Big Left wants people to believe the black man who killed 5 people at WI parade did it accidentally

he does stupid trolling shit because the mods won't put an end to it.
Oh but they will get me on my responses.
Whites are 6 times more likely to be killed by another white person than somebody black. So you should be mote concerned about that. And in the history of this nation, white men have been the most violent group.

You want to bring up 2013?

On August 15, 2013, The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice published a paper by Mike Males entitled, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests.” The data was basically ignored, even by President Obama. But the implications of this study were so important that it was a dereliction of duty to not make this information widely known to the American public.

Americans tend to create nostalgia about the past. The fact is that the good old days never were. I say that as a black citizen of this country, but the good old days never existed for anyone. Males points this out in his report. “For nearly all serious and minor offenses, including homicide, rates among black teenagers nationally were lower in 2011 than when racial statistics were first collected nationally in 1964. Black youths’ murder arrest rates are considerably lower today than back when Bill Cosby was funny (long, long ago).

How about this?

“From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white violence (down 79%) and black-on-black violence (down 78%) declined at a similar rate.”

This bit of information comes from a report issued in October of 2017 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics. The title is, “Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15.” This report shows that for a 21 year period of time, while right wing whites, most of the Fox News prime time lineup, Trump and most of the American media were promoting a narrative of high black on black crime, the reality is that black on black crime was being reduced. It also shows that most crimes are intra-racial and that whites were victimized by other whites primarily and at approximately the same percentage.

“During 2012-15, there were no differences among white, black, and Hispanic intraracial victimizations reported to police.”

Concern yourself with white on white crime.
idiot fuck whites are 7X blacks in population
And I recall a nation run by white men who have murdered millions of indigenous citizens, blacks, asians and hispanics.

So... you recall a nation that has done what EVERY OTHER NATION has done throughout human history. Congratulations, would you like a fucking cookie?
Oh but they will get me on my responses.

idiot fuck whites are 7X blacks in population
No excuse, whites have 15 times the wealth. There should be no crime in the white coomunity.
So... you recall a nation that has done what EVERY OTHER NATION has done throughout human history. Congratulations, would you like a fucking cookie?
Don't use that excuse about every other nation. You guys claim that America is the greatest nation ever.
Total bullshit, but I'm certain MSLSD will try and convince it's viewers that the scumbag had no alternative but to drive through the parade route.
Coincidence that IM2, I am 2, is in Fact #2 and looks like it too!!!

oh boy, that’s some awfully effective racially inclined rebuke by me. I’m in trouble..
You can tell me this until you're blue in the face. I can and will continue to concern myself with whatever I want, and there is NOTHING you can do about it. Fraud.
You can, but don't act surprised when you get beaten by somebody white while being overly concerned about black crime bdecause you're a racist.
Don't use that excuse about every other nation. You guys claim that America is the greatest nation ever.

I will use whatever fucking excuse I want. Who the hell do you think you are, trying to dictate to me what I'm allowed to speak about?

Why don't you take your virtue signaling bullshit over to central Africa where TEN MILLION of your fellow blacks have been genocided BY YOUR FELLOW BLACKS in the past century alone.

Rhetorical question I know. It's much easier to stay here in the safety and security of the white man's first world and screech about how oppressed you supposedly are because deep down you're just a chicken shit coward.
They could never have done it without help from Stepinfetchits like you.
Another unprovable emotive liberal myth that the USA would have never made it without slaves. So much garbage heading now days. Slave owners were defeated by the actions of whites but somehow 160 years ago is supposed to suck the life out of today And we're “responsible” today for how they didn’t do things back then. Such intellectually absent emotion.
The dude was a petty criminal.

Why would he want a murder charge?
Of course he didn't want any charge, so he fled the scene.

On social media Brooks expressed his hatred for and desire to commit violence against old white people. Then he plowed into the "Dancing Grannies" at the parade.

Three of the Dancing Grannies were killed.

Wilhelm Hospel, 81
Virginia Sorenson, 79
LeAnna Owen, 71
And he decided to go THROUGH a parade to flee? I mean he wasn't being pursued at the time so why on earth would he drive through barricades and run over people? That would certainly draw attention and slow him down in his effort to escape. It makes no sense.
Making a Martyr Out of a Savage and Throwing Cops Under the Bus

Lucky for people in L.A. there wasn't a parade while a hopped-up, oblivious, and psychotically selfish Rodney King was joy-riding through their streets.
I will use whatever fucking excuse I want. Who the hell do you think you are, trying to dictate to me what I'm allowed to speak about?

Why don't you take your virtue signaling bullshit over to central Africa where TEN MILLION of your fellow blacks have been genocided BY YOUR FELLOW BLACKS in the past century alone.

Rhetorical question I know. It's much easier to stay here in the safety and security of the white man's first world and screech about how oppressed you supposedly are because deep down you're just a chicken shit coward.

Right now today, there are over 9 million slaves in Africa.
And he decided to go THROUGH a parade to flee? I mean he wasn't being pursued at the time so why on earth would he drive through barricades and run over people? That would certainly draw attention and slow him down in his effort to escape. It makes no sense.

Don't question me. I have no idea. Question the law enforcement that stated it.

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