Bill Ayers vs Timothy McVeigh: Whats the difference????

The weather undergound was not a killing machine. It wanted to make statements. If they truly wanted to kill, they would have. However, they went to extremes without much concern that someone may actually get hurt or even die. But they were simply trying to be heard. I dont agree with their tactics, but they were no McVeigh.

Now, that being said, I must remind all of us. They were trying to be heard becuase the government would not listen to them when they protested peacefully. They were called hippies, pot smokers, idiots, dummies, etc. And all they were trying to do was exercise their right to free speech. So they stepped it up to loud bombs and threats.

So I must wonder. Seeing as many in this administration were those hippies and pot smokers who were frustrated by the fact that the government ignored them and called them names....

Why are they doing the same dam thing to the tea partyers?

That's a pretty good point right there (and I say that as someone who loves to mock the tea party).
The weather undergound was not a killing machine. It wanted to make statements. If they truly wanted to kill, they would have. However, they went to extremes without much concern that someone may actually get hurt or even die. But they were simply trying to be heard. I dont agree with their tactics, but they were no McVeigh.

Now, that being said, I must remind all of us. They were trying to be heard becuase the government would not listen to them when they protested peacefully. They were called hippies, pot smokers, idiots, dummies, etc. And all they were trying to do was exercise their right to free speech. So they stepped it up to loud bombs and threats.

So I must wonder. Seeing as many in this administration were those hippies and pot smokers who were frustrated by the fact that the government ignored them and called them names....

Why are they doing the same dam thing to the tea partyers?

No one is keeping them from speaking.

We are merely asking them to not incite violence.

This happened back in the 90s.

The right wing machine pretended that Clinton was going to take their guns and invented a pack of false bullshit they said Clinton did. Then we got the Waco Wackos and McVeigh.

We really dont want any more dead Americans.

Why cant they state their case WITHOUT inciting violence?
They could have killed people but the world got lucky that none of their bombs killed people.

They did not aim to kill people they aimed to get attention.

They were fucking idiots and dirtbags to blow anything up.

The facts are that McVeigh targeted people and the asshole underground weatherdicks didnt.

Now the OP asked for differeances and I gave them.


So you dont think they were dirtbags and fucking idiotes?

WTF? I call you (as an individual, not as a group.... not one of your stupid "You People" rants)... a liar and you decide that by calling an individual a liar (because you are), that I don't think they were dirtbags and fucking idiots.

Christ on a bike, truth, how fucking stupid are you? Genuine question.
After seeing MSNBC basically blame the Tea Party for Oklahoma City, it brought me to a conclusion and questions: What is really the difference between Timothy McVeigh and Bill Ayers???

168 dead men, women, and children.
so... success rate?

And intent.

I doubt the WU ever conspired to commit mass murder with their actions.

All that aside, saying Timothy McVeigh is representative of the right is as retarded as saying Ayers is representative of the left.
You clearly said what I said was a lie.

In that post I call them a number of bad things.

You disagreed.
The weather undergound was not a killing machine. It wanted to make statements. If they truly wanted to kill, they would have. However, they went to extremes without much concern that someone may actually get hurt or even die. But they were simply trying to be heard. I dont agree with their tactics, but they were no McVeigh.

Now, that being said, I must remind all of us. They were trying to be heard becuase the government would not listen to them when they protested peacefully. They were called hippies, pot smokers, idiots, dummies, etc. And all they were trying to do was exercise their right to free speech. So they stepped it up to loud bombs and threats.

So I must wonder. Seeing as many in this administration were those hippies and pot smokers who were frustrated by the fact that the government ignored them and called them names....

Why are they doing the same dam thing to the tea partyers?

No one is keeping them from speaking.

We are merely asking them to not incite violence.

This happened back in the 90s.

The right wing machine pretended that Clinton was going to take their guns and invented a pack of false bullshit they said Clinton did. Then we got the Waco Wackos and McVeigh.

We really dont want any more dead Americans.

Why cant they state their case WITHOUT inciting violence?

Your arrogance is impressive. Who the fuck need to 'ask them' not to incite violence? You are being played like a damned fiddle by the media and you either don't know it or don't care. Idiot.
A grand jury disagreed with your claims that they had no intention of killing anyone

Sgt McDonnell would also disagree

Do not get me wrong. I despise what the WU did. But they were not killers in my eyes. If they were, he and his family would have died.
Instead, I saw them as having no concern about ones life in an effort to make a point. That is as bad as being a killer, but by no means the same.
You clearly said what I said was a lie.

In that post I call them a number of bad things.

You disagreed.

I call you a liar because you are one. You claimed that WU didn't target people. They did. They not only targeted people, they wanted people to die. That they were not very successful is down to their lack of ability, not the lack of intent.
The weather undergound was not a killing machine. It wanted to make statements. If they truly wanted to kill, they would have. However, they went to extremes without much concern that someone may actually get hurt or even die. But they were simply trying to be heard. I dont agree with their tactics, but they were no McVeigh.

Now, that being said, I must remind all of us. They were trying to be heard becuase the government would not listen to them when they protested peacefully. They were called hippies, pot smokers, idiots, dummies, etc. And all they were trying to do was exercise their right to free speech. So they stepped it up to loud bombs and threats.

So I must wonder. Seeing as many in this administration were those hippies and pot smokers who were frustrated by the fact that the government ignored them and called them names....

Why are they doing the same dam thing to the tea partyers?

No one is keeping them from speaking.

We are merely asking them to not incite violence.

This happened back in the 90s.

The right wing machine pretended that Clinton was going to take their guns and invented a pack of false bullshit they said Clinton did. Then we got the Waco Wackos and McVeigh.

We really dont want any more dead Americans.

Why cant they state their case WITHOUT inciting violence?

Nancy Pelosi called their movement astroturf. Government called the movement of the late 60's pot smoking hippies.
President Obama ridiculed them when he held his hand up and made fun of them waving "little tea bags"
Government called them pot smoking hippies.

Do you not see the correlation?

If YOU dont want them to incite violence, dont make up crap about them. Such actions have proven to incite violence in the past.

You are out of your league on this board Truthmatters.
After seeing MSNBC basically blame the Tea Party for Oklahoma City, it brought me to a conclusion and questions: What is really the difference between Timothy McVeigh and Bill Ayers???

Answer: McVeigh was smarter and built better bombs. Thats it.


Here is exactly what is wrong with rthe Right Wing Lunacy @ USMB.

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to bucs90 For This Useful Post:
Annie (Today), CrusaderFrank (Today), Lonestar_logic (Today), Wicked Jester (Today), xsited1 (Today)
sick fucks

That's it?

McVeigh killed how many innocent Americans?


I was not through.

This shit deserves it's own thread:

Conservatives are always going on about how (supposedly) liberals are silent to the excesses of communist regimes, while conservatives stand up for all that is right, true and godly about America.

Talk. Bullshit.

In reality conservatives are willing to ignore all excesses of those who follow their screeds to their logical conclusions, while masking the terrible acts of these simpletons who follow the conservative logic with acts of horrifying violence---by using false comparisons and out right bullshit.

How could fellow Americans sink so low as to belittle an act of Terrorism?
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so... success rate?

And intent.

I doubt the WU ever conspired to commit mass murder with their actions.

All that aside, saying Timothy McVeigh is representative of the right is as retarded as saying Ayers is representative of the left.

Tim was a product of the right wing slander machine on Clinton.

Oh Jeez.

I pity you Truthmatters. You are the ideal pawn in our world of left vs. right. Most of the intelligent people on the left refuse to look like idiots by saying these things, so they have pawns like you say it for them.

I really do pity you. You have no thoughts of your own. It is quite sad.
WRONG. McVeigh is as bad, or worse, than Bin Laden. Thats a given. But so is Ayers. You likely don't even know what Ayers did, since you probably only watch MSNBC, but Ayers attempted, several times, to be as bad as McVeigh. The only difference is Ayers lacked the military skill and bomb making skill McVeigh had. Ayers bombed several government and police buildings, he was simply a failure in the field of bomb making and military tactics. His INTENT was exactly the same, and he is equally evil for that.

But somehow, Obama felt fit to found his campaign in Ayers home. Ayers was one good boot camp away from being as horribly effective as McVeigh.

WRONG. McVeigh attacked the government pawns who were on a killing spree murdering US citizens, in order to stop the tyrannical government from killing more of its own citizens. He did not attack to strike terror & fear in the heart of every American. Osama Bin-Ladin wanted to strike terror & fear in the heart of every American, to draw US into war & kill as many of us as possible. BIG DIFFERENCE

Wow. If I didn't know better, I'd say it sounds like you almost support what McVeigh did.

But surely not.
Absolutely not. I do not support what McVeigh did. I am only stating the difference in their motives.

William Ayers goal was to create a clandestine revolutionary party for the violent overthrow of the US government and the establishment of a dictatorship of the proletariat.
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And intent.

I doubt the WU ever conspired to commit mass murder with their actions.

All that aside, saying Timothy McVeigh is representative of the right is as retarded as saying Ayers is representative of the left.

Tim was a product of the right wing slander machine on Clinton.

Oh Jeez.

I pity you Truthmatters. You are the ideal pawn in our world of left vs. right. Most of the intelligent people on the left refuse to look like idiots by saying these things, so they have pawns like you say it for them.

I really do pity you. You have no thoughts of your own. It is quite sad.

Tom McVeigh murdered innocent Americans---men, women and children for god's sake, and you right wing nuts have the unmitigated gall to compare him to a violent student activist from way back in the sixties who murdered no one?

Belittling the horrific crimes of your fellow conservatives in order to try a comparative schtick and that shows just how bankrupt some people truly are.
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The weather undergound was not a killing machine. It wanted to make statements. If they truly wanted to kill, they would have. However, they went to extremes without much concern that someone may actually get hurt or even die. But they were simply trying to be heard. I dont agree with their tactics, but they were no McVeigh.

Now, that being said, I must remind all of us. They were trying to be heard becuase the government would not listen to them when they protested peacefully. They were called hippies, pot smokers, idiots, dummies, etc. And all they were trying to do was exercise their right to free speech. So they stepped it up to loud bombs and threats.

So I must wonder. Seeing as many in this administration were those hippies and pot smokers who were frustrated by the fact that the government ignored them and called them names....

Why are they doing the same dam thing to the tea partyers?

No one is keeping them from speaking.

We are merely asking them to not incite violence.

This happened back in the 90s.

The right wing machine pretended that Clinton was going to take their guns and invented a pack of false bullshit they said Clinton did. Then we got the Waco Wackos and McVeigh.

We really dont want any more dead Americans.

Why cant they state their case WITHOUT inciting violence?

Nancy Pelosi called their movement astroturf. Government called the movement of the late 60's pot smoking hippies.
President Obama ridiculed them when he held his hand up and made fun of them waving "little tea bags"
Government called them pot smoking hippies.

Do you not see the correlation?

If YOU dont want them to incite violence, dont make up crap about them. Such actions have proven to incite violence in the past.

You are out of your league on this board Truthmatters.

Damn Gunny and his 'spread the rep' rules!

Although, I've always thought of them as more sort of ..... guidelines.

*Credit: Pirates of the Caribbean. :lol:
So far, the only difference I see between McVeigh and Ayers is one competence. The difference between John Wilkes Booth and Squeeky Frome. Ayers didn't kill hundreds through lack of desire, but lack of skill.

Achievement for a monster is not the measure of monstrosity.
The only difference is competence. He is now suing the University of Wyoming. I wonder how he feels about the legal system in Cuba and Venezuela.

Ayers participated in the Days of Rage riot in Chicago in October 1969, and in December was at the "War Council" meeting in Flint, Michigan. Two major decisions came out of the "War Council." The first was to immediately begin a violent, armed struggle (e.g., bombings and armed robberies) against the state without attempting to organize or mobilize a broad swath of the public. The second was to create underground collectives in major cities throughout the country.[16] Larry Grathwohl, a Federal Bureau of Investigation informant in the Weatherman group from the fall of 1969 to the spring of 1970, stated that "Ayers, along with Bernardine Dohrn, probably had the most authority within the Weatherman".[17]

Bill Ayers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Larry Grathwohl, an undercover FBI agent who infiltrated The Weather Underground, claimed that Ayers wanted to overthrow the United States government. In an interview in January 2009, Grathwohl stated that:

"The thing the most bone chilling thing Bill Ayers said to me was that after the revolution succeeded and the government was overthrown, they believed they would have to eliminate 25 million Americans who would not conform to the new order."[55]

# ^ Grathwohl, Larry, and Frank, Reagan, Bringing Down America: An FBI Informant in with the Weathermen, Arlington House, 1977, page 110
Tim was a product of the right wing slander machine on Clinton.

Oh Jeez.

I pity you Truthmatters. You are the ideal pawn in our world of left vs. right. Most of the intelligent people on the left refuse to look like idiots by saying these things, so they have pawns like you say it for them.

I really do pity you. You have no thoughts of your own. It is quite sad.

Tom McVeigh murdered innocent Americans---men, women and children for god's sake, and you right wing nuts have the unmitigated gall to compare him to a violent student activist from way back in the sixties who murdered no one?

Belittling the horrific crimes of your fellow conservatives in order to try a comparative schtick and that shows just how bankrupt some people truly are.

Hey Dante. Good to see ya friend. Please scroll back a few and see my stance on this before you dam me to hell:lol:

I made it quite clear that I do not see the WU as killers. I saw them as frustrated government protesterts who were sick and tired of government not litening to them and mocking them so they were forced to make louder noises.

And then I questioned why the governemtn fdid not learn from that as they are once again minimizing the tea partyers and mocking them.

And sadly, many of those 60's protesters that were frustrated are now in this administration; yet they are doing to the tea partyers what government did to them.

You find that interesting?

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