Bill Cosby charged

And I am sure the DNC has lots more dirt on Donald. Just waiting for the right time.
Who said that Cosby is a Republican?
Indicted of what? The Senate did an acquittal on all impeachment charges.
Hey, that is the summation of what is being tossed around here, that Cosby is being defended by 'one of his own', i.e. conservative Republicans. So doesnt that make Cosby a Republican, one of his own?

And Bill Clinton should be indicted for rape of Juanita Broaddrick and sexual harassment of Paula Jones.

And the whole thing exposes Hillary Clinton for the bald faced liar she is when she says that womyn dont ever lie about rape; so did she know Bill was a rapist even as she protected him, or is she just lying yet again now?

Do you realize that there are Conservative Dem's?
Yes, especially up until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but most of them are republicans now.
Who said that Cosby is a Republican?
Indicted of what? The Senate did an acquittal on all impeachment charges.
Hey, that is the summation of what is being tossed around here, that Cosby is being defended by 'one of his own', i.e. conservative Republicans. So doesnt that make Cosby a Republican, one of his own?

And Bill Clinton should be indicted for rape of Juanita Broaddrick and sexual harassment of Paula Jones.

And the whole thing exposes Hillary Clinton for the bald faced liar she is when she says that womyn dont ever lie about rape; so did she know Bill was a rapist even as she protected him, or is she just lying yet again now?

Do you realize that there are Conservative Dem's?
Yes, especially up until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but most of them are republicans now.

NO there are still conservative dems even though the party is trying to get rid of them.
That is a distortion by the dems who only changed their stripes to say they are liberals now. They got them under control in a different way with the war on poverty.
Clinton will never be indicted, but he could be re-elected if he ran for President again. He is that popular.

I guess that really galls you RW Loons.
Bullshit. It is easy to say that Clinton would get elected when he cannot legally run anyway.

The disbarred piece of shyte should be sitting inside a prison cell, not gallavanting around the world looking for more teen aged girls to shag.

He would win in a landslide. Maybe the GOP could convince W to run against him? What is his favorable rating, around 36% or so? :rofl:
Not good:

When the judge said, "Good luck, Mr. Cosby," he shouted: "Thank you!"

The judge has stars in his eyes because Cosby is a much beloved celebrity.

They have already started giving him special treatment. He was not forced to do the "perp walk" that the government likes to do to prejudice the jury pool. His attorneys, not police, escorted him into the courtroom, he was allowed to do his booking photo in his sweater, the same kind of sweater he wore on Bill Cosby Show.

When a celebrity has been loved for so many years as "America's Dad" it is hard for people to believe he had a secret life as a rapist.

The irony is that Cosby raped women who probably would have consented to having sex with him because he was a celebrity. But that wasn't good enough for Cosby.
What's ironic is that the authorities did not take the accusations seriously until a male comedian called Bill Cosby out:

After comedian Hannibal Buress called Cosby a serial rapist in a October standup set, assault accusations from the comedian's many alleged victims have unspooled at a rapid clip—just last night, two more women, including Lou Ferrigno's wife Carla, shared their stories.

It takes a lot of bravery to publically accuse a celebrity or a powerful politician.

Look at all the abuse the Clinton people did to the women who accused him.
It's interesting that the Right is defending Cosby.

It's not interesting and it's not even true.

It is not surprising to see you making such an empty claim.

It is not surprising that those on the right actually believe that the propensity of the left to jump to conclusions prematurely and without sufficient evidence is kind of unAmerican, and unfair.

I (just a personal guesstimate) am inclined to believe the allegations. But my guesstimate is not a worthy substitute for a fair trial.

Also, noting that there might be an issue relative to the statute of limitations is not defending Cosby. It is simply acknowledging that there was something pretty odd at play here.
It's interesting that the Right is defending Cosby.
I'm just asking where are the charges against Bill Clinton?

He has had more physical evidence provided against him for his escapades than Cosby.

As Donald says, "When they hit me, I hit them back hard!"

And the charges against Bill Clinton are where?
She knowing took the pills? SHe waited a year to go to the police?

If they get a conviction it will ONLY be because the jury pool has been tainted.

Like with Cosbys rape pills? Or his actual semen?

Fuck Cosby.

You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.

Ever put roofies in a woman's drink before you had sex with her?

Nope. And from what we know, neither has Cosby.

Here's your Rick Perry "Oooops" moment, Idiot. Truly you are an idiot.

Bill Cosby Admits To Drugging Women For Sex

I scanned the 7 min video and didn't see Cosby at all. At what point in the video does he admit to slipping "roofies" into a woman's drink without her knowledge? Or is it just talking heads talking about their opinion of what Bill meant.

And I've seen that one guy before. He's a lying asshole.
The D.A. has something and something solid or else he wouldn't be taking on what is going to be some very, very expensive lawyers. Money and influence wins in court, not always justice. This guy must have some very solid proof besides "she said".


This is a politically motivated prosecution and even if he doesn't get a conviction this guy will win points with the right people for punishing and marginalizing Bill Cosby for running off the Plantation.

This will put the final nail in the coffin of any credibility Cosby had and any message of self empowerment he had for young blacks.

Politically motivated? By whom? Cosby has been around since the 1960s, for over 50 years.
What took these politically motivated people so long? You are truly an idiot.

Are you really that dense?

THat's the point. These cases only became an issue when he went off the Plantation.

Answer my questions. He never went off the plantation. He's still "Dr. Huxtable" to most Americans. You can shut up now.

Getting harder to find this stuff, it's buried under the scandal.

But from a little while back

Honest Bill Cosby Tells US Blacks The Truth

"They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English. I can't even talk the way these people talk...
Why you ain't
Where you is
What he drive
Where he stay
Where he work
Who you be...
And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk. ;< /SPAN>
And then I heard the father talk.
Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.
In fact, you will never get any kind of job making a decent living. People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around.
The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal.
These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids. $500 sneakers for what??
And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.
I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit.
Where were you when he was 2??
Where were you when he was 12??
Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol??
And where is the father?? Or, who is his father?
People putting their clothes on backward, isn't that a sign of something gone wrong?
People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something?
Or, are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up?
Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body?
What part of Africa did this come from??
We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans. They don't know a thing about Africa .
With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and all of them are in jail.
Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem.
We have got to take the neighborhood back.
People used to be ashamed. Today, a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' -- or men or whatever you call them now.
We have millionaire football players who cannot read.
We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs.
We, as black folks have to do a better job. Someone working at Wal- Mart with seven kids... you are hurting us.
We have to start holding each other to a higher standard.
We cannot blame the white people any longer.
- Dr. William Henry 'Bill' Cosby, Jr., Ed.D.

It's NOT about color...
It's about behavior !!!"

THat's when he went off the Plantation, and that is what this is all about.

THat's why these allegations and incidents were not important in the 60s. And 70s. And 80s. And 90s. And 00s. But are now.


Like with Cosbys rape pills? Or his actual semen?

Fuck Cosby.

You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.

Ever put roofies in a woman's drink before you had sex with her?

Nope. And from what we know, neither has Cosby.

Here's your Rick Perry "Oooops" moment, Idiot. Truly you are an idiot.

Bill Cosby Admits To Drugging Women For Sex

I scanned the 7 min video and didn't see Cosby at all. At what point in the video does he admit to slipping "roofies" into a woman's drink without her knowledge? Or is it just talking heads talking about their opinion of what Bill meant.

And I've seen that one guy before. He's a lying asshole.

Won't find a video of this as he was under oath and no idea it would be released to the public, but it is damning.

Bill Cosby Admits He Gave Woman Quaaludes Then Had Sex in Newly Released 2005 Court Papers
Either he raped them or this is a conspiracy of phenomenal proportions:

'Dateline NBC' Gathers Bill Cosby Accusers For Special

Witch hunts are more of a mob action than a conspiracy.

Less eVul masterminds and more angry sheep, or lemmings.

No offense meant...
You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.

Ever put roofies in a woman's drink before you had sex with her?

Nope. And from what we know, neither has Cosby.

Here's your Rick Perry "Oooops" moment, Idiot. Truly you are an idiot.

Bill Cosby Admits To Drugging Women For Sex

I scanned the 7 min video and didn't see Cosby at all. At what point in the video does he admit to slipping "roofies" into a woman's drink without her knowledge? Or is it just talking heads talking about their opinion of what Bill meant.

And I've seen that one guy before. He's a lying asshole.

Won't find a video of this as he was under oath and no idea it would be released to the public, but it is damning.

Bill Cosby Admits He Gave Woman Quaaludes Then Had Sex in Newly Released 2005 Court Papers

Thanks, I've read it before.

But a good example of how the media is scum.

Check it out .

Bill's words "She meets me back stage. I give her Quaaludes. We then have sex. "

He states he "give"s the woman Quaaludes.

THe scummy writer of the piece SPINS this when he writes.

"Cosby also said he "doesn’t remember" if he drugged Ferrier before having sex with her "

Giving implies, as in other cases, that the women knowingly took the drugs.

But Bill didn't say "drugged" here. That is the writer mixing quotes with his own personal and biased interpretation of the quote.

Giving the misleading impression that Bill Cosby admitted to slipping "roofies" in the woman's drink when he admitted no such thing.

And as it serves the lefty agenda to tear down a successful black man that is telling Black People they need to change their behavior, instead, presumably, of blaming White People, it passes unchallenged and just snowballs.

(the last bit about whitey was my assumption, I haven't actually heard BIll say that. See how I tried to make it clear where his words ended and my opinion began?)

Libs. All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
The SOB should spend the rest of his life in the slammer, but he will probably get off scot free.

You know he will spend millions to fight the charges. The prosecution better be ready for it.

That's the point.

They didn't charge then because they have no case.

But now they want to punish him.

DOesn't matter if they win the case.

They destroy his credibility and punish him.
She knowing took the pills? SHe waited a year to go to the police?

If they get a conviction it will ONLY be because the jury pool has been tainted.

Like with Cosbys rape pills? Or his actual semen?

Fuck Cosby.

You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.

Oh, so that is not "legitimate" rape as you RW lunatics put it.

You ever get drunk and have sex with a drunk girl friend?

Did you buy the drinks? :eek::beer:

Yes I did....... she wasn't really drunk or passed out but she get horny after couple of drinks.

Normal legal driving limit for a normal sized woman is less than a couple of drinks.

I looked some, didn't find a hard and fast rule for what is considered incapable of giving consent.

The potential for abuse of this aspect of rape law is enormous.

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