Bill Clinton speaks at DNC

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His politics aside, it's hard to deny that Bill Clinton is one of the best public speakers in the world.

I'm a DTM at Toastmasters International. I have evaluated and judged thousands of speakers, and speech contests over the years. . Bill Clinton is at best a slightly above average speaker.

That being said, after watching the endless parade of truly lousy speakers we are seeing at both these conventions, Bill Clinton does stand out from the crowd. But one of the best in the world? Not even close!! :rofl:

He is light years beyond Barack Obama, who is soporific at best.

Oratory is a lost art in the modern world.
True but luckily the candidate from the opposing party speaks at a 4th grade level: Donald Trump speaks like a fourth-grader | New York Post

Considering the education level of modern America, probably necessary.

Fleish-Kincaid ain't a bad filter. One can guarantee the Democrat inner city folks don't know impecunious from slatternly.
Necessary for the GOP yes. Remember you people still have nuts in your party trying to make Noah's Ark part of the science curriculum.

Don't kid yourself. The Democrat base without question consists of the most uneducated people in the country.
Jennifer Flowers should have consulted The Donald. He would have had her hold out for more money!

Republicans have to have moments where they just look at each other and think "what the hell, why don't we have ANYONE that can speak like he does"? Obama is a very good orator, though his emphasis on the letter s and his constant uhhh, uhhmmm gets a little wearing, but Bill Clinton is the Vilnius School Master on public speaking. Good god. I think this likely his last major public speech as his age is showing but he just knows how to do it.

And also watching the DNC convention in just the last two days, they have people that everyone knows, REAL Hollywood stars, and people who are happy to be alive. Comparatively the RNC convention looked like a review of all the zombies in the Thriller video.

The DNC looks like America and it sounds like America. "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things".
Republicans have to have moments where they just look at each other and think "what the hell, why don't we have ANYONE that can speak like he does"? Obama is a very good orator, though his emphasis on the letter s and his constant uhhh, uhhmmm gets a little wearing, but Bill Clinton is the Vilnius School Master on public speaking. Good god. I think this likely his last major public speech as his age is showing but he just knows how to do it.

And also watching the DNC convention in just the last two days, they have people that everyone knows, REAL Hollywood stars, and people who are happy to be alive. Comparatively the RNC convention looked like a review of the all the zombies in the Thriller video.

The DNC looks like America and it sounds like America. "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things".
Nah he'll have at least 4 - 8 more years of at least semi-major speeches
I'm a DTM at Toastmasters International. I have evaluated and judged thousands of speakers, and speech contests over the years. . Bill Clinton is at best a slightly above average speaker.

That being said, after watching the endless parade of truly lousy speakers we are seeing at both these conventions, Bill Clinton does stand out from the crowd. But one of the best in the world? Not even close!! :rofl:

He is light years beyond Barack Obama, who is soporific at best.

Oratory is a lost art in the modern world.
True but luckily the candidate from the opposing party speaks at a 4th grade level: Donald Trump speaks like a fourth-grader | New York Post

Considering the education level of modern America, probably necessary.

Fleish-Kincaid ain't a bad filter. One can guarantee the Democrat inner city folks don't know impecunious from slatternly.
Necessary for the GOP yes. Remember you people still have nuts in your party trying to make Noah's Ark part of the science curriculum.

Don't kid yourself. The Democrat base without question consists of the most uneducated people in the country.
Bullshit! Trumps base are white blue collar uneducated men who think he's going to tariff corporations and bring their jobs back.

Rather than go back to school and find a new skill they're going to wait for trump to bring their jobs back.
Quite the intro. "There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America."

Greatest President of my lifetime.
It was a great speech. Probably his best ever.

I think Hillary will finally be glad that she stuck with him.
So, you don't believe that Bill "drop trou" wasn't working "hand in hand" with the CIA to fly cocaine into Mena Airport during the Iran/Contra scandal? Shall we debate this because I have overwhelming evidence that he did........put up or shut up. Familiar with BCCI? Don't be a pussy...."man-up"...that is, if your testicles have finally dropped.

I bet you have tons of "overwhelming evidence" that never made it into a courtroom. I'm sure you've watched over 100 youtube conspiracy videos about it. You are the ultimate gullible twat. Never seen anything like it, actually.
Dale's a lunatic. Ask him about the Illuminati.

He's a clown. He couldn't even articulate what the Illuminati is or who is allegedly a part of it. He's know-nothing loser. A waste of bandwidth.

Really? Do tell? But yet you slithered away like the pussy that you are when I called you out. You never asked me to articulate what the Jesuit Order of the Illuminati is or it's origins that go back to the British East India Company that later became the Chatham House or as some know it as "The Royal Institute For International Affairs" and it's little brother organization across the pond known as the CFR (Council On Foreign Relations)......debate me, punkinpuss.....give it a shot at refuting what I can show to the truth of the pyramid power structure that really calls the shots, ya little worm. I will bury you.
Quite the intro. "There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America."

Greatest President of my lifetime.
It was a great speech. Probably his best ever.

I think Hillary will finally be glad that she stuck with him.
If she wins, they'll rank his speech tonight way up there
Republicans have to have moments where they just look at each other and think "what the hell, why don't we have ANYONE that can speak like he does"? Obama is a very good orator, though his emphasis on the letter s and his constant uhhh, uhhmmm gets a little wearing, but Bill Clinton is the Vilnius School Master on public speaking. Good god. I think this likely his last major public speech as his age is showing but he just knows how to do it.

And also watching the DNC convention in just the last two days, they have people that everyone knows, REAL Hollywood stars, and people who are happy to be alive. Comparatively the RNC convention looked like a review of all the zombies in the Thriller video.

The DNC looks like America and it sounds like America.

In entertainment, perhaps. In substance, it looks and sounds like Europe.
Interesting. She describes exactly the theme of the Democrat National Carnival this evening.

He is light years beyond Barack Obama, who is soporific at best.

Oratory is a lost art in the modern world.
True but luckily the candidate from the opposing party speaks at a 4th grade level: Donald Trump speaks like a fourth-grader | New York Post

Considering the education level of modern America, probably necessary.

Fleish-Kincaid ain't a bad filter. One can guarantee the Democrat inner city folks don't know impecunious from slatternly.
Necessary for the GOP yes. Remember you people still have nuts in your party trying to make Noah's Ark part of the science curriculum.

Don't kid yourself. The Democrat base without question consists of the most uneducated people in the country.
Bullshit! Trumps base are white blue collar uneducated men who think he's going to tariff corporations and bring their jobs back.

Rather than go back to school and find a new skill they're going to wait for trump to bring their jobs back.

Have you ever actually spoken to people from the Democrat inner cities?:

I have. They are stupid as shit, just where the Democrats want them.

Hard to find a new skill at 45.
Oh God. Hillary on the monitor staring down at everyone looked like a picture of Mao and other communist leader photos on the side of buildings.. She was even wearing a red frock. Commie-style. creepy. Finally she talked and the excitement dropped in the room. She has a horrible voice.

Btw, that Alicia Keys(?) sucked as a performer.
So, you don't believe that Bill "drop trou" wasn't working "hand in hand" with the CIA to fly cocaine into Mena Airport during the Iran/Contra scandal? Shall we debate this because I have overwhelming evidence that he did........put up or shut up. Familiar with BCCI? Don't be a pussy...."man-up"...that is, if your testicles have finally dropped.

I bet you have tons of "overwhelming evidence" that never made it into a courtroom. I'm sure you've watched over 100 youtube conspiracy videos about it. You are the ultimate gullible twat. Never seen anything like it, actually.
Dale's a lunatic. Ask him about the Illuminati.

He's a clown. He couldn't even articulate what the Illuminati is or who is allegedly a part of it. He's know-nothing loser. A waste of bandwidth.

Really? Do tell? But yet you slithered away like the pussy that you are when I called you out. You never asked me to articulate what the Jesuit Order of the Illuminati is or it's origins that go back to the British East India Company that later became the Chatham House or as some know it as "The Royal Institute For International Affairs" and it's little brother organization across the pond known as the CFR (Council On Foreign Relations)......debate me, punkinpuss.....give it a shot at refuting what I can show to the truth of the pyramid power structure that really calls the shots, ya little worm. I will bury you.

Billy chuckles.

The Jesuits were all over Georgetown U. They did a lot of business at "The Tombs." Look it up.
Republicans have to have moments where they just look at each other and think "what the hell, why don't we have ANYONE that can speak like he does"? Obama is a very good orator, though his emphasis on the letter s and his constant uhhh, uhhmmm gets a little wearing, but Bill Clinton is the Vilnius School Master on public speaking. Good god. I think this likely his last major public speech as his age is showing but he just knows how to do it.

And also watching the DNC convention in just the last two days, they have people that everyone knows, REAL Hollywood stars, and people who are happy to be alive. Comparatively the RNC convention looked like a review of the all the zombies in the Thriller video.

The DNC looks like America and it sounds like America. "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things".
Nah he'll have at least 4 - 8 more years of at least semi-major speeches
And then Michelle Obama will finish off the remaining righties' who manage to stave off a bursting aneurysm from a Hillary presidency when she announces her own candidacy. No conservative can take a black AND a woman rolled up in a single package.
Meryl Streep needs new glasses...the ones she wore look like my Grandmothers from the 1960's
Interesting. She describes exactly the theme of the Democrat National Carnival this evening.

Gossip and lies...why do you think a commentary is factual..No medical files, nothing but mean Fail!
True but luckily the candidate from the opposing party speaks at a 4th grade level: Donald Trump speaks like a fourth-grader | New York Post

Considering the education level of modern America, probably necessary.

Fleish-Kincaid ain't a bad filter. One can guarantee the Democrat inner city folks don't know impecunious from slatternly.
Necessary for the GOP yes. Remember you people still have nuts in your party trying to make Noah's Ark part of the science curriculum.

Don't kid yourself. The Democrat base without question consists of the most uneducated people in the country.
Bullshit! Trumps base are white blue collar uneducated men who think he's going to tariff corporations and bring their jobs back.

Rather than go back to school and find a new skill they're going to wait for trump to bring their jobs back.

Have you ever actually spoken to people from the Democrat inner cities?:

I have. They are stupid as shit, just where the Democrats want them.

Hard to find a new skill at 45.
So are white uneducated blue collar former union workers who got too greedy and forced companies to go overseas.

Remember those same dumb whites voting for trump are those union workers you said were overpaid and lazy. That's dumb
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