Bill O'Reilly interviews President Trump tomorrow Thursday


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

taping it today in NJ, broadcasting it tomorrow

Will Bill-O assume his standard position, on his knees, for the interview? It's impressive how you can make out almost everything Oreilley says, even with his mouth full.
For sure there will be a loofah supplied in case it's needed.
They're going on the road together in December, some kind of history show. T**** can wow the crowd with stories of the role of airports in the Revolutionary War.

Bill must be insuring a good crowd for his show, since the MAGA nuts will be there in full force. The tickets will make a great Christmas gift. Cheapest nosebleed seats are $133.

taping it today in NJ, broadcasting it tomorrow


He won't ask Trump any hard questions.


3. He is convinced that “the real public” loves him, even if you find him repulsive.

Brenner’s investigation occurred when Trump’s business empire was in the dumps and the real-estate scion was personally overexposed by millions of dollars. But he didn’t think that was a problem: “I’m more popular now than I was two months ago. There are two publics as far as I’m concerned. The real public and then there’s the New York society horseshit. The real public has always liked Donald Trump. The real public feels that Donald Trump is going through Trump-bashing. When I go out now, forget about it. I’m mobbed. It’s bedlam.”

4. When pressed on awkward topics—such as whether or not he regularly read Adolf Hitler’s speeches—he turns skittish and, perhaps, inventive.

Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office, as if it were a grenade. Hitler’s speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.

“Did your cousin John give you the Hitler speeches?” I asked Trump.

Trump hesitated. “Who told you that?”

“I don’t remember,” I said.

“Actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of Mein Kampf, and he’s a Jew.” (“I did give him a book about Hitler,” Marty Davis said. “But it was My New Order, Hitler’s speeches, not Mein Kampf. I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, but I’m not Jewish.”)

Later, Trump returned to this subject. “If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them.”


Bill is a damned good interviewer. I remember when he interviewed Obama. He wouldn't let him duck out of questions or take 10 minutes to answer.

That was his SOP in all his interviews. He never really answered questions, just let time run out on them. O'Reilly didn't let him get away with it. He demanded answers and got them.

Should be a good interview with Trump.
Two useless, old, has been, 'white' dudes unliterally, suck each other off tomorrow...that is what you really said.
They should invite another useless old fart - Biden.

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