Big Trump announcement today: Trump trading cards

The guy lives rent free in your vacuous noggin, Simp.
How long before you line up, bank card in hand to help Trump make a fuck out of himself? Not that he needs any help.

Does this mean your guy has given up on that "stop the steal" grift?
Of all Trump’s antics. Of all histransgressions. This is the one MAGAgives him the most grief about? Really?
Oh. My. God. It’s worse than you could ever imagine.

Purchasing a Trump card automatically enters you into a sweepstakes to meet Trump for a cocktail hour or round of golf at his Florida estate. Buying 45 cards — essentially forking over $4,500 — gets you invited to a “gala dinner” with Trump somewhere in “South Florida.” But as the fine print notes, you are responsible for your own lodging and transportation to and from the event. What a steal!
I got to admit
It is an innovative grifting method. Now we know what Trump was doing when he was hiding after his campaign announcement. He was supervisor the massive, poorly photoshopped cards.

desantis must be laughing his butt off on trump losing his mind.

It's interesting that in his MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT (not to be confused with the major award, which is infinitely better, btw) he says that the cards are " edition cards" featuring "amazing ART of my Life & Career!" and yet not a single one of them actually does. They all seem to be representative of a 12 year olds fantasies...
I think I figured out tye purpose of the cards. Trump is trying to look thin and fit as Biden. Fat boy better give up 😂
Hey cult fucks…you see me shitting on these NFTs and it being a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT.

Tell me again how I am a cultist.

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