Bill Cosby charged

Let's assume that the prosecution has enough evidence to show that they lodged the complaint (and got the arrest warrant) just in time. Assuming (just for this limited example) that they now do not have a big problem with the issue of the statute of limitations, how does this case stack up?

Sometime, around12 years ago, a woman agreed to have the comic assist her (in her perfectly valid profession) as a kind of "mentor."

They became friendly, but she was uncomfortable when he became hands-y.

Still, she would come back for more mentoring and he offered her some drug to relax her.

She evidently did not know WHAT drug he was offering her. But she accepted it nonetheless. AND, she washed it down with wine. I should say with MORE wine.

Then, because of the drugs and wine she felt unable to control her own movements, was nauseated, tired and was apparently just semi-conscious.

She had some non violent sexual contact with the comic. (Not clear that she recalls how much or many of the details.)

She came-around the next day and her clothing and undergarments were re-positioned. (She had apparently had sexual contact before coming out of her drug induced stupor.)

She delayed in her reporting of the encounter thereafter.

But a few months later a report was made.

The comic was questioned and made some statements which, at best, constitute at least partial admissions.

The State prosecutor in that county made the choice to NOT press criminal charges against the comic.

Time passes -- Many other alleged "victims" come forward claiming similar things about the comic's sexual predatory behaviors.

On the eve of the expiration of the 12 year statute of limitations, a new District Attorney reverses the previous determination. Charges get lodged.

How GOOD the case is for the prosecution seems to turn on how credible the complainant is.

It also seems to involve a bit of luck. That is, will the judge permit into evidence at the eventual trial (if there is one) any details of any of the other alleged incidents for which the comic was named as a perpetrator?
Link shows no such thing.

what are you talking about?

the link says:

Bill Cosby was charged Wednesday with drugging and sexually assaulting a woman at his home 12 years ago — the first criminal charges brought against the comedian out of the torrent of allegations that destroyed his good-guy image as America's Dad.

NOW it says that. BEFORE it got edited, it said no such thing.
Link shows no such thing.

what are you talking about?

the link says:

Bill Cosby was charged Wednesday with drugging and sexually assaulting a woman at his home 12 years ago — the first criminal charges brought against the comedian out of the torrent of allegations that destroyed his good-guy image as America's Dad.

NOW it says that. BEFORE it got edited, it said no such thing.

the article was not edited. :rolleyes:

^ Jim, apparently, overlooks the presumption of innocence.

how do you figure? all he said was that cosby would have his day in court?

English a problem for you now?

No, but apparently it is for you. Even though you had just hit the QUOTE button, you can't see it?

Wow. You are dumbing down to the base level of liberal idiot at a much more rapid pace.

What he ACTUALLY said, you twit, was "the rapist gets his day in court."
Link shows no such thing.

what are you talking about?

the link says:

Bill Cosby was charged Wednesday with drugging and sexually assaulting a woman at his home 12 years ago — the first criminal charges brought against the comedian out of the torrent of allegations that destroyed his good-guy image as America's Dad.

NOW it says that. BEFORE it got edited, it said no such thing.

the article was not edited. :rolleyes:

Damn you are one stupid obtuse (or dishonest) twit.

I didn't say the ARTICLE was edited. you dumbass.

I was alluding to the editing of his post. PREVIOUSLY, the dip-shit in question had linked to a different web link.

She knowing took the pills? SHe waited a year to go to the police?

If they get a conviction it will ONLY be because the jury pool has been tainted.

Like with Cosbys rape pills? Or his actual semen?

Fuck Cosby.

You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.

Oh, so that is not "legitimate" rape as you RW lunatics put it.

You ever get drunk and have sex with a drunk girl friend?

Did you buy the drinks? :eek::beer:

Yes I did....... she wasn't really drunk or passed out but she get horny after couple of drinks.
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Goes to show how bitches complain about shit when they put their own selves in harm's way. If it's the least bit sketchy, don't go there, especially alone. Happened in his own home, wonder where the Mrs. was it the time?
Everyone gets their day in court, but he sure as hell looks guilty as hell.
Link shows no such thing.

what are you talking about?

the link says:

Bill Cosby was charged Wednesday with drugging and sexually assaulting a woman at his home 12 years ago — the first criminal charges brought against the comedian out of the torrent of allegations that destroyed his good-guy image as America's Dad.
Merry Christmas and happy new year bill you rapist pudding pop mother fucker. If you are truly this evil person I hope you die in jail instead of your mansion.

I wonder if his wife hopes he gets sent away.
The judge is a women......Cosby is toast.

if the judge is a judge (and we can assume she is) then he will be what he should whether it's guilty or not.

I kind of resent the implication that a female judge can't be fair when presiding over a case like this. the fact that she's a woman might be the best thing that ever happened to him since she'll probably bend over backward to make sure he gets a fair trial and can make rulings that maybe a male judge wouldn't be comfortable making.
this part i find interesting...

...a previous DA declined to charge Cosby in 2005 when Constand first told police that the comic violated her by putting his hands down her pants at his home in the Philadelphia suburb of Cheltenham. Prosecutors reopened the case over the summer as damaging testimony was unsealed in Constand’s related civil lawsuit against Cosby and as dozens of other women came forward with similar accusations...

Bill Cosby charged with sexually assaulting a woman
Isn't there a statute of limitations on these types of crimes??

I know there is none on murder.
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