Biggest brown noser: Ryans high school year book labels him

Obama in high school:

Me smoke pakolo and shoot hoops with choom gang and America sux

and still gets awesome grades.

My hubby was 3rd in his class, high school football star, baseball star, wrestling champ and loved by the staff and smoked dope.

chooming didnt hurt the worlds best swimmer either did it

Prove your claim, random internet poster.

Socialist, marxist, now a communist. Name some communistic things he's done.

Obama is a Kenyan born communist and op is troubled with brown nosing?
Christ is this all you fuckers have?
L o fucking L

The only difference between communism and socialism is how they grab power.

Obama has been raised and trained by Marxists and Communists all of his life. He often said he couldn't wait for the revolution that brings this country to it's knees.
Obama in high school:

Me smoke pakolo and shoot hoops with choom gang and America sux

and still gets awesome grades.

My hubby was 3rd in his class, high school football star, baseball star, wrestling champ and loved by the staff and smoked dope.

chooming didnt hurt the worlds best swimmer either did it

Kind of hurt the guy who ate the face off the homeless guy in Miami didn't it?

yea that was all because he smoked some Pot.....the guy had mental problems in his past come your not mentioning that?....
Because POT is harmless you fool.

Assualt is not harmless

Tell that to my grandpa that died from lung cancer.

It's not harmless AND it's illegal.

Stop excusing crime

did he smoke Pot Horty?.....

Didn't know it until after his death.
I always wondered how he got lung cancer and never smoked a day in his life.
But I found two ounces under his mattress when cleaning up his belongings. Found his stash box with some shake and joints.
Double standard is the Dem's only standard.

HMMMmmm.... Two standards VS. No standards.. ??????? I'll take my chances with 50/50 these days. :lol:

It's like the fable of the scorpion and the frog. When the frog(the dem) asked the scorpion(the newGOPer) why it stung him after the frog carried the scorpion accross the river.. The scorpion said "I am a scorpion..what did you expect?". I'm not SURE if I can trust a dem... I AM SURE I cannot trust a newGOPer.

Yes, Democrats can't help being what they are. Natural Backstabbers.

And having two standards, one for yourself and one for the public is nothing to brag about.

However, it's clear that Democrats have low-standards, and even lower-standards. Getting lower by the minute. Guess that's better than having no standards at all.

I used to think Democrats had no standards, but it's principles they're lacking.

About 50 years ago "principles" actually meant something. Nowadays the word can be and often is interchanged with "dogma".
Tell that to my grandpa that died from lung cancer.

It's not harmless AND it's illegal.

Stop excusing crime

did he smoke Pot Horty?.....

Didn't know it until after his death.
I always wondered how he got lung cancer and never smoked a day in his life.
But I found two ounces under his mattress when cleaning up his belongings. Found his stash box with some shake and joints.

did he take Chemo?
For the same reason they go on about Obama tasting dog meat when he was a child.
Paul Ryan's High School Yearbook Pictures - The Daily Beast

Mitt Romney's new running mate was voted 'biggest brown-noser' by his senior-year classmates.


THAT is what you have against Ryan?!!!

Nigga please...

My dogs "GetIt" better than you do Sparky. What you DON'T get is that this is a joke thread. There is so much repugnant about Ryan that it will be difficult to cover it all by election time. This thread represents the funny side of Ryan. The side one might mock. The REAL objections to Ryan are more life and death. Let's at least laugh at the weasly little prick before we lynch him.

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