Big Tax Increase coming soon.....we told ya so.

JFK would piss himself today to see how Democrats favor class warfare to get power vs. trying to raise the tide for all to prosper.

Would he? Frankly, JFK was a lot more liberal than Biden....

If someone wouldn't recognize what their party has turned in to, it's probably most of the Republican Presidents of the last century.
JFK would piss himself today to see how Democrats favor class warfare to get power vs. trying to raise the tide for all to prosper.

Would he? Frankly, JFK was a lot more liberal than Biden....

If someone wouldn't recognize what their party has turned in to, it's probably most of the Republican Presidents of the last century.
hhahahhah not even close,...JFK wouldn't have a chance in the DNC today...he barely did back then.....he was a Conservative, that supported equal rights, and understood the economy was better when taxes were cut, not particular in a recession.

That's the opposite of Xiden
You don't have to put money in a bank.

And since when are you a small government guy?

You want government to do everything for you.

I want the government to do the things it needs to do. Government isn't really doing anything for me right now. I'm not enrolled in any government programs at this time, unless you count the VA loan I bought my house with.

(And since I've never missed a payment in 17 years, that shouldn't even count)

I do want government to be efficient and live in it's means, just like businesses and households have to do.

Now, 13 years ago, before I cured myself of Republican Stupidity, I actually was in a financial mess, partly due to medical bills, partly due to reduced salary after Bush's recession, and partly because I wasn't necessarily spending my money on the right things.

So I was close to $60,000 in debt above my mortgage, and probably needed to buy a new car.

I did what I needed to do. I cut back on my spending. I took second and third jobs to increase my income. I built up a side business writing resumes to generate additional income.

Today, I am debt free save what is left on my mortgage, and have nearly a years salary in savings to tap into in case I have to in case the country has a brain fart and puts another Republican in office.
hhahahhah not even close,...JFK wouldn't have a chance in the DNC today...he barely did back then.....he was a Conservative, that supported equal rights, and understood the economy was better when taxes were cut, not particular in a recession.

That's the opposite of Xiden

JFK cut the top marginal rate to 70% from 93%. He was hardly a supply side crazy. When he did, it was Republicans who screamed he was fiscally irresponsible.
Liberals love tax increases. More than anything else in the world.

Except the sonofabitches don't want tax increases for themselves, just other people.
hhahahhah not even close,...JFK wouldn't have a chance in the DNC today...he barely did back then.....he was a Conservative, that supported equal rights, and understood the economy was better when taxes were cut, not particular in a recession.

That's the opposite of Xiden

JFK cut the top marginal rate to 70% from 93%. He was hardly a supply side crazy. When he did, it was Republicans who screamed he was fiscally irresponsible.
Those were massive cuts, not to mention the cut in Corp tax rates, and increased the standard also forget all the loopholes that still existed back then.....

and the block to the 1964 was not the GOP, but was lead by Dem Senator Harry Byrd. The GOP did want spending cuts to accompany the tax cuts, and was able to get those, and supported the bill.
JFK would piss himself today to see how Democrats favor class warfare to get power vs. trying to raise the tide for all to prosper.

Would he? Frankly, JFK was a lot more liberal than Biden....

If someone wouldn't recognize what their party has turned in to, it's probably most of the Republican Presidents of the last century.

JFK recognized the dangers of overtaxing businesses and individuals and the negative impact that could have on the economy. So, economically speaking, how was JFK more liberal than Biden?
JFK would piss himself today to see how Democrats favor class warfare to get power vs. trying to raise the tide for all to prosper.

Would he? Frankly, JFK was a lot more liberal than Biden....

If someone wouldn't recognize what their party has turned in to, it's probably most of the Republican Presidents of the last century.

JFK recognized the dangers of overtaxing businesses and individuals and the negative impact that could have on the economy. So, economically speaking, how was JFK more liberal than Biden?
He did, and turned the economy around....sadly it didn't take long for the Dems, lead by Johnson, to undo that, and set up the massive economic troubles of the took Reagan to turn things around, with a massive tax overhaul
You don't have to put money in a bank.

And since when are you a small government guy?

You want government to do everything for you.

I want the government to do the things it needs to do. Government isn't really doing anything for me right now. I'm not enrolled in any government programs at this time, unless you count the VA loan I bought my house with.

(And since I've never missed a payment in 17 years, that shouldn't even count)

I do want government to be efficient and live in it's means, just like businesses and households have to do.

Now, 13 years ago, before I cured myself of Republican Stupidity, I actually was in a financial mess, partly due to medical bills, partly due to reduced salary after Bush's recession, and partly because I wasn't necessarily spending my money on the right things.

So I was close to $60,000 in debt above my mortgage, and probably needed to buy a new car.

I did what I needed to do. I cut back on my spending. I took second and third jobs to increase my income. I built up a side business writing resumes to generate additional income.

Today, I am debt free save what is left on my mortgage, and have nearly a years salary in savings to tap into in case I have to in case the country has a brain fart and puts another Republican in office.


And the last thing you want is government to live within its means.

You have consistently voted for democrats who increase the debt every year. You want big government programs for health insurance

So don't tell me you care about the debt because your actions say you don't.
hhahahhah not even close,...JFK wouldn't have a chance in the DNC today...he barely did back then.....he was a Conservative, that supported equal rights, and understood the economy was better when taxes were cut, not particular in a recession.

That's the opposite of Xiden

JFK cut the top marginal rate to 70% from 93%. He was hardly a supply side crazy. When he did, it was Republicans who screamed he was fiscally irresponsible.

It was an unprecedented and very significant cut.
hhahahhah not even close,...JFK wouldn't have a chance in the DNC today...he barely did back then.....he was a Conservative, that supported equal rights, and understood the economy was better when taxes were cut, not particular in a recession.

That's the opposite of Xiden

JFK cut the top marginal rate to 70% from 93%. He was hardly a supply side crazy. When he did, it was Republicans who screamed he was fiscally irresponsible.

The 90 percent marginal rate heydays that liberals clamor a return to were replete with loopholes. So, if you want the return to 90 percent marginal tax rates, bring back the loopholes as well.
hhahahhah not even close,...JFK wouldn't have a chance in the DNC today...he barely did back then.....he was a Conservative, that supported equal rights, and understood the economy was better when taxes were cut, not particular in a recession.

That's the opposite of Xiden

JFK cut the top marginal rate to 70% from 93%. He was hardly a supply side crazy. When he did, it was Republicans who screamed he was fiscally irresponsible.

The 90 percent marginal rate heydays that liberals clamor a return to were replete with loopholes. So, if you want the return to 90 percent marginal tax rates, bring back the loopholes as well.

Hell if people want to go back to the tax brackets of the 1950s they better realize that a 40K income would be in the 56% bracket
hhahahhah not even close,...JFK wouldn't have a chance in the DNC today...he barely did back then.....he was a Conservative, that supported equal rights, and understood the economy was better when taxes were cut, not particular in a recession.

That's the opposite of Xiden

JFK cut the top marginal rate to 70% from 93%. He was hardly a supply side crazy. When he did, it was Republicans who screamed he was fiscally irresponsible.

It was an unprecedented and very significant cut.
John Kennedy would be called a "teabagger" or "trumpist" or "insurrectionist" by today's Dems.......heck even back then many in the DNC couldn't stand him

Here's a great piece by JFK's home town paper a few years ago highlighting how Kennedy would not be welcomed in the DNC today: Would Democrats embrace JFK now? - The Boston Globe


Today’s Democratic Party — the home of Barack Obama, John Kerry, and Al Gore — wouldn’t give the time of day to a candidate like JFK.
The 35th president was an ardent tax-cutter who championed across-the-board, top-to-bottom reductions in personal and corporate tax rates, slashed tariffs to promote free trade, and even spoke out against the “confiscatory” property taxes being levied in too many cities.
He was anything but a big-spending, welfare-state liberal. “I do not believe that Washington should do for the people what they can do for themselves through local and private effort,” Kennedy bluntly avowed during the 1960 campaign. One of his first acts as president was to institute a pay cut for top White House staffers, and that was only the start of his budgetary austerity. “To the surprise of many of his appointees,” longtime aide Ted Sorensen would later write, he “personally scrutinized every agency request with a cold eye and encouraged his budget director to say ‘no.’

" ” On the other hand, he was a Cold War anticommunist who aggressively increased military spending. He faulted his Republican predecessor for tailoring the nation’s military strategy to fit the budget, rather than the other way around. “We must refuse to accept a cheap, second-best defense,” JFK said during his run for the White House. He made good on that pledge, pushing defense spending to 50 percent of federal expenditures and 9 percent of GDP, both far higher than today’s levels. Speaking in Texas just hours before his death, he proudly took credit for building the US military into “a defense system second to none.”
hhahahhah not even close,...JFK wouldn't have a chance in the DNC today...he barely did back then.....he was a Conservative, that supported equal rights, and understood the economy was better when taxes were cut, not particular in a recession.

That's the opposite of Xiden

JFK cut the top marginal rate to 70% from 93%. He was hardly a supply side crazy. When he did, it was Republicans who screamed he was fiscally irresponsible.

The 90 percent marginal rate heydays that liberals clamor a return to were replete with loopholes. So, if you want the return to 90 percent marginal tax rates, bring back the loopholes as well.
Yep...nobody paid those rates, in fact the libs want to return to those laws because the benefited the rich the most.....there were so many loopholes and it was so complex, only the rich that could hire good lawyers and accountants could benefit.

hhahahhah not even close,...JFK wouldn't have a chance in the DNC today...he barely did back then.....he was a Conservative, that supported equal rights, and understood the economy was better when taxes were cut, not particular in a recession.

That's the opposite of Xiden

JFK cut the top marginal rate to 70% from 93%. He was hardly a supply side crazy. When he did, it was Republicans who screamed he was fiscally irresponsible.

The 90 percent marginal rate heydays that liberals clamor a return to were replete with loopholes. So, if you want the return to 90 percent marginal tax rates, bring back the loopholes as well.
Yep...nobody paid those rates, in fact the libs want to return to those laws because the benefited the rich the most.....there were so many loopholes and it was so complex, only the rich that could hire good lawyers and accountants could benefit.

Other key factors back in the good ole 90 percent days, the US was a creditor nation, not a debtor nation. Most of the manufacturing and production was done here in the States. Big difference compared to today.
All those idiots who thought everything was gonna see somebody always gotta pay for the free stuff.

The working class have been paying for the tax give aways to the rich for 40 years. Currently to the tune of $20 Trillion.

The same people who have been paying for the freebies in subsidies to fossil fuel, petro chemical, pharmaceutical, defense contractor, and insurance companies.

The same people that have been paying to bail out the banks, air lines, and Donald Trumps bankruptcies.

You're right. You're getting to see what' it's like to have to give up on those freebies.

That money belongs to the people. The people that actually work for a living in this country, which is the only reason those worthless fucks exist, and we want our money back.

And we're going to get it.
bullshit--the rich pay MORE than their fair share
So why are they the only ones to get much richer with each tax cut?
Because they pay most of the taxes.
How the fuck is a person who pays ZERO taxes suppose to pay less taxes???

They should pay most of the taxes. They get the vast majority of the benefits of our taxes.
They pay the vast majority of taxes - so DUH! they get most of the benefits.
You understand Math Matters right?
If you want to complain about wealth concentration, companies getting too big etc. - I am there also.
But math is math.

Got it. Some are just more equal than others, right?
Exactly. You think people who already pay no income tax should get more of a tax break. Yuo realize that doesn't make sense right?
I believe those at the top have too many tax breaks.
Those at the extreme lower end of the wealth gap can't afford the things that they need, much less pay to help others. If those at the top of the gap were paying their fair share, the gap wouldn't be expanding so quickly. A level playing field isn't too much to ask for.
You are confusing wealth with tax rates.
And it isn't the "extreme lower end".... it is the bottom 45%.
Do you knot know that 44% of the American population has a NEGATIVE tax rate?? Which means they get more back than they pay in.
So just how the heck is a tax break going to affect them?
Like I said - OF COURSE tax breaks give most of the breaks to the upper 56%... because only they pay any!!

Lord almighty

Everybody pays taxes. Just look at your next receipt for ---- anything. You pay taxes.

How much is enough taxes? At what point is the limit?

Makes no more sense than how high is up. For god's sake, get some new talking points. Those are worn out.

Sounds like you are advocating “no limit” for paying taxes when it comes to American’s earned wages. I encourage you to review America’s foundation. Americans can and should pay for the government that supports them; but there are limits. $10M for gender studies in Pakistan yields little or no benefit to any American.

We can discuss what our taxes are spent on if you like. I oppose the billions given to large corporations every year in grants and set asides. However, you mentioned limits. Our top tax rates were above 70% and even as high as above 90% during the biggest financial expansion our country ever saw, and it didn't seem to hurt us a bit.
you forget that after WWII the US was the only industrial power that had any real infrastructure left.

We had no global competition.

It's a different world now, literally.
Money is still money.

not really.

You think a 90% tax bracket would have no effect on our ability to be competitive in the global market? Think again.
what was this countrie best economic times and what was the tax rate
you don't know much about the debt.

The fact is most of the interest paid on the debt is paid to Americans.

And 23% of the debt isn't really debt at all because it's money the government owes itself

That's the most retarded thing I've heard in my life.

Haven't you gotten the memo from Hate Radio- Debt is bad again.

The government can't owe money to itself. It's like you saying your electric bill fund owes your car payment fund money when it all comes out of your income anyway.

And I don't listen to talking head radio unless the actual Talking Heads are playing something.

We should let the public own the Social Security debt just like it can own any of the rest of the debt.

And I have always said the debt isn't as bad as you make it out to be.

But then again you only really care about the debt when there's a republican administration.
What else could you call it ,the central bank purchases the Government debt and replaces it with credit, not money and the central bank monetizes it in buying government Security's so the government owes it self , When the security come due they are the ones who give the payout to the holder of the gov security . So you need to get caught up on this.

The reason it was the best time was because we ere the only industrial nation with any manufacturing capacity. That's not true anymore.

And if you can't see that the government borrowing money from itself is just a shell game that's your problem.

The special issue treasury bonds the government issues to itself will not be paid off because they were never meant to be paid off.

If any private fiduciary did what the government does it would be illegal.
What a pile of crap these government debt have come due ever year , hell every day and every single one has been payed off, you have no clue, you can't fake your way through this. You said"The government can't owe money to itself" and I simply told you that you are full of it and toldyou that is exactly what is happening. so you double down on your ignorance about the Government not ever going to pay off the Government security's. You are a joke.
The reason it was the best time was because we ere the only industrial nation with any manufacturing capacity. That's not true anymore.

It wasn't true for very long after WWII, either. By 1955, most of the rest of the world had restored its industrial capability. For instance, the Japanese economy got a big boost from the Korean War when the UN spent a lot of money buying war materials locally.

America was prosperous after WWII for decades because 1) The workforce was unionized and workers got living wages and 2) the rich paid their fair share ,and government invested heavily in infrastructure.

Then some senile actor came along and fucked that all up.

And if you can't see that the government borrowing money from itself is just a shell game that's your problem.

The special issue treasury bonds the government issues to itself will not be paid off because they were never meant to be paid off.

If any private fiduciary did what the government does it would be illegal.

Here's the problem with that. As of now, Medicare has to take those bonds and say, "Pay us to keep operatiosn going". Social Security will have to do the same. And because Medicare and Social Security are White People Welfare - oh, excuse me, "Entitlements", they really aren't going to cut those.

So they only way to really make ends meet is to make the rich finally pay their fair share.
JFK realized that the war time revenue policies are a drag on the economy in peace time. He's the one that started reducing the top tax rates because he was seeing the economy being dragged down.

And just what is a fair share in actual percentages or actual dollars. It might be nice if you people were actually able to define exactly what it is you want so there can be an actual discussion

And Social Security is a piss poor welfare program as it is and it is meant to keep people dependent on the government
This may be the stupidest right wing argument out there, JFK reduced it from 91 to 70% but Most of the positive effects came from massive Government spending. It wasn't Trickle down crap in was totally Keynesian
  • Increasing the minimum wage.
  • Expanding unemployment benefits.
  • Boosting Social Security benefits to encourage workers to retire earlier.
  • Spending more for highway construction.
JFK would piss himself today to see how Democrats favor class warfare to get power vs. trying to raise the tide for all to prosper.

Would he? Frankly, JFK was a lot more liberal than Biden....

If someone wouldn't recognize what their party has turned in to, it's probably most of the Republican Presidents of the last century.
hhahahhah not even close,...JFK wouldn't have a chance in the DNC today...he barely did back then.....he was a Conservative, that supported equal rights, and understood the economy was better when taxes were cut, not particular in a recession.

That's the opposite of Xiden
What a pile of crap , JFK introduce Hillers Idea of Keynesian economics , but the right destroyed it with the trickle down lie and boy what a lie it has been. The idiots on the right thinks since JFK lowered taxes he was a conservative. Most stupid comment that comes from the goofball right wing. JFK set it at 70% wow what a conservative, idiots!
hhahahhah not even close,...JFK wouldn't have a chance in the DNC today...he barely did back then.....he was a Conservative, that supported equal rights, and understood the economy was better when taxes were cut, not particular in a recession.

That's the opposite of Xiden

JFK cut the top marginal rate to 70% from 93%. He was hardly a supply side crazy. When he did, it was Republicans who screamed he was fiscally irresponsible.

The 90 percent marginal rate heydays that liberals clamor a return to were replete with loopholes. So, if you want the return to 90 percent marginal tax rates, bring back the loopholes as well.
Yep...nobody paid those rates, in fact the libs want to return to those laws because the benefited the rich the most.....there were so many loopholes and it was so complex, only the rich that could hire good lawyers and accountants could benefit.

More crap.
You don't have to put money in a bank.

And since when are you a small government guy?

You want government to do everything for you.

I want the government to do the things it needs to do. Government isn't really doing anything for me right now. I'm not enrolled in any government programs at this time, unless you count the VA loan I bought my house with.

(And since I've never missed a payment in 17 years, that shouldn't even count)

I do want government to be efficient and live in it's means, just like businesses and households have to do.

Now, 13 years ago, before I cured myself of Republican Stupidity, I actually was in a financial mess, partly due to medical bills, partly due to reduced salary after Bush's recession, and partly because I wasn't necessarily spending my money on the right things.

So I was close to $60,000 in debt above my mortgage, and probably needed to buy a new car.

I did what I needed to do. I cut back on my spending. I took second and third jobs to increase my income. I built up a side business writing resumes to generate additional income.

Today, I am debt free save what is left on my mortgage, and have nearly a years salary in savings to tap into in case I have to in case the country has a brain fart and puts another Republican in office.
If anyone has a concern about the economy you would be a total idiot to elect a president from the right, They are a total disaster as far as the economy is concerned.

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