Bill Maher 'surprised' by how well Robert F. Kennedy Jr. polls against Biden


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
RFK Junior has a real shot at potus…he keeps climbing up in the polls…. he will get the vote of many American people who see in RFK Junior a man who is not afraid to stand up to the system by his disagreements with the vaccines and the lockdowns that ruined the lives of millions of Americans.

RFK Junior is opposing main stream Democrats by saying he does not want males to compete in women’s sports.

He is also talking about helping a poor Americans and working class Americans …figuring out ways to rebuild our middle class. This is a welcome breath of fresh air to hear this, this is the old-school Democrat party.

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I don't see him as having much of a shot.

Some of his numbers are absolutely politically-right strategists wanting to give the Biden campaign a bloody nose, because of course they are. Some are just general protest votes. The rest won't be enough to get big-number donors or to overcome the superdelegates.

Marianne Williamson — remember her, the flower child who ran on a campaign of love or something — is also pulling at 8 or 9, when last time she struggled to get a single percent.
It doesn't matter how much actual support RFK, Jr has, the DNC will never allow him to win the primaries.

He's more dangerous to them than Bernie ever was & they've rigged it against Sanders at least 2x's.
It's only NWO approved UNiparty establishment from now on... unless the status quo that benefits from the fraud fixes the elections.
It doesn't matter how much actual support RFK, Jr has, the DNC will never allow him to win the primaries.

He's more dangerous to them than Bernie ever was & they've rigged it against Sanders at least 2x's.
It's only NWO approved UNiparty establishment from now on... unless the status quo that benefits from the fraud fixes the elections.
I am awaiting Mac1958 to start fixating on him, myself.
RFK Junior has a real shot at potus…he keeps climbing up in the polls…. he will get the vote of many American people who see in RFK Junior a man who is not afraid to stand up to the system by his disagreements with the vaccines and the lockdowns that ruined the lives of millions of Americans.

RFK Junior is opposing main stream Democrats by saying he does not want males to compete in women’s sports.

He is also talking about helping a poor Americans and working class Americans …figuring out ways to rebuild our middle class. This is a welcome breath of fresh air to hear this, this is the old-school Democrat party.

You really think the DNC won't rig things to keep him out like they rigged things for Hillary in 2016 or for Biden in 2020?

They've already canceled primary debates
You really think the DNC won't rig things to keep him out like they rigged things for Hillary in 2016 or for Biden in 2020?

They've already canceled primary debates
If there are no primary debates where Biden will be debating RFK Junior it’s going to be a serious red flag. If that’s not a wake up call to other democrats I don’t know what is.
RFK Junior was recently interviewed on CNN by Richard Smerconish who is one of the last decent journalist on that Network. So some good things are happening he’s getting more air time.
RFK Junior has a real shot at potus…he keeps climbing up in the polls…. he will get the vote of many American people who see in RFK Junior a man who is not afraid to stand up to the system by his disagreements with the vaccines and the lockdowns that ruined the lives of millions of Americans.

RFK Junior is opposing main stream Democrats by saying he does not want males to compete in women’s sports.

He is also talking about helping a poor Americans and working class Americans …figuring out ways to rebuild our middle class. This is a welcome breath of fresh air to hear this, this is the old-school Democrat party.

fox has very little connection with reality
Robert F Kennedy Junior has said that we are being lied to about the war in Ukraine. He said “ for every one Russian solider killed there are seven dead Ukrainian soldiers” of course we also know that Ukraine is sending in men to fight who have no idea how to fight, they can’t even hold a rifle or throw a grenade that’s according to a Ukrainian officer who gave an interview to a western journalist.

Reminiscent of JFK himself criticizing the US War in Vietnam.

The American people like an underdog and they certainly like a man who speaks to the working class like RFK Junior. So I have hope for him and that sometimes all you have in this country is hope in the American past…

the American people will see past the propaganda the DNC is putting out
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He is also talking about helping a poor Americans and working class Americans …figuring out ways to rebuild our middle class. This is a welcome breath of fresh air to hear this, this is the old-school Democrat party.

If he really is in favor of that it would indeed be good news and a break with the current neo-commie thuggery dominating the DNC's criminal enterprises. Even Nader has acknowledged his generation took a wrong turn in the late 60's and early 70's when they joined with the pro bank and pro big corporate lobbyist GOP factions to finally crush small businesses and stunt competition allowing giant corps to regulate themselves while hiding behind a fake 'deregulation' hoax.
Robert F Kennedy Junior has said that we are being lied to about the war in Ukraine. Reminiscent of JFK himself criticizing the US War in Vietnam.

Well, nobody can be right 100% of the time. The 'anti-war' movement in this country has been a disaster along with their right wing isolationist fools. It's the sort of dumbassery that has led to Putin knowing he can plunder his neighbors with impunity, and the same for every other assorted dictator's and pirates' imperialist dreams. Old 1960's dumbass hippie nonsense the commies fed middle class college kids has a wide appeal to anarchists and sociopaths. Enjoy the results, since it just gets a lot more people killed in the long run, which should excite the semi-educated. It's the same sort of mentality that has 10's of millions of criminal illegal aliens flooding over the borders and literally stealing the food of American tables and reducing incomes.
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You know....I take all what Bill Maher says with a big grain of salt!

There is always the sting in the the end......

I hate that....I hate that sort of people.
RFK Junior has a real shot at potus…he keeps climbing up in the polls…. he will get the vote of many American people who see in RFK Junior a man who is not afraid to stand up to the system by his disagreements with the vaccines and the lockdowns that ruined the lives of millions of Americans.

RFK Junior is opposing main stream Democrats by saying he does not want males to compete in women’s sports.

He is also talking about helping a poor Americans and working class Americans …figuring out ways to rebuild our middle class. This is a welcome breath of fresh air to hear this, this is the old-school Democrat party.

What you may be surprised to hear is that I'd MUCH rather have RFK, Jr. as POTUS than the moron in the White House today.

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