Bill Cosby charged

It's interesting that the Right is defending Cosby.

I'm not seeing that. The Left is clearly defending one of their own child molestors.
Bill Clinton as well. They've got two cheering sections going at once. One for each.
Which dick are you rooting for? My guess is the black meat.

Are you kidding? Every RW loon and his brother are on her defending Fat Albert's daddy.
Cosby faces 10 years in prison.

The deposition is what did Cosby in and could be his eventual downfall. When the judge opened the file, the prosecutor pounced.

Will he be found guilty? That is to be seen.
If those women thought they had been raped, then they should have filed charges, but they didn't, did they?

But Womyn dont lie about sexual harassment and Rape, according to Hillary, so are you saying that Hillary is full of shit?

Juanita Broaddrick - "Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip … He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him ‘No,’ that I didn’t want this to happen but he wouldn’t listen to me. … It was a real panicky, panicky situation. I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to ‘Please stop.’ And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip. … When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment and he walks to the door, and calmly puts on his sunglasses. And before he goes out the door he says ‘You better get some ice on that.’ And he turned and went out the door.”

Paula Jones - "A three-judge federal panel Wednesday formally received the proposed out-of-court settlement in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case, and was expected to rule promptly....The settlement calls for Jones to receive the $850,000 but no apology from the president. A substantial portion of the settlement is expected to go to Jones' former and current attorneys."

In 1992 Gennifer Flowers stated that she had a relationship with Clinton that began in 1980.[11] Flowers at first denied that she had an affair with Clinton, but later changed her story.[12][13] After initially denying it, Clinton later admitted that he had a sexual encounter with Flowers when put under oath during the Lewinsky investigation.[14]

In 1998, Kathleen Willey alleged Clinton groped her in a hallway in 1993. An independent counsel determined Willey gave "false information" to the FBI, inconsistent with sworn testimony related to the Jones allegation.[15] Willey dodged perjury charges after Kenneth Starr granted her immunity for her testimony.[15]

In 1998, Juanita Broaddrick alleged Clinton had raped her though she did not remember the exact date, which may have been 1978.[16] However, she did supply the name of the hotel (Camelot), and the reason she was visiting Little Rock (a nursing home seminar) when the incident had allegedly occurred. NBC News found that a nursing conference was held in the Camelot Hotel on April 25, 1978 (see main entry for Juanita Broaddrick). Broaddrick's only sworn testimony about Clinton was a previous denial of any harassment by Clinton.[17]

In 1998, in response to what she called false media claims that Clinton had raped her, Elizabeth Ward Gracen recanted a six-year-old denial and stated she had a one night stand with Clinton in 1982.[18] Gracen later apologized to Hillary Clinton.[18]

Dolly Kyle Browning began writing a "semi-autobiographical novel" about her alleged affair with Bill Clinton. In the publication process, Browning asserted that Clinton did everything in his power to prohibit and undermine publication. Browning sued Clinton for damages, but the US Court of Appeals denied her appeal.[19]

Clinton's name appears more than 10 times on flight manifests for Jeffrey Epstein's private airliner: a Boeing 727. Epstein was convicted in 2008 in Florida for soliciting underage teenage prostitutes. Court documents show that Epstein used the Fifth Amendment to avoid self-incrimination in a deposition when directly asked, “Do you know former President Clinton personally?” Epstein made the plea in a 2010-2011 civil case between Epstein and Florida lawyer Brad Edwards, who sued Epstein on behalf of some of Epstein’s alleged victims.

Sexual misconduct allegations against Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's also just as interesting that the Left defends Bill Clinton.
Humans do that, we all circle around and defend our own.

So now Cosby is a Republican? lol

I just want to know when Bill Clinton is going to be indicted.
The deposition is what did Cosby in and could be his eventual downfall. When the judge opened the file, the prosecutor pounced.

Will he be found guilty? That is to be seen.

No, it is all political payback because Cosby was undercutting the Black Lies Matter and White Privileges bullshit coming out of the black media.
Clinton will never be indicted, but he could be re-elected if he ran for President again. He is that popular.

I guess that really galls you RW Loons.
Clinton will never be indicted, but he could be re-elected if he ran for President again. He is that popular.

I guess that really galls you RW Loons.
Bullshit. It is easy to say that Clinton would get elected when he cannot legally run anyway.

The disbarred piece of shyte should be sitting inside a prison cell, not gallavanting around the world looking for more teen aged girls to shag.
It's also just as interesting that the Left defends Bill Clinton.
Humans do that, we all circle around and defend our own.

So now Cosby is a Republican? lol

I just want to know when Bill Clinton is going to be indicted.

Who said that Cosby is a Republican?
Indicted of what? The Senate did an acquittal on all impeachment charges.
Well, he can't be guilty.
He's black.
We owe him, not the other way around.
It's our fault.

(Sick, Libershit mindset)

You know, you're the sick fuck on this board. You spew nothing but dissent and hatred. Sorry yo' mama wasn't pretty and your daddy wasn't rich. But you really need to take your bullshit to a shrink.
It's interesting that the Right is defending Cosby.

It's also just as interesting that the Left defends Bill Clinton.
Humans do that, we all circle around and defend our own.

I haven't defended Clinton. I stated the facts. Not a single woman brought charges against him for anything. Ken Starr did. Huge, glaring false equivalency going on here.
Who said that Cosby is a Republican?
Indicted of what? The Senate did an acquittal on all impeachment charges.
Hey, that is the summation of what is being tossed around here, that Cosby is being defended by 'one of his own', i.e. conservative Republicans. So doesnt that make Cosby a Republican, one of his own?

And Bill Clinton should be indicted for rape of Juanita Broaddrick and sexual harassment of Paula Jones.

And the whole thing exposes Hillary Clinton for the bald faced liar she is when she says that womyn dont ever lie about rape; so did she know Bill was a rapist even as she protected him, or is she just lying yet again now?
Who said that Cosby is a Republican?
Indicted of what? The Senate did an acquittal on all impeachment charges.
Hey, that is the summation of what is being tossed around here, that Cosby is being defended by 'one of his own', i.e. conservative Republicans. So doesnt that make Cosby a Republican, one of his own?

And Bill Clinton should be indicted for rape of Juanita Broaddrick and sexual harassment of Paula Jones.

And the whole thing exposes Hillary Clinton for the bald faced liar she is when she says that womyn dont ever lie about rape; so did she know Bill was a rapist even as she protected him, or is she just lying yet again now?

Do you realize that there are Conservative Dem's?

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