Biggest brown noser: Ryans high school year book labels him

Paul Ryan's High School Yearbook Pictures - The Daily Beast

Mitt Romney's new running mate was voted 'biggest brown-noser' by his senior-year classmates.


THAT is what you have against Ryan?!!!

Nigga please...

My dogs "GetIt" better than you do Sparky. What you DON'T get is that this is a joke thread. There is so much repugnant about Ryan that it will be difficult to cover it all by election time. This thread represents the funny side of Ryan. The side one might mock. The REAL objections to Ryan are more life and death. Let's at least laugh at the weasly little prick before we lynch him.


The OP of this thread is TM. Have you read any TM lately?
If you're correct then ALL of TM's posts must be jokes...
I think you're attempting to bail out a ship that has already sunk. That whole routine has GOT to get frustrating.
Paul Ryan's High School Yearbook Pictures - The Daily Beast

Mitt Romney's new running mate was voted 'biggest brown-noser' by his senior-year classmates.

Gee...that didn't take long for some immature hack to come up with the most irrelevant thing in the world in relation to Paul Ryan.

What's next? Ryan used to pick his nose when he was 3? Maybe committed an act genocide against an ant colony by stomping on their anthill when he was 10? Stole cookies from the cookie jar when he was 13?
Paul Ryan's High School Yearbook Pictures - The Daily Beast

Mitt Romney's new running mate was voted 'biggest brown-noser' by his senior-year classmates.

Gee...that didn't take long for some immature hack to come up with the most irrelevant thing in the world in relation to Paul Ryan.

What's next? Ryan used to pick his nose when he was 3? Maybe committed an act genocide against an ant colony by stomping on their anthill when he was 10? Stole cookies from the cookie jar when he was 13?

Easy...Huggies says this thread is a "joke" thread. ;)
Paul Ryan's High School Yearbook Pictures - The Daily Beast

Mitt Romney's new running mate was voted 'biggest brown-noser' by his senior-year classmates.

Gee...that didn't take long for some immature hack to come up with the most irrelevant thing in the world in relation to Paul Ryan.

What's next? Ryan used to pick his nose when he was 3? Maybe committed an act genocide against an ant colony by stomping on their anthill when he was 10? Stole cookies from the cookie jar when he was 13?

Ryan may be a fatal mistake; he's so far right, he makes Santorum appear sane. why would Romney go for the right, he has the right wingers locked up already. Romney needs to carry borderline southern states, Mr. Milwaukee won't help, Ryan's love for expensive wine is no secret, he is a heavy drinker. Another shooting after a liquid breakfast we do not need.

I am voting for Romney. I WAS a liberal. I still like Terry Gross on Fresh Air and NPR. But they are living in a dream. I live with illegal aliens that mock And threaten me, it's hard to get past THAT kind of thing. Really, nobody deserves this kind of abuse, NOBODY. Obama stands for the poor illegals and those abusers. That is the human RIGHTS he stands for in my lights. Obama is just an enabler.
I am voting for Romney. I WAS a liberal. I still like Terry Gross on Fresh Air and NPR. But they are living in a dream. I live with illegal aliens that mock And threaten me, it's hard to get past THAT kind of thing. Really, nobody deserves this kind of abuse, NOBODY. Obama stands for the poor illegals and those abusers. That is the human RIGHTS he stands for in my lights. Obama is just an enabler.

Obama is about retribution and little else.
Ain't it grand how the lefties keep from noticing their Kenyan President's serial failures by focusing on High School yearbooks! They could do just as well by chanting "OOOOOOOOoooooooMMMMMMmmmmm" but the word's too long for them to sound out.
Wow, High school huh.

Are you for real.

Grow up.

Your life all the way back to kindergarten if fair game if you're a Republican. On the other hand, if you're a Democrat, for all intents and purposes you didn't exist before You gained political office.
I disagree- DUH>

Very interesting.

If you want to know a man, show me him as a boy- Grant

Actually, the quote is "give me a child until he is seven and I'll give you the man". It is an Jesuit saying, allegedly from Francis Xavier. Having said that, it has been attributed to many people including Lenin and Stalin.

Idiots have a habit of attributing quotes to the wrong person. Repeating a saying is not saying it. Idiot.
People who are worried about what is in Paul Ryan's year book and yet are not concerned about the failure of Obama to release his college transcripts are Big Fat Hypocrites with B.O.

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