bill clinton raped Juanita Broaderick twice in that hotel room....

You mean like the woman in England calling the police......they have records of that....

And it was investigated by both British and American officials at the time and had no merit.

And on Wellstone...the police were called.....

Bill Clinton's ong history of sexual assault

  • Eileen Wellstone, 19-year-old English woman who said Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford where the future President was a student in 1969. A retired State Department employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed that he spoke with the family of the girl and filed a report with his superiors. Clinton admitted having sex with the girl, but claimed it was consensual. The victim's family declined to pursue the case;

es, this is the SAME paragraph you will find on every website mentioning Wellstone.

So what you have is a he-said, she said where she never talked about it again and the officials who investigated never found it credible.

So no police report. No record. Just a nameless State Department official who claims someone named Eileen Wellstone said Clinton Raped her.

Seriously, you have more documentation for the Roswell UFO Crash.
Yeah....a local county prosecutor would not think twice about going after the Attorney General of Arkansas....yeah......

You are a twit.....

Why wouldn't he? Great way to make a name for yourself....

IF you had a credible witness who didn't change her story every five minutes.

Of course, since Brodderick didn't start making up stories until years later, I really can't fault the prosecutor.
In fact, Clinton was expelled from Oxford and earned no degree there.

Uh, again, you don't understand how the Rhodes Scholarship works. It isn't about getting a degree.

Clinton never completed his degree. In part this was due to his worry about the draft. According to one contemporary, he thought his first year would be his last and so there was little point in doing the work for a two-year degree; in his second year it was too late to start. This was not seen to matter. Many American Rhodes scholars treated their time at Oxford as a version of the Grand Tour. They had their degree and planned to go to law school when they returned to the US; Oxford was an interesting interlude.

The Bill Clinton we knew at Oxford: Apart from smoking dope (and not

Only twice?

Not credible.

Unless Slick's self-perception as a Indefatigable stud is just a figment of imagination.....
Still waiting for 2AGuy to address the points.

How is she credible if she kept changing her story and if she couldnt' recall key details.

Now, I know the date of every really terrible thing that happened to me. I kind of find it hard to believe she couldn't remember the date she was supposedly raped.
In fact, Clinton was expelled from Oxford and earned no degree there.

Uh, again, you don't understand how the Rhodes Scholarship works. It isn't about getting a degree.

Clinton never completed his degree. In part this was due to his worry about the draft. According to one contemporary, he thought his first year would be his last and so there was little point in doing the work for a two-year degree; in his second year it was too late to start. This was not seen to matter. Many American Rhodes scholars treated their time at Oxford as a version of the Grand Tour. They had their degree and planned to go to law school when they returned to the US; Oxford was an interesting interlude.

The Bill Clinton we knew at Oxford: Apart from smoking dope (and not

Moron......he was associated with Oxford and their Rhodes Scholarship program.........having one of their Rhodes Scholars accused of rape in the American..? you are a twit.....
Still waiting for 2AGuy to address the points.

How is she credible if she kept changing her story and if she couldnt' recall key details.

Now, I know the date of every really terrible thing that happened to me. I kind of find it hard to believe she couldn't remember the date she was supposedly raped.

She told her story under oath to the FBI under threat of perjury moron.....
All of the women...and their freinds and family are lying.....and only bill clinton is telling the hang your hat on that moron....
The truth is, this alleged thing happened a long time ago and there are zero verifiable details. And so we have no idea what motivation Broderick has to speak about this story.
So with that reasoning Cosby should go to trial?
The truth is, this alleged thing happened a long time ago and there are zero verifiable details. And so we have no idea what motivation Broderick has to speak about this story.
So with that reasoning Cosby should go to trial?
Should it? I don't know. Will it? I think it might be already. I don't follow it very closely.

He won't be convicted, but over 50 women coming out with the exact same details is pretty damning. Nonetheless it is completely different from this Clinton "scandal."
Still waiting for 2AGuy to address the points.

How is she credible if she kept changing her story and if she couldnt' recall key details.

Now, I know the date of every really terrible thing that happened to me. I kind of find it hard to believe she couldn't remember the date she was supposedly raped.

And from the Daily Kos......

The Bill Clinton Albatross

Eileen Wellstone: as a 19-year-old student she lodged a complaint of sexual assault against Bill Clinton, in 1969 while he was at Oxford.
She reconfirmed the incident to reporters in 1999.
The truth is, this alleged thing happened a long time ago and there are zero verifiable details. And so we have no idea what motivation Broderick has to speak about this story.

I DO, I DO - he's another slimeball dirtbag character assassin who is desperate for attention.

All of these women are lying.....and only bill clinton is telling the truth....? Right...that is your position?

I'd tell you to stop being a fool, but as they say a tiger cannot change its stripes Your foolish attempt to post a Straw Man is one more example, bit of evidence, that you are poorly educated and at best a half wit.

My comment was an opinion on why former Republican Rep.l Chris Shays spoke out. Shays as most know was the longest served member of the R caucus to be defeated in 2006 and lost his comeback race in 2012. Forgotten as he is, he is desperate for attention - kinda like you 2aguy.

It has nothing to do with how I perceive women. If you were not willfully ignorant or dishonest - which I find you to have both such character flaws, among others - you would know I ran my agencies domestic violence unit

I wrote two funded VAWA Grants and was on committees to plan four trainings on DV in San Diego, Sacramento, Concord and Stockton; the trainings brought toegether public and private professionals in policing, Attorney in family law, Judges, victim / witness advocates, women shelter employee, batter treatment program employees, and victims.

All who attended these trainings, as well as a number of open forums, were put at tables which represented a member of each profession, keeping colleagues from the same agency separated, to facilitate discussion.
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Still waiting for 2AGuy to address the points.

How is she credible if she kept changing her story and if she couldnt' recall key details.

Now, I know the date of every really terrible thing that happened to me. I kind of find it hard to believe she couldn't remember the date she was supposedly raped.

And from the Daily Kos......

The Bill Clinton Albatross

Eileen Wellstone: as a 19-year-old student she lodged a complaint of sexual assault against Bill Clinton, in 1969 while he was at Oxford.
She reconfirmed the incident to reporters in 1999.
The Daily Kos temporarily engaged in your same right-wing smear tactics because, as it turns out, they're a bunch of socialist lunatic Sanders supporters. Nvm that anyone who uses them as a source for anything deserves to be ridiculed.
And again...

Bombshell Report Details EVERY Clinton Sex Assault Victim - The Political Insider

According to the authors, Clinton’s first alleged rape was Eileen Wellstone, at age 19. In England, Clinton sexually assaulted her after they met at a bar near Oxford. Bill Clinton admitted having sex with her but “claimed it was consensual.” The victim’s family didn’t want to pursue the case, and a report filed at the time by a State Department official was ignored by superiors. Apparently, the State Department didn’t want a Rhodes Scholar to have a rape charge.

Read more: Bombshell Report Details EVERY Clinton Sex Assault Victim - The Political Insider
We really need to stop the Clintons' War On Women.

Fo shizzle!
Juanita should have told the police and not the newspaper...

She was like many rape victims...especially at the time it happened and he was the Attorney General of Arkansas at the time...he regulated the business she was in up side, huge down side to making the allegation....

She immediately told her friends that it happened...ask any rape investigator that is one of he clues the rape actually happened.....

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