Biggest hate groups in the US?

Which group traffics in the most hate?

  • Progressives

  • Democrats

  • Muslims

  • Conservatives

  • Maga

  • Jews

  • Blacks

  • Republicans

  • Climate alarmists

  • Pro life activists

  • Liberals

  • USMB posters

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These leftists need to go live in China or with the Palestinians for a while.
Don’t be angry because I’m asking questions you’re too uncomfortable to answer. That’s your problem. I’ll answer any question you ask me directly. It’s easy. It’s also incredible to see how how you and Mikey here try to dodge and evade giving straight answers. What’s up with that. Are y’all really that insecure?
I must be incredible stupid?! Haha nice one.

I know I’m making good arguments and you prove it by your inability to actually address the things I say. Taking the lazy route and just calling me a liar only highlights my point.
I've i've explained it to your dumbass several times now. You can stop proving how stupid you are. We know.
Don’t be angry because I’m asking questions you’re too uncomfortable to answer. That’s your problem. I’ll answer any question you ask me directly. It’s easy. It’s also incredible to see how how you and Mikey here try to dodge and evade giving straight answers. What’s up with that. Are y’all really that insecure?
Always lies, always. And yet this pos still pretends I have not answered his pathetic attempt to pull me into some bullshit back and forth nonsense. Any serious answer given to these traitors will result in another string of lies. Proven over and over.
I've i've explained it to your dumbass several times now. You can stop proving how stupid you are. We know.
Stupidity is what you’re doing… name calling and failing to present a sound argument. I’m explaining my points and presenting arguments that you can’t hang with. In other words I’m taking you to school. I don’t expect you to admit it. I expect you to dodge and call me a liar. But you’re only fooling yourself.
Always lies, always. And yet this pos still pretends I have not answered his pathetic attempt to pull me into some bullshit back and forth nonsense. Any serious answer given to these traitors will result in another string of lies. Proven over and over.
You’re not capable of serious answers. All you have is name calling. That’s a white flag. It’s what losers do when they lose
You’re not capable of serious answers. All you have is name calling. That’s a white flag. It’s what losers do when they lose
Yet you still lie out your ass. I told you exactly would not prove anything your lying traitor ass. It's written here in black and white so all can see what lying pos you are! You just make yourself look like a bigger pos each time.
Stupidity is what you’re doing… name calling and failing to present a sound argument. I’m explaining my points and presenting arguments that you can’t hang with. In other words I’m taking you to school. I don’t expect you to admit it. I expect you to dodge and call me a liar. But you’re only fooling yourself.
This lying shit stain cannot stop lying to save his worthless hide! You are warped and twisted. You should be put away, you obsessed garbage.
Yet you still lie out your ass. I told you exactly would not prove anything your lying traitor ass. It's written here in black and white so all can see what lying pos you are! You just make yourself look like a bigger pos each time.
Whether I lie or whether you prove something to me makes ZERO difference. You choose to conduct yourself like a child and fail time and time again to defend, explain, or elaborate on anything that you say. That makes your statements empty and meaningless. It’s why you get schooled time and time again.

If all you have to defend your arguments is “liar liar” then you lose the argument.
This lying shit stain cannot stop lying to save his worthless hide! You are warped and twisted. You should be put away, you obsessed garbage.
There you go right on queue. so predictable. You’re a one trick pony. Problem is your trick only makes you sound like a loser
I can’t see how this won’t get an extremely divided answer…I just…can’t see it….lol
you folks never fail to prove a point here


There is really only one choice. The question is which "group" traffics in the most hate. While there are members within each of the listed groups that certainly traffic in hate, there is only one group thats entire existence is based in hate, MAGA.

You mean the Democrat party.
Christians built Harvard, the Ivy League Colleges, hospitals across the country, orphanages, soup kitchens. Christians give freely of their money, time, and even blood, particularly when compared to atheists like Arlette who talks like an angry atheist lesbian.

Name for me ONE college with an atheist charter.
Name ONE Atheist Hospital. Just one.
Eighty-five percent of Nobel Laureates in science are Christians and Jews, not atheists like Arlette the Hateful, the Bitter.
Our nation was founded by men who cited Nature's God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They had courage, vision, wisdom and God's support to defeat the most powerful army in the world at that time, despite the fact that only 1/3 of colonists supported Revolutionaries like our Founding Fathers.


“I say unequivocally that the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt.” – Sir Lionel Luckhoo, The Most Successful Attorney in History, according to the Guiness Book of Records
I explained myself you, ya lying piece of garbage. Now let's her your next lie, traitor.
You explained why you’re scared to answer questions. I’m talking explaining things actually relevant to the topic. Actually engaging. You don’t have the guts to engage because you are worried that I’ll lie or that I won’t believe you and accept your answers. Grow up. Smart people aren’t scared to answer questions or be honest
Feel? Piss on your feels.

I think leftist dems are total assholes and are the real enemies of the Republic that our .gov resources should be expended on.

You think????? That's news to all of us. There's certainly no evidence of it in your post.

Only an unthinking idiot calls their fellow Americans "the real enemies of the Republic".

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