Bill O'Reilly.....Slaves that built the white house were well fed

Democrats are the party of the three "s"

slavery, segregation and socialism
According to Bill O'Reilly and the Duck Dynasty and Clive Bundy, those old timey Democrats were wonderful massahs. Just wonderful.

In fact, those old racist slave owners were so terrific that today many Republican conservatives pay them homage by wearing Confederate gear!

The Democrats were once the party of slavery, of segregation of George Wallace. They are not that party anymore.
The Republicans were once the party of emancipation, of Lincoln of Eisenhower. They are not that party anymore.

Now, their nominee, Donald Trump, cannot be distinguished from George Wallace. Who said it, Wallace or Trump?

1. “I love black people, I love white people, I love yellow people.”

2. “It’s a sad day in this country when you can’t talk about law and order unless they want to call you a racist.”

3. “I’m owned by the people! I mean, I’m telling you, I’m no angel, but I’m gonna do right by them!”

4. “Somebody’s going to get killed before this primary is over, and I hope it’s not me.”

5. “That’s a typical case of the press with misinterpretation ... they take a half a sentence. Then they take quarter of a sentence. They put it all together.”

6. “If you look at black and African-American youth, I mean to a point where they’ve just about never done more poorly; there’s no spirit.”

7. “If any demonstrator ever lies down in front of my car, it’ll be the last car he’ll ever lie down in front of.”

8. “It seems that other parts of the world ought to be concerned about what we think of them instead of what they think of us. After all, we’re feeding most of them and whenever they start rejecting 25 cents of each dollar of foreign aid money that we send to them, then I’ll be concerned about their attitude toward us.”

9. “I’m not a racist. I don’t have a racist bone in my body.”

10. “Protesters, they realize there are no consequences to protesting anymore. There used to be consequences. There are none anymore.”

11. “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market. I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advantage or this and that.”

12. “We must not be misled by left-wing incompetent news media that, day after day, feed us a diet of fantasy telling us we are bigots, racists and hate-mongers.”

Who was the last non racist republican?

Still waiting

Waiting for what? I answered you right here: Bill O'Reilly.....Slaves that built the white house were well fed

I wear the Confederate flag because I am proud of my heritage!


Those old Confederates were slave owners and racists! Yeeeee-haaaaawwwww! That's my proud heritage!
Why are Liberals against understanding history with the correct facts?

Nothing wrong with facts, but what was the point of bringing it up? Michelle Obama was not casting aspersions on anyone with her comments, in fact she was detailing how far we have come as a country. Why did Mr. O'Reilly feel that her statement needed an addendum, THAT particular addendum?
Did you see the threads popping up on it yesterday, again, after her speech Monday night? I think he was just trying to get his fellow goons on the same page with some facts for once.

Okay, so why add that particular clarification to the facts? He could have simply said, Mrs Obama was correct, the White House was built by slaves and she's right "We've come a long way, baby!"

I don't see why todays conservatives feel they need to defend slavery

no one is defending it, you lying asshole.

But you lefties are defending the current liberal programs the make slaves of urban and poor americans. Slaves to the federal government rather than slaves to the plantation owner----------------but slaves either way.

Nobody is made a slave

Republican allusions to social programs being slavery just affirms how out of touch they are on social issues

Just as soon as we're done here, boy, I'm gonna serve you up a heapin bowl of stew! Won't that be just GRAND?
You tell us....what is the purpose of stating that the slaves were "well fed" in this discussion?

to counter the constant dem/lib lie that all slaves were abused and mistreated. Stating that FACT does not justify or excuse slavery, it merely states a FACT.

The very fact that they were held in slavery at all is abuse and mistreatment. No amount of "facts" you present changes that.

I agree completely, No one has ever said that slavery was good, just, ethical, right, or anything except a terrible chapter in our history.

BUT, it is true that many slaves were treated humanely. That in no way justifies slavery except in the small minds of far left loons with an anti-American agenda.

If you agree then there's no need to equivocate with non sequitors.

The premise of the 1st lady's speech was that America is the greatest nation on earth. It does not need to be made great again.

Stating that black girls now reside in a house that slaves built is highlighting that greatness. A simple premise that you fools feel compelled deconstruct and obfuscate with nonsense.

Next, conservatives will be pointing out that the White House lawn was not built by slaves

You know, O'Reilly's intentions were good. He was trying to put a kibosh on the morons that were disputing her statement (seriously)...but he went just a little too far. Of course, that's what he does.

Bill O'Reilly reported that he "couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks, primarily black patronship." O'Reilly added: "There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, 'M-Fer, I want more iced tea.' "
Democrats are the party of the three "s"

slavery, segregation and socialism

they have always been racist
they just picked a different race now

good news, with their divisive politics
they have segregated us as a people

with Democrat's tax/spend policies
the whole US will be one big plantation and
all the American people will be slaves

Liberals freed the slaves and secured equal rights for black Americans. Conservatives fought them every step of the way.

Wrong, republicans did those things in spite of democrat filibustering and obstructionism.

You tell us:

1. What made Jefferson Davis a liberal -

2. What made Strom Thurmond a liberal -

3. What made Barry Goldwater a liberal -

Be specific.
You know Bullwinkle, it never ceases to amaze me how much conservatives struggle with the English language

The point that Michelle Obama is making is that she wakes up in a building built by slaves and now her black daughters are living there and playing on the lawn

She is pointing out how far blacks have come in our society. To the point where a black family now lives in the White House

Conservatives reply with...Well, slaves were well fed and you know, OTHER people also worked on the White House

"The point that Michelle Obama is making is that she wakes up in a building built by slaves and now her black daughters are living there and playing on the lawn."

The point Michelle Obama is making is she wakes up in a building built by slaves and now her black daughters are living there and playing on the lawn.

How about your struggle with the English language?


Yeah, I had a WTF moment at that one too. {shrug}

Then he replies with a question mark. Doesn't know what he doesn't know.

It means I have no idea what the fuck you are babbling about

"that" was the point. When you bash an entire group about what you claim is a shortcoming maybe you should look at your own composition skills.
Steak and caviar at every meal

Bill O'Reilly: Slaves who built White House were 'well-fed'

"Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802. However, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor. So, Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well. Got it all? There will be a quiz."

Conservatives are absolutely clueless
Oh...they were "well fed"? That makes it all better then.

Freedom Schmeedom, Am I right?
Democrats are the party of the three "s"

slavery, segregation and socialism

they have always been racist
they just picked a different race now

good news, with their divisive politics
they have segregated us as a people

with Democrat's tax/spend policies
the whole US will be one big plantation and
all the American people will be slaves

Liberals freed the slaves and secured equal rights for black Americans. Conservatives fought them every step of the way.

Wrong, republicans did those things in spite of democrat filibustering and obstructionism.
LIBERAL Republicans did those things in spite of CONSERVATIVE Democratic filibustering and obstructionism.
Steak and caviar at every meal

Bill O'Reilly: Slaves who built White House were 'well-fed'

"Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802. However, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor. So, Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well. Got it all? There will be a quiz."

Conservatives are absolutely clueless
Oh...they were "well fed"? That makes it all better then.

Freedom Schmeedom, Am I right?
States Rights trumps Slavery.

Just ask any Southern conservative, circa 50 years ago or more.
to counter the constant dem/lib lie that all slaves were abused and mistreated. Stating that FACT does not justify or excuse slavery, it merely states a FACT.

The very fact that they were held in slavery at all is abuse and mistreatment. No amount of "facts" you present changes that.

I agree completely, No one has ever said that slavery was good, just, ethical, right, or anything except a terrible chapter in our history.

BUT, it is true that many slaves were treated humanely. That in no way justifies slavery except in the small minds of far left loons with an anti-American agenda.

If you agree then there's no need to equivocate with non sequitors.

The premise of the 1st lady's speech was that America is the greatest nation on earth. It does not need to be made great again.

Stating that black girls now reside in a house that slaves built is highlighting that greatness. A simple premise that you fools feel compelled deconstruct and obfuscate with nonsense.

Next, conservatives will be pointing out that the White House lawn was not built by slaves

You know, O'Reilly's intentions were good. He was trying to put a kibosh on the morons that were disputing her statement (seriously)...but he went just a little too far. Of course, that's what he does.

Bill O'Reilly reported that he "couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks, primarily black patronship." O'Reilly added: "There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, 'M-Fer, I want more iced tea.' "

O'Reilly attempts to pass himself off as an expert on history. Most legitimate historians laugh at him
The Democrats were once the party of slavery, of segregation of George Wallace. They are not that party anymore.
The Republicans were once the party of emancipation, of Lincoln of Eisenhower. They are not that party anymore.

Now, their nominee, Donald Trump, cannot be distinguished from George Wallace. Who said it, Wallace or Trump?

1. “I love black people, I love white people, I love yellow people.”

2. “It’s a sad day in this country when you can’t talk about law and order unless they want to call you a racist.”

3. “I’m owned by the people! I mean, I’m telling you, I’m no angel, but I’m gonna do right by them!”

4. “Somebody’s going to get killed before this primary is over, and I hope it’s not me.”

5. “That’s a typical case of the press with misinterpretation ... they take a half a sentence. Then they take quarter of a sentence. They put it all together.”

6. “If you look at black and African-American youth, I mean to a point where they’ve just about never done more poorly; there’s no spirit.”

7. “If any demonstrator ever lies down in front of my car, it’ll be the last car he’ll ever lie down in front of.”

8. “It seems that other parts of the world ought to be concerned about what we think of them instead of what they think of us. After all, we’re feeding most of them and whenever they start rejecting 25 cents of each dollar of foreign aid money that we send to them, then I’ll be concerned about their attitude toward us.”

9. “I’m not a racist. I don’t have a racist bone in my body.”

10. “Protesters, they realize there are no consequences to protesting anymore. There used to be consequences. There are none anymore.”

11. “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market. I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advantage or this and that.”

12. “We must not be misled by left-wing incompetent news media that, day after day, feed us a diet of fantasy telling us we are bigots, racists and hate-mongers.”

Who was the last non racist republican?

Still waiting

Waiting for what? I answered you right here: Bill O'Reilly.....Slaves that built the white house were well fed

No what was the last non racist republican?

You will eat your strawberry shortcake, and you WILL like it!!!!


They got whipped cream on top, didn't they?
"The point that Michelle Obama is making is that she wakes up in a building built by slaves and now her black daughters are living there and playing on the lawn."

The point Michelle Obama is making is she wakes up in a building built by slaves and now her black daughters are living there and playing on the lawn.

How about your struggle with the English language?


Yeah, I had a WTF moment at that one too. {shrug}

Then he replies with a question mark. Doesn't know what he doesn't know.

It means I have no idea what the fuck you are babbling about

"that" was the point. When you bash an entire group about what you claim is a shortcoming maybe you should look at your own composition skills.

Oh No! :ack-1:

We got us a grammar Nazi

What specifically was wrong with what I posted?
The Democrats were once the party of slavery, of segregation of George Wallace. They are not that party anymore.
The Republicans were once the party of emancipation, of Lincoln of Eisenhower. They are not that party anymore.

Now, their nominee, Donald Trump, cannot be distinguished from George Wallace. Who said it, Wallace or Trump?

1. “I love black people, I love white people, I love yellow people.”

2. “It’s a sad day in this country when you can’t talk about law and order unless they want to call you a racist.”

3. “I’m owned by the people! I mean, I’m telling you, I’m no angel, but I’m gonna do right by them!”

4. “Somebody’s going to get killed before this primary is over, and I hope it’s not me.”

5. “That’s a typical case of the press with misinterpretation ... they take a half a sentence. Then they take quarter of a sentence. They put it all together.”

6. “If you look at black and African-American youth, I mean to a point where they’ve just about never done more poorly; there’s no spirit.”

7. “If any demonstrator ever lies down in front of my car, it’ll be the last car he’ll ever lie down in front of.”

8. “It seems that other parts of the world ought to be concerned about what we think of them instead of what they think of us. After all, we’re feeding most of them and whenever they start rejecting 25 cents of each dollar of foreign aid money that we send to them, then I’ll be concerned about their attitude toward us.”

9. “I’m not a racist. I don’t have a racist bone in my body.”

10. “Protesters, they realize there are no consequences to protesting anymore. There used to be consequences. There are none anymore.”

11. “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market. I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advantage or this and that.”

12. “We must not be misled by left-wing incompetent news media that, day after day, feed us a diet of fantasy telling us we are bigots, racists and hate-mongers.”

Who was the last non racist republican?

Still waiting

Waiting for what? I answered you right here: Bill O'Reilly.....Slaves that built the white house were well fed

No what was the last non racist republican?

What was? Do you mean who was the last non racist republican. There aren't any. Never has been. There are still racist Republicans and Democrats.
Steak and caviar at every meal

Bill O'Reilly: Slaves who built White House were 'well-fed'

"Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802. However, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor. So, Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well. Got it all? There will be a quiz."

Conservatives are absolutely clueless

Why are Liberals against understanding history with the correct facts?

Nothing wrong with facts, but what was the point of bringing it up? Michelle Obama was not casting aspersions on anyone with her comments, in fact she was detailing how far we have come as a country. Why did Mr. O'Reilly feel that her statement needed an addendum, THAT particular addendum?
Did you see the threads popping up on it yesterday, again, after her speech Monday night? I think he was just trying to get his fellow goons on the same page with some facts for once.

Okay, so why add that particular clarification to the facts? He could have simply said, Mrs Obama was correct, the White House was built by slaves and she's right "We've come a long way, baby!"
You mean the "well fed and had decent lodgings" part? Is that the part that is bothering you? That's all relative, anyway, isn't it, and apparently a two hundred year old perspective? I'm assuming whatever "well fed" meant, it wasn't a diet Bill would want to subsist on. You gotta take O'Reilly with a grain of salt, and not so seriously. As much as he may want to think so, he is not the sole voice of the conservative nation.
Steak and caviar at every meal

Bill O'Reilly: Slaves who built White House were 'well-fed'

"Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802. However, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor. So, Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well. Got it all? There will be a quiz."

Conservatives are absolutely clueless
Oh...they were "well fed"? That makes it all better then.

Freedom Schmeedom, Am I right?
States Rights trumps Slavery.

Just ask any Southern conservative, circa 50 years ago or more.

Sorry, but the constitution was amended by republicans to.prevent that...although it exists in leftwing transfer payments
The Democrats were once the party of slavery, of segregation of George Wallace. They are not that party anymore.
The Republicans were once the party of emancipation, of Lincoln of Eisenhower. They are not that party anymore.

Now, their nominee, Donald Trump, cannot be distinguished from George Wallace. Who said it, Wallace or Trump?

1. “I love black people, I love white people, I love yellow people.”

2. “It’s a sad day in this country when you can’t talk about law and order unless they want to call you a racist.”

3. “I’m owned by the people! I mean, I’m telling you, I’m no angel, but I’m gonna do right by them!”

4. “Somebody’s going to get killed before this primary is over, and I hope it’s not me.”

5. “That’s a typical case of the press with misinterpretation ... they take a half a sentence. Then they take quarter of a sentence. They put it all together.”

6. “If you look at black and African-American youth, I mean to a point where they’ve just about never done more poorly; there’s no spirit.”

7. “If any demonstrator ever lies down in front of my car, it’ll be the last car he’ll ever lie down in front of.”

8. “It seems that other parts of the world ought to be concerned about what we think of them instead of what they think of us. After all, we’re feeding most of them and whenever they start rejecting 25 cents of each dollar of foreign aid money that we send to them, then I’ll be concerned about their attitude toward us.”

9. “I’m not a racist. I don’t have a racist bone in my body.”

10. “Protesters, they realize there are no consequences to protesting anymore. There used to be consequences. There are none anymore.”

11. “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market. I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advantage or this and that.”

12. “We must not be misled by left-wing incompetent news media that, day after day, feed us a diet of fantasy telling us we are bigots, racists and hate-mongers.”

Who was the last non racist republican?

Still waiting

Waiting for what? I answered you right here: Bill O'Reilly.....Slaves that built the white house were well fed

No what was the last non racist republican?

What was? Do you mean who was the last non racist republican. There aren't any. Never has been. There are still racist Republicans and Democrats.

Ok I have to spell it put....the last republican who ran for president that wasn't racist...who was n it?
Steak and caviar at every meal

Bill O'Reilly: Slaves who built White House were 'well-fed'

"Slaves that worked there were well-fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government, which stopped hiring slave labor in 1802. However, the feds did not forbid subcontractors from using slave labor. So, Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well. Got it all? There will be a quiz."

Conservatives are absolutely clueless
Oh...they were "well fed"? That makes it all better then.

Freedom Schmeedom, Am I right?
States Rights trumps Slavery.

Just ask any Southern conservative, circa 50 years ago or more.

Sorry, but the constitution was amended by republicans to.prevent that...although it exists in leftwing transfer payments
The Constitution was amended by liberal Republicans to abolish slavery, but was resisted by Southern conservatives for another century who insisted states rights took precedence.

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