions.” He also followed his denial to the FBI by saying he couldn’t recall all of the conversation, officials said.

Any decision to prosecute would ultimately lie with the Justice Department.

officially, the FBI denies comment on the interview. And it looks like another badly sourced rumor out of the FBI by un-named sources.
First, show where the Logan act requires harm against the country to make it prosecutable...

It's pretty clear that there are a lot of Reich wingers on this board that have some serious READING comprehension issues.

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was last amended in 1994, and violation of the Logan Act is a felony.
Logan Act - Wikipedia

General Flynn (was a private citizen) the day after Obama threw out all Russian diplomats. He was not a part of the Obama administration, nor had the Comrade been sworn into office. Obama did not authorize Flynn to call the Russian ambassador on his behalf. General Flynn is in violation of the Logan Act--PERIOD

If he lied to the FBI when questioned about this there will most certainly be criminal charges.

"Ahead of President Donald Trump's inauguration, Flynn spoke with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak about U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia stemming from the country's suspected interference in the presidential election, ABC News has confirmed.

Flynn has denied that he spoke about the sanctions during his dialogue with the ambassador, but a senior administration official appeared to back off that denial late last week, saying Flynn doesn't recall discussing the sanctions but "isn't completely certain. (note: he must have been talking to the Russians quite frequently if he didn't know what he called them for.-LOL Probably had them on speed dial.)

In January, Pence -- relying on information gleaned directly from Flynn, according to a senior administration official -- said during an interview with CBS: "They did not discuss anything having to do with the United States’ decision to expel diplomats or impose censure against Russia."[/QUOTE]
Flynn apologized to Pence for misleading him about Russia call: official

Well I guess Flynn will recall the discussion when they play the taped recording back--LOL

Well, the leakers did say Flynn lied to the FBI as well as Pence. And yes he did break the law by lying to the FBI, but I heard on the 24/7 news-commentary shows tonight, that Jeff Sessions, decided he would not prosecute....for either of these offenses...

I'm fine with that....he served his Nation well for a lot of years, but has some how, fallen from his good ways at one time, to his demented conspiratorial state that he's in now, with Putin as a hero to him.... :cuckoo:

I am glad he is gone, he was in a job, that was WAY OVER his head and proved himself to be a liar and untrustworthy. He has been punished greatly for his bad deeds though, in the court of public opinion.

I DO WANT to get to the bottom of all of the Trump campaign Russian/Crimea/Ukraine/Putin connections and the CONSTANT contact with Russian intelligence operatives that our intel agencies were following...and Roger Stone, his first campaign manager's connection to the stolen emails and their release on to wikileaks....

I do want to know if the Dossier is true... the FBI has been investigating it for a while now...I heard they have confirm many of the Dossier's information as fact as far as key people meeting on the key dates the MI6 guy said in his diary/dossier, outside of the golden showers thingy, which ''they say'' they have not checked it out....

Please show us where the FBI has announced that General Flynn lied to them under oath. If you cannot, and we all know you cannot, then you are just showing your utter desperation. Excuse me for not buying into your paranoia.

I am NOT paranoid, I am Observant, attentive, even with the most annal of things...

Flynn in FBI interview denied discussing sanctions with Russian ambassador

By Sari Horwitz and Adam Entous February 16 at 4:37 PM
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn denied to FBI agents in an interview last month that he had discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with that country’s ambassador to the United States before President Trump took office, contradicting the contents of intercepted communications collected by intelligence agencies, current and former U.S. officials said.

The Jan. 24 interview potentially puts Flynn in legal jeopardy. Lying to the FBI is a felony offense. But several officials said it is unclear whether prosecutors would attempt to bring a case, in part because Flynn may parse the definition of the word “sanctions.” He also followed his denial to the FBI by saying he couldn’t recall all of the conversation, officials said.

Any decision to prosecute would ultimately lie with the Justice Department.

officially, the FBI denies comment on the interview. And it looks like another badly sourced rumor out of the FBI by un-named sources.
Well, we just went through 2 years of alleged FBI unnamed sources leaking on the Hillary email investigation to the Right Wing Press....and that was taken as "fact" by everyone, of right leanings, on this very board....but it turned out, the fbi did NOT leak the info to FOX NEWS and it was Senator Grassley and other congress critters doing the leaks, that were not all true.

So, anything is possible....

I would tend to believe it is true, because of multiple unnamed sources AND because if Flynn felt he had to lie to the Vice President of the USA who is his ally and boss of sorts, then there is nothing to make me believe he would not initially lie to the FBI..... once a liar, always a liar...or at least suspect of being a liar....
First, show where the Logan act requires harm against the country to make it prosecutable...

It's pretty clear that there are a lot of Reich wingers on this board that have some serious READING comprehension issues.

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was last amended in 1994, and violation of the Logan Act is a felony.
Logan Act - Wikipedia

General Flynn (was a private citizen) the day after Obama threw out all Russian diplomats. He was not a part of the Obama administration, nor had the Comrade been sworn into office. Obama did not authorize Flynn to call the Russian ambassador on his behalf. General Flynn is in violation of the Logan Act--PERIOD

If he lied to the FBI when questioned about this there will most certainly be criminal charges.

"Ahead of President Donald Trump's inauguration, Flynn spoke with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak about U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia stemming from the country's suspected interference in the presidential election, ABC News has confirmed.

Flynn has denied that he spoke about the sanctions during his dialogue with the ambassador, but a senior administration official appeared to back off that denial late last week, saying Flynn doesn't recall discussing the sanctions but "isn't completely certain. (note: he must have been talking to the Russians quite frequently if he didn't know what he called them for.-LOL Probably had them on speed dial.)

In January, Pence -- relying on information gleaned directly from Flynn, according to a senior administration official -- said during an interview with CBS: "They did not discuss anything having to do with the United States’ decision to expel diplomats or impose censure against Russia."[/QUOTE]
Flynn apologized to Pence for misleading him about Russia call: official

Well I guess Flynn will recall the discussion when they play the taped recording back--LOL

Well, the leakers did say Flynn lied to the FBI as well as Pence. And yes he did break the law by lying to the FBI, but I heard on the 24/7 news-commentary shows tonight, that Jeff Sessions, decided he would not prosecute....for either of these offenses...

I'm fine with that....he served his Nation well for a lot of years, but has some how, fallen from his good ways at one time, to his demented conspiratorial state that he's in now, with Putin as a hero to him.... :cuckoo:

I am glad he is gone, he was in a job, that was WAY OVER his head and proved himself to be a liar and untrustworthy. He has been punished greatly for his bad deeds though, in the court of public opinion.

I DO WANT to get to the bottom of all of the Trump campaign Russian/Crimea/Ukraine/Putin connections and the CONSTANT contact with Russian intelligence operatives that our intel agencies were following...and Roger Stone, his first campaign manager's connection to the stolen emails and their release on to wikileaks....

I do want to know if the Dossier is true... the FBI has been investigating it for a while now...I heard they have confirm many of the Dossier's information as fact as far as key people meeting on the key dates the MI6 guy said in his diary/dossier, outside of the golden showers thingy, which ''they say'' they have not checked it out....

Please show us where the FBI has announced that General Flynn lied to them under oath. If you cannot, and we all know you cannot, then you are just showing your utter desperation. Excuse me for not buying into your paranoia.

I am NOT paranoid, I am Observant, attentive, even with the most annal of things...

Flynn in FBI interview denied discussing sanctions with Russian ambassador

By Sari Horwitz and Adam Entous February 16 at 4:37 PM
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn denied to FBI agents in an interview last month that he had discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with that country’s ambassador to the United States before President Trump took office, contradicting the contents of intercepted communications collected by intelligence agencies, current and former U.S. officials said.

The Jan. 24 interview potentially puts Flynn in legal jeopardy. Lying to the FBI is a felony offense. But several officials said it is unclear whether prosecutors would attempt to bring a case, in part because Flynn may parse the definition of the word “sanctions.” He also followed his denial to the FBI by saying he couldn’t recall all of the conversation, officials said.

Any decision to prosecute would ultimately lie with the Justice Department.

officially, the FBI denies comment on the interview. And it looks like another badly sourced rumor out of the FBI by un-named sources.

Clearly again, Trump has made plenty of enemies within the intelligence community by continually insulting their intelligence. They're bound to leak information on him, they have certainly done it to many others in the past. What is interesting is that FOX News is reporting this. Whether or not it will ever come out "officially" because Trump has threatened them we'll never know. But I'll guarantee you he'll never find out who they are, because the media is bound to keep their contacts SECRET. You can bet these leaks will continue.

Today again he attacks the media with a tweet stating that CNN, ABC, NBC and every news station except FOX of course "are enemies" of the American public. That's exactly what Putin did. Now maybe Russians would buy into that crap, but this isn't Russia. He's just making a total idiot out of himself by tweeting something like that. He has continually attacked the media in this country who are extremely powerful, and they are going to put out investigative reporters looking for that Pulizer prize that will be working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to prove collusion between him and Russia. Trump cannot stop them from doing that. And intelligence agencies will continue to leak information to them. And those news stations are going to continue to report those leaks. They're going to bring him down.

It's going to be hell from here on out. There's already intelligence agents that do not trust this idiot and don't want to give him any classified information. You have elected a Commander & Chief that intelligence agencies don't trust. Unbelievable

I don't believe there's ever been a bigger scandal in American history than this. Watergate doesn't even compare to it.

Every single President gets criticized 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but not a DAM one of them was stupid enough to make the media in this country their enemy.

You have elected a Narcissist that requires constant attention, but that attention has to come in the form of praise and adoration. A Narcissist cannot tolerate any form of criticism. This is why he gets on his tweety account and continually responds to criticism, and even goes to the lengths of attacking private citizens like the Union boss that very politely corrected him on the number of jobs saved in Indiana. It's ridiculous. ALL OTHER Presidents have ignored this kind of stuff and moved on, not Trump. He's too busy watching T.V. and what they're saying about him. This is who you have elected. I think many of you thought that he could be controlled by others, and or that he would change. When he was on the campaign trail you were watching the real deal, and he wasn't joking about ANYTHING he said. Everything he said, every insult, every offensive remark, every off the wall comment he meant. No one can control a Narcissist.


A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

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It looks like we are going to get our own Capitol Hill version of Swamp people. Aaaaayeeeeee! It's not only time to drain the swamp but to hook every leaking low down critter and drag em out.

There's got to be a political version Troy Landry in Washington who can finally nail the leakers in the Intelligence community.

Laissez les bons temps rouler baby!


“Any intelligence agency cannot listen to Americans’ phone calls,” Nunes told reporters Tuesday night. “If there’s inadvertent collection that you know is overseas there’s a whole process in place for that.”

He explained, “It’s pretty clear that’s not the case, so then they could have been listening to someone else and inadvertently picked up an American.

If that happens, there’s a whole process in place to where they have to immediately get rid of the information unless it’s like high level national security issue and then someone would have to unmask the name — someone at the highest levels.”

“So in this case it would be General Flynn and then how did that happen. T

hen if they did that, then how does all that get out to the public which is another leak of classified information,” Nunes added.

“I’m pretty sure the FBI didn’t have a warrant on Michael Flynn.”

GOP Intel Chair: ‘Pretty Sure FBI Didn’t Have Warrant’ To Record Flynn

Read more: GOP Intel Chair: ‘Pretty Sure FBI Didn’t Have Warrant’ To Record Flynn
And Yet like a giant sopping pussy Trump forced him to resign....
Well, we just went through 2 years of alleged FBI unnamed sources leaking on the Hillary email investigation to the Right Wing Press....and that was taken as "fact" by everyone, of right leanings, on this very board....but it turned out, the fbi did NOT leak the info to FOX NEWS and it was Senator Grassley and other congress critters doing the leaks, that were not all true.

That's all true. What happened to the days when the FBI refused to comment on ongoing investigations and the MEDIA used FBI press conferences, not "unnamed sources" for their stories? To be fair tho -- The Hillary investigations went on so long that people who filed FOIAs for her Sec State days were eligible to see the emails that were also taken from her private server. That's the bulk of what ended on Wikileaks. You can't complain about the FOIA process. That's why it's there.

So let's be consistent here. It's really shady when you have no sources, no direct quotes of alleged conversations and no crime other than IF Flynn lied to the FBI...

I would tend to believe it is true, because of multiple unnamed sources AND because if Flynn felt he had to lie to the Vice President of the USA who is his ally and boss of sorts, then there is nothing to make me believe he would not initially lie to the FBI..... once a liar, always a liar...or at least suspect of being a liar....

He's the past head of DIA - the guy is pro spy. He's not gonna lie to the FBI and think he'd get away with it. HOWEVER, you've seen the old CIA chief, Clapper lie with impunity to the American people on any number of IMPORTANT things. And his name is ALL OVER most of these "Russian ties to the Trump campaign"...
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Well, we just went through 2 years of alleged FBI unnamed sources leaking on the Hillary email investigation to the Right Wing Press....and that was taken as "fact" by everyone, of right leanings, on this very board....but it turned out, the fbi did NOT leak the info to FOX NEWS and it was Senator Grassley and other congress critters doing the leaks, that were not all true.

That's all true. What happened to the days when the FBI refused to comment on ongoing investigations and the MEDIA used press conferences, not "unnamed sources" for their stories? To be fair tho -- The Hillary investigations went on so long that people who filed FOIAs for her Sec State days were eligible to see the emails that were also taken from her private server. So let's be consistent here. It's really shady when you have no sources, no direct quotes of alleged conversations and no crime other than IF Flynn lied to the FBI...

I would tend to believe it is true, because of multiple unnamed sources AND because if Flynn felt he had to lie to the Vice President of the USA who is his ally and boss of sorts, then there is nothing to make me believe he would not initially lie to the FBI..... once a liar, always a liar...or at least suspect of being a liar....

He's the past head of DIA - the guy is pro spy. He's not gonna lie to the FBI and think he'd get away with it. HOWEVER, you've seen the old CIA chief, Clapper lie with impunity to the American people on any number of IMPORTANT things. And his name is ALL OVER most of these "Russian ties to the Trump campaign"...
i don't know anything about the ''clapper lied stuff''??? Got a link or a hint on what it was about to jog my memory?
Wow, you need a court order to listen in on the Ambassador to fucking Russia. Do you think they need one?
Well, we just went through 2 years of alleged FBI unnamed sources leaking on the Hillary email investigation to the Right Wing Press....and that was taken as "fact" by everyone, of right leanings, on this very board....but it turned out, the fbi did NOT leak the info to FOX NEWS and it was Senator Grassley and other congress critters doing the leaks, that were not all true.

That's all true. What happened to the days when the FBI refused to comment on ongoing investigations and the MEDIA used press conferences, not "unnamed sources" for their stories? To be fair tho -- The Hillary investigations went on so long that people who filed FOIAs for her Sec State days were eligible to see the emails that were also taken from her private server. So let's be consistent here. It's really shady when you have no sources, no direct quotes of alleged conversations and no crime other than IF Flynn lied to the FBI...

I would tend to believe it is true, because of multiple unnamed sources AND because if Flynn felt he had to lie to the Vice President of the USA who is his ally and boss of sorts, then there is nothing to make me believe he would not initially lie to the FBI..... once a liar, always a liar...or at least suspect of being a liar....

He's the past head of DIA - the guy is pro spy. He's not gonna lie to the FBI and think he'd get away with it. HOWEVER, you've seen the old CIA chief, Clapper lie with impunity to the American people on any number of IMPORTANT things. And his name is ALL OVER most of these "Russian ties to the Trump campaign"...
oh, on the fbi and flynn, I read he first lied, then when they asked him one last time, ARE YOU SURE you want to stick with that? Flynn came back and changed his stance to something like, I DON'T RECALL....

Honestly, IF this is all true, why do you think he lied about it? if he did nothing illegal?

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