Bill Gates joins the fight against Alzheimer’s — and it’s personal


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
Billionaire Bill Gates is personally investing $50 million to help fund research to find a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, a type of dementia Gates says has struck members of his own family.

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s, which destroys memory and other mental processes, so Gates said he is investing his own money in the Dementia Discovery Fund, a private-public partnership to search for a solution.

Bill Gates joins the fight against Alzheimer’s — and it’s personal

any one dealing with the 'long goodbye' knows the horrors of watching a loved one slip may be too late for many of us...but hopefully not for the younger ones....
SO. Billy J ( Jew) Gates finally figured out his shitty operating system is actually Satan in the form of 010101010101010101010101 x ? Until you get 666 ?
Maybe start a foundation or declare a war on............zzzzzzzz
i take it you have never dealt with dementia in a loved one?
Just my gramma and my mom and my wifes mom and my wife is starting to show some,
Nevertheless FUCK Gates and the slavery (MS/Wondoze/Office)he has chained on you idiots.
He should have been tossed into a volcano 22 years ago.
you really hate gates that much? it is too late for my mother....i am hoping for something for my son.....i hope he never has to deal with this...
i have already made him promise to just feed me pills and end it....lucky for me...he is man enough to do it... 50 million i am afraid is a drop in the bucket but then look what the bucket challenge did for als...
Billionaire Bill Gates is personally investing $50 million to help fund research to find a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, a type of dementia Gates says has struck members of his own family.

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s, which destroys memory and other mental processes, so Gates said he is investing his own money in the Dementia Discovery Fund, a private-public partnership to search for a solution.

Bill Gates joins the fight against Alzheimer’s — and it’s personal

any one dealing with the 'long goodbye' knows the horrors of watching a loved one slip may be too late for many of us...but hopefully not for the younger ones....

My mother in law who I typically get along with will just light into my ass. No big, but she started on the grand kids. She was diagnosed yesterday. Wish I could match the 50 and double it and match it again. I would not wish this on my worst enemy.
the first thing they lose is empathy.....they become rather selfish and self centered
the first thing they lose is empathy.....they become rather selfish and self centered

Just grumpy. Here is an excample, Ma in law was here with my girl child. Ma inlaw gets up at like 330 with me when I go to work out of habit ( she is a 46 year widow). Typically I’ll say something like “ what’s the story morning glory”? Sometimes she goofs back but lately it’s been along the lines of “go to hell” to put it nicely. That and she calls me her husbands name. She is only gone here and there, but she is pretty sick. Dr. Already talks like she is dead. I gave her some weed rice crispy treats so she can be mellow. Doc is putting her on meds.
no its not...that is what did my mother in....she had a wreck an hour away from home...and could not remember it at all.....just said it was not really her fault..totaled her car....that was when i had to stop her was just a mess
no its not...that is what did my mother in....she had a wreck an hour away from home...and could not remember it at all.....just said it was not really her fault..totaled her car....that was when i had to stop her was just a mess
The hardest part, with some deception, was getting the car away from both my parents. We took the cap and rotor off of Dad's so it wouldn't work and my brother and I ratted our mom out to the NY DMV.
the first thing they lose is empathy.....they become rather selfish and self centered
My dad was understanding of his own mom just got mean and in denial.

You mean like, y’all are in the kitchen getting coffees, and you spill yours and instead of “aww,man, clean that shit up” it’s GOD DAMN YOU Kennith, you are such a fucking SLOB!! Oh, and by the way we need sugar. Why you looking at me that way ? What’s your problem?” Like that? Oh, and I’m not Kenneth either.
Oh, and another question since y’all got experience. My Ma is a member of the hemlock society. She told my Ma in law about that so she thinks she can get help doing her self in. It pains me to say she can’t do that when I feel it’s her right, but her head ai t right, so can I take this seriously?

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