Bill Cosby charged

You said Cosby when you meant Clinton.

Now you can't deny that's what you are doing to Clinton. You only thinks that's what's happening to Cosby because its exactly what you're doing to Clinton.

The motive of the Republican leadership in supporting the Paula JOnes case was indeed almost certainly partisan advantage.

(Personally I was pretty offended that Bill Clinton got a pass on behavior that would have destroyed nearly every other white male in the country, AT THAT TIME.)

That being said, how do you know that that is NOT what is happening to Cosby?
The same womanizing took out Herman Cain true true.

NOt sure of your meaning here.
You said no other politician or "white male" as you put it, could get away with the womanizing Clinton got away with. I agree. That womanizing made Herman Cain have to drop out

Jesus Christ! I was just mentioning why I was so offended by the Pass BIll got as an minor aside while agreeing that with you about the motives of the GOP during the Clinton Scandal.

Of course you laser focus on the racial aspect. lIbs.:confused:
Im not! I just agreed with you, happened to use a black guy as an example, and you're the one who made it about race. Go back and see you did that. So what Herman was black? Has nothing to do with my comment.

Congrats, a liberal just agreed with you on something
How the mighty have fallen

Nobody was as loved and respected as Bill Cosby. He was the ideal husband, father and citizen

Shows we really don't know those that we put on pedestals

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Let's assume that the prosecution has enough evidence to show that they lodged the complaint (and got the arrest warrant) just in time. Assuming (just for this limited example) that they now do not have a big problem with the issue of the statute of limitations, how does this case stack up?

Sometime, around12 years ago, a woman agreed to have the comic assist her (in her perfectly valid profession) as a kind of "mentor."

They became friendly, but she was uncomfortable when he became hands-y.

Still, she would come back for more mentoring and he offered her some drug to relax her.

She evidently did not know WHAT drug he was offering her. But she accepted it nonetheless. AND, she washed it down with wine. I should say with MORE wine.

Then, because of the drugs and wine she felt unable to control her own movements, was nauseated, tired and was apparently just semi-conscious.

She had some non violent sexual contact with the comic. (Not clear that she recalls how much or many of the details.)

She came-around the next day and her clothing and undergarments were re-positioned. (She had apparently had sexual contact before coming out of her drug induced stupor.)

She delayed in her reporting of the encounter thereafter.

But a few months later a report was made.

The comic was questioned and made some statements which, at best, constitute at least partial admissions.

The State prosecutor in that county made the choice to NOT press criminal charges against the comic.

Time passes -- Many other alleged "victims" come forward claiming similar things about the comic's sexual predatory behaviors.

On the eve of the expiration of the 12 year statute of limitations, a new District Attorney reverses the previous determination. Charges get lodged.

How GOOD the case is for the prosecution seems to turn on how credible the complainant is.

It also seems to involve a bit of luck. That is, will the judge permit into evidence at the eventual trial (if there is one) any details of any of the other alleged incidents for which the comic was named as a perpetrator?
I use to hang out with a girl I wanted to sleep with and we would drink and do drugs. She never let me sleep with her. Are you saying I should have drugged her and raped her while she slept?

Did you make passes at her while she was high?
Of course.

I agree of course. That is why alcohol and drugs are PART of the social scene.

BUT if she had given "Consent" while high, she could have changed her mind once she sobered up and had you arrested for rape.

Much like with Cosby.
Awful lot a women have the same story.

Cosby reminds me a little like jeffreh Dahmer only he didn't kill or eat them. He had the power and status to let them go. Much like you claim Clinton used. I've heard the stories. Secret service agents when he was gov of Arkansas.

Funny you believe one bill did it but the other one didn't. Why?

Clinton's story was not credible. As was demonstrated by DNA evidence.

Cosby's story, ie that he is a male slut who uses his fame, wealth and hints of financial reward to seduce women in large numbers, is credible.

That an awful lot of women have the same story is consistent with him being a movie star who choose his lifestyle back in the mid 60s and stopped for the next 50 years.
The motive of the Republican leadership in supporting the Paula JOnes case was indeed almost certainly partisan advantage.

(Personally I was pretty offended that Bill Clinton got a pass on behavior that would have destroyed nearly every other white male in the country, AT THAT TIME.)

That being said, how do you know that that is NOT what is happening to Cosby?
The same womanizing took out Herman Cain true true.

NOt sure of your meaning here.
You said no other politician or "white male" as you put it, could get away with the womanizing Clinton got away with. I agree. That womanizing made Herman Cain have to drop out

Jesus Christ! I was just mentioning why I was so offended by the Pass BIll got as an minor aside while agreeing that with you about the motives of the GOP during the Clinton Scandal.

Of course you laser focus on the racial aspect. lIbs.:confused:
Im not! I just agreed with you, happened to use a black guy as an example, and you're the one who made it about race. Go back and see you did that. So what Herman was black? Has nothing to do with my comment.

Congrats, a liberal just agreed with you on something

Ok, let's quit while we are ahead here.:beer:
How the mighty have fallen

Nobody was as loved and respected as Bill Cosby. He was the ideal husband, father and citizen

Shows we really don't know those that we put on pedistals
Republicans think we didn't love bill Cosby Michael Jackson or oj? They are wrong.

The coby show thriller and the naked gun were all great.
How the mighty have fallen

Nobody was as loved and respected as Bill Cosby. He was the ideal husband, father and citizen

Shows we really don't know those that we put on pedestals


Shows what happens if you violate the PC taboos.
The SOB should spend the rest of his life in the slammer, but he will probably get off scot free.

You know he will spend millions to fight the charges. The prosecution better be ready for it.

That's the point.

They didn't charge then because they have no case.

But now they want to punish him.

DOesn't matter if they win the case.

They destroy his credibility and punish him.

You said "they destroy his credibility?' Have you been on Mars? The man admitted under oath he gave women drugs in order to have sex with them. He is scum. He has admitted to drugging women, whether he uses the word or not.

As to his credibility, he lost that a long time ago. You are determined he is above reproach. I cannot believe anyone is defending this man,
And another Liberal Negro perp walks

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Now Cosby is one of ours again? What is this the chappelle show?

When Bill Cosby criticized blacks for their family choices, speech and clothing, Conservatives loved him.
Now that he is a rapist....Cosby is a liberal

We have known that illegitimacy is a real problem since the 65 Moynihan Report.

Pretending that it is just another equal "family choice" is a big part of the problem.
The SOB should spend the rest of his life in the slammer, but he will probably get off scot free.

You know he will spend millions to fight the charges. The prosecution better be ready for it.

That's the point.

They didn't charge then because they have no case.

But now they want to punish him.

DOesn't matter if they win the case.

They destroy his credibility and punish him.

You said "they destroy his credibility?' Have you been on Mars? The man admitted under oath he gave women drugs in order to have sex with them. He is scum. He has admitted to drugging women, whether he uses the word or not.

As to his credibility, he lost that a long time ago. You are determined he is above reproach. I cannot believe anyone is defending this man,

Big difference between what he admitted and what you are claiming he admitted.

If you are so sure of your position, why are you lying?
And another Liberal Negro perp walks

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Now Cosby is one of ours again? What is this the chappelle show?

When Bill Cosby criticized blacks for their family choices, speech and clothing, Conservatives loved him.
Now that he is a rapist....Cosby is a liberal
I was listening to black Detroit talk radio and the author of a book about how so many of them have daddy issues because so many don't have dads and this woman called in mad. She said she grew up just fine without a dad and her daughter is just fine without her dad.

Do you see the problem with the angry mothers comment?

She grew up in a single parent home and now she's raising a child in a single parent home.

The author said people get defensive and comfortable with the pain.
The SOB should spend the rest of his life in the slammer, but he will probably get off scot free.

You know he will spend millions to fight the charges. The prosecution better be ready for it.

That's the point.

They didn't charge then because they have no case.

But now they want to punish him.

DOesn't matter if they win the case.

They destroy his credibility and punish him.

You said "they destroy his credibility?' Have you been on Mars? The man admitted under oath he gave women drugs in order to have sex with them. He is scum. He has admitted to drugging women, whether he uses the word or not.

As to his credibility, he lost that a long time ago. You are determined he is above reproach. I cannot believe anyone is defending this man,

Big difference between what he admitted and what you are claiming he admitted.

If you are so sure of your position, why are you lying?
You sound like an oj supporter
The SOB should spend the rest of his life in the slammer, but he will probably get off scot free.

You know he will spend millions to fight the charges. The prosecution better be ready for it.

That's the point.

They didn't charge then because they have no case.

But now they want to punish him.

DOesn't matter if they win the case.

They destroy his credibility and punish him.

You said "they destroy his credibility?' Have you been on Mars? The man admitted under oath he gave women drugs in order to have sex with them. He is scum. He has admitted to drugging women, whether he uses the word or not.

As to his credibility, he lost that a long time ago. You are determined he is above reproach. I cannot believe anyone is defending this man,

Big difference between what he admitted and what you are claiming he admitted.

If you are so sure of your position, why are you lying?

He admitted he bought prescription drugs for the purpose of drugging women to have sex. Now, please defend him.

I really do not know why I am debating you. You have proven you are unable to honestly debate anything.
The SOB should spend the rest of his life in the slammer, but he will probably get off scot free.

You know he will spend millions to fight the charges. The prosecution better be ready for it.

That's the point.

They didn't charge then because they have no case.

But now they want to punish him.

DOesn't matter if they win the case.

They destroy his credibility and punish him.

You said "they destroy his credibility?' Have you been on Mars? The man admitted under oath he gave women drugs in order to have sex with them. He is scum. He has admitted to drugging women, whether he uses the word or not.

As to his credibility, he lost that a long time ago. You are determined he is above reproach. I cannot believe anyone is defending this man,

Big difference between what he admitted and what you are claiming he admitted.

If you are so sure of your position, why are you lying?

He admitted he bought prescription drugs for the purpose of drugging women to have sex. Now, please defend him.

I really do not know why I am debating you. You have proven you are unable to honestly debate anything.
Cosby is a republican. Therefore, he is being victimized by evil democrats.
How the mighty have fallen

Nobody was as loved and respected as Bill Cosby. He was the ideal husband, father and citizen

Shows we really don't know those that we put on pedestals


Shows what happens if you violate the PC taboos.

Which PC taboos?

Date Rape? Roofies?

Don't play stupid. You know of what I speak.

And roofie is not only NOT what he was handing out, but dishonesty implies he "drugged" the women without their knowledge.

How can you be so certain you are right, and yet be aware that you need to lie in order to make your case?

How do you do that?
How the mighty have fallen

Nobody was as loved and respected as Bill Cosby. He was the ideal husband, father and citizen

Shows we really don't know those that we put on pedestals


Shows what happens if you violate the PC taboos.

Which PC taboos?

Date Rape? Roofies?
These are the tools usually used by rich men trying to take advantage of poor beautiful women.

No, they aren't. Rich men use their wealth and the lure of that wealth to take advantage of beautiful women.

Which is what Cosby did.

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