Bill Maher.... Totally nuts.

Soggy in NOLA

Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2009
Ok, watching Bill Maher on Bill O'Reilly. Maher is a complete loon. Not sure what else to say. Good Lord..
Ok, watching Bill Maher on Bill O'Reilly. Maher is a complete loon. Not sure what else to say. Good Lord..

Oh. And O'Reilly isn't? :lol:

Uh, no. Not a huge fan though. Watching because I saw Maher and Dennis Miller were on. BUt Maher sounds like he's insane. He's stated that people that believe in God are "stupid", most opposition to Obama is from racists, Obama hasn't really spent that much while simultaneously stating that he has spent more than any President in history, most conservatives are "dumb", etc. And it went downhill from there.
Mauer also stated that there are right wing extemists, but he doesn't see it on the left. O'Reilly asked about Move and Huffington Post, and Mauer said he didn't see them as extremists. O'Reilly exposed him to all on that part of the conversation.

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