Bill Clinton White House spokesman urges Joe Biden not to debate President Trump

the election hinges on it, everyone knows that!

I still think Biden is faking it.
I think if he appears even remotely coherent the media will call it a victory.
The problem with Biden isn't his forgetting where he is....but the fact that he can't remember what he believes in.
He babbles too much about things he doesn't believe in or he goes off into these weird comments that don't make any sense.
This is why the media insists that they have a fact-checker banner beneath the screen during the debates so they can print out what Trump got wrong immediately. This is meant as a distraction to keep everyone off of trying to absorb what Biden is babbling about.
Trump cultists, you should never believe your own propaganda. That's one big reason why you're losing so badly. You've detached yourselves from reality, meaning you can't operate effectively in reality.
Trump cultists, you should never believe your own propaganda. That's one big reason why you're losing so badly. You've detached yourselves from reality, meaning you can't operate effectively in reality.

Here's the reality come November.
Here's the reality come November.

You mean the model that didn't even work right in 2016?

Yeah, good luck with that. Like I said, you're believing your own propaganda, and that never turns out well.
In any debate between these two, the ground rules will make all the difference. Biden has a knack for saying shit that is so off the wall that no one can possibly be prepared for it, and the audience often comes away thinking that Biden left his opponent (or a reporter) "speechless."

But Trump is also good at the non-responsive response that "clicks" with the audience. Remember when Cruz alluded to New Yorkers being ass-holes and Trump responded by praising the NY FIre Department? W.T.F.?

It MUST occur. There is no way Biden ca dance around it. It will determine who wins the election.

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