Bill Cosby charged

Let's assume that the prosecution has enough evidence to show that they lodged the complaint (and got the arrest warrant) just in time. Assuming (just for this limited example) that they now do not have a big problem with the issue of the statute of limitations, how does this case stack up?

Sometime, around12 years ago, a woman agreed to have the comic assist her (in her perfectly valid profession) as a kind of "mentor."

They became friendly, but she was uncomfortable when he became hands-y.

Still, she would come back for more mentoring and he offered her some drug to relax her.

She evidently did not know WHAT drug he was offering her. But she accepted it nonetheless. AND, she washed it down with wine. I should say with MORE wine.

Then, because of the drugs and wine she felt unable to control her own movements, was nauseated, tired and was apparently just semi-conscious.

She had some non violent sexual contact with the comic. (Not clear that she recalls how much or many of the details.)

She came-around the next day and her clothing and undergarments were re-positioned. (She had apparently had sexual contact before coming out of her drug induced stupor.)

She delayed in her reporting of the encounter thereafter.

But a few months later a report was made.

The comic was questioned and made some statements which, at best, constitute at least partial admissions.

The State prosecutor in that county made the choice to NOT press criminal charges against the comic.

Time passes -- Many other alleged "victims" come forward claiming similar things about the comic's sexual predatory behaviors.

On the eve of the expiration of the 12 year statute of limitations, a new District Attorney reverses the previous determination. Charges get lodged.

How GOOD the case is for the prosecution seems to turn on how credible the complainant is.

It also seems to involve a bit of luck. That is, will the judge permit into evidence at the eventual trial (if there is one) any details of any of the other alleged incidents for which the comic was named as a perpetrator?
I use to hang out with a girl I wanted to sleep with and we would drink and do drugs. She never let me sleep with her. Are you saying I should have drugged her and raped her while she slept?

Did you make passes at her while she was high?
Of course.
Everyone gets their day in court, but he sure as hell looks guilty as hell.

it isn't looking good for him.

on the other hand, I detest Gloria Alred.

If he gets a fair trial, the Defense will have no trouble raising reasonable doubt.

If she was that fucked up from wine and drugs she willing took, 12 years ago, can she be sure she did not give some form of consent, verbal or non-verbal?
Now imagine your daughter goes to Hollywood and Michael Moore befriends her and gives her a sleepy and then rapes her.
It's interesting that the Right is defending Cosby.

It's also just as interesting that the Left defends Bill Clinton.
Humans do that, we all circle around and defend our own.

Is Bill Cosby one of the RIght? I have not heard that.

JUst talking some sense to young black males hardly makes him one of the RIght.
I'm sure the greedy arrogant megomaniac was a selfish Republican. He fits the profile.
It's interesting that the Right is defending Cosby.

It's also just as interesting that the Left defends Bill Clinton.
Humans do that, we all circle around and defend our own.

Is Bill Cosby one of the RIght? I have not heard that.

JUst talking some sense to young black males hardly makes him one of the RIght.
I'm sure the greedy arrogant megomaniac was a selfish Republican. He fits the profile.

Oh, meaningless, empty, hyper-partisan bullshit. Just what this site needs more of. Never see that around here.....
It's interesting that the Right is defending Cosby.

It's also just as interesting that the Left defends Bill Clinton.
Humans do that, we all circle around and defend our own.

Is Bill Cosby one of the RIght? I have not heard that.

JUst talking some sense to young black males hardly makes him one of the RIght.
I'm sure the greedy arrogant megomaniac was a selfish Republican. He fits the profile.

Oh, meaningless, empty, hyper-partisan bullshit. Just what this site needs more of. Never see that around here.....
What we need is more people like you.
It's interesting that the Right is defending Cosby.

It's also just as interesting that the Left defends Bill Clinton.
Humans do that, we all circle around and defend our own.

Is Bill Cosby one of the RIght? I have not heard that.

JUst talking some sense to young black males hardly makes him one of the RIght.
I'm sure the greedy arrogant megomaniac was a selfish Republican. He fits the profile.

Oh, meaningless, empty, hyper-partisan bullshit. Just what this site needs more of. Never see that around here.....
What we need is more people like you.

There aren't any more.
It's also just as interesting that the Left defends Bill Clinton.
Humans do that, we all circle around and defend our own.

Is Bill Cosby one of the RIght? I have not heard that.

JUst talking some sense to young black males hardly makes him one of the RIght.
I'm sure the greedy arrogant megomaniac was a selfish Republican. He fits the profile.

Oh, meaningless, empty, hyper-partisan bullshit. Just what this site needs more of. Never see that around here.....
What we need is more people like you.

There aren't any more.
Thank whatever created the cosmos.
So you will get your day in court, Coz! COOL!

Bill Cosby is charged with sexually assaulting a woman

This seems like a rather futile witch hunt to me. There is no way they can prove rape beyond a reasonable doubt 12 years after the fact with no rape kit, no video evidence, and no tox screen.

It's not futile.

THey get to totally destroy Bill Cosby's reputation and credibility, and punish him for going off the Plantation.

Which is the goal.

If they actually manage to put in him behind bars, that's just bonus.
You said Cosby when you meant Clinton.

Now you can't deny that's what you are doing to Clinton. You only thinks that's what's happening to Cosby because its exactly what you're doing to Clinton.

The motive of the Republican leadership in supporting the Paula JOnes case was indeed almost certainly partisan advantage.

(Personally I was pretty offended that Bill Clinton got a pass on behavior that would have destroyed nearly every other white male in the country, AT THAT TIME.)

That being said, how do you know that that is NOT what is happening to Cosby?
The facts coming out. The details.

I think Cosby's a rapist and won't do time but the humiliation will kill him. Plus he's already paid out hush money in past settlements.

I think bill Clinton was probably a scoundral, womanizer, narcissist etc. But not a rapist.

THe "facts" and "details" that have been ignored for decades, that just happen to come out after he starts challenging the LIb Belief system that White Racism is the root of all the problems of the Black Community?

YOu really aren't suspicious at all about the timing?

Come on.
So you will get your day in court, Coz! COOL!

Bill Cosby is charged with sexually assaulting a woman

This seems like a rather futile witch hunt to me. There is no way they can prove rape beyond a reasonable doubt 12 years after the fact with no rape kit, no video evidence, and no tox screen.

It's not futile.

THey get to totally destroy Bill Cosby's reputation and credibility, and punish him for going off the Plantation.

Which is the goal.

If they actually manage to put in him behind bars, that's just bonus.
You said Cosby when you meant Clinton.

Now you can't deny that's what you are doing to Clinton. You only thinks that's what's happening to Cosby because its exactly what you're doing to Clinton.

The motive of the Republican leadership in supporting the Paula JOnes case was indeed almost certainly partisan advantage.

(Personally I was pretty offended that Bill Clinton got a pass on behavior that would have destroyed nearly every other white male in the country, AT THAT TIME.)

That being said, how do you know that that is NOT what is happening to Cosby?
The same womanizing took out Herman Cain true true.

NOt sure of your meaning here.
One only has to watch an episode of Fat Albert to realize how Bill Cosby sees the black community

You saying education is a bad thing?
The shows dealt with an issue or problem commonly faced by young urban children.
But since Fat Albert is the creation of Cosby, it is evil and to be attacked at every opportunity.

That is just how libtards roll.
I loved bill Cosby and agree with him on the black community BTW.

I just don't like his position on rape.
Let's assume that the prosecution has enough evidence to show that they lodged the complaint (and got the arrest warrant) just in time. Assuming (just for this limited example) that they now do not have a big problem with the issue of the statute of limitations, how does this case stack up?

Sometime, around12 years ago, a woman agreed to have the comic assist her (in her perfectly valid profession) as a kind of "mentor."

They became friendly, but she was uncomfortable when he became hands-y.

Still, she would come back for more mentoring and he offered her some drug to relax her.

She evidently did not know WHAT drug he was offering her. But she accepted it nonetheless. AND, she washed it down with wine. I should say with MORE wine.

Then, because of the drugs and wine she felt unable to control her own movements, was nauseated, tired and was apparently just semi-conscious.

She had some non violent sexual contact with the comic. (Not clear that she recalls how much or many of the details.)

She came-around the next day and her clothing and undergarments were re-positioned. (She had apparently had sexual contact before coming out of her drug induced stupor.)

She delayed in her reporting of the encounter thereafter.

But a few months later a report was made.

The comic was questioned and made some statements which, at best, constitute at least partial admissions.

The State prosecutor in that county made the choice to NOT press criminal charges against the comic.

Time passes -- Many other alleged "victims" come forward claiming similar things about the comic's sexual predatory behaviors.

On the eve of the expiration of the 12 year statute of limitations, a new District Attorney reverses the previous determination. Charges get lodged.

How GOOD the case is for the prosecution seems to turn on how credible the complainant is.

It also seems to involve a bit of luck. That is, will the judge permit into evidence at the eventual trial (if there is one) any details of any of the other alleged incidents for which the comic was named as a perpetrator?
I use to hang out with a girl I wanted to sleep with and we would drink and do drugs. She never let me sleep with her. Are you saying I should have drugged her and raped her while she slept?

Did you make passes at her while she was high?
Of course.

I agree of course. That is why alcohol and drugs are PART of the social scene.

BUT if she had given "Consent" while high, she could have changed her mind once she sobered up and had you arrested for rape.

Much like with Cosby.
This seems like a rather futile witch hunt to me. There is no way they can prove rape beyond a reasonable doubt 12 years after the fact with no rape kit, no video evidence, and no tox screen.

It's not futile.

THey get to totally destroy Bill Cosby's reputation and credibility, and punish him for going off the Plantation.

Which is the goal.

If they actually manage to put in him behind bars, that's just bonus.
You said Cosby when you meant Clinton.

Now you can't deny that's what you are doing to Clinton. You only thinks that's what's happening to Cosby because its exactly what you're doing to Clinton.

The motive of the Republican leadership in supporting the Paula JOnes case was indeed almost certainly partisan advantage.

(Personally I was pretty offended that Bill Clinton got a pass on behavior that would have destroyed nearly every other white male in the country, AT THAT TIME.)

That being said, how do you know that that is NOT what is happening to Cosby?
The same womanizing took out Herman Cain true true.

NOt sure of your meaning here.
You said no other politician or "white male" as you put it, could get away with the womanizing Clinton got away with. I agree. That womanizing made Herman Cain have to drop out
It's not futile.

THey get to totally destroy Bill Cosby's reputation and credibility, and punish him for going off the Plantation.

Which is the goal.

If they actually manage to put in him behind bars, that's just bonus.
You said Cosby when you meant Clinton.

Now you can't deny that's what you are doing to Clinton. You only thinks that's what's happening to Cosby because its exactly what you're doing to Clinton.

The motive of the Republican leadership in supporting the Paula JOnes case was indeed almost certainly partisan advantage.

(Personally I was pretty offended that Bill Clinton got a pass on behavior that would have destroyed nearly every other white male in the country, AT THAT TIME.)

That being said, how do you know that that is NOT what is happening to Cosby?
The same womanizing took out Herman Cain true true.

NOt sure of your meaning here.
You said no other politician or "white male" as you put it, could get away with the womanizing Clinton got away with. I agree. That womanizing made Herman Cain have to drop out

Jesus Christ! I was just mentioning why I was so offended by the Pass BIll got as an minor aside while agreeing that with you about the motives of the GOP during the Clinton Scandal.

Of course you laser focus on the racial aspect. lIbs.:confused:
Is Bill Cosby one of the RIght? I have not heard that.

JUst talking some sense to young black males hardly makes him one of the RIght.
I'm sure the greedy arrogant megomaniac was a selfish Republican. He fits the profile.

Oh, meaningless, empty, hyper-partisan bullshit. Just what this site needs more of. Never see that around here.....
What we need is more people like you.

There aren't any more.
Thank whatever created the cosmos.

You want to believe that was you, but in some tiny honest part of what passes for your brain you know you're not. Hence, your pathetically obvious existential terror.
Let's assume that the prosecution has enough evidence to show that they lodged the complaint (and got the arrest warrant) just in time. Assuming (just for this limited example) that they now do not have a big problem with the issue of the statute of limitations, how does this case stack up?

Sometime, around12 years ago, a woman agreed to have the comic assist her (in her perfectly valid profession) as a kind of "mentor."

They became friendly, but she was uncomfortable when he became hands-y.

Still, she would come back for more mentoring and he offered her some drug to relax her.

She evidently did not know WHAT drug he was offering her. But she accepted it nonetheless. AND, she washed it down with wine. I should say with MORE wine.

Then, because of the drugs and wine she felt unable to control her own movements, was nauseated, tired and was apparently just semi-conscious.

She had some non violent sexual contact with the comic. (Not clear that she recalls how much or many of the details.)

She came-around the next day and her clothing and undergarments were re-positioned. (She had apparently had sexual contact before coming out of her drug induced stupor.)

She delayed in her reporting of the encounter thereafter.

But a few months later a report was made.

The comic was questioned and made some statements which, at best, constitute at least partial admissions.

The State prosecutor in that county made the choice to NOT press criminal charges against the comic.

Time passes -- Many other alleged "victims" come forward claiming similar things about the comic's sexual predatory behaviors.

On the eve of the expiration of the 12 year statute of limitations, a new District Attorney reverses the previous determination. Charges get lodged.

How GOOD the case is for the prosecution seems to turn on how credible the complainant is.

It also seems to involve a bit of luck. That is, will the judge permit into evidence at the eventual trial (if there is one) any details of any of the other alleged incidents for which the comic was named as a perpetrator?
I use to hang out with a girl I wanted to sleep with and we would drink and do drugs. She never let me sleep with her. Are you saying I should have drugged her and raped her while she slept?

Did you make passes at her while she was high?
Of course.

I agree of course. That is why alcohol and drugs are PART of the social scene.

BUT if she had given "Consent" while high, she could have changed her mind once she sobered up and had you arrested for rape.

Much like with Cosby.
Awful lot a women have the same story.

Cosby reminds me a little like jeffreh Dahmer only he didn't kill or eat them. He had the power and status to let them go. Much like you claim Clinton used. I've heard the stories. Secret service agents when he was gov of Arkansas.

Funny you believe one bill did it but the other one didn't. Why?

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