Biggest Traitor in US History

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I would have to say Noam Chomsky.

He is batting a perfect 100% disagreement with the USA.

Even Benedict Arnold thought the US should go to war with the British, decent general too, he just did not have the Colin Powell effect, "kiss ass to win brass."
How about Prescott Bush? He helped Hitler's rise to power by funding the Nazi war machine at the same time the US, and George H.W. Bush was fighting the German's in WWII How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian :eusa_whistle:

Hate to break it to you but Hitler rose to power in the early 30's long before WW2 and long before the younger Bush fought in that war. In fact until the war trading with Germany was not an illegal act at all.
I've always been willing to give Lee a pass as he was put into the impossible situation of having to choose between his state and his nation. He chose poorly, but that's a conversation for another day.

If you have to pick traitors in the Civil War, I have to go with the Southern Politicians, with Jefferson Davis at the head of the pack. They're the folks that put good men like Lee, and most of the Southern Army in the impossible position of choosing between State and Nation and they're the folks that claimed noble reasons (like Freedom!) while penning mini-Declarations that repeatedly defended institutions like Slavery.

If those men had had the courage to abolish slavery before sucession, they'd have won the war. The existance of the institution of Slavery in the South was a MAJOR public relations victory for the North and allowed them to keep morale high and populace motivated even as they suffered devesating losses early on in the war. Slavery itself even poisoned the South's relations with abolishonist nations like England that might have jumped in to help the South break free.

The moral cowardice of the Southern politicians that voted for war while retaining slavery cost them the war.
The moral cowardice of the Southern politicians that voted for war while retaining slavery cost them the war.

yea I never agree with blaming soliders for following lawful orders or fighting for their country/state whatever. blame the politicians and policies, not the soldiers.
The moral cowardice of the Southern politicians that voted for war while retaining slavery cost them the war.

yea I never agree with blaming soliders for following lawful orders or fighting for their country/state whatever. blame the politicians and policies, not the soldiers.

Especially in the Civil War. A single act of legislative courage (abolishing slavery) and they'd have broke free from the North inside a few months. Without the specter of Slavery to fight against, Northern morale would have crumpled and the European powers put off by the institution of Slavery would have entered the fray.

The politicans lost the Civil War. I can't blame Lee for the choice he was forced to make, but I can blame the folks that forced him to make that choice.
By his standard all the Founding Fathers were traitors to our mother country in that they fomented rebellion against it and broke away by force of arms with a terrorist army.

Those of us from the British Empire agree! :tongue:

I haven't studied the Civil War much but I heard someone the other day say that Lee was the greatest general in US history. Is this true?
By his standard all the Founding Fathers were traitors to our mother country in that they fomented rebellion against it and broke away by force of arms with a terrorist army.

Those of us from the British Empire agree! :tongue:

I haven't studied the Civil War much but I heard someone the other day say that Lee was the greatest general in US history. Is this true?

I don't know if you could call Robert E. Lee the greatest general in US history but his tactics are still studied at West Point.
Robert E Lee lived out the remainder of his life on parole and never was given his US citizenship back. Jefferson Davis served time in prison. Read a book Gunny other than "The South Was Right" or any other trash put out by neoConfederate scum.

And right you are, the founding fathers were considered traitors in England because they took up arms against the King.

Your ignorance is offensive.

BTW, I would like to see any other high ranking officer serving time in the Army currently renounce his commission and citizenship and then take up arms against America, I would wager to say that he would be considered a traitor by every American. To deny this is to live in fantasy neoConfederate scum land.

Obviously you are viewing history through a modern prism, which means you have no concept of historical social context. At that time in our history most people owed their allegience to their state first and the country second. Lee was duty and honor bound to follow the dictates of his concience and remain loyal to his native state, Virginia.
It wasn't until after the war that the country became paramount over the states, the primary reason the war was fought.
And to lable the Confederacy as a terroist nation even more so shows your complete lack of knowledge and utter buffoonery. Go back to schoo; and actually learn something before you play this game of hoof and mouth disease again.
The biggest traitor in American history?

Hmmm, let's see.

He let the greatest mass murderer in American history go scott free.

He tricked the nation into invading the wrong country.

He stood by and ignored the genocide of hundreds of thousand of Christians.

While an American city was drowning, he played golf.

He sent tens of thousands of soldiers off to war with old, rusty and malfunctioning equipment AND cut their benefits while they served multiple tours in a war zone.

Who could it be?
The biggest traitor in American history?

Hmmm, let's see.

He let the greatest mass murderer in American history go scott free.

He tricked the nation into invading the wrong country.

He stood by and ignored the genocide of hundreds of thousand of Christians.

While an American city was drowning, he played golf.

He sent tens of thousands of soldiers off to war with old, rusty and malfunctioning equipment AND cut their benefits while they served multiple tours in a war zone.

Who could it be?

Broken record, skip.Broken record, skip.Broken record, skip.Broken record, skip.Broken record, skip.Broken record, skip.Broken record, skip.
The biggest traitor in American history?

Hmmm, let's see.

He let the greatest mass murderer in American history go scott free.

He tricked the nation into invading the wrong country.

He stood by and ignored the genocide of hundreds of thousand of Christians.

While an American city was drowning, he played golf.

He sent tens of thousands of soldiers off to war with old, rusty and malfunctioning equipment AND cut their benefits while they served multiple tours in a war zone.

Who could it be?
I would argue that Robert E. Lee was for the following reasons:

1. He rejected his US citizenship in order to join a rogue terrorist nation(little known fact, he lived out the remainder of his years on parole and never was given his citizenship back during his lifetime).

2. He burned American flags and fought under a terrorist nation's flag.

3. He fought to preserve the evil institution of chattel slavery and was a HUGE proponent of slavery.

4. He murdered hundreds of thousands of American soldiers, more than Hitler, OBL, and Saddam combined.

5. He encouraged and led hundreds of thousands of former Americans to join a rogue nation and fight for that nation against the USA.

IF anyone can name a bigger traitor with evidence attached, I would welcome it.

Robert E. Lee was not a traitor to his country. His country was Virginia and Virginia seceded from the United States and joined the Confederate States.

The Confederacy was not a "terrorist state," the Union invaded them to start the Civil War.

Lee was not a proponent of slavery he was an opponent of slavery and believed that it would fade away if left to its own devices.

Lee didn't murder anyone. The murders of the Civil War took place under Sheridan and Sherman who murdered, raped, and robbed innocent southern civilians including slaves they were supposedly supposed to be freeing.
I've always been willing to give Lee a pass as he was put into the impossible situation of having to choose between his state and his nation. He chose poorly, but that's a conversation for another day.

If you have to pick traitors in the Civil War, I have to go with the Southern Politicians, with Jefferson Davis at the head of the pack. They're the folks that put good men like Lee, and most of the Southern Army in the impossible position of choosing between State and Nation and they're the folks that claimed noble reasons (like Freedom!) while penning mini-Declarations that repeatedly defended institutions like Slavery.

If those men had had the courage to abolish slavery before sucession, they'd have won the war. The existance of the institution of Slavery in the South was a MAJOR public relations victory for the North and allowed them to keep morale high and populace motivated even as they suffered devesating losses early on in the war. Slavery itself even poisoned the South's relations with abolishonist nations like England that might have jumped in to help the South break free.

The moral cowardice of the Southern politicians that voted for war while retaining slavery cost them the war.

How does Jefferson Davis not get the same consideration as Lee when Jefferson Davis openly opposed seceding from the Union but would not go against the will of his state?
The moral cowardice of the Southern politicians that voted for war while retaining slavery cost them the war.

yea I never agree with blaming soliders for following lawful orders or fighting for their country/state whatever. blame the politicians and policies, not the soldiers.

Especially in the Civil War. A single act of legislative courage (abolishing slavery) and they'd have broke free from the North inside a few months. Without the specter of Slavery to fight against, Northern morale would have crumpled and the European powers put off by the institution of Slavery would have entered the fray.

The politicans lost the Civil War. I can't blame Lee for the choice he was forced to make, but I can blame the folks that forced him to make that choice.

The north wasn't fighting against slavery. Many northern soldiers were upset with Lincoln after the Emancipation Proclamation, despite the fact that it didn't free a single slave.

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