Bill Clinton: I Don't Owe Lewinski An Apology...And...I was a 'VICTIM'

here's a video of Barbara Walters describing the details of Bill bangin Monica right to Lewinsky's face (towards the end):
Liberals will always tell you who they really are they hate having to hide it. Bill's a victim, its Monica's fault what...a...shocker /sarcasm
The Clintons along with their Democrat Fake News media, destroyed the woman's life. Meanwhile, the Clintons are above-the-law multimillionaire Political Elites. But somehow they're 'Victims?' Man, i guess Democrat sycophants will believe anything they say. What a disgrace.
Looka, the Clintons are complete filth, always have been, always will be. The good news is, they are irrelevant, desperately seeking attention, even if it means dredging up twenty year-old affairs.

I agree. Just saw him on the news trying to look important. One would have thought he was still POTUS.

Neither he or Hitlery have ever been held accountable for anything they have done.
“Bill Clinton epitomizes, sort-of, the aggressor,” the Kentucky Senator asserted. “To tell you the truth, you can’t really have an appropriate consensual relationship with a 20-year-old intern in your office. That is the definition of sexual harassment. It’s the definition of using the power of your office to get something you want and it is always wrong.”

'Nuff said? Not quite... Rand paul 'finished off' bill Clinton by mocking him:

“Oh, woe is me and I just barely did anything wrong and I was so bankrupt.”

Bwuhahaha.... Probably the most expensive BJ Slick Willy has ever had to pay for. Actions have consequences....even eventually for the 'Teflon Dons of political Corruption', Bill and Hillary Clinton.
everyone you think Horny Bill fucked, he did, and the more dangerous the better!

all genius is flawed. all the great artists are addicted, whether to alcohol or drugs or whatever.

Horny Bill's addiction is pussy!
WaPo fact-checks Bill Clinton ‘meltdown’ – have the media turned on the Clintons?

The paper listed some “facts” that Clinton was very wrong about:

  • No, the Clintons did not leave the White House “$16 million in debt.”

  • The sexual harassment policy Clinton claimed to implement while governor in Arkansas was actually just the state adopting federal guidelines.

Analysis | Fact-Checking Bill Clinton’s meltdown on NBC’s ‘Today Show’

In both cases, Clinton skirts close to Four Pinocchios. He did have large legal debts, perhaps several million as he once said, but $16 million is clearly wrong. In any case, he and his wife were able to quickly dig themselves out of that hole. As for the sexual harassment policy, he was simply implementing federal guidelines — and it’s an odd thing to brag about, given the circumstances.

In the end Bill was given 3 Pinocchios....
WaPo fact-checks Bill Clinton ‘meltdown’ – have the media turned on the Clintons?

The paper listed some “facts” that Clinton was very wrong about:

  • No, the Clintons did not leave the White House “$16 million in debt.”

  • The sexual harassment policy Clinton claimed to implement while governor in Arkansas was actually just the state adopting federal guidelines.

Analysis | Fact-Checking Bill Clinton’s meltdown on NBC’s ‘Today Show’

In both cases, Clinton skirts close to Four Pinocchios. He did have large legal debts, perhaps several million as he once said, but $16 million is clearly wrong. In any case, he and his wife were able to quickly dig themselves out of that hole. As for the sexual harassment policy, he was simply implementing federal guidelines — and it’s an odd thing to brag about, given the circumstances.

In the end Bill was given 3 Pinocchios....
and he was almost first lady.
"Bill, as always, wanted to take it a step further, so the next time i tied him to bed, he asked me to use a dildo-shaped vibrator on him. it was exciting to see him getting so aroused, and i couldn't wait to untie him so he could use it on me" - Horny Gennifer Flowers
"Bill, as always, wanted to take it a step further, so the next time i tied him to bed, he asked me to use a dildo-shaped vibrator on him. it was exciting to see him getting so aroused, and i couldn't wait to untie him so he could use it on me" - Horny Gennifer Flowers

She was 20 years old and he was the leader of the free world...not only does he owe her an apology he was surly not a victim...typical liberal...its always someone else's fault....
I don't think he owes her an apology, but does Kathleen wiley, jaunita brodderick, paula jones and the others. Monica was of he had power over her and the feminists said that it's bad to engage in relations in that situation....EXCEPT when it's a democrat and he's president....then it's ok.....
"Crooked Hillary was behind a terror campaign designed to scare me into silence" - Kathleen Willey
She was 20 years old and he was the leader of the free world...not only does he owe her an apology he was surly not a victim...typical liberal...its always someone else's fault....
She was 22. Don't make her younger in order to make her seem like a child. Please edit your post lying about her age.

Men shouldn't apologize to 22 year olds who suck their dicks.

he abused the position of authority he has to take advantage of a young woman. That's sexual harassment
Wow this thread totally demonstrates that many supporting Clinton don't really care about the #meeting movement.

Apparently it's perfectly alright for a man in a position of power to leverage that into sexual favors from the interns.

Somehow if Trump ever did this I think they would be leading the mob to lunch him

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