Bill Cosby


The number is currently 16. I say "currently" because it just keeps rising.

I don't know if he'll ever be held legally accountable, but no doubt the last years of his life will be spent as an outcast.


Outcast! He got a standing O at an appearance yesterday.

The more that comes out, the less these women are believable. What do they say? The story is that sometimes in the late 60s, early 70s, Bill Cosby lured them to his bed with promises of making them a star. Given that this is common today for the most marginal of Hollywood types, even the unknowns, it's not rape. However, this didn't happen today. It happened then, not with a major star but with a black man who got his own first big break. The whole idea of some random black guy, in the 60s and early 70s being a star maker is pretty laughable. White women weren't exactly known for flying off the shelves to the beds of black "stars" and there was only one. They would today. Today, white women have something to prove. They aren't racists, they can have their very own Jay Z. It wasn't like that then. White women refused to be seen on screen kissing a black man. Instead of making stars, a relationship with Bill Cosby would have been a career killer.

So no. I don't believe it. I might believe ONE, maybe stretch for two. Certainly not the number of what's coming up.
Very interesting. You have tried and convicted him via media. How special is that?

Nope. The man is innocent until proven guilty, which is never going to happen. But you can bet your ass that I would never allow him to be around my daughter.
How old is your daughter? Do you have the right to say who she will be around? Isn't it up to her? Isn't it up to her to make a decision about whether he is innocent or not?

Wow. MCP. How do you think women become 'victims'? Because they are not raised by fathers who teach them to think for themselves and take care of themselves. You have no respect for your daughter. I'm glad my father was nothing like you. You are a domineering old fart, apparently.

Esmeralda, I don't' know a damned thing about you, and don't even recall having a conversation with you before. However, you have drawn an instant conclusion that 1. I don't respect my daughter, 2. did not teach my daughter to think for herself, 3., I am a domineering old fart, all because I posted that I would not let Bill Cosby anywhere near her.

Your instantaneous knee jerk judgment, based on no information about me, combined with the fact that you are obviously a bitch that should be muzzled, or perhaps are suffering from permanent PMS, gives me all the information I need, or want about you. It does seem to me that I have heard of your reputation as a person with "issues". I simply do not choose to deal with the" emotionally challenged" people who haunt these boards, so you will feel right at home with the others on my "ignore" list. They are, for the most part, your kind of people.
LMAO Right. You go buddy. Try to take the high road. It isn't working, but you try.

It was not one that did not report the assault

It was not two that did not report the assault

It was not three that did not report the assault

It was not four that did not report the assault

This goes on and on

Are we to believe that none of these women thought it best not to report they were raped?????

When does logic come into play?


What are the odds?

What motivation do they all have in coming forward with the same allegations?
Their 15 minutes of fame? Who knows. Some seem legit. Others, not so much.
That is about it. And they won't be very profitable.
Don't be so sure. Lewinsky turned her notoriety into a profitable career. That's what these women do. They have no dignity. They care nothing about other women who have legitimate claims of sexual assault. They are looking for fame and fortune, one way or another. How many, I wonder, if they were younger, would turn down offers to pose in Playboy.
What is Monica's profitable career?
Didn't she start some business designing and selling handbags? No one would have ever looked at them or her if it weren't for her noteriety.
Monica Samille Lewinsky (born July 23, 1973) is a former White House intern with whom United States President Bill Clinton admitted to having had an "inappropriate relationship"[1] while she worked at the White House in 1995 and 1996. The affair and its repercussions, which included the Clinton impeachment, became known as the Lewinsky scandal.
As a result of the scandal, Lewinsky gained worldwide celebrity status; she subsequently engaged in a variety of ventures including designing a line of handbags under her name, being an advertising spokesperson for a diet plan, working as a television personality, and finally moving to London to pursue a master's degree in psychology.
So...why did all these women wait so long? Something is very wrong with this. Did Bill piss off enough people telling black folks to pull their pants up, stop cussing, get a job, take care of their baby mama's and children, and this is paybacks or something? he guilty as hell? And if so..again..why did they wait so long to report it?
Are you blaming the victims? I loved Cosby, but this isn't looking well for him. Rapist and pedophiles hide behind respectable personas for years. Bill got busted. Damn, that makes me so sad.
We don't actually know that there are any victims.
If I had been erroneously defamed by the media I would sue. Why has Cosby not instructed lawyer?

That is what you would do, not what Cosby or someone else may do.
Are you saying Cosby has no self respect.

No, I didn't say that. I said that each person, and what they do is going to vary, depending on life situations, experience and personality.
So a person with a fantastic persona created in front of our very eyes,who lives and breaths said persona. When accused of horrendous crimes in the very court that created him, would not defend himself if innocent?

I didn't say that. If you can't understand what I posted, I'm sorry. There are many types of people, personalities and ways to handle a situation. You have no idea what he is doing, or how he is handling it. If he runs to the courthouse and files suit with in an hour of an accusation, does that mean he is innocent?
You can't try most rape cases in the courts because they are the most difficult to prove. They are unique crimes where most times there is no physical proof.

That is precisely why so much of this ends up playing out in the media, because our justice system is failing victims. Get a clue. It's why this whole thing is currently happening.
You're telling someone to get a clue after those ignorant comments?

Let's not forget, these claims started in the mid and late 60's. Black men raping white women made law enforcement and prosecutors salivate.
If I had been erroneously defamed by the media I would sue. Why has Cosby not instructed lawyer?

That is what you would do, not what Cosby or someone else may do.
Are you saying Cosby has no self respect.

No, I didn't say that. I said that each person, and what they do is going to vary, depending on life situations, experience and personality.
So a person with a fantastic persona created in front of our very eyes,who lives and breaths said persona. When accused of horrendous crimes in the very court that created him, would not defend himself if innocent?

I didn't say that. If you can't understand what I posted, I'm sorry. There are many types of people, personalities and ways to handle a situation. You have no idea what he is doing, or how he is handling it. If he runs to the courthouse and files suit with in an hour of an accusation, does that mean he is innocent?

How does one prove his innocence when there is no evidence to rebut?

Good lord even winning such a case, 45 to 50 years old would have little upside.

Black progressive comedians would still bring up the "accusations" to put the spotlight on themselves.
Maybe criminal background checks from that time period are needed now on all who was involved in the situation. I mean it was the drug infested sixties ya know.
I just read the news online...seems like a few radio shows were offering MONEY to people to cause a riot and disruption at Cosbys show in Florida recently.

How quaint.
This is my objection, to all of this, the Sharks are circling and whether he is innocent or guilty, they are going after him.

Thomas, Cain and Cosby, facts don't matter.
...and now a guy has come forward with money order receipts in which Cosby paid him to hire "models" to come to his dressing room, as well as to stand guard to make sure no one entered....

You are an ignorant bitch who clearly hasn't even bothered to read the stories of these women before judging them!

At least two of them DID report what happened to law enforcement. Several of them have been very successful in their lives since Cosby assaulted them as teens - two or three are attorneys!

What are you? An ignorant fat bitch sitting behind a computer telling bullshit stories about 'talking my way out of rape - it CAN be done' - THAT'S bullshit, bitch. You didn't encounter a rapist, you encountered an overly aggressive date.


You are an ignorant bitch who clearly hasn't even bothered to read the stories of these women before judging them!

At least two of them DID report what happened to law enforcement. Several of them have been very successful in their lives since Cosby assaulted them as teens - two or three are attorneys!

What are you? An ignorant fat bitch sitting behind a computer telling bullshit stories about 'talking my way out of rape - it CAN be done' - THAT'S bullshit, bitch. You didn't encounter a rapist, you encountered an overly aggressive date.


You mean alleged assaults? No proof either way.
What motivation do they all have in coming forward with the same allegations?
Their 15 minutes of fame? Who knows. Some seem legit. Others, not so much.
That is about it. And they won't be very profitable.
Don't be so sure. Lewinsky turned her notoriety into a profitable career. That's what these women do. They have no dignity. They care nothing about other women who have legitimate claims of sexual assault. They are looking for fame and fortune, one way or another. How many, I wonder, if they were younger, would turn down offers to pose in Playboy.
What is Monica's profitable career?
Didn't she start some business designing and selling handbags? No one would have ever looked at them or her if it weren't for her noteriety.
Monica Samille Lewinsky (born July 23, 1973) is a former White House intern with whom United States President Bill Clinton admitted to having had an "inappropriate relationship"[1] while she worked at the White House in 1995 and 1996. The affair and its repercussions, which included the Clinton impeachment, became known as the Lewinsky scandal.
As a result of the scandal, Lewinsky gained worldwide celebrity status; she subsequently engaged in a variety of ventures including designing a line of handbags under her name, being an advertising spokesperson for a diet plan, working as a television personality, and finally moving to London to pursue a master's degree in psychology.
I don't see her as successful. She would probably been more successful if she'd walked away from Clinton to begin with.

But her relationship was consensual and it sounds as if some of these women were raped.
Their 15 minutes of fame? Who knows. Some seem legit. Others, not so much.
That is about it. And they won't be very profitable.
Don't be so sure. Lewinsky turned her notoriety into a profitable career. That's what these women do. They have no dignity. They care nothing about other women who have legitimate claims of sexual assault. They are looking for fame and fortune, one way or another. How many, I wonder, if they were younger, would turn down offers to pose in Playboy.
What is Monica's profitable career?
Didn't she start some business designing and selling handbags? No one would have ever looked at them or her if it weren't for her noteriety.
Monica Samille Lewinsky (born July 23, 1973) is a former White House intern with whom United States President Bill Clinton admitted to having had an "inappropriate relationship"[1] while she worked at the White House in 1995 and 1996. The affair and its repercussions, which included the Clinton impeachment, became known as the Lewinsky scandal.
As a result of the scandal, Lewinsky gained worldwide celebrity status; she subsequently engaged in a variety of ventures including designing a line of handbags under her name, being an advertising spokesperson for a diet plan, working as a television personality, and finally moving to London to pursue a master's degree in psychology.
I don't see her as successful. She would probably been more successful if she'd walked away from Clinton to begin with.

But her relationship was consensual and it sounds as if some of these women were raped.

Intern and a boss is harassment consensual or not.

There are alleged victims of Clinton that claim they were raped.

Had she walked away from Clinton, you would never have heard of her and I am sure her notoriety opened a few doors.
That is about it. And they won't be very profitable.
Don't be so sure. Lewinsky turned her notoriety into a profitable career. That's what these women do. They have no dignity. They care nothing about other women who have legitimate claims of sexual assault. They are looking for fame and fortune, one way or another. How many, I wonder, if they were younger, would turn down offers to pose in Playboy.
What is Monica's profitable career?
Didn't she start some business designing and selling handbags? No one would have ever looked at them or her if it weren't for her noteriety.
Monica Samille Lewinsky (born July 23, 1973) is a former White House intern with whom United States President Bill Clinton admitted to having had an "inappropriate relationship"[1] while she worked at the White House in 1995 and 1996. The affair and its repercussions, which included the Clinton impeachment, became known as the Lewinsky scandal.
As a result of the scandal, Lewinsky gained worldwide celebrity status; she subsequently engaged in a variety of ventures including designing a line of handbags under her name, being an advertising spokesperson for a diet plan, working as a television personality, and finally moving to London to pursue a master's degree in psychology.
I don't see her as successful. She would probably been more successful if she'd walked away from Clinton to begin with.

But her relationship was consensual and it sounds as if some of these women were raped.

Intern and a boss is harassment consensual or not.

There are alleged victims of Clinton that claim they were raped.

Had she walked away from Clinton, you would never have heard of her and I am sure her notoriety opened a few doors.
I don't think it was harrassment because she went after him (Lewinsky/Clinton); she even said, before she left for Washington, she was taking her 'knee pads' with her.

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