Bill Clinton: I Don't Owe Lewinski An Apology...And...I was a 'VICTIM'

So, Donald isn’t a real man
I don't think he received a blow job from an intern in the White House when he should have been working for us...but nice try sweetheart....come on back when you have more than innuendo...accusations and fake news reports....
Right. He only had an affair with a porn star while his wife recovered at home after giving birth.

He’s a real man :thup:
not sure your point.
Donald said so himself on tape. You disingenuous asshole.

Monica voluntarily had an affair with Clinton.

Donald sexually assaulted women.

See the difference?

You sad little booby.

On the tape, Trump was talking about groupies would would LET HIM grab their pussies. There have been and will always be Star Fuckers who make themselves available to rich and powerful people. Those are consenting encounters. That is not the same as the POTUS sexually exploiting a subordinate employee, lying about it under oath and then smearing her publicly.
Sure he was, you delusional twat. I’m sure you would have spread wide for Donald’s tiny hands; but the women he was after were no doubt repulsed by him.

At the very least, he abused his power; at the worst, he sexually assaulted them.

And here you are defending him in an ironic thread condemning Clinton for a consensual affair that happened decades ago.
and now you're just ranting nonsense cause you despise the man and hate him with so much hate that you just can't contain yourself in a discussion. amazing the leaps you fools make. more parroting.
Shut up, dumb ass

^^^ Diagnosis: Clinical Projection and Anger Management Issues ^^^
^^^Diagnosis: dumb bitch
You sad little booby.

On the tape, Trump was talking about groupies would would LET HIM grab their pussies. There have been and will always be Star Fuckers who make themselves available to rich and powerful people. Those are consenting encounters. That is not the same as the POTUS sexually exploiting a subordinate employee, lying about it under oath and then smearing her publicly.
Sure he was, you delusional twat. I’m sure you would have spread wide for Donald’s tiny hands; but the women he was after were no doubt repulsed by him.

At the very least, he abused his power; at the worst, he sexually assaulted them.

And here you are defending him in an ironic thread condemning Clinton for a consensual affair that happened decades ago.
and now you're just ranting nonsense cause you despise the man and hate him with so much hate that you just can't contain yourself in a discussion. amazing the leaps you fools make. more parroting.
Shut up, dumb ass

^^^ Diagnosis: Clinical Projection and Anger Management Issues ^^^
^^^Diagnosis: dumb bitch

^^^ Diagnosis: Proving the accuracy of the first Diagnosis ^^^
Sure he was, you delusional twat. I’m sure you would have spread wide for Donald’s tiny hands; but the women he was after were no doubt repulsed by him.

At the very least, he abused his power; at the worst, he sexually assaulted them.

And here you are defending him in an ironic thread condemning Clinton for a consensual affair that happened decades ago.
and now you're just ranting nonsense cause you despise the man and hate him with so much hate that you just can't contain yourself in a discussion. amazing the leaps you fools make. more parroting.
Shut up, dumb ass

^^^ Diagnosis: Clinical Projection and Anger Management Issues ^^^
^^^Diagnosis: dumb bitch

^^^ Diagnosis: Proving the accuracy of the first Diagnosis ^^^
you should tell this to this sorry ass op troll here who worships the democrats refusing to look at THEIR corruption,that they are as corrupt as the repubs.Look how i took him to school in this post and the next one and how he went into evade mode and ignored it alwayS changing the topic to the republicans corruption not addressing how clinton signed nafta making it official,that Bush only invented it but was not official UNTIL clinton signed it into office.LOL

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She was 20 years old and he was the leader of the free world...not only does he owe her an apology he was surly not a victim...typical liberal...its always someone else's fault....
She was 22. Don't make her younger in order to make her seem like a child. Please edit your post lying about her age.

Men shouldn't apologize to 22 year olds who suck their dicks.

Please and thank you come to mind though.
Bill Clinton insists he doesn't owe Monica Lewinsky an apology for hijacking her life by taking advantage of her while president – and says HE'S a victim because he left the White House deeply in debt
  • Clinton rocked the political world during the 1990s when he was forced to admit an affair with young White House intern Monica Lewinsky
  • Now he insists he doesn't owe her a face-to-face apology for turning her life upside down and subjecting her to international ridicule
  • The former president says he's a victim of his own transgressions since he left the White House $16 million in debt
  • He and Hillary Clinton have amassed a fortune since then through six-figure speaking
  • appearances
...not to mention that $100+ million Hillary got from the Russians.... :p

"Former President Bill Clinton said in an NBC interview airing Monday that he's never personally apologized to Monica Lewinsky for how their sexual affair turned her life upside down – and he doesn't owe her a mea-culpa"

'Nobody believes that I got out of that for free,' he said. 'I left the White House $16 million in debt,'

View attachment 196632

"He's worth about $80 million today, aided by an aggressive schedule of speaking events – many of which paid him six-figure fees for individual appearances."

(At least now we know the answer to the old question, "How much does it cost a married man to stick cigars up female orifices and to NOT engage in sex by getting a bl@j@b?" $16 Million. :p)

Bill Clinton insists he doesn't owe Monica Lewinsky an apology | Daily Mail Online
He owes the country an apology, For his child molesting/rapist behavior and sex trafficking...
Bill Clinton insists he doesn't owe Monica Lewinsky an apology for hijacking her life by taking advantage of her while president – and says HE'S a victim because he left the White House deeply in debt
  • Clinton rocked the political world during the 1990s when he was forced to admit an affair with young White House intern Monica Lewinsky
  • Now he insists he doesn't owe her a face-to-face apology for turning her life upside down and subjecting her to international ridicule
  • The former president says he's a victim of his own transgressions since he left the White House $16 million in debt
  • He and Hillary Clinton have amassed a fortune since then through six-figure speaking
  • appearances
...not to mention that $100+ million Hillary got from the Russians.... :p

"Former President Bill Clinton said in an NBC interview airing Monday that he's never personally apologized to Monica Lewinsky for how their sexual affair turned her life upside down – and he doesn't owe her a mea-culpa"

'Nobody believes that I got out of that for free,' he said. 'I left the White House $16 million in debt,'

View attachment 196632

"He's worth about $80 million today, aided by an aggressive schedule of speaking events – many of which paid him six-figure fees for individual appearances."

(At least now we know the answer to the old question, "How much does it cost a married man to stick cigars up female orifices and to NOT engage in sex by getting a bl@j@b?" $16 Million. :p)

Bill Clinton insists he doesn't owe Monica Lewinsky an apology | Daily Mail Online
He owes the country an apology, For his child molesting/rapist behavior and sex trafficking...
And for giving us Hillary.
Bill Clinton insists he doesn't owe Monica Lewinsky an apology for hijacking her life by taking advantage of her while president – and says HE'S a victim because he left the White House deeply in debt
  • Clinton rocked the political world during the 1990s when he was forced to admit an affair with young White House intern Monica Lewinsky
  • Now he insists he doesn't owe her a face-to-face apology for turning her life upside down and subjecting her to international ridicule
  • The former president says he's a victim of his own transgressions since he left the White House $16 million in debt
  • He and Hillary Clinton have amassed a fortune since then through six-figure speaking
  • appearances
...not to mention that $100+ million Hillary got from the Russians.... :p

"Former President Bill Clinton said in an NBC interview airing Monday that he's never personally apologized to Monica Lewinsky for how their sexual affair turned her life upside down – and he doesn't owe her a mea-culpa"

'Nobody believes that I got out of that for free,' he said. 'I left the White House $16 million in debt,'

View attachment 196632

"He's worth about $80 million today, aided by an aggressive schedule of speaking events – many of which paid him six-figure fees for individual appearances."

(At least now we know the answer to the old question, "How much does it cost a married man to stick cigars up female orifices and to NOT engage in sex by getting a bl@j@b?" $16 Million. :p)

Bill Clinton insists he doesn't owe Monica Lewinsky an apology | Daily Mail Online
He owes the country an apology, For his child molesting/rapist behavior and sex trafficking...
And for giving us Hillary.
I figured that was a given... Hildabeast is a a puss pocket.
Oh please. Monica Lewinski knew exactly what she was doing.

No one forced her to have oral sex with randy Bill.

Some folks would do anything to be close the POTUS and she decided sucking his dick was about as close as anyone could get.

Sympathy for her?? LMAO Not fucking hardly.

Oh and Bill wasn't a victim either. Its not the first time he pulled shit like that he just wasn't POTUS. He knew exactly what he was doing and figured because he was POTUS no one would say anything. He sure found out different. LOL
Oh please. Monica Lewinski knew exactly what she was doing.

No one forced her to have oral sex with randy Bill.

Some folks would do anything to be close the POTUS and she decided sucking his dick was about as close as anyone could get.

Sympathy for her?? LMAO Not fucking hardly.

Oh and Bill wasn't a victim either. Its not the first time he pulled shit like that he just wasn't POTUS. He knew exactly what he was doing and figured because he was POTUS no one would say anything. He sure found out different. LOL
so if bill has women who wish to grope him it's ok, if women wish to grope the Donald or have the donald grope them, it's Donald's fault. amazing the paths you all work your way to to justify your shit.
Oh please. Monica Lewinski knew exactly what she was doing.

No one forced her to have oral sex with randy Bill.

Some folks would do anything to be close the POTUS and she decided sucking his dick was about as close as anyone could get.

Sympathy for her?? LMAO Not fucking hardly.

Oh and Bill wasn't a victim either. Its not the first time he pulled shit like that he just wasn't POTUS. He knew exactly what he was doing and figured because he was POTUS no one would say anything. He sure found out different. LOL
so if bill has women who wish to grope him it's ok, if women wish to grope the Donald or have the donald grope them, it's Donald's fault. amazing the paths you all work your way to to justify your shit.

Nope. They are all adults and there is no fault to assign.

No one forced Monica Lewinski and no one forced Bill.

Of course we all know it really happened between Lewinski and Clinton.

No one mentioned Donald Trump except you.
She was 20 years old and he was the leader of the free world...not only does he owe her an apology he was surly not a victim...typical liberal...its always someone else's fault....
She was 22. Don't make her younger in order to make her seem like a child. Please edit your post lying about her age.

Men shouldn't apologize to 22 year olds who suck their dicks.

Translation: it's ok for a democrat to use a female interns vagina as a humidor.
It's not ok to suck married men's dicks.

And it is wrong for married men to allow people other than their partner to suck their dicks. The guy was a freakin President, he was no victim. Actions have consequences and neither were victims.
How many of you Liberals and Democrats feel comfortable about daughters/nieces or any other young woman you care about, feel comfortable about them going to work for men who will abuse their power to carry on sexual
Relations with them? It amazed me at the time (1998) some Liberals in their late 40s early 50s with young daughters entering the work force said they had no problem with Clinton’s behavior ...... emphasizing that it was consensual.
Is my hypothetical daughter a 22 year old woman who sucks a married man's dick without being forced to?

That depends on the consensus meaning of “forced” is.
What a deranged sicko. Will the Clintons ever go away? My God, it's time.
Sure he was, you delusional twat. I’m sure you would have spread wide for Donald’s tiny hands; but the women he was after were no doubt repulsed by him.

At the very least, he abused his power; at the worst, he sexually assaulted them.

And here you are defending him in an ironic thread condemning Clinton for a consensual affair that happened decades ago.
and now you're just ranting nonsense cause you despise the man and hate him with so much hate that you just can't contain yourself in a discussion. amazing the leaps you fools make. more parroting.
Shut up, dumb ass

^^^ Diagnosis: Clinical Projection and Anger Management Issues ^^^
^^^Diagnosis: dumb bitch

^^^ Diagnosis: Proving the accuracy of the first Diagnosis ^^^
Still a dumb bitch
Bill Clinton declares he has nothing to apologize to Lewinsky about because she was a consenting adult....

Juanita Broderick says, ' RAPED me - don't I get an apology?'

Sorry, dear, but being a Democrat means never having to apologize.


EXCLUSIVE - Juanita Broaddrick: NBC Skipped 'Perfect Opportunity' to Ask Bill Clinton About Rape Allegations | Breitbart

ABC 'MISSED' an opportunity to ask Slick Willy about his raping women?

That's like saying a serial killer 'missed' the opportunity to turn himself wasn't ever going to happen. :p

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